With more than 482 million users exploring billions of Pins, Pinterest is a goldmine for anything home-related. That’s right, real estate agents, I’m looking at you. Pinterest isn’t just booming—it’s bursting with potential clients and opportunities to connect through Pinterest real estate marketing. I’ve seen agents killing it using Pinterest for real estate professionals. Want to know how they’re doing it? Well, stick with me for ideas to make your Pinterest a traffic-generating machine

Grow your database with a steady stream of affordable, exclusive real estate leads from social media ads. Social Connect from Top Producer is designed to get you a high volume of leads and move them through your pipeline until they’re ready to buy and sell real estate. Connect with an average of 30 consumers interested in real estate in your local market for just $300 per month!

How Social Connect works:

  • Digital advertising experts create and run social media ad campaigns on your behalf
  • You get exclusive leads from your desired local area
  • All leads are automatically nurtured via text and email on your behalf until they’re ready to connect, saving you time and effort

1. Optimize Your Profile for Brand Visibility

Start by setting up your profile to ensure your brand is on point on Pinterest. Your profile is your Pinterest handshake. It’s where you showcase who you are with a vibrant cover photo, authentic bio, and a pro headshot. Your cover image should tell a story about who you are and who you serve. Choose a cover image that’s striking yet simple.

Craft a bio that’s true to you, engaging, and tells your story at a glance. Include relevant keywords in your title and description to boost your search visibility. This step is how Pinners will find you and get to know you. And don’t forget to link to your website to guide that sweet, sweet traffic.

Pinterest profile for Nicole Mickle, Orlando real estate agent
Your profile should convey your brand and your target audience. (Source: Nicole Mickle | Orlando Real Estate)

You’ll want to switch to a business account to utilize all the features like analytics and ads, which are pivotal for real estate marketing Pinterest strategies. It’s free to do and won’t take more than a few minutes. Using these Pinterest post ideas coupled with the analytics features will help you target your message perfectly for your audience. Then, claim your site by going to the business hub and clicking “Website not claimed” under your page title. That will take you to the Claimed Accounts page, where you can attach your website or Shopify account to your Pinterest business account. When you connect your account to your website, you’ll get the full analytics package, ensuring you get credit for the content shared by others.

Be sure to claim your website through your Business Hub for full benefits. (Source: Pinterest)

2. Create Boards With Specific Themes That Inspire

If you want to make a big splash when focusing on Pinterest for real estate agents, create inspired boards that center around specific themes. Boards are your Pinterest treasure chests and organization system. Here, you can collect Pins you adore from other creators and your content. When you get ready to design your boards, think of highly specific niche topics. Surprisingly, the more tailored your boards are, the easier for your targeted audience to discover your brand, enhancing your Pinterest real estate marketing efforts.

Remember, the best Pins take people from inspiration to reality. Research shows that 85% of Pinners start a new project using Pinterest. So, share helpful information that gets them closer to making a buying decision in your board topics.

Pinterest Pin from Richmond American featuring four communities less than two hours from Colorado ski slopes.
Organize your realtor Pins with meaningful board categories. (Source: Richmond American Homes)

Consider topics that reflect various aspects of your brand and expertise and create boards that showcase them. For example: 

  • Social proof: Ask your clients to share videos or written testimonials and add them to a board. Your “Brag Board,” if you will.
  • Home styles: Curate and create some Pins that display several different styles of homes in your area.
  • Renos: Work with a lot of investors or do renovations? Renovations before and after make great Pins; you can build a board around them.
  • Homebuying tips: Create a board with some great tips for buying a home, including some cautionary stories of home buying gone wrong.
  • Home staging and design: Beautiful home staging photos are HUGE on Pinterest. I think it should go without saying that people love looking at gorg homes. This board will slay.
  • Homes I want to live in: Collect some of the most impressive homes in your area. Again, people love looking at homes, especially the luxe ones they’ll never live in. 
  • Life in my town: You can create regional boards for your service area and share attractions, things to do, etc. You can even do separate boards for the best restaurants, shopping, golf, and other cool things to do in your city.
  • Featured communities: Create a board highlighting different neighborhoods with info your future clients might want to know.

Think outside the box when creating your content. Don’t focus on individual listings—they’ll be useless once the property sells. Focus on answering questions for future clients, providing tips, and creating evergreen content that will stay relevant long after the Pin is published.

3. Design Visually Compelling Images & Graphics

Visual content reigns supreme in the realm of Pinterest real estate marketing. As a visual search engine and a social platform, Pinterest demands high-quality, engaging imagery. Ensure best practices by using sharp, eye-catching images, videos, and infographics designed for a mobile-centric audience. Most of your audience will see your content on their mobile devices, so create vertical content that slays on mobile.

