Let’s be real for a second. Cold-calling expired listings is never on the top of any agent’s to-do list. It can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to real estate. But here’s a little secret veteran agents know, having killer expired listing scripts can make all the difference

Think of it this way—homeowners with expired listings are probably frustrated, unsure of their next move, and need someone who has a clear plan to get their home sold. That’s where you come in. Do your homework, personalize your approach, and use the right expired listing scripts to stand out and handle any challenges. So let’s dive in and see how you can become the go-to listing agent with the best expired listings scripts.

Best Expired Listing Scripts & Best Practices
Download All 15 Expired Listing Scripts

1. The Initial Contact Script

  • Objective: Introduce yourself and understand the homeowner’s previous experience.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Be empathetic and professional.
    • Show genuine interest in their situation.
    • Keep the conversation open-ended to gather information.

2. The Follow-up Script

  • Objective: Reestablish contact, provide value, and move towards setting an appointment.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Be persistent, but polite.
    • Provide value by offering ideas you have in mind for their property.
    • Aim for setting up another call or even a meeting.

Pro Tip: Always follow up, even if the homeowner says they’re selling the house as For Sale By Owner (FSBO). If it hasn’t sold by your follow-up call, you might have a chance to secure the listing the second time around.

3. The Appointment Setting Script

  • Objective: Secure an in-person meeting to discuss your marketing strategies for selling their home.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Be specific during this cold call and show them you’ve done your homework.
    • Suggest a specific day and time, making it easier for them to say yes.
    • Be flexible and offer alternative times.

4. The Voicemail Script

  • Objective: Leave a compelling message that encourages a callback.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Keep your message brief and to the point.
    • Personalize the message by mentioning the property specifically.
    • Use a positive tone and clearly state your contact info.

5. The Text Message Script

  • Objective: To use an expired listing script to make initial contact by text message in a clear and engaging way.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Make it personal and feel less spammy.
    • Make it clear who you are and the brokerage you work for.
    • Keep it short and ask to chat.

6. The Email Script

  • Objective: Engage with the homeowner through expired listings scripts to provide valuable insights and a call to action.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • The subject line should grab their attention.
    • Be sure they know you have new strategies to discuss.
    • Provide a clear call to action, asking for the next meeting or call.

7. The Door Knocking Script

  • Objective: Make a strong first impression by knocking on the door and introducing yourself.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Start with a friendly introduction and mention your brokerage.
    • Ask if they have time to chat now or if they’d prefer to schedule a follow-up meeting.
    • Stay upbeat and positive, no matter what their reaction may be.
LPMAMA Script for Real Estate

Pro Tip: Whether you’re using expired listings scripts or prospecting any other type of lead, it can be difficult to convert leads into clients. Try the LPMAMA technique to build rapport and increase sales.

8. The Market Analysis Script

  • Objective: Offer to provide a detailed market analysis to provide value and build trust.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Mention that you have valuable insights to share.
    • Make sure they know it’s important since their house didn’t sell the last time.
    • Once they agree, set up a follow-up meeting right away to discuss the analysis and next steps.

9. The Price Adjustment Script

  • Objective: Discuss the need for a price change from the last time they listed to sell the home.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Be sensitive to the homeowner’s feelings.
    • Emphasize that your recommendation is based on thorough market analysis.
    • Explain how a price adjustment can attract more buyers and increase the chances of a sale.

10. The Client Success Story Script

  • Objective: Share a success story to build trust and demonstrate your expertise.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • The success story should relate to their current situation.
    • Be sure your story is specific.
    • Express confidence in achieving similar results.

11. The Staging Consultant Script

  • Objective: Offer a consultation with a stager to help the homeowner visualize how enhancing the property’s appeal will attract more buyers.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Explain the benefits of professional staging.
    • Mention your consultant specifically.
    • Reference a few specific staging techniques you’ve personally used that added value.

12. The First Meeting Script

  • Objective: Build trust, understand the homeowner’s goals, and present your marketing plan.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Be sure to greet the homeowner and thank them for their time.
    • Ask about their previous experience and listen to their concerns.
    • Invite them to ask questions and ensure they feel comfortable.

13. The Marketing Plan Presentation Script

  • Objective: Present a detailed marketing plan tailored to the homeowner and secure the listing.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Be sure to provide a clear, step-by-step marketing plan.
    • Highlight how each part of your plan will attract buyers.
    • Invite questions and provide detailed answers.

