Next Level – The Close Your #1 Source For Actionable Real Estate Advice Tue, 27 Aug 2024 13:28:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Next Level – The Close 32 32 What Is Fractional Ownership in Real Estate (+ Investor Tips) Thu, 08 Aug 2024 13:27:41 +0000 Fractional ownership is a creative way for investors to get into the market.

The post What Is Fractional Ownership in Real Estate (+ Investor Tips) appeared first on The Close.

Fractional ownership is a creative way for investors to get into the market. Imagine owning a sliver of a plush vacation or a commercial property without taking on the whole cost of ownership. This investment opportunity essentially democratizes property investment for the mass investor through affordability and manageability. I will cover what fractional ownership is, its advantages versus disadvantages, and how it stacks up against more traditional timeshares. 

What is Fractional Ownership in Real Estate?

Graphic with a home divided up to multiple investors
Fractional ownership graphic (Source: Kwik Attorneys LP)

Fractional ownership in real estate is a concept where property ownership is divided among several investors. Instead of buying an entire property, investors buy fractions of that property, which are usually between 1/8 and 1/2. The notion of shared ownership allows a single investor to afford high-value real estate without the large financial upfront costs normally required for owning an entire property. 

Basically, it’s sharing expenses and benefits that come with owning a property. Each investor owns a share of the property directly proportional to each invested amount. Ownership interest does not confine itself only to shares in the property but extends to its usage rights, rental income received, and appreciation. The structure of fractional home ownership is different, but most of it includes a formal agreement spelling out the rights of each owner, duties, and terms of usage.

Key Elements of Fractional Ownership

Fractional ownership real estate allows someone to invest in prime properties and diversify a real estate portfolio without committing the full finances toward purchasing an independent property. This formula combines personal use with an excellent potential for income generation, hence an investment alternative attractive to your lifestyle and investment purposes. Here are some key elements of fractional ownership homes: 

  • Ownership share: An investor gets a certain specified percentage of the property on top of a share of equity, usage rights, and income.
  • Usage rights: Generally, owners have the right to use the property for a certain number of days or weeks per year. Again, this would depend upon the fraction of ownership interest and terms specified in the contract.
  • Income and expenses: The owners share any income from the property, including any rental income, based on their proportional interest in the property. Likewise, expenses such as maintenance, property tax, or management fees are shared proportionately.
  • Management and maintenance: The property is usually managed by a professional management company, which takes care of everyday operations, maintenance, and other administrative tasks, relieving owners of those responsibilities.
  • Exit strategy: An owner may sell their share in the property after an agreed-upon holding period. In some fractional home ownership schemes, there is a secondary market through which shares can be traded, and the investors achieve liquidity.

Pros & Cons of Fractional Ownership

Fractional ownership has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help investors understand if this investment model supports their investment goals and preferences. Here are the key pros and cons of fractional ownership:

  • It has lower upfront investment costs.
  • You have limited control and influence over property decisions.
  • It can spread investment funds across multiple properties.
  • There may be some difficulties selling shares in property quickly.
  • There is a level of reduced personal investment from investors.
  • Ongoing costs will constantly need to be a shared expense.
  • You can share rental income and property appreciation, offering immediate returns and long-term value growth.
  • Usage rights are divided among owners.
  • Shared financial burden lowers individual risk.
  • Property value and income can be influenced by market conditions.
  • Types of Fractional Ownership Models

    Fractional ownership comes in many forms, all of which are targeted at different investor preferences and goals. Knowing about these models will help investors invest in the best form that suits their needs. Whether you’re looking for personal use, investment returns, or a mix of both, a fractional ownership model covers each of these preferences. Here’s how to break down the primary types of fractional ownership examples:

    Equity Shares

    Stacks of coins showing percentages of upward growth.

    The investors have a percentage of equity share in the property. Emphasis is placed on investment returns through property appreciation and rental income. A deeded interest in the property is included with the ownership. In this model, the investors have an opportunity to share both the usage time of the property and its financial performance. This can be clearly noted in luxury vacation homes wherein the investors can personally use the property while reaping its financial benefits.

    Use-based Shares

    A group of co-owners of a vacation property.

    This fractional ownership is based on the right to use the property for certain days or weeks per year, emphasizing personal usage other than financial returns. Ownership is often paired with a contractually agreed-upon right of usage and direct ownership. This is often used with vacation properties where owners can take regular vacations.

    Syndicated Shares

    In syndicated shares, investors pool their resources to acquire larger properties, typically managed by a professional syndicator. This model combines usage and financial return and focuses on larger-scale investments. Investors own a share of the syndicate, which holds the title to the property. 

    Common examples include commercial real estate or multifamily apartment complexes managed by a syndication company. This model enables an investor to acquire a share of high-value property with professional management and share in usage and financial benefits.

    How Fractional Ownership Compares with Traditional Real Estate Investments

    Fractional ownership, like any other form of traditional real estate investing, has differences that make it more or less appropriate for specific investors. We’ll break down how fractional ownership differs from the traditional model below:

    AspectFractional OwnershipTraditional Real Estate Investment
    ControlLess control over property management and decisions that are shared among multiple investors.Complete control over property management and decisions.
    Capital RequirementLower initial investment by sharing costs with other investors.Requires high capital to purchase the entire property.
    ManagementProfessionally managed reducing personal involvement.Requires extensive time and effort for property management and maintenance.
    Financial ReturnsPotential for rental income and property appreciation, but income is shared among investors.Potential for substantial rental income and property appreciation, benefiting the sole owner.
    Portfolio DiversificationEasier to diversify by investing in multiple properties through fractional ownership.Diversification requires significant capital and management resources.
    LiquidityMay face challenges in selling one's share due to liquidity constraints.Generally, it is easier to sell the entire property, though market conditions can impact liquidity.
    AccessibilityGrants access to premium real estate at more affordable prices.Direct ownership of high-value properties requires a significant financial commitment.

    Timeshares vs Fractional Ownership

    While timeshares and fractional ownership are often confused with one another, they meet different needs and provide different advantages. Timeshares are basically for holiday or vacation use. They grant the purchaser the right to use a property for a specified period, usually a week, every year. Normally, most of the timeshares do not grant an ownership interest in the property, so there is little or no possibility of financial return from property appreciation or rental income. 

    On the contrary, fractional real estate ownership is an investment and usage model. While both models provide a kind of shared use of high-value properties, fractional ownership combines the advantages of personal use with real estate investment benefits, hence making it more versatile and potentially highly lucrative compared with timeshares.

    Tips for Investing in Fractional Ownership Real Estate 

    Fractional ownership is a strategic way to invest in real estate without many burdens associated with outright ownership. That means diversification into a portfolio and the potential return on appreciation in value and rental income make it a great investment opportunity. Success in fractional ownership requires careful planning, just like any other investment. The following are some of the essential tips to consider when handling fractional ownership:

    Tip 1: Thorough research

    Research the property and the market conditions before you get involved in investment. Investors need to understand the fractional ownership structure and specifics of the property and its location. This will assist in making an informed investment decision and enable an investor to project the returns that may be generated through the investment.

    Tip 2: Assess management

    Ensure that the property is managed by a reputable and experienced management firm. Professional management impacts the property’s maintenance and profitability. Look for firms with a good track record managing similar properties.

    Tip 3: Understand the costs

    Clearly mention all ongoing expenses, including maintenance fees, property tax, or management fees. These could reduce your return on investment, so make sure to incorporate these into your financial planning.

    Tip 4: Review legal agreements

    Go through all the legal documents concerning the fractional ownership arrangement. These documents will specify your rights, duties, and usage constraints. Consulting a real estate attorney can add more assurance to your interest protection.

    Tip 5: Exit strategy evaluation

    Be aware of the terms for selling your share and the restrictions involved. Some fractional ownership arrangements will have a secondary market for trading shares, while others might require holding your share for a certain amount of time before selling. Knowing your exit options will help you plan for any kind of liquidity or future financial needs.

    Tip 6: Consider the investment horizon

    Consider the investment time frame and goals. Fractional ownership can be long-term and should align with your financial objectives and time horizon. Ensure that the property and market conditions support such an expected investment duration.