A well-groomed feed will keep visitors engaged and returning for more, setting you apart in the competitive real estate marketing Pinterest landscape. We don’t mean to brag, but we think our Pinterest wall is stunning!

The Close Pinterest profile pages, showing branding, colors, and fonts distinctive to the brand
Stay consistent with your branding, always using the same aesthetics for Pins and boards. (Source: Pinterest)

Pro tip: Your brand should come across your created Pins through your feed. Consistently use colors and fonts on your Pins so that visitors can recognize your handiwork.

I mentioned that 482 million people are scrolling through Pinterest every month, hunting for their next big inspiration, but did you know that most of them are women? That means you’ll want to cater your Pins and board content to a feminine aesthetic. 

But what do women like? They like pretty things, which goes back to ensuring you use best practices: high-res images, colorful infographics, well-lit photos, and a well-organized and consistent page. Again, look at our Pinterest pageit’s absolutely gorg! 

4. Unleash Your Secret Sauce With Keywords & Hashtags

Before hitting that publish button, sprinkle your Pins with relevant keywords and hashtags. Incorporate up to 10 topic tags per Pin to broaden your reach. These tags are invisible magic, helping the right eyes find your content.

Screenshot of a Pin from The Close account
Use hashtags and keywords in your titles and descriptions for searchability. (Source: Pinterest)

And don’t stop at your Pins. Your board titles, descriptions, and categories should all be clear and loaded with keywords. It’s all about making your content discoverable in the vast sea of Pinterest search results and recommendations.

Need a little hashtag inspo? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. You can check out this article on real estate hashtags and this article going over real estate keywords. These should get you started in the right direction.

5. Include a CTA for Every Pin

Encourage your site visitors to engage with your Pins—ask them to save for later, follow you, leave a comment, and/or direct them to click a link to your real estate website. This is what makes Pinterest such a great lead generation tool—its ability to drive traffic from the platform to any landing page you desire. The lead generation alone makes Pinterest for real estate professionals a vital marketing boost.

Example of a call to action built into a Pin on Pinterest from The Close

6. Become the Hyperlocal Expert

Set yourself apart from your competition and become the digital mayor of your town. Promote the lifestyle around your city, featuring local attractions, communities, and all the things your future clients would need to know to make a decision, securing your status in real estate marketing on Pinterest.

Screenshot of a Pinterest profile with lifestyle boards for living in Florida
Nicole Mickle knows how to attract Pinners with her lifestyle boards and Pins. (Source: Pinterest)

Focus your content on answering your visitors’ questions and giving them the kind of information they need to make great decisions. Don’t post constant market updates or constantly ask if you can help them with their real estate needs. Those who deliver the goods with entertaining yet informative content will win all the eyeballs, no matter what platform they choose.

7. Incorporate Video

Video is where it’s at in social media, and Pinterest for real estate agents is no exception. Create native Pinterest real estate videos to showcase your individual processes, a day in the life, or homebuying and selling tips. Create GIFs and short videos to snag attention as folks scan their home page. Just remember to keep it short—between six and 15 seconds is the sweet spot for optimal engagement with realtor Pins.

When you create your videos in the app, spruce it up with music, filters, stickers, and more. Don’t forget to add text over the video since many scroll through their social feed with the sound off. 

Example of a video Pin on Pinterest from Florida Homes and Living
Use short videos to create eye-catching movement on the home feed. (Source: Pinterest)

8. Study Pinterest Analytics 

Study your analytics found inside the business hub. Discover what resonates with your audience and what they’re saving and interacting with the most. Use the feedback to craft more impactful content your audience will swoon over. Analytics are key to pinpointing the formats that best suit your style and strike a chord with your followers. On Pinterest, every format has the potential to perform brilliantly, but it’s all about finding the one that best aligns with your vision and connects with your audience.

Screenshot of the analytics dashboard in Pinterest business hub
Pinterest gives you plenty of data to track your progress. (Source: Pinterest)

9. Use Pinterest Ads to Target Your Audience

Use Pinterest Personas to target your audience precisely. Pinterest Personas allow you to laser-focus your posts to your target audience. Craft clear and concise titles and detailed descriptions, and include relevant keywords to boost your ad’s visibility in search results. According to Pinterest, your ads have a 2.3x more efficient cost per conversion rate than ads on social media. In other words, Pinterest ads work harder for you than Facebook or Instagram ads.

Not sure how to get started with ads on Pinterest? It offers an in-depth walk-through of how to use the platform to create your ads, create your personas, and create complex campaigns all inside the platform. And if you need additional help, they have a menu of partners to help you master your Pinterest ad game.