14. The Reengagement Script

  • Objective: Reconnect with the homeowner to reignite their interest in selling and offer new strategies.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • Show you understand and respect their decision to step back from the market.
    • Mention new market trends that would be beneficial to selling their home now.
    • Be sure to have fresh ideas to share.

15. The Closing the Deal Script

  • Objective: Secure the homeowner’s commitment to list their property with you.
  • What to keep in mind:
    • This is your opportunity to get a listing agreement signed—ask for the listing.
    • Be sure to have the paperwork ready to be signed.
    • Show confidence in your marketing plan and get them excited to get their home sold.

Expired Listing Tips & Best Practices

Turning expired listings into successful sales requires a smart approach. Following these tips will boost your success whale using expired listing scripts. Every homeowner’s situation is different, so customize your approach to fit their needs. If you do your research, personalize your communication, and build trust, you’ll be turning expired listings into sales in no time. Here are some top tips to help you make the most out of these opportunities:

Tip 1: Do Your Research

Before reaching out, gather as much information as possible about the property and its previous listing. Understand why it may not have sold, such as pricing issues, inadequate marketing, or market conditions.

Best Practices:

  • Review the MLS listing for photos, descriptions, and pricing history.
  • Analyze market trends in the neighborhood.
  • Check out the competition and what similar homes have sold for recently.

Tip 2: Personalize Your Communication

Personalization is key when contacting homeowners with expired listings. Generic messages can come off as insincere and ineffective.

Best Practices:

  • Address the homeowner by name.
  • Reference specific details about their property.
  • Mention any unique selling points or potential improvements.

Tip 3: Use Multiple Methods of Contact

Don’t rely solely on one method of communication. Different homeowners may respond better to different approaches.

Best Practices:

  • Start with a phone call to make a personal connection.
  • Follow up with an email that includes valuable information like a simple market analysis.
  • Consider sending a handwritten note or a postcard for a personal touch.

Tip 4: Highlight Your Expertise & Success

Homeowners need to feel confident that you can achieve what their previous agent could not. Highlight your expertise and past successes.

Best Practices:

  • Share client success stories from satisfied clients.
  • Provide statistics on your success rate with similar properties.
  • Explain your marketing strategy and how it differs from what they experienced before.

Tip 5: Focus on Building Trust

Trust is critical in real estate transactions, especially for homeowners who have had a negative experience.

Best Practices:

  • Actively listen and empathize with their frustrations.
  • Be transparent about what may have gone wrong previously and how you plan to do things differently.
  • Follow through on any promises or commitments you make to the homeowner.

Tip 6: Use No-pressure Strategies

A no-pressure consultation can help homeowners feel more comfortable and willing to engage with you.

Best Practices:

  • Provide a detailed, no-obligation market analysis.
  • Offer to discuss potential improvements or staging ideas.
  • Be prepared to answer any questions they might have about the selling process.

Tip 7: Be Persistent—but Respectful

Persistence shows your commitment, but it’s important to strike the right balance to avoid being perceived as pushy. Handle objections as they come, but also be mindful of their previous experiences with real estate agents. 

Best Practices:

  • Set a follow-up schedule and stick to it.
  • Respect their space if they ask for time to think things over.
  • Send occasional updates or valuable information without overwhelming them.

Tip 8: Leverage Technology

Make technology your new best friend. It makes your work easier and interactions smoother.

Best Practices:

  • Use a CRM system to track your interactions and follow-ups.
  • Implement virtual tours or digital marketing tools to showcase their property.
  • Use data analytics to provide insights and market trends.
CRM dashboard showing the contact summary page.
CRM contact summary page (Source: Wise Agent)

Wise Agent CRM makes managing contacts and following up with leads easy-peasy! It keeps track of all your interactions, sets reminders, and automates follow-up tasks, so you never miss a beat. With Wise Agent, you’ll stay organized and ready to turn more leads into happy clients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Bringing It All Together

Expired listings are a goldmine for agents ready to put in the work. Cold-calling is not easy or comfortable if you’re not used to doing it. By using these expired listing scripts, you can build trust, offer real value, and win new clients. The secret sauce? A mix of empathy, persistence, and professionalism. 

What are your favorite expired listing scripts? Let us know in the comments. We love sharing success stories and awesome tools with other agents! Good luck and happy selling!

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