Real estate text message scripts can be a game-changer for converting leads, especially when so many people prefer texting over phone calls—just think about how often you ignore calls yourself! Having a stash of ready-to-go text message scripts in your phone or CRM can seriously up your game, helping you respond faster and more effectively to leads.

I’ve put together a variety of scripts to cover you from initial contact to closing day. Plus, I’ve included a six-day text campaign for new leads below that you can start using right away.

The Close’s Text Campaigns

Download The Close’s Text Campaigns

Initial Contact Scripts for Buyer Leads

  • Objective: Introduce yourself to potential buyers using texting scripts for real estate and encourage them to engage with you.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Keep it short and to the point.
  • Introduce yourself and your brokerage.
  • Personalize the message and include an action item.

Script 1

Script 2

Script 3

Send one of these real estate text message scripts as soon as the lead comes in to get the highest response rate. For a more automated system, try adding real estate text scripts to your CRM. Most CRM platforms allow you to store text message scripts and track everything you send.

Liondesk CRM dashboard
CRM dashboard (Source: LionDesk)

If you’re looking to boost your lead conversion by using real estate SMS scripts, LionDesk CRM has you covered. Its Text Manager feature lets you easily manage and automate text messages, helping you stay connected with your leads and respond faster. Whether it’s follow-ups or reminders, LionDesk makes it simple to keep your pipeline moving. You can try LionDesk free for two weeks and see if it improves your productivity. 

Initial Contact Scripts for Seller Leads

  • Objective: Use texting scripts for real estate to engage with leads looking to sell their homes.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Be prepared with market knowledge and a comparative market analysis (CMA).
  • Converting FSBO leads can be the most challenging because they are most likely trying to save money.
  • Ask questions. Show your value.

Script 4

Script 5

Script 6

Text scripts for real estate agents are helpful when approaching a seller of an expired listing. When a listing first expires, sellers are flooded with calls from agents. Instead of joining the rush, smart agents wait at least two months to reach out to expired listings—or even up to 12 months. By then, the sellers’ objections are usually limited, they are often still interested in selling, and competition is minimal.

Follow-up Scripts for Unresponsive Leads

  • Objective: Reengage unresponsive leads with persistence—without being pushy.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Be patient—convey understanding that they may be busy.
  • Offer new information to renew their interest.
  • Be aware of your tone—you’re there to help, not pressure them.

Script 7

Script 8

Script 9

These text messaging scripts are simple and clearly outline the next steps for your lead. They work because they’re not salesy—they’re simple and easy to understand. If you need a powerful system to manage your leads with built-in text messages you can send right from the platform, try Zurple.

automated marketing emails and texts in Zurple
Text and email campaigns (Source: Zurple)

Their campaigns include both text and email scripts designed to keep your leads engaged, ensuring no opportunity slips through the cracks. Content is tailored to each individual lead and includes valuable information specific to their location and price range.

Appointment Reminder Scripts for Leads

  • Objective: Ensure your leads remember their scheduled appointment and know where to meet you.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Send a reminder the day before the appointment.
  • Include all necessary details like time, date, and location.
  • Offer directions or to meet them at a public place—whatever is easier for them.

Script 10

Script 11

Script 12

The main goal of the text conversation is to get in the door. Set the appointment, and then make your move once you’re face-to-face with the lead.

Property Update Scripts for Interested Leads

  • Objective: Keep leads informed of new listings, price changes, or other relevant information to maintain interest.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Make sure the update pertains to what the lead needs.
  • Highlight the significance of the update.
  • Encourage immediate action.

Script 13

Script 14

Script 15

Event Invitation Scripts for Engaging Leads

  • Objective: Build relationships by inviting leads to events where they can view properties and engage with you personally.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Emphasize why they should attend your event.
  • Be specific—provide the date, time, and location.
  • Follow-up after the event.

Script 16

Script 17

Script 18

Thank-you Scripts to Nurture Leads

  • Objective: Express appreciation to leads after meeting in person and keep lines of communication open.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Keep your tone warm and genuine.
  • Personalize your message.
  • Encourage them to reach out with questions or take action.

Script 19

Script 20

Script 21

If you’re still struggling to convert leads, try using the LPMAMA framework—location, price, motivation, agent, mortgage, and appointment. It helps you quickly qualify leads by focusing on what matters most, making guiding them toward a decision easier. This simple approach can boost your conversion rate and streamline your conversations.

Referral Request Scripts from Satisfied Leads

  • Objective: Ask for referrals from satisfied clients to expand your network.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Don’t wait—clients are more likely to refer you right after a positive interaction.
  • Make it easy by providing a digital contact card.
  • Show your appreciation.

Script 22

Script 23

Script 24

Lead Nurturing Scripts for Long-term Prospects

  • Objective: Maintain regular contact with leads who aren’t ready to buy or sell immediately.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Check in periodically.
  • Share relevant market updates.
  • Be patient and offer support.