    Tip 7: Diversify your portfolio

    Diversification reduces risk and increases returns. To balance out the potential risks and rewards, consider investing in a few different properties or in several types of real estate. The reduced capital requirement for real estate fractional ownership makes diversification much easier to achieve.

    Tip 8: Staying current with the trends in the market

    Keep yourself updated with respect to real estate market trends and economic factors that can possibly impact your investment. Noting the market condition regularly will help you decide at the proper time whether to hold, sell, or acquire more shares.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Bringing It All Together

    Fractional ownership real estate provides access to valuable real estate investment opportunities without the high financial commitment and management responsibilities. Investors can benefit from expanded diversification, rental income, property appreciation, and professional management. 

    However, it comes with its own set of trade-offs, like reduced control over property decisions and possible difficulties in selling shares for liquidity. Ultimately, fractional ownership is very good for those who want to break into the real estate market without the full issues that arise from traditional property ownership.

    The post What Is Fractional Ownership in Real Estate (+ Investor Tips) appeared first on The Close.

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    10 Tips to Choose Great Real Estate Domain Names (+ Name Generator) Wed, 31 Jul 2024 15:46:40 +0000 Struggling to come up with a domain name for your real estate business? Use our expert tips and free real estate domain name generator to find one that will help you dominate your market for years to come.

    The post 10 Tips to Choose Great Real Estate Domain Names (+ Name Generator) appeared first on The Close.

    Choosing real estate domain names for a business is like picking the perfect storefront location. It must be memorable, easy to find, and a true reflection of your brand. Whether you’re just starting or rebranding your existing business, the right domain names for real estate can make all the difference in how potential clients perceive and interact with you online. So, grab a cup of coffee as I dive into choosing the perfect real estate website name and tools to simplify it.

    What are Real Estate Domain Names?

    Screenshot of a great domain name example from
    Real estate domain name example (Waterfront Properties and Club Communities)

    Real estate domain names are web addresses (URLs) that represent your real estate business online. They are the links that clients type into their web browsers to find your real estate website. A domain name for real estate serves as your digital identity, making it easier for potential clients to locate and remember your business. Your domain name should be unique to you and a part of your overall branding and marketing strategy. 

    Why You Need a Great Name

    Picking the right domain name for your real estate business can boost your online presence, make your brand more recognizable, and attract more clients. It’s like having a prime location for your business online. Strong real estate domain names help build credibility and trust with potential clients. It’s often their first impression of your business, and a catchy, professional domain can really make you stand out. 

    Plus, a good domain name can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for clients to find you. Taking the time to choose the perfect domain name for real estate is important in building a successful online presence for your business.

    Excellent Real Estate Domain Name Examples

    Before getting into the nitty-gritty, let’s check out these examples of great real estate domain ideas for realtors. They’re memorable, professional, and perfectly capture their brand. These examples can help spark ideas for your own domain name, making sure it stands out and represents your business effectively.

    👇P.S. Some of these are available if you’re looking

    Bruce Ailion is hard to beat when choosing great real estate domain names. He was lucky enough to snag But that was years ago, and all the good domain names are taken now, right? Not so fast. Keep reading to get The Close’s tips and name generator (#9)!

    Google search engine results
    Google search engine results (Source: Google)

    Tip 1: Understand Your Brand

    Before choosing your real estate domain name, you must clearly understand your brand. It should be a natural extension of your brand identity, reflecting who you are and what you have to offer. Ask yourself these three questions as you start to think about your domain name for real estate.

    • What are the core values and mission of my real estate business?: Think about what your business stands for and what you aim to achieve. Are you focused on luxury, affordability, eco-friendly homes, or exceptional customer service? Your domain name should reflect your values.
    • Who is my target audience, and what are their needs and preferences?: Know who you’re trying to reach. Are your clients first-time homebuyers, investors, or families? Will you be focused on getting listings or helping buyers? Choose a domain name that speaks directly to their needs and interests.
    • What is my unique selling proposition (USP) that differentiates me from my competitors?: Identify what makes you unique. Do you offer personalized service, deep market expertise, or specialize in a niche area? Highlight this in your domain name to stand out and attract the right clients.

    With a clear understanding of your brand, you can now focus on the specifics of your realty domain name.

    Tip 2: Keep It Short & Unique

    When it comes to choosing your domain name, less is definitely more. A short and unique domain name can make a huge difference in how easily your clients find and remember you. Here’s why you should aim for a short and sweet name:

    • Easy to remember: If someone can recall your domain after just one glance, they’re much more likely to return to your site. 
    • Reduces typos: The longer and more complicated your domain name, the more likely people will make typos and land on another site.
    • Enhances brand recognition: It should stand out in a crowded market and reflect your brand’s personality. Make it catchy and distinct.
    • Shareable: Whether you’re sharing it verbally, in print, or online, a short domain name is much easier to pass along if it’s easy to say and spell.

    Pro Tip: Don’t forget to check your domain name for silly hidden meanings. Sometimes when you take two perfectly innocent words and put them together…Well, you end up with something not so innocent. No one wants to type in Pen Island as 🙉🙈🙊

    Tip 3: Don’t Stress About Keywords

    Keywords are great for search engine optimization (SEO) because they help people find you online. Including relevant keywords in your domain name can boost your search rankings. But don’t stress too much about fitting them in. Ranking on Google is super competitive, and keywords are just one piece of the puzzle. 

    Overloading your domain with keywords can make it look spammy and hard to remember. Instead, focus on a name that’s brandable, easy to remember, and reflects your business. Keep it simple and authentic to your brand!

    Website on laptop and mobile phone with example of SEO search on google.
    Real estate SEO package (Source: Agent Image)

    If you really want to make an impact, hire a web design company that knows how to rank real estate websites on Google. Agent Image has 24 years of experience building websites for Realtors and using cutting-edge SEO strategies to get you to the front page faster. Click the button below for 20% off.

    Tip 4: Choose the Right Domain Extension

    Selecting the right domain extension is just as important as the domain name itself. While .com is the most popular and widely recognized extension, other options like .realtor or .biz can offer unique benefits for your real estate business.

    The .realtor extension was created specifically for real estate professionals and is only available if you are a National Association of Realtors (NAR) member. Also, NAR has announced a .realestate domain name which is available to anyone wanting to brand themselves within the real estate industry

    While this extension can lend itself to a certain level of credibility for your business, there are some other factors to consider. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of using this extension:

  • Shows agents you are a real estate professional
  • Only available to NAR members
  • Helps identify that you are a realtor
  • Less common than .com or .net
  • Builds client confidence
  • Limits your business scope if you offer other services
  • Neutral Effect on SEO: It’s important to note that the domain extension has a neutral effect on SEO. Google and other search engines do not prioritize .com over .realtor or any other extension. The key factors for SEO are the quality of your content, user experience, and overall site performance. So, while a .realtor extension can help with branding and trust, it won’t necessarily boost your search engine rankings by itself.

    Tip 5: Avoid Hyphens & Numbers

    When choosing a domain name for your real estate business, it’s best to steer clear of hyphens and numbers. While they might seem like a good way to get around the unavailability of certain names, they can create more problems than they solve. Which domain looks professional and easy to remember?


    Hyphens and numbers can make your domain name harder to remember, leading to increased typos and confusion when clients try to recall or share your web address. They can also make your site look less professional, resembling spammy or temporary sites. Also, while hyphens were once thought to help with SEO, search engines now prioritize user experience. Clean, straightforward real estate domain names are best.

    Tip 6: Check for Trademarks & Copyrights

    Coming up with unique names is not as easy as you might think. Using a domain name infringing on an existing trademark can have serious legal consequences. You might receive a cease-and-desist letter, face legal battles, or be forced to change your domain name, which can be costly and time-consuming. 

    You wouldn’t believe the number of people claiming a trademark infringement, even on general phrases. As a broker, I once received a cease and desist letter for the use of “Moving from XYZ to City.” Another broker had trademarked the phrase, so my agents in that city could not use that phrase in their marketing. Talk about a headache! Imagine spending countless hours and marketing dollars becoming a local expert, only to discover you violated a trademark. 

    Conducting a thorough trademark search helps you avoid these potential pitfalls. Use trademark search tools like USPTO or WIPO to ensure your domain name does not infringe on any existing trademarks. Also, do an online search to ensure you’re not infringing on someone’s copyright. If someone had the domain name first and you began using it, you could face copyright infringement claims. 

