Real estate is a very competitive industry. So, learning how to get clients in real estate must always be at the forefront of your mind. Your ability to obtain new clients will set you apart from the competition, whether you’re a new agent or a seasoned real estate professional. In addition to acquiring new clients, you must also have the ability to build trust, provide value, and create lasting relationships with your leads to help your business grow. I will discuss 11 ways for you to obtain and retain clients for a successful real estate business.

1. Make Professional Connections

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Weeks to months

Forming professional connections is the beginning of getting real estate clients. When closing real estate transactions, you must involve other professionals like accountants, lawyers, and mortgage lenders in your deals. Continuously connecting with these professionals, who are not real estate agents, is crucial to building a sphere of influence and referral network. These professionals often interact with people who will eventually need real estate services, and you want to be at the top of their minds when the opportunity arises.

2. Collaborate With Other Businesses

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Weeks to months
A cork bulletin board covered in business cards and flyers.
A bulletin board in a business (Source: Tripadvisor)

Getting involved with local businesses to help with cross-promotion is another great way to obtain new clients. It’s also a great strategy to boost your visibility and credibility among the local community. Great companies to partner with would be moving companies, local coffee shops, and even the local tax accountant. 

Collaborate through hosting events, offering discounts, or even agreeing to continue recommending each other’s businesses. Over time, these relationships can lead to a steady stream of income with little financial investment on your part.

3. Spend Money on Buying Leads

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Immediately

Investing in lead generation sources is another effective way to receive buyer and seller leads. Agents can quickly get their businesses up and running by purchasing leads from reputable companies. This method does save a lot of time compared to other organic methods of getting new client leads. Buying leads can significantly boost your client base and accelerate your business growth.

Mobile phone with new lead notification pop-up.
Mobile lead notifications (Source: Market Leader)

Market Leader allows real estate agents to connect with new clients quickly. Leads received through this real estate lead generator are exclusive and never distributed to other competitors. Agents can select their desired target market to become local experts while taking advantage of the lead volume commitment provided through the platform. Coupled with their CRM, agents can execute automated lead nurturing and marketing.

4. Learn How to Cold-call & Door Knock

  • Best for: Obtaining new exclusive listings
  • Time to get clients: Weeks to months
Business woman knocking on door.

A proactive strategy to obtain new clients in real estate is to cold-call and door knock. Door knocking is prospecting for clients by physically visiting a home and introducing yourself and your services. Many agents will block off a specific time in their week to select a neighborhood or street and just go door to door. It’s a great way to learn if clients are looking to sell or move in the near future and for agents to distribute their contact information. 

Cold-calling is a lead generation strategy many agents veer away from because they’re intimidated by it. However, the more you practice cold-calling prospective clients and pitching your services, the easier it will become. Learning how to get clients as a real estate agent through cold-calling will take a lot of perseverance and commitment to get new leads. As you cultivate relationships through these methods, you’ll see an increase in short-term leads and long-term client loyalty. Check out these cold call scripts for more inspiration. 

5. Find Your Niche

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients:

Finding your real estate niche will help you differentiate yourself from your competition and also allow you to attract clients looking for your specialty. Whether you want to select your niche based on demographics, property type, or types of buyers or sellers, you can tailor your marketing efforts to attract clients within those niches. 

To find a niche, agents should find a sector of the real estate market that interests them and has high demand. Then, focus efforts on becoming the best agent within that niche. You can even find additional training or designations that help boost your marketability. As a result, you will begin attracting more targeted clients to sustain your business growth.

6. Leverage the Power of Social Media 

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Days to weeks
Screenshot of a Facebook ad with an image of property and agent contact information.
Social media post example (Source: Hootsuite)

If you’re new to real estate, you might wonder how real estate agents get clients. Many use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for their real estate marketing. These platforms offer access to vast audiences and sophisticated targeting options to reach potential clients where they spend their time. 

Agents should be on all these social media platforms and regularly post high-quality content such as property listings, market updates, and client testimonials to help engage their audience. Additionally, there are available social media advertising options to help your posts target specific demographics and promote your services.

