My broker told me, “FSBOs have raised their hands and told you they want to sell—all you have to do is convince them you’re the right person for the job.” And the way to do that is with road-tested for-sale-by-owner scripts. No matter the situation or objection, these for-sale-by-owner scripts will help you feel prepared, confident, and ready to convert.

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1. Tom Ferry’s ‘Appointment Setter’ FSBO Script

Rock star real estate agents will tell you that getting in the door is the most important step to landing a real estate seller lead. Of course, that’s no easy task, which is why we love this FSBO script from Tom Ferry:

Why ‘Appointment Setter’ Works

Every question in this script is seller-focused. Tom asks about the seller’s property and their needs and desires. This FSBO script works because people love talking about themselves. Plus, the conversation naturally leads to highly valuable information about the market you could leverage with a buyer, even if this listing doesn’t work out.

If you don’t like driving around town looking for signs or scouring Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace, consider an FSBO lead service like Vulcan7. Vulcan7 provides valuable FSBO lead contact information like names, phone numbers, and email addresses. They also offer expired listing leads, preforeclosure leads, and a fantastic neighborhood prospecting tool that is a true level-up for anyone who does geographic prospecting or real estate farming.

Visit Vulcan7
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2. David Hill’s ‘We’re Trying to Save Some Money’ FSBO Script

Most FSBO sellers use the do-it-yourself approach for one reason: saving money. Check out what David Hill does to help negate this concern.

Why ‘We’re Trying to Save Money’ Works

Hill’s script is effective because it creates camaraderie with the seller, identifies their needs, and commiserates with their pain points. Hill seals the deal by admitting he may be unable to help them. This openness is based on human psychology and creates a desire to have what’s been “taken away.”

3. Kyle Handy’s ‘Reverse Selling’ FSBO Script

Kyle Handy takes a no-nonsense approach to steering the conversation with FSBO sellers to productive and thoughtful places. This script is great if you’re in a competitive market where many agents are pursuing FSBOs.

Why ‘Reverse Selling’ Works

Kyle’s script uses a bit of reverse psychology to let your FSBO seller know that you’re not on the phone with them to change their minds but to understand what’s motivating them. This FSBO script works because your offer to help identifies you as an ally—and that relationship is far more likely to turn you into their agent down the road.

4. Mike Ferry’s ‘Describe Your Perfect Agent’ FSBO Script

We all know that Tom Ferry is a powerhouse, but did you know his father, Mike Ferry, has been a successful real estate coach for over 40 years? Mike’s inventive script gets your prospect to describe what they’re looking for in the agent they didn’t even know they wanted.

Why ‘Describe Your Perfect Agent’ Works

Ask an FSBO seller if they want an agent, and they will say no. But ask them to describe what they want in an agent, and you have a roadmap to get hired. This FSBO script works because it creates an opportunity in the seller’s mind. They were closed off to hiring an agent, but now they feel they have some control over the process. Even if it doesn’t immediately result in a listing appointment, it gets a date on the calendar.

5. Breakthrough Broker’s Transparent FSBO Script

In my experience, FSBOs typically have a nose for BS, so if you’re not being honest about why you’re contacting them, they can probably sniff it out. To quickly build trust with FSBO sellers, try this authentic approach from Breakthrough Broker. It’s simple, straightforward, and effective.

Why Transparent FSBO Script Works

This interaction immediately establishes trust between you and the FSBO seller, putting him at ease. Most agents will try to win an appointment by any means necessary, possibly telling half-truths to get it done. Is it any wonder why FSBOs go on the defensive at the first hint of the word “Realtor?” When you use a completely transparent script, not hiding your intentions, the person on the receiving end is much more open to hearing you out.

📌   Pro Tip

Finish up with a handwritten thank-you note with your business card included. Then, set your FSBO up on an email campaign that’s designed to give them some great tips for handling their transaction. Share your favorite vendors, like lenders, home inspectors, plumbers, etc., that you know they’ll need.

6. Fit Small Business’ ‘Older FSBO’ Script

Sometimes, an FSBO listing will sit and become stale on the market, which presents a unique set of challenges for the seller and opportunities for the agent. Check out this Fit Small Business FSBO script explicitly designed for properties that have languished on the market for a while:

Why ‘Older FSBO’ Works

Many FSBO sellers have yet to learn how long it should take to sell a property, make a price adjustment, or begin considering other options. This script works because it lets the seller know there is help available. This conversation lays out your professionalism and knowledge without being pushy or salesy, which allows the seller to see your value.

7. Agent Mastermind’s ‘I’ve Got a Buyer’ FSBO Script

If you’re an agent with a lot of buyers, you need a few for sale by owner scripts that get you in the door of FSBO homes, otherwise known as near-exclusive listings unknown to the rest of the market. This short-and-sweet buyer’s agent script from Agent Mastermind should always be in your back pocket.

Why ‘I’ve Got a Buyer’ Works

This FSBO script works because it does a great job of communicating in a non-threatening way while sounding serious and professional. Remember, your FSBO prospects may not know real estate agent lingo, so when you use a term like “cooperating,” make sure you can explain it in layperson’s terms.

