Comments on: How Accurate is Zestimate? Your #1 Source For Actionable Real Estate Advice Fri, 14 Jun 2024 10:49:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Royan Johnson Tue, 02 Apr 2024 22:46:51 +0000 Zillow’s Actions Contribute to the Housing Affordability and Inventory Crisis

In the labyrinth of the modern housing market, Zillow has long been regarded as a guiding light, offering home seekers a digital haven to explore properties with ease. However, beneath its user-friendly interface lies a more troubling narrative—one marked by past actions that have significantly contributed to the current housing affordability and inventory crisis.

At the core of Zillow’s controversies lies its ill-fated foray into iBuying, a practice where the company purchased homes directly from sellers, often using its proprietary Zestimate tool to evaluate property values. The Zestimate heralded as a revolutionary home pricing estimator, has come under fire for inflating house prices, thereby exacerbating affordability issues. This artificial inflation not only distorts market dynamics but also perpetuates a cycle of unattainable prices, leaving aspiring homeowners stranded on the sidelines.

Moreover, Zillow’s iBuying misadventure had more insidious consequences. When the venture failed to yield the expected returns, Zillow hastily offloaded its inventory of properties to investors, who subsequently converted them into rental units. This mass conversion further diminished the already limited housing inventory, placing additional strain on an already fragile ecosystem.

Beyond its iBuying debacle, Zillow’s actions have been accused of contributing to market manipulation. By wielding significant influence over online property listings and employing opaque algorithms to determine home values, Zillow has played a pivotal role in distorting perceptions of market trends and pricing dynamics. This manipulation not only undermines the integrity of the housing market but also perpetuates a cycle of speculation and volatility that erodes affordability and stability.

In light of these revelations, it is imperative that individuals engaged in the housing market exercise caution when relying on Zillow’s services. Rather than navigating the treacherous waters of online listings and estimations, prospective buyers and sellers are encouraged to seek guidance from trusted local brokers and agents directly. By bypassing Zillow’s platform, individuals can ensure a more transparent and informed transaction process, free from the shadow of market manipulation and inflated valuations.

In conclusion, Zillow’s past actions have left an indelible mark on the housing market, contributing to the current affordability and inventory crisis. As stakeholders in this complex ecosystem, it is incumbent upon us to recognize the ramifications of Zillow’s influence and take proactive steps to mitigate its impact. By empowering ourselves with knowledge and seeking guidance from reliable sources, we can navigate the housing market with confidence and integrity, ensuring a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

By: Lemelia J Bonner Wed, 02 Aug 2023 11:50:21 +0000 Speaking as someone who’s black and has worked in the housing industry and followed real estate trends for decades, I can state unequivocally that Zillow’s Zestimates are consistently far off in older neighborhoods that have been traditionally composed of minority homeowners. One might think based on recent news stories that Zestimates are lower than they should be in these neighborhoods, but the opposite is the case, especially when the neighborhoods are older. Because there has been very little sales activity in these neighborhoods until recent years, rarely are there comps being used that are anywhere near the location of these properties. The values are arrived at primarily using homes of similar age and size in different (read ‘white’) parts of a county. Zestimates wind up being much higher than what a local buyer who’s familiar with the area and would normally be seeking to buy in it would be willing to pay. This has actually created a vexing problem as real estate prices have soared over the past four years. White buyers, who are in general better able to pay higher prices are now offering Zestimate-suggested values to purchase houses in neighborhoods they never would have considered previously, squeezing black buyers out of the market in the communities they used to feel confident was in their price range. This is a nuanced factor of real estate exchange that is very real and very impactful but clearly not addressed by Zillow’s algorithms. I don’t think it’s out of line to say that Zillow has become one of the greatest contributors to regentrification all across America. I would also venture a guess that a majority of the Zestimates that are off by a tremendous amount are assigned to houses in the neighborhoods of which I speak. This is something that needs to be acknowledged and addressed.

By: Kate Evans Tue, 16 May 2023 15:49:43 +0000 In reply to Julie Thum, ABR, ASP, GRI, PMN, SRES.

Hi Julie – anecdotally, yes, it does change to reflect the sale price, but of course the zestimate remains mysterious. Thank you for reading! I hope it is helpful!

By: Kate Evans Tue, 16 May 2023 15:45:53 +0000 In reply to Chuck Hamilton.

Thank you for reading Chuck!

By: Kate Evans Tue, 16 May 2023 15:45:14 +0000 In reply to Don Reckenbeil.

Hi Don – we haven’t but that is a great idea for a follow-up article! Thank you!

By: Don Reckenbeil Tue, 09 May 2023 14:23:43 +0000 Thanks, Kate – this is helpful. I like that you distinguish between on-market listings and off-market properties. Have you done a comparison between Z and RPR (which also uses an AVM) to determine which is more accurate?

By: Royan Johnson Mon, 08 May 2023 16:11:15 +0000 One of my recent listings in Lawrenceville, GA appraised at $288,000
The recent sales (CAMs) were $267,700, $228,000, and $ 240,000. Zillow’s Zestimate was $323,000
Zestimate cannot be trusted.

By: Chuck Hamilton Mon, 08 May 2023 16:02:06 +0000 Great article. Thank s Kate!

By: Julie Thum, ABR, ASP, GRI, PMN, SRES Mon, 08 May 2023 14:53:09 +0000 Ah but does the Zestimate change after the property closes? Does it that matched the closed/sold sales price? Just asking. Thank you, Julie

And thank you so much for this valuable information. So glad I subscribe to your newsletter!

By: Jordi Bertloom Mon, 08 May 2023 14:39:18 +0000 Zillow estimate = 0