Screenshot of the targeting options menu you can choose in Pinterest
Use Pinterest’s targeting tools to find your perfect audience. (Source: Pinterest)

10. Engage With the Pinterest Community

Pinterest is about visuals, but it’s also about community. It’s a search engine, but it’s also a social media platform. When people see your Pins and save them or leave comments, engage with them like other social media platforms

Mary Kay Ash said it best: “Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’” When you engage with those who have engaged with you, you’ll quickly build a following where you can build solid relationships.

Example of engaging with your community in the comments of a Pin
Engage with the community and respond to all comments. (Source: Pinterest)

Takes, or Pins in response to your Pins that link back to you, give your visitors even more ways to connect and engage with you. That’s an opportunity for you to highlight, lift up, and celebrate followers who created content inspired by you.

11. Create a Content Calendar

Pinterest users are constantly seeking fresh and inspirational content, making it essential for creators to stay in tune with the platform’s evolving trends. But even more important is consistency. Agents will get a lot of mileage out of a simple weekly cadence on Pinterest. Since your Pins live in perpetuity, your content will grow quickly while maintaining relevance.

 Map out a calendar by studying the trends and insights tools, creating content in bulk (I love using Canva for this), and incorporating Pinterest into your regular social media marketing routine. Schedule 30 days’ worth of Pins inside the Pinterest scheduler. If you post to your website blog each week, make sure you post it on Pinterest as part of your regular routine after you publish, driving traffic to your website.

Use the calendar to schedule your Pinterest Pins ahead of time up to 30 days in advance
Use the scheduler inside Pinterest to plan your content 30 days at a time. (Source: Pinterest)

Publishing content weekly is ideal for Pinterest. But whatever your schedule is, make sure you stick to it. Pinterest makes it easier than ever to schedule your Pins in advance. It’s built right into the pin, so you can create several Pins at one time and schedule them for future publishing. The best part is you don’t have to go crazy with Pinterest—one post per week will give you ample lead generation bang for your buck.

What sets Pinterest apart from other platforms is its unique approach to content visibility, which is influenced by engagement and topics rather than chronological order. That means your content remains visible well past the day you post it. 

Pinterest prioritizes Pins that spark interest and action, pushing Pins with higher engagement to the top of the search results. The number of saves a Pin collects is a key indicator of its appeal and impact on the audience. A Pin accumulating many saves will reach the top of Pinterest’s featured pages. 

The cool thing is you don’t have to guess what topics will get the highest engagement on Pinterest. They give you what’s trending in a neat little tool so you can pick topics that resonate with you and will also be interesting to your audience. Check out each week’s trending topics or explore Pinterest Insights to see its predictions about topics coming up.  

Why Use Pinterest for Real Estate?

Pinterest is often considered another social media network like Instagram and Facebook. But Pinterest is in a league of its own—it’s a visual search engine perfect for real estate marketing on Pinterest. Yes, you read that right. It focuses on visual content, making it an ideal platform for realtor Pins. The secret of how to use Pinterest for real estate is like a cross between YouTube and Google, but prettier. 

So, how does that help real estate agents build their empires? Pinterest is a great traffic driver. When you create posts, or Pins, as they’re called on Pinterest, they live practically forever on your profile—or at least nearly four months. That means they continue working for you long after other social media posts have lost effectiveness.

And the best part is Pinterest is quietly over there building its content, tons and tons of it, and growing in size while everyone else focuses on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Most agents aren’t utilizing this power tool in their marketing strategy. In fact, only 6% reported using Pinterest in 2023. So, the agents on the platform and putting in the effort are getting fantastic results. If you want a shot at doing the same, Pinterest should be a part of your real estate marketing plan starting now.

Screenshot of the trends analyzer showing what topics are getting the most engagement
Stay on top of what’s trending with Pinterest’s handy trends site. (Source: Pinterest)

Best Pinterest Real Estate Examples We Love

Check out some of our favorite Pinners who are slaying it with Pinterest below.

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Bringing It All Together

I’ll be the first to admit that I thought of Pinterest as a stay-at-home-mom time-waster app. I didn’t even use the app for a long while. But when I joined The Close in 2022, I quickly learned that Pinterest generated more traffic organically for us than any other site or channel we were using. It’s still our number one traffic generator, continuously introducing new real estate agents to our site. 

Want to know something cool? There aren’t a ton of real estate agents are taking advantage of Pinterest right now. So, if you want to dominate your market and get ahead of the rush, now is the time to jump on Pinterest, get to know more about the platform, and start using it before the secret gets out. Hint: If you’re reading this article, you’re already behind! 

Have you used Pinterest for your real estate business? Are you using it in a different way than what I’ve mentioned? Tell me more about your Pinterest experience in the comments! I can’t wait to read them.