📌   Pro Tip

A word of advice: Never use the “I’ve Got Buyers” script if you don’t actually have buyers. Misrepresenting yourself will only damage your relationship with an FSBO seller, making them think you’re bringing buyers to see the home. It’s better to be transparent than to damage your reputation and look unprofessional.

8. Breakthrough Broker’s ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ FSBO Script

The Breakthrough Broker takes for sale by owner scripts to the next level, using a flowchart so you can alter your approach midstream if necessary. This script gives you the confidence to pivot if the conversation doesn’t go as planned.

Why the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ FSBO Script Works

You can practice your script all you want, but what happens when the seller says no? This script will help any agent pivot when faced with objections. It works because the flowchart gives you a ready answer to get past that first no, which is often the toughest roadblock for real estate agents to overcome.

9. The Close’s ‘Meeting a Seller In-person’ FSBO Script

Many FSBO scripts are about securing an in-person meeting. If you’re already face-to-face, you’ve won half the battle. This script, created by The Close experts, asks the right questions to learn why they’ve listed FSBO and their pain points. Once you learn their motivation, you can tailor your pitch to their needs.

Why the ‘Meeting a Seller In-person’ FSBO Script Works

This FSBO script works because you keep the conversation casual and ask questions, which builds rapport. You become more of a friend and ally than a salesperson hawking a service. The discussion sets you up to make a pitch to solve their problems and get your foot in the door.

10. My FSBO Script for a Flyer or Postcard

I penned a script to use on a flyer or postcard that will not only advertise your services but also reveal the risks involved in selling on one’s own.

Why the Flier FSBO Script Works

According to a recent survey from Clever, 20% of FSBO sellers feel like the buyer got the better end of the deal—this concerned warning and offer to help strikes just the right chord. I’m especially partial to the “coffee on me” bit. It’s a great way to set up that first in-person meeting—who doesn’t want a free cup of coffee?

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Tips & Tools for Using Your FSBO Scripts Effectively

Now that you’ve got your scripts for FSBOs, here are some helpful hints for using them effectively.

  • Rehearse your FSBO scripts: Find another real estate agent (not a friend or spouse) with whom you can role-play. You want to practice with someone familiar with the sorts of objections you’ll encounter to get comfortable moving the conversation forward, even in the face of “no.”
  • Choose the best time to call: A study by Lead Response Management suggests that the best time to reach people is between 4 and 6 p.m. However, remember that FSBOs expect frequent calls about their homes. The best time to prospect FSBO homes is when you feel prepared and confident and can regularly set aside time.
  • Double your efforts with text messaging: Sure, getting a seller on the phone is always better. But if they don’t answer when you call, text them right after that. Don’t even bother with a voicemail—just text them instead. And if you think scripts are great in person or over the phone, they’re just as effective in text messaging. You can start with a script like this:

Text: Hi, my name is {your name}, and I just tried calling you about your home on {address of home}. I’m a Realtor with {your brokerage}. Is it still for sale?

Wait for their text response. When they respond affirmatively, text them again…

Text: Great! I was calling because I work with many clients in your area, and the inventory on the market, especially in your price point and neighborhood, is extremely low. I like to stay current with everything available to my clients, not just what’s listed in the MLS. I was hoping I could schedule a time to preview your home to see it in person, take some notes, and potentially match it to a buyer. Do you have availability when I can stop by today or tomorrow? 

Set the appointment.

I set so many appointments by simply texting FSBOs that it became a steady source of listings. This technique also works if you’re afraid of getting on the phone. Set appointments using only text messages until you build enough courage to pick up the phone. 

  • Send an FSBO prospecting letter: Increase your exposure to FSBOs you want to convert with an FSBO letter. I often used these to get my face in front of the FSBOs I was targeting. I attempted to contact them multiple times via phone but also sent these letters out. The idea is to leverage the added exposure to increase my appointments. After seeing my face and reading my letters and text messages, they would eventually answer when I called. 
  • Use an auto-dialer: When you have a list of 50 phone numbers you are working with, it’s incredible how much time you spend physically dialing and waiting. An auto-dialer like Vulcan7’s can up your calls per hour by more than 400% by dialing multiple numbers simultaneously, only connecting you to those who pick up.
  • Get a dedicated business phone number: Carrying multiple phones is unrealistic and a recipe for mix-ups. Instead, consider a simple virtual phone system like Grasshopper, which provides you with a second phone number for your phone so you can keep business and personal calls separate. You can make calls, send texts, record custom greetings, set up extensions, and even receive inbound faxes.
Try Grasshopper


You’ve got your FSBO scripts and some tips and tools to use them effectively. But before you get started making calls, here are some answers to the most common questions about converting for-sale-by-owner sellers.

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Bringing It All Together

Cold calling is already intimidating and frustrating. And without an FSBO script to help, you could be setting yourself up for failure. Take these FSBO scripts, tweak them to make them your own, and start practicing them. 

But more importantly, remember that FSBOs are simply people who don’t know they need your help yet. Be kind and patient. Listen with empathy and offer value. Pretty soon, you’ll be converting FSBOs into listings. 

Have any tips or questions? Leave a comment below!

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