Script 25

Script 26

Script 27

When reconnecting with cold leads, make it personal and instill a sense of urgency without being pushy. Mention something specific from your last chat or a property they liked. It helps jog their memory and shows you’re genuinely interested in helping them.

Top Producer text message staging within the CRM
Text follow-up tracking (Source: Top Producer)

Top Producer’s text messaging feature gives users a first-class experience. It allows you to send personalized messages directly from the platform, making it easy to reengage leads and keep the conversation going. Turn cold leads into warm opportunities with Top Producer.

Holiday Greeting Scripts to Stay Top of Mind

  • Objective: Show leads that you think of them even when no immediate business is at hand.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Keep it festive.
  • Be mindful of religious holidays—not everyone will celebrate every holiday.
  • Consider using pop-by gifts for a personal touch.

Script 28

Script 29

Script 30

Closing Day Follow-up Scripts for Building Long-term Relationships

  • Objective: Congratulate leads on closing to build long-term relationships so they use you in the future.
  • What to keep in mind:
  • Celebrate their success.
  • Offer to help with post-closing needs like movers or contractors.
  • Stay in touch—your relationship doesn’t end when the transaction closes.

Scrip 31

Script 32

Script 33

Effectiveness of Text Messaging in Real Estate

Text messaging is a powerful tool for real estate agents. 40% of prospects would rather communicate with you via text messaging resulting in a 45% response rate, far surpassing email and direct mail. 82% of text messages are read within five minutes of being received—making text messaging an essential part of any real estate communication strategy. 

These high engagement rates allow agents to connect quickly and personally with leads, keeping them engaged throughout the sales process​. To maximize effectiveness, agents can create a “swipe file” of go-to messages in your phone’s notes app for easy access. Integrating these scripts into your CRM streamlines the process, enabling consistent follow-up with minimal effort. 

Pros & Cons

Although real estate text message scripts are an incredibly effective tool for agents, there are some potential downsides. Here’s a quick overview to help you weigh the benefits and potential drawbacks of incorporating text messaging into your real estate lead generation strategy.

  • Quick and convenient communication
  • Limited message length
  • High open rates
  • A bit intrusive sometimes
  • Personalized interaction
  • Risk of miscommunication
  • CRM integration available
  • No formality
  • Like anything, text messaging works best when used wisely and balanced with other communication methods. Knowing when and how to use texting can help you get the most out of it, build stronger relationships, and see better results, all while avoiding any potential downsides.

    Best Practices for Crafting & Sending Effective Text Messages

    Incorporating text messaging into your real estate script strategy can really enhance your connection with leads. Still, it takes a bit of strategy to get it right. Whether you’re reaching out to new prospects, following up, or trying to reengage cold leads, how you word your real estate text message scripts can make a huge difference. Remember to be careful when using cold texting real estate scripts; you don’t want to come off as impersonal or aggressive.

    Let’s look at some simple best practices that will help you craft new messages, connect with your audience, and get the results you aim for in your real estate business.

    • Keep it short and sweet: Text messages should be concise and to the point. Aim for clarity and brevity to ensure your message is easily understood and quick to read.
    • Personalize your messages: Use the lead’s name and reference specific details like properties they’ve shown interest in. Personalization increases engagement and shows that you’re attentive to their needs.
    • Timing is everything: Send messages during appropriate hours, typically between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Avoid early morning or late-night texts to respect your leads’ time.
    • Be clear about next steps: Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in your message, such as scheduling a call, viewing a property, or responding with a simple “yes” or “no.”
    • Use a warm and friendly tone: Maintain an approachable and professional tone. Avoid overly formal language, but stay respectful and courteous.
    • Respond promptly: If a lead replies to your text, respond quickly. Prompt replies show that you’re attentive and serious about helping them.
    • Avoid overloading leads with information: Don’t cram too much into one text. If more details are needed, offer to follow up with a call or email.
    • Leverage automation and technology: Use CRM tools to automate and schedule texts, but make sure they still feel personal. Automated messages should be relevant and timely.
    • Test and refine your messages: Regularly review your text messaging campaigns. Test different messages, track response rates, and refine your approach based on what works best.
    • Respect the “NO”: Always provide an easy way for leads to opt out of receiving texts, and immediately respect their request if they choose to do so.

    Bringing It All Together

    Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your strategy, using well-crafted scripts makes a difference in connecting with leads, keeping them engaged, and ultimately closing more deals. Remember, the key is to be authentic, timely, and thoughtful in your communication. As you get more comfortable, you’ll find your rhythm and style, and those scripts will become second nature.

    Do you have some great real estate text message scripts that you’re using in your business? Do you use text messaging scripts in a different way than I mentioned? Drop me a comment and share what you’re doing differently so we can keep this conversation going.

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