Grow your database with a steady stream of affordable, exclusive real estate leads from social media ads. Social Connect from Top Producer is designed to get you a high volume of leads and move them through your pipeline until they’re ready to buy and sell real estate. Connect with an average of 30 consumers interested in real estate in your local market for just $300 per month!

How Social Connect works:

  • Digital advertising experts create and run social media ad campaigns on your behalf
  • You get exclusive leads from your desired local area
  • All leads are automatically nurtured via text and email on your behalf until they’re ready to connect, saving you time and effort

7. Have a Professional Website 

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Days to weeks

Having an online website is fundamental to establishing an online presence and is essential for learning how to get customers in real estate. Websites also provide a sense of credibility to your business and should act as a lead generation tool. Your website should be user-friendly, mobile-optimized, and feature interesting content like property listings, blog posts, and market reports. 

Make sure to also regularly update your real estate agent website with fresh content and ensure it is optimized for search engines to attract organic traffic. Your contact information must be readily available and accessible on your site, so prospective clients can easily reach you.

Real estate website examples on both tablet and mobile phones
Real estate website examples (Source: AgentFire)

Agents can easily build powerful, user-friendly websites with AgentFire. The platform offers customizable templates, advanced IDX integration, and powerful SEO features, so a real estate agent’s website stands out and attracts organic traffic. The platform also includes robust lead generation tools and CRM integration to help you manage and nurture leads effectively. By using AgentFire for website creation, agents can enhance their online visibility and engage potential new clients.

8. Learn How to Network Effectively

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Weeks to months

Initially, networking may seem like a daunting task. However, like any muscle, the more you use it, the easier it gets. The better you are at networking, the more successful your business will be. Finding real estate clients through networking will require you to attend local events, join real estate associations, and participate in community activities to expand your contacts and increase your visibility.

Face-to-face interactions with other professionals will help you build trust and allow you to showcase your knowledge and personality. This will make it easier for them to vouch for your services and refer your business.  

9. Offer Free Knowledge to the Public

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Months

Offering free knowledge to the public is an excellent way to establish yourself as a trusted authority in real estate. If your content and information are valuable to the public, there is a higher likelihood that they’ll reach out to you for your services or share within their own personal networks. This can include sharing market reports, homebuying guides, and educational webinars.

Screenshot of agent newsletter containing a quiz and agent resources
Email marketing newsletter (Source: The Close)

Agents can distribute these resources through their websites, social media channels, and email newsletters. The above example is a newsletter sent with fun, engaging content, attractive images, and resources that might be useful to the end recipient. You want your content to serve as a knowledge source that prospective clients can refer to when encountering real estate questions or needs. 

10. Create a Strong Referral System

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Weeks to months

Developing a strong referral program is a key strategy in getting real estate clients. Encourage satisfied clients to refer their friends and family to expand your client base through word-of-mouth. Offer incentives such as gift cards, discounts on future services, or donations to charity to motivate clients to refer others. Communicate the details of your referral program clearly through your website, social media, and during client interactions. A well-structured referral program will continue to feed your business without costing you much. 

11. Invest in Online Advertising

  • Best for: Buyer and seller leads
  • Time to get clients: Days to weeks
Screenshot of Google ad with agent headshot and contact information
Google pay-per-click ad (Source: The CE Shop)

This is probably the first way agents learn how to get clients in real estate through paid means. It’s a very effective way to obtain new clients who wouldn’t otherwise reach your contact information. Online advertising for real estate leads does require a significant financial investment. Agents can advertise on Google, Zillow, or third-party lead generation sites. It’s a great way to supplement lead generation with the above 9 tips on how to get more real estate clients.


Bringing It All Together

A multifaceted approach to how to get clients in real estate will help you build your real estate business. Many of these lead generation strategies can be performed concurrently to allow you to maximize your lead generation efforts. By integrating these approaches, you attract diverse clients and create a sustainable model for long-term growth. Each method complements the others and ensures your real estate business remains visible, credible, and competitive in the fast-paced market.

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