    Tip 7: Scale Your Website Slowly

    One all-too-common mistake agents make in building websites is signing up for an “all-in-one” real estate website platform and loading it up with bells and whistles on day one. There is a big problem with this approach: the price. These platforms sell you on “upgrades” by “tiers” for a reason. They want you to spend money today on features you won’t need for years. 

    Template or custom real estate website builder
    Template or custom real estate website builder (Source: AgentFire)

    Instead of feeling pressured to “upgrade” to the next “tier,” try the number one rated agent website platform on Facebook and Google with an average rating of 4.9: AgentFire. AgentFire lets you add features to your site as you scale your business. If your business scales slowly, you upgrade your site slowly. Simple.

    Pro Tip: Check your socials. Make sure your domain name is available on Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media platforms you use regularly. It doesn’t have to be exact, but make sure it can tie into your brand.

    Tip 8: Think About the Future

    When choosing a domain name for your real estate business, it’s important to think long-term. While it might be tempting to pick a name that fits your current situation perfectly, considering how your business might grow and evolve can save you a lot of hassle down the road. Remember, you won’t always be a newbie. So, here are some essential questions to ask yourself before choosing your real estate domain name.

    These are all important questions to ask yourself when you think about what your business will look like in five years. A word of advice for choosing realtor domain names: plan for growth, avoid trends, stay flexible, and consider your future SEO needs. Choose a name that can grow with your business, and you’ll set yourself up for long-term success.

    Tip 9: Pick a Place to Host Your Website

    Choosing the right hosting provider is key to making your real estate website perform flawlessly and stay reliable. One highly recommended option is BlueHost. Here’s why BlueHost is an awesome choice for your real estate website:

    • Reliable Performance: BlueHost keeps your website running smoothly with a 99.9% uptime guarantee, so clients can always reach you. Reliability is key to maintaining a professional online presence.
    • Affordable Pricing: BlueHost offers competitive pricing plans that fit all budgets. Their basic plan starts at $2.95 a month and includes a free domain for the first year, a free SSL certificate, and a one-click WordPress installation, making it an affordable and comprehensive option for real estate pros.
    • Excellent Customer Support: BlueHost offers 24/7 customer support via phone, chat, and email. Their knowledgeable support team is always ready to help with any issues or questions, ensuring your website runs smoothly.
    WordPress-compatible sites
    WordPress-compatible sites (Source: BlueHost)

    BlueHost offers a ton of benefits as your web hosting provider, like reliable performance, easy management, great customer support, and room to grow. These features make it a perfect choice for real estate pros wanting to build a strong, dependable online presence.

    Tip 10: Use The Close’s Domain Name Generator

    If you’re struggling to come up with a domain name, use our free real estate domain name generator. While there are a lot of sites out there that let you pick a domain name, very few offer good alternatives when the name you want is taken. That’s why we built this free real estate domain name generator. Just plug in your name, farm area, or both, and click generate.

    Real Estate Domain Name Generator

    Warning: The Domain Names produced by this generator were created by our team, but it is up to you to verify their available status.


    Bringing It All Together

    Picking the right domain name is key to building a strong online presence for your real estate business. Keep it short, unique, and easy to remember. Avoid hyphens and numbers, think about your future growth, and check for trademarks. While keywords are helpful, don’t stress too much about them. A great domain name boosts your credibility and attracts more clients. Take your time, get creative, and choose a name that truly represents your business.

    Have a tip for choosing a catchy real estate domain name that we missed? Have a favorite we’d love? Let us know in the comment section.

    The post 10 Tips to Choose Great Real Estate Domain Names (+ Name Generator) appeared first on The Close.

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    How Smart Investors Decipher & Respond to Real Estate Market Cycles Tue, 30 Jul 2024 16:31:26 +0000 If you want to become a savvy real estate investor, you need to know what market stage your area is in or entering.

    The post How Smart Investors Decipher & Respond to Real Estate Market Cycles appeared first on The Close.

    For real estate investors to be successful, they must understand the market dynamics. The real estate cycle can be incredibly complex, but it can also be categorized into four relatively simple phases. A smart investor will take the time to stay up-to-date on market trends to understand where the market is, where it’s going, and how that impacts their investment strategy.

    What Is the Housing Market Cycle?

    The real estate cycle is the natural process of growing, expanding, and receding in the real estate market. It’s generally divided into four stages: recovery, expansion, hyper-supply, and recession. Each cycle phase is unique and impacts the real estate market differently, like price, vacancies, and inventory.

    People generally estimate that the real estate market cycle takes an average of between 10-18 years. However, this can change pretty drastically depending on some of the factors that affect the market. Many different things affect the natural flow of real estate cycles, like the following:

    • Interest rates
    • Economic health
    • Demographics
    • Government policies
    • Real estate development
    • Business growth
    • Employment rates

    Use this real estate cycle chart to help identify the state of the market (we’ll use this chart throughout the article to show the various stages):

    Quadrant chart showing the four cycles of the housing market.
    Market cycle chart (Source: CrowdStreet)

    Why Investors Need to Understand the Cycle

    If you want to be a successful real estate investor, you need to understand the market beyond a real estate cycle chart. Investing is a long-term strategy, and it’s easy to make poor decisions if you don’t understand how the market naturally ebbs and flows. Understanding the real estate market cycles will help you to do the following:

    • Know when the optimal times are to buy and sell
    • Adjust your pricing strategies for buying and selling based on the state of the market, demand, and pricing changes
    • Generate a higher profit because you have a long-term perspective
    • Avoid poor investments by making choices before the market makes a downturn

    Understanding the housing market cycle is essential to make profitable investments. Learn how to plan even more effectively in our guide to making a real estate investment business plan.

    Stages of the Housing Market Cycle

    At any point, many factors affect the real estate market. However, every change in the market can fit into one of four stages of the real estate cycle: recovery, expansion, hypersupply, and recession.

    1. Recovery

    The first part of the real estate cycle is right after a recession when the market is trying to recover. At the beginning of the recovery phase, people still feel the effects of the recession. There is typically an excess supply of properties that doesn’t match a decline in demand. This phenomenon creates a drop in the prices of rent and properties.

    Chart showing the recovery phase of the housing market cycles
    Recovery stage (Source: CrowdStreet)

    What investors should do during recovery:

    • Purchase below-market properties (best to do in the early stages of recovery)
    • Sell renovated properties that were purchased during a recession
    • Negotiate property prices to get undervalued properties or the best value for your flipped homes

    2. Expansion

    As recovery continues, some call parts of this phase “the honeymoon.” This is when the general economy is growing, employment rates are starting to improve, and demand for real estate is increasing. You’ll see signs of the expansion phase when properties sell more quickly, rent prices are starting to increase, and there is a higher competition for bank foreclosures. This is the part of the real estate cycle when supply and demand are the most balanced.

    Chart showing the expansion phase of the housing market cycles
    Expansion stage (Source: CrowdStreet)

    What investors should do during expansion:

    • Research growing areas to invest in locations that are in high demand
    • Renovate or develop properties (high demand justifies the cost)

    3. Hypersupply

    The next part of the housing market cycle is when the pendulum swings a little too far in the opposite direction, and now the supply of real estate exceeds the demand for it. This can be caused by overbuilding during the expansion phase. Watch for this part of the real estate market cycle by looking for low unemployment rates, quickly selling properties, and increases in property and rent prices.

    It’s common for some investors to panic when they find themselves in this spot on the housing market cycle graph because they know a recession is coming. You can always liquidate your assets, but it’s often a wise strategy to hold properties and generate short-term cash flow. However, it’s smart to prepare for an upcoming recession by adjusting your pricing strategy.

    Chart showing the hypersupply phase of the housing market cycles
    Hypersupply stage (Source: CrowdStreet)

    What investors should do during hypersupply:

    • Hold properties and let them appreciate
    • Focus on generating short-term cash flow
    • Prepare for upcoming recession

    4. Recession

    Of all the real estate market cycles, the recession stage is the most daunting for investors. At this point, there is an overabundance of inventory that surpasses demand. This means there are more vacancies, and prices start to fall again. During this stage, job growth slows down, leaving fewer buyers and renters to fill your rentals. At the same time, home values increase more quickly. Even though recessions are typically challenging for rental property owners, slow periods of the economy are the best time to invest in real estate.

