Realtor Safety
Page 1 of 1Understanding NAR’s Safety Stats Can Help You Protect Yourself
Learn about the National Association of Realtor’s most recent findings and follow our smart, preventative tips to help you work more safely. We’ll share what our industry is doing right, what we could do better, and how to protect yourself.
Realtor Safety Month: Resources for Agents & Teams
Although most client appointments are safe, sadly, in 2023, 75,000 Realtors reported being victims of a crime.
15 Realtor Safety Tips That Could Save Your Life
Safety should always be an agent’s top priority in this world full of client meetings, property showings, and open houses.
7 Real Estate Scams & Ways Agents Can Protect Their Clients
There’s no shortage of scammers and fraudsters trying to take advantage of you and your clients. Here's what to watch out for and some ways for everyone in the real estate community to stay safe.
Shock Study: More Than 50% of Realtors Carry Weapons on Showings
We talked to Realtors who carried weapons during showings to find out their stories.