    Chart showing the recession phase of the housing market cycles
    Recession stage (Source: CrowdStreet)

    What investors should do during a recession:

    • Buy distressed, undervalued properties with high long-term potential
    • Look for distressed properties or those in foreclosure
    • Develop a long-term rental or flip strategy for investments

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Bringing It All Together

    Understanding the real estate market cycle can be overwhelming at first, but it’s an extremely important concept to master for aspiring real estate investors. Make sure to understand the ins and outs of each part of the cycle and learn how to recognize shifts in the housing market cycle to make the best decisions for your business.

    The post How Smart Investors Decipher & Respond to Real Estate Market Cycles appeared first on The Close.

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    Cash Flow in Real Estate: Overview, Definition & Calculations Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:34:21 +0000 Before diving into investments, you need to fully understand what cash flow in real estate is all about.

    The post Cash Flow in Real Estate: Overview, Definition & Calculations appeared first on The Close.

    Before diving into investments, you need to fully understand what cash flow in real estate is all about. Cash flow is the net amount moving in and out of your real estate investment—obviously, an important number to keep track of. It gives a metric for how an investor will know the profitability of a property. Without understanding cash flow, you might have a property that is losing money rather than profiting. Let us take a closer look at what cash flow from real estate is, its importance, how to measure it, drivers, and tips to increase it.

    What Is Cash Flow in Real Estate?

    Cash flow in property investment simply refers to the difference between the money you take in and what you spend. Positive cash flow means your income exceeds your expenses, and negative cash flow indicates the opposite. 

    It’s a very simple concept but fundamental to real estate investment practices. A positive cash flow will provide an investor with continuous income and financial stability to reinvest in more properties. Understanding cash flow from real estate will help you make informed buying, holding, and selling decisions regarding property.

    Why Do Investors Care About Cash Flow From Real Estate?

    Business person holding words "cash flow" surrounded by associated words.

    Cash flow is the lifeblood of real estate investing. It will dictate whether the property will become a financial liability or an asset. Consistent cash flow can provide for mortgage, maintenance, and other expenses. This padding in your bank account will help safeguard against market downturns or other cost surprises. High cash flow properties will also appreciate over time and increase your overall portfolio. The objective of anyone diving into real estate investing is to get the highest return on their investments. 

    How to Calculate Cash Flow in Real Estate

    Any serious real estate investor must learn to calculate cash flow. The investor will use these equations to understand the property’s profitability and thus be able to make a decent investment decision accordingly. Beyond the cash flow formula, you can use other valuable calculations to enhance the analysis: the CAP rate and the 1% rule. Here are the formulas for the necessary calculations: 

    Real Estate Cash Flow Formula

    This formula helps determine the profitability of a property by calculating the net income after all expenses.

    Cash Flow = Total Rental Income − Total Operating Expenses (Operating Expenses + Vacancy Costs + Repair Costs)

    Example of positive cash flow: Imagine you own a rental property that generates $3,000 per month in rental income. Your monthly operating expenses, including mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and management fees, total $2,000. 

    Using the cash flow formula:

    $3,000 − $2,000 = $1,000 (Cash Flow)

    In this example, the property provides a positive cash flow of $1,000 monthly, indicating a profitable investment. 

    Example of negative cash flow: Let’s take the example above with a property generating $3,000 per month in rental income, but now the monthly operating expenses are $4000 because this property has a higher property tax and additional maintenance that must be paid for monthly. 

    Using the cash flow formula:

    $3,000 − $4,000 = -$1,000 (Cash Flow)

    This example showcases a negative cash flow that indicates this wouldn’t be a profitable investment. 

    1% Rule Calculation

    The 1% rule is a guideline for a quick and easy way to check that the rental income will more than likely pay off most expenses, indicating some possible positive cash flow. Keep in mind that it is an estimation. Here’s how to calculate it:

    • Determine the purchase price: Find out the total cost of the property, including any closing costs and necessary repairs or upgrades.
    • Calculate 1% of the purchase price: Multiply the purchase price by 1%.

    Purchase Price × 1% (0.01) = Estimated Cash Flow

    Example 1% rule calculation: Suppose you are considering buying a property for $200,000. To apply the 1% rule:

    1% of Purchase Price = $200,000 × 0.01 = $2,000 (Estimated Cash Flow)

    According to the 1% rule, the property should generate at least $2,000 monthly rental income to be considered a good investment. If the expected rental income meets or exceeds this amount, the property will likely provide positive cash flow, making it a potentially sound investment.

    Cap Rate

    Using the cap rate formula, also known as the capitalization rate, will be beneficial when comparing the potential return on investment among different properties. This calculation is more complicated and involves a few extra steps. 

    Net Operating Income (NOI) / ​Purchase Price = Cap Rate 

    Step 1: Determine net operating income (NOI): Calculate the annual rental income and subtract all operating expenses.

    Total Rental Income − Total Operating Expenses = NOI

    John owns a rental property that generates $3,000 monthly in rental income, totaling $36,000 annually. His annual operating expenses, which include mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance, amount to $1,000 per month, or $12,000 per year. Calculate his NOI below: 

    $36,000 (Rental Income) − $12,000 (Operating Expenses) = $24,000 (NOI)

    Step 2: Determine Purchase Price: Find out the total purchase price of the property. The total purchase price can include the property cost, closing costs, inspection fees, and necessary repairs or renovations.

    $250,000 (Property Price) + $15,000 (Closing Costs) + $34,600 (Repairs/Renovations) + $400 (Inspection Cost) = $300,000 Purchase Price

    Step 3: Calculate the Cap Rate using the above formula (NOI / Purchase Price = Cap Rate)

    $24,000 (NOI) / $300,000 (Purchase Price) = 0.08 or 8% (Cap Rate)

    In this example, the property has a cap rate of 8%. This percentage means the property generates an 8% return on investment based on its net operating income. A higher cap rate generally indicates a more profitable investment.  

    What Factors Affect Cash Flow? 

    Several factors may impact cash flow in real estate investing, so it will be important to understand the variables to maintain positive cash flow. Here are the critical elements that influence cash flow most:

    • Expenses: Large negative cash flow items include operating expenses like mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, maintenance, utilities, and property management fees. Other current and nonrecurring expenses that impact your profitability might include major repairs or emergency maintenance.
    • Rental income: How much you can charge for rent depends on location, property condition, and market demand. High vacancy or high turnover rates lower rental income, hurting cash flow.
    • Rental vacancies: The more vacant a property is, the less rental income will be collected. Effective tenant retention strategies and rigorous screening processes will help minimize vacancies and keep cash flowing.
    • Market conditions: Economic conditions, interest rates, and local real estate markets drive rental rates and property values. Shifts in these can negatively or positively affect cash flow.
    • Property management: Good property management keeps rent collection, maintenance, and tenant relations in check to provide steady cash flow. Poor management increases vacancies and raises expenses, which will cut profit margins.

    By keeping these factors in control, investors can have an inflow of cash to make real estate investing profitable and sustainable.

    Mobile phone with rent income notifications
    Automated payments (Source: Baselane)

    Baselane’s rent collection platform is an excellent avenue to stabilize your rental income. Baselane provides automated payment reminders and seamless online payment options to minimize late or missing payments. This ensures timely reception of your rental income every single time. The platform also provides detailed tracking and reporting features that allow landlords to monitor payments and manage finances more efficiently. 

    Baselane will help property owners maintain consistent income, reduce administrative work, and focus more on growing real estate investments.

    Tips to Increase Cash Flow

    Increasing cash flow in real estate requires raising income and reducing expenses. Having a strategic approach to managing your properties as a part of your investing business plan can radically improve profitability. Here are some hands-on tips for maximizing the cash flow of your real estate:

    • Increase rental income: Renovate the property, add amenities, consider short-term rentals, and adjust the rent to make it more marketable.
    • Reduce vacancies: Enforce tenant screening and incentives for lease renewal, and maintain good relations with tenants.
    • Lower operating expenses: Check insurance rates, compare property management fees, maintain the property, and invest in energy-efficient upgrades.
    • Optimize financing: Refinance your loan, pay off that high-interest debt, and find alternative ways to finance your purchases.
    • Increase efficiency: Implement real estate management software, preventative maintenance, and monitor cash flow regularly.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Bringing It All Together

    Positive cash flow in real estate is considered the central factor in any successful property investment. After all, the objective of investing is to make money, right? Every investor must take time and perform due diligence before investing in any property. That includes performing market analysis, properly calculating potential income and expenses, and considering improvements needed for the property to gain a higher rental value. 

    Look for properties with potential for solid cash flow, such as multifamily units or short-term rentals in hot spots. Run those properties professionally, tracking their financial performance closely to adjust your strategy as you go. Keeping an eye on financial performance and tweaking your plan as needed will help keep that cash flowing to ensure your real estate ventures are not just profitable but can also provide you with some enjoyment.

    The post Cash Flow in Real Estate: Overview, Definition & Calculations appeared first on The Close.

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    What Is the BRRRR Method & How Does It Work in Real Estate? Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:04:27 +0000 What does BRRRR mean?

    The post What Is the BRRRR Method & How Does It Work in Real Estate? appeared first on The Close.

    What does BRRRR mean? Hint: it does not mean you’re cold—it means your real estate game is heating up! If you’re just getting started as an investor, the BRRRR method might be your best friend. It’s a well-defined, tried-and-true investment strategy that offers the best opportunity to build passive income through real estate. Since BRRRR is a pretty lengthy acronym, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step instructions to understand what it means and how to use the BRRRR strategy.

    What Is the BRRRR Method?

    “BRRRR” is an acronym for buy, repair, rent, refinance, and repeat. It can be done by anyone who can purchase a property, allowing investors to build equity immediately after renovating or repairing it by doing a cash-out refinance. Plus, the exact process can be repeated over and over, massively increasing your equity and investment portfolio.

    The price of rent has jumped 30.4% nationwide between 2019 and 2023, so renting out a property is likely to be profitable. However, learning as much as possible before diving into any real estate investing strategy is always important. To find out if BRRRR is right for your next project, check out Kiavi’s free Breaking Down BRRRR e-book below. It covers the method’s pros and cons, tips for getting the right loan for your project, and even the best home rehab trends to attract high-income tenants.

    Get the Kiavi e-Book

    Why the BRRRR Method Is an Excellent Investment Strategy

    BRRRR investing enables you to build a portfolio without buying properties in cash. Because you will do a cash-out refinance once the property has been renovated and leased, you’ll make a quick profit that you can use to reinvest in another property while enjoying the advantages of owning a rental. 

    When done correctly, the BRRRR method can grow your net worth, generate passive income, and eventually lead to financial independence by enabling you to own and rent real estate uniquely and continuously. Here are some of the more specific pros and cons of using the BRRRR strategy to invest in real estate:

    • Has huge potential return on investment
    • Still requires an upfront investment
    • Allows you to build equity quickly instead of just focusing on immediate cash flow
    • Must find a hard money loan to fund the purchase
    • Allows aspiring investors to scale their portfolios quickly
    • Must find a property under market value in the right location
    • Helps newly renovated properties attract more qualified renters
    • Requires a high level of management for renovations
    • Offers multiple tax break opportunities from interest and owning a rental property
    • Requires finding quality renters in a competitive rental market

    How to Use the BRRRR Method

    Let’s take a closer look at the BRRRR, meaning going through it step-by-step. While the process is relatively simple in theory, finding the right property, renovating, financing, and managing a rental can be challenging—even for experienced real estate professionals. Let’s dig into each part.

    1. Buy

    Portrait of two women standing outside a new home with a sold sign.

    For the BRRRR method to be profitable, you have to find the right undervalued property. Look for homes you can do low-cost improvements on to increase their value, which will increase your equity in step 4. The more discounted a home you can secure, the more equity you’ll have at this step in the process.

    Also, look for properties likely to rent out easily and quickly. For example, condos or apartments near a university will be in high demand. Once you’ve found an undervalued property, it’s time to consider the best option for financing. The typical finance options for the BRRRR method are as follows:

    • Hard money loans: These loans are typically short-term and come from a private, non-bank lender. The application process for hard money lenders differs from a typical mortgage; the lender will prioritize the property’s investment potential over your credit. Interest rates are generally much higher than a typical mortgage, generally between 10% and 18%.
    • Cash: This means that you would not use any financing and would simply pay for the property entirely in cash. 

    Rule of 70%

    A smart investment rule of thumb is the Rule of 70%. This rule says you should only spend 70% of the property’s after-repair value (ARV) minus repair expenses. For example, if you’re looking at a $400,000 investment property that requires $80,000 of repairs and renovations, you shouldn’t spend more than $200,000 on it. Ideally, the remaining 30% can be used on closing costs and realtor commissions while still leaving a healthy profit leftover.

    The formula for the 70% rule looks like this: 

    70% of the ARV – estimated repair costs = Maximum price for the property

    2. Rehab

    Property being renovated.

    The rehab or renovation part of the process is the part that requires the most elbow grease—but not necessarily your own! Focus on renovations and repairs with the lowest costs that will make the property attractive to tenants. You should know how much you have to spend on repairs after purchasing the home.

    The rehab process has three main parts:

    • Finding a trustworthy contractor: You’ll need a professional contractor with experience with the types of repairs and renovations you need. Ask other investors and realtors for their recommendations, and then build a relationship with a contractor you can (hopefully) use again.
    • Staying on schedule and on budget: Renovations always take time and money. Plus, the longer a renovation takes, the higher your carrying costs. Keeping your project on track is possible, but it takes plenty of work.
    • Maximizing your ROI: Make sure you choose the renovations that will have the best ROI and set the property up for long-term success.

    3. Rent

    Happy man and woman standing in modern light spacious light living room and shaking hands with real estate agent.

    If you were doing a fix-and-flip, this is the time you would sell the home. However, with the BRRRR method, this is when you turn your property into a cash-generating asset by finding tenants and renting it out.

    You will have to move relatively quickly here because, at this point, your expenses will likely be chewing a hole in your wallet. Make sure you analyze your cash flow thoroughly as you price your new rental. You could hire a property management company to market your property and screen renters, or you can do it yourself with the sales, finance, and communication skills you’ve learned as a real estate agent. 

    4. Refinance

    Two business real estate seller using calculator to calculating about property investment.

    After your property has been refurbished and leased, do a cash-out refinance to turn the equity in the house into cash. This moment is when the BRRRR method literally proves its worth in profits! Not only does this save you money, but cash-out refinances also have a lower interest rate than a home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC). Plus, you can deduct the interest from your taxes.

    5. Repeat

    Arrow blocks in circle formation.

    If you want to build a real estate investment portfolio, you can use the money from the refinance as a down payment on your next BRRRR property. This time, you’ll have more expertise, a growing network of contractors, and a cash-generating rental property under your belt. You might even use the BRRRR method to create a large rental portfolio. By choosing smart properties and the right renovations, the sky’s the limit.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Bringing It All Together

    The BRRRR method is an excellent real estate investing strategy that can help agents become investors, build equity, and scale their investment portfolios quickly. However, it takes a lot of time, research, and effort to do it successfully. Make sure you thoroughly research and plan each step of the process using our guide to be successful. Good luck!

    The post What Is the BRRRR Method & How Does It Work in Real Estate? appeared first on The Close.

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    Predictive Analytics in Real Estate: Best Practices & Software for Agents Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:16:01 +0000 Imagine predicting exactly who will sell their property in the next 12 months. It used to take a mind reader to get that kind of inside intel, but now you just need some big data and the right artificial intelligence company to interpret it. Here are a few worth checking out.

    The post Predictive Analytics in Real Estate: Best Practices & Software for Agents appeared first on The Close.

    Imagine knowing exactly which homeowners in your area will sell their property in the next 12 months. It used to take a mind reader (or a lot of luck) to get that kind of inside intel on your local real estate market, but now it’s achievable with big data and the right predictive analytics company. 

    You need to embrace this technology and use it to help more clients (and help your pockets grow, too)! I will break down what predictive analytics in real estate are, how you can use them, their benefits, and which real estate analytics software you can use to boost your business. Here we go! 

    What Is Predictive Analytics in Real Estate?

    Predictive analysis is a technique that uses data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. It involves analyzing current and past information to predict future events. 

    In real estate, predictive analysis can help agents forecast market trends, identify potential buyers and sellers, set competitive prices, and make strategic business decisions. These real estate analytics companies pull together millions (if not billions) of data points from multiple sources to give you important insights. 

    Common data sources include the following:

    • Property
    • Demographics
    • Behavioral trends
    • Event data (user-generated activity data from products, software, or websites)

    Why Predictive Analytics Matters in Real Estate

    If you’re a MARVEL fan, you may remember in Captain America: The Winter Soldier the scene where Jasper Sitwell gets kicked off the roof by Black Widow for information about Zola’s algorithm. Ok, we won’t be kicking anyone off any rooftops, but Zola’s algorithm is a great example of predictive analysis. It provided data on who to target, when to target them, and how to take them down.

    The same concept is applied to PA in real estate. Imagine if you had a list of homeowners in your farm area who were identified via predictive analytics as highly likely to sell their homes in the next 12 to 18 months. Think of the time, energy, and money you could save by marketing specifically to those homeowners. You can make it work for you in your real estate business with a company that knows how to harness it.

    See leads available for zip codes in your area with Offrs
    Find your territory with Offrs (Source: Offrs)

    Ok, let me give you some actual data to consider. One of our top picks, Offrs, provides 30 guaranteed leads in a chosen ZIP code every month, and those leads come with an astounding 72% prediction accuracy rate. Assuming that prediction rate, you’d have about 20 solid leads each month. The average listing commission is over $12,000. So, if you convert half of your leads, that’s $120,000. As Offrs says: It’s not magic; it’s math.

    Benefits of Using Predictive Analytics for Real Estate 

    Real estate predictive analytics is changing the game, giving agents and brokers powerful tools to understand market trends and customer behaviors. With tons of data and smart algorithms, this tech helps you make better decisions, market more effectively, and stay ahead of the competition. 

    Using predictive analytics in real estate offers several key benefits:

    • Accurate market predictions: Helps agents predict market trends, including which properties are likely to sell and when.
    • Targeted marketing: Allows more accurate marketing efforts by identifying potential buyers and sellers, leading to better conversion rates.
    • Improved pricing strategies: Assists in setting competitive sales prices based on data-driven insights rather than gut feelings.
    • Enhanced customer insights: Provides a better understanding of customer preferences and behaviors, allowing you to personalize your services.
    • Competitive advantage: Gives agents an edge over competitors who may not use predictive analytics.
    • Increased sales: Ultimately leads to higher sales and revenue through more effective and targeted business strategies.

    How Agents Can Use Predictive Analytics

    Now that you know what PA is, why it’s important, and what the benefits are, it’s time to put predictive analysis to work for your business. While residential real estate analytics isn’t fully on par with the commercial side yet, we’re getting closer to seeing every agent, team, and broker using AI or data analytics tools in 2024.

    Here are a few ways you can start to incorporate PA into your business practices: 

    • Identify potential sellers
    • Competitively price the properties
    • Optimize lead generation
    • Improve client relationships
    • Predict future market trends

    The Best Predictive Analytics Companies in 2024

    Wondering which companies are at the forefront of predictive analytics in real estate? These companies are transforming how agents predict market trends and make informed decisions. If you’re considering integrating predictive analytics into your real estate strategy, here are some top recommendations for real estate data analytics companies that are reshaping how agents predict market trends, identify potential clients, and optimize their business strategies.

    Take a look at some of the top players in the game.

    CompanyBest For
    Starting Monthly Prices
    Read Our Review
    SmartzipSeller leads
    Smartzip Review
    OffrsSeller leads + marketing
    Offrs Review
    Catalyze AILeads related to inherited property
    No review yet
    Top Producer All-in-one lead generation and CRM solution
    Top Producer Review

    1. Smartzip: Best for Sellers Leads

    SmartZip logo


    • It has easy-to-use CRM and dashboard.
    • Smart Targeting product allows automated print marketing.
    • It is easily applicable to an existing real estate farming strategy.

    Starting Monthly Prices

    • The company’s prices are based on the size of the geographic area you’re targeting.
    • Prices start at $299 per month with a 12-month contract.


    • Pricey—most Smartzip users spend at least $1,000 per month (or more).
    • Leads are nonexclusive.
    • It can take a long time to nurture and convert leads.

    By combing through consumer data (from places like credit card companies), market data (from places like your MLS), and demographic data, Smartzip predicts which homeowners in your targeted region are most likely to sell. Realtors who sign up with Smartzip immediately get access to the Smartzip CRM, populated with “Smart Data” for their areas. 

    Essentially, this is a list of all the property owners in your targeted area, ranked by how likely they are to sell their home in the next year and a half. Armed with this information, you can focus your outreach on only the most likely sellers, saving you time and money on marketing efforts and making your lead conversations more meaningful and fruitful.

    Smartzip: Is It Right for You?

    If you’re already investing heavily in real estate farming and seller lead nurturing, Smartzip is an excellent real estate predictive analytics tool for you. Since leads from Smartzip tend to take a little longer to nurture than traditional listing leads, you will need a solid keep-in-touch strategy. If you’ve got a good lead nurturing game in place, Smartzip is absolutely worth considering.

    2. Offrs

    Offrs Logo


    • It is the same great Smart Data that sister company Smartzip is built on.
    • Roof provides an entire inside sales and marketing team with no upfront costs.
    • Unique ad tools help connect your analog and digital marketing.

    Starting Monthly Prices

    • It offers 30 guaranteed leads from one ZIP code for $299 monthly.
    • This includes predictive sellers, an ad budget, a customized territory builder, and a lead capture page.
    • If you want a larger target area, spring for the premium plan, which is five ZIP codes for $599 monthly.
    • Offrs does not require a contract.


    • Leads are nonexclusive.
    • Leads take longer to convert than organic or referral leads.
    • The Offrs Smart Data CRM isn’t as user-friendly as the Smartzip version.

    While Offrs is owned by the same company as Smartzip, the actual product is very different. Both are built on the same Smart Data platform, but Offrs customers also have access to sophisticated and automated marketing and nurturing tools.

    Plus, the Offrs Roof referral system is an added bonus. For a 25% referral fee, Offrs’ call center and email marketing team will initiate at least 30 touches in the first 90 days, starting immediately when a lead comes through. This makes the nurturing process even less of a lift, especially since about 67% of clients go with the first agent they speak with.

    Offrs: Is It Right for You?

    If you need automated marketing services, this is a platform you should absolutely consider. If you don’t need the more specialized lead types or automated marketing features, you’re probably better off going with Smartzip, with its upgraded CRM and user interface.

    3. Catalyze AI

    Catalyze AI logo


    • It has high accuracy percentage.
    • It offers exclusive, local leads.
    • It has an easy-to-use, intuitive dashboard.

    Starting Monthly Prices

    • The two-tier pricing at Catalyze AI is relatively unique.
    • The first tier is for properties valued over $1 million dollars, which is $450 per month.
    • For $360 per month, you get leads on properties valued under $1 million.
    • There are no contracts, so agents can subscribe month to month.


    • Costs will add up if you subscribe every month over a year.
    • It relies on excellent interpersonal and follow-up skills.
    • Large radius may not work well for agents in urban areas.

    Every year, hundreds of thousands of properties are inherited. Catalyze AI helps sort through all of the data points (over 400 million of them) to narrow these properties down to excellent leads. It is so excellent that it boasts that four out of 10 predicted leads sell within 12 months. Catalyze AI estimates this market represents $77 billion in property value each year.

    I like that Catalyze AI offers leads within a 20-mile radius of your search area and that you can pay based on the value of the property: one monthly rate for properties valued above $1 million and one for below. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, these leads are exclusive, which makes them pretty darn valuable.

    Catalyze AI: Is It Right for You?

    Inherited property leads are fairly niche, and it takes someone with strong interpersonal skills to convert them, especially if the new property owner is recently bereft. It will also take patience and strong follow-up. That being said, this is a really strong market, and the leads are local, not outrageously expensive, highly probable to convert, and exclusive. Because it’s month-to-month, it’s definitely worth checking out Catalyze AI; it’s a company in the PA space that we’re excited to watch.

    4. Top Producer

    Logo Top Producer


    • It offers full end-to-end solution with top-notch lead gen, integrated marketing, and CRM.
    • CRM helps prioritize PA leads and follow-up.
    • It has excellent customer service.

    Starting Monthly Prices

    • Top Producer’s Pro + Framing package includes the CRM plus AI-powered farming and marketing starting at $399 per month.
    • Pro + Leads includes the CRM plus social media leads starting at $429 per month.
    • The baseline Top Producer product—called Pro—starts $129 per user, per month.
    • The Top Producer Pro Teams package is $299 per user, per month.
    • A Top Producer website is an additional $35 per user, per month.


    • You can’t subscribe to just the PA solution.
    • It lacks 24/7 customer support.
    • It is not an option for agents who already have a CRM they like.

    While Top Producer’s predictive analytics product, called Smart Targeting, isn’t far from what other PA companies are doing (in fact, its data is supplied by the same company as Offrs and Smartzip), it is unique to have the analytics as part of a larger lead generation and tracking ecosystem. There are some real advantages to having everything working together in the same place. If you’re using Top Producer, one of our favorite CRMs in the industry, to prioritize, track, nurture, and convert leads fed to your funnel by predictive analytics, you’re cooking with gas, as they say.

    Top Producer’s biggest value is in its CRM, which allows a busy agent to rely on automatic follow-up with leads. It’s not cheap—in fact, it’s hard to tell exactly what Smart Targeting costs as it’s an add-on to the base price—but it is an exciting development in the industry. Synergy between all of your sales and marketing is a beautiful thing.

    Grow your database with a steady stream of affordable, exclusive real estate leads from social media ads. Social Connect from Top Producer is designed to get you a high volume of leads and move them through your pipeline until they’re ready to buy and sell real estate. Connect with an average of 30 consumers interested in real estate in your local market for just $300 per month!

    How Social Connect works:

    • Digital advertising experts create and run social media ad campaigns on your behalf
    • You get exclusive leads from your desired local area
    • All leads are automatically nurtured via text and email on your behalf until they’re ready to connect, saving you time and effort

    Top Producer: Is It Right for You?

    If you already have a CRM that you love, Top Producer isn’t for you. You’re better off subscribing to Offrs or Smartzip and integrating it into your existing CRM. It’s only if you’re already using Top Producer or you want to make a CRM change that you should consider jumping in with two feet. Real magic can happen when all of your systems are not only talking to each other and working together, but also taking advantage of cutting-edge technology that can skyrocket your business.

    Are you a lender or homeowner interested in hearing about other great predictive analytics tools that are easy on the wallet? Check out our review of Homebot to kick off your search.

    Methodology: How I Chose the Best Predictive Analytics Companies

    Our methodology at The Close ensures that our team of professionals, writers, and editors thoroughly analyzes each platform. We meticulously evaluate the features, usability, integration capabilities, performance, and affordability of the AI tools available for real estate. 

    Even though our team has decades of combined real estate experience, navigating through the wild, complex, and sometimes confounding world of data analytics wasn’t easy. To make sure we were using objective measures, in addition to our educated opinions, we looked at these five key criteria to select our picks for the top companies:

    • Affordability and value for money: Cost was an important consideration. We looked for tools that provided a good balance of features and return on investment.
    • Feature set and functionality: We evaluated the range of features each tool offers and focused on how impactful these features are to real estate operations. 
    • Usability and customer ratings: We looked for tools with intuitive interfaces, straightforward navigation, and comprehensive support resources. We want to ensure it can be easily integrated into an agent’s workflow. 
    • Integration capabilities: Because so many tools are needed in the real estate industry, we want to ensure that an agent’s technology stack can communicate with other tools necessary for business. 
    • Effectiveness and performance: We considered the effectiveness of each tool to make sure that it increased productivity and would achieve the desired outcomes that it promised. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

    Bringing It All Together

    Data analytics, and predictive analytics specifically, is an exciting, cutting-edge field that has the potential to completely shake up our industry. I believe that agents, teams, and brokers will see a serious ROI with the right data analytics tool. I hope this guide has helped narrow down the options and decide what might be the right company (or companies) for your business. 

    Are there any predictive analytics companies serving the real estate world that we missed? Who should we include the next time around? Tell us in the comments below!

    The post Predictive Analytics in Real Estate: Best Practices & Software for Agents appeared first on The Close.

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    5 Best Online Rent Payment Services for 2024 Wed, 17 Jul 2024 13:07:57 +0000 Are you tired of the monthly rent chase?

    The post 5 Best Online Rent Payment Services for 2024 appeared first on The Close.

    Are you tired of the monthly rent chase? Say goodbye to this stress with the convenience of online rent payment services! These services are designed to be user-friendly and allow you to track rent payments and automate rent collection easily. Check out this list of best online rent payment services for landlords, and never stress about rent collection again. 

    • Baselane: Best for the free subscription and accounting tools
    • Hemlane: Best for an all-in-one solution and intuitive interface
    • PayRent: Best for secured online rent collection
    • TenantCloud: Best for mobile app
    • Avail: Best for next-day rent payment feature

    The Close’s Top Picks for Best Online Rent Payment Services

    Online Rent Payment SoftwareBest forStarting Monthly PriceLearn More
    baselane logoFree subscription and accounting toolsFreeVisit Baselane
    hemlane logoAll-in-one solution and intuitive interfaceFreeVisit Hemlane
    payrent logoSecured rent collectionFreeVisit PayRent
    tenant cloud logoMobile app$15.60
    (billed annually)
    Visit TenantCloud
    avail logoNext-day rent payment$0 per unitVisit Avail
    Online Rent Payment SoftwareBest forStarting Monthly PriceLearn More
    baselane logoFree subscription and accounting toolsFreeVisit Baselane
    hemlane logoAll-in-one solution and intuitive interfaceFreeVisit Hemlane
    payrent logoSecured rent collectionFreeVisit PayRent
    tenant cloud logoMobile app$15.60
    (billed annually)
    Visit TenantCloud
    avail logoNext-day rent payment$0 per unitVisit Avail

    Baselane: Best for Free Subscription & Accounting Tools

    • Offers tenant portal
    • Is mobile-friendly
    • Has automated reminders and late fees
    • Allows tenants to enroll in auto-pay
    • Directly deposits payments within 2-5 days
    • Lacks rental applications
    • Lacks mobile app
    • Requires a fee for applicant screening
    • Lacks 24/7 customer service
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Ease of Use:
    Help & Support:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Baselane

    • Baselane Pricing: Free for banking, online rent collection, and bookkeeping

    Baselane ranked first as the best online rent payment service for its free subscription with no monthly fees or minimum balances. Not only does it send automated payment reminders to tenants, but it also deposits payments directly into your bank account within 2 to 5 days. I also love that tenants can pay rent on any device through ACH bank transfer or debit or credit card and easily enroll in auto-pay. On top of that, Baselane provides real-time cash flow, performance tracking, and auto-generated financial and tax reports.

    Baselane rent collection feature dashboard
    Baselane online rent collection feature dashboard (Source: Baselane)

    Additional Features

    • Baselane checkbooks: Order checkbooks directly for any Baselane checking account, eliminating the need for third-party providers. Each order includes 80 high-security checks.
    • Create and e-sign lease agreements: Baselane and Rocket Lawyer team up so you can easily make, save, and sign lease agreements in Baselane. You can also invite others to sign.
    • Send checks online: Securely pay vendors and bills from your Baselane checking account by sending checks directly. Just enter the payment amount, recipient’s name, and address, and Baselane will print and mail the check for you.

    Hemlane: Best for All-in-One Solution & Intuitive Interface

    • Has comprehensive property management software
    • Offers 14-day free trial
    • Has flexible pricing
    • Has rental advertising feature
    • Has applicant tracking and tenant screening tools
    • Lacks mobile app
    • Lacks live chat and 24/7 customer support
    • Has limited scalability
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Ease of Use:
    Help & Support:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Hemlane

    • Hemlane Monthly Pricing (based on annual billing, monthly billing available at higher rate):
      • Free Forever
      • Basic: $30
      • Essential: $48
      • Complete: $96

    Hemlane provides a one-stop solution, including online rent collection service, maintenance coordination, tenant screening, and financial reporting. With its easy-to-use interface and flexible pricing, including a free plan, Hemlane is ideal for landlords prioritizing efficiency and peace of mind. What’s more, Hemlane enables online rent payments through ACH and credit cards, ensuring timely payments with automated reminders and late fees. Landlords receive payments directly deposited into their accounts without any deductions.

    Screenshot of Hemlane tenant portal dashboard
    Hemlane tenant portal dashboard (Source: Hemlane)

    Additional Features

    • Maintenance Coordination: The platform has a 24/7 service for managing maintenance requests. Hemlane’s team handles tenant repair requests, works with preferred service professionals, and ensures clear communication and timely solutions.
    • Financial Reporting: It helps landlords track income and expenses and generate detailed financial reports. It also integrates with accounting software for seamless financial management.
    • Marketing and Listing: Hemlane promotes rental properties on popular listing websites like Zillow, Trulia, Hotpads, and Zumper. This increases property visibility and helps attract potential tenants.
    • Tenant Screening: Hemlane thoroughly screens potential tenants, including background checks, credit reports, and eviction history. This helps landlords choose reliable tenants.

    PayRent: Best for Secured Online Rent Collection

    • Can collect security fees or deposits
    • Has automated late fee assessments
    • Has online rental applications and tenant screening
    • Sends rent reminders and past due notices
    • Lacks mobile app
    • Lacks third-party integrations
    • Can’t generate leases
    • Lacks 24/7 customer support
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Ease of Use:
    Help & Support:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose PayRent

    • PayRent Monthly Pricing:
      • Pay-As-You-Go: $0
      • Do-It-Yourself: $19 (try free for 7 days)
      • Go-Like-A-Pro: $49 (try free for 14 days)

    Keep your transactions secure with PayRent’s safe payment methods. Easily accept credit cards or bank transfers from any US-based bank or credit union without having to share your personal information with your tenants. With RentDefense™, effortlessly collect rent while enjoying exclusive payment controls and protections. Plus, the platform offers convenient features like recurring payment options and direct deposit into your bank account, ensuring that you receive timely and reliable rent payments.

    PayRent online rent collection dashboard
    PayRent online rent collection services dashboard (Source: PayRent)

    Additional Features

    • Account balance tracking: Renters can easily check their account status using PayRent’s online rent payment services. They can see how much they owe, upcoming charges, and payments. Landlords and renters can access these digital records to ensure agreement about the account status.
    • Split payments: Tenants can divide their rent payments between multiple payment methods.
    • Tenant applications and screening: Landlords can get critical information about potential renters and their backgrounds through one of our in-app application partners. This includes personal and household details, employment and income, residential history and background, credit score, criminal history, and evictions.

    TenantCloud: Best for Mobile App

    • Allows you to add multiple bank accounts
    • Allows you to manage refunds and discounts
    • Has autopay for tenants
    • Has rent reporting to credit bureaus
    • Has maintenance management
    • Lacks live chat and 24/7 customer support
    • Has no individual owner portal in starter and growth plans
    • Has team management tools only in business plan
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Ease of Use:
    Help & Support:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose TenantCloud

    • TenantCloud Monthly Pricing (based on annual billing, monthly billing available at higher rate):
      • Starter: $15.60
      • Growth: $29.30
      • Pro: $50.40
      • Business: Contact for pricing

    Check out the TenantCloud mobile app for iOS and Android—it’s completely free! With this app, efficiently manage your dashboard, team, rent collection, and tenant screenings without constantly logging in and out of your account. TenantCloud makes it easy for landlords and tenants to manage rent payments online. It offers direct bank transfers, ACH payments, credit/debit card options, and payment tracking. I also love that tenants can set up Auto Pay, and landlords can customize payment settings, late fees, and payment allowances.

    An image of TenantCloud mobile app owner portal
    TenantCloud landlord payment portal through its mobile app (Source: TenantCloud)

    Additional Features

    • Rental accounting: Store, organize, find, and summarize financial information. You can easily track property transactions and balances, schedule invoices, late fees, and receipts, apply deposits, refunds, and discounts, and export all your account data to a ZIP file.
    • Financial reports: Landlords can use Schedule E and other tax reports to manage their taxes. They can also generate and send 1099 tax forms to recipients digitally through their accounts. Additionally, they can synchronize income and expense transactions with QuickBooks for better task management.
    • Rental applications: Tenant applicants can send their applications to your TenantCloud account. Then, you’ll review and approve the applications. Modify the application form to ask about basic things like living and work history, income, and references. You can also ask for an application fee and check their background and credit to make the process faster.

    Avail: Best for Next-day Rent Payments

    • Does not require technical skill to launch the platform
    • Has free and budget-friendly pricing per unit
    • Has rental application screening tools
    • Has a user-friendly platform
    • Offers comprehensive and customizable tenant screening reports
    • Lacks third-party integrations
    • Lacks mobile app
    • Lacks 24/7 customer support
    • Offers limited plan only
    • Lacks free trial for the paid subscription plan
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Ease of Use:
    Help & Support:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Avail

    • Avail Monthly Pricing:
      • Unlimited: $0 per unit
      • Unlimited Plus: $9 per unit

    Experience the convenience of Avail FastPay, where landlords can receive funds as quickly as the next business day. With Avail’s online rent payment services, you’ll enjoy specialized deposit and fee collection, automatically generated payment receipts and confirmations, and seamless setup for recurring payments. Landlords can also set up rent reminders and notifications, auto-assess late fees (one-time or recurring), and allow rental payments to be reported to credit bureaus with CreditBoost.

    An image of Avail online rent collection
    Avail online rent collection (Source: Avail)

    Additional Features

    • Property accounting: This feature allows landlords to track their finances accurately. Landlords can see how much money their rental properties make and their running costs. Avail’s system will automatically populate your dashboard with payments and maintenance expenses.
    • Maintenance tracking: Avail’s maintenance tracking feature includes instant messaging for tenant communication in the app and automatic email notifications for landlords or contractors when maintenance requests are submitted. It also provides status updates on maintenance tickets and allows landlords to add expense details for better financial organization.
    • Leasing agreements and online signatures: Avail offers state-specific lease agreement templates that comply with landlord-tenant laws. The system converts your preferences into a binding contract and allows for digital signatures from tenants. Other features include locally generated clauses, unlimited document attachments, and print and PDF lease generation.

    Methodology: How I Chose the Best Online Rent Payment Services

    I evaluated the best online rent payment services by using a weighted rubric created by our team of licensed real estate professionals, writers, and editors. Our team spent hours researching dozens of companies and assessing each based on the most impactful elements for landlords, tenants, and property managers. Here are the criteria we used for our evaluations.

    • Pricing (25%)
      • I looked at the average price per unit or month for subscription plans and if the software offers a free trial.
    • General Features (10%)
      • I evaluated each company’s main features, like rental listing management, rental applications, applicant screening, generating leases, maintenance requests, and tenant portal.
    • Advanced Features (30%)
      • I assessed whether the platforms offer direct deposit, autopay, free ACH, collection of security deposits and pet fees, and accept payments via debit/credit card or bank account. I also evaluated if each software features automated payment reminders, automated late fees, and the ability to accept partial payments. Additionally, I checked if each platform has payments available the next business day, payment tracking and reporting, and personal vs. business expense tracking.
    • Ease of Use (10%)
      • It is based on how easy it is to navigate the provider interface and whether it provides hassle-free transactions and communication between property owners and tenants. It also considers if the platform offers a mobile app, third-party integrations, and an automated system.
    • Help & Support (10%)
      • We looked into the convenience and attainability of customer service for technical and customer support.
    • Customer Rating (10%)
      • I read software reviews after taking it for a test drive to evaluate others’ experiences compared to my own. I take that additional feedback into account when assessing any software. 
    • Expert Score (10%)
      • I give extra credit for any standout features not covered in the above categories. 

    Your Take

    Online rent payment services offer landlords the tools for seamless rent collection. With secure online payments, automatic reminders, and detailed reporting, landlords can improve their rental management experience. It’s time to take the hassle out of rent collection and elevate your landlord game.

    Share your thoughts in the comments section—let’s make rent collection a breeze!

    The post 5 Best Online Rent Payment Services for 2024 appeared first on The Close.

    ]]> 0 baselane hemlane logo payrent logo tenant cloud logo avail logo baselane hemlane logo payrent logo tenant cloud logo avail logo Baselane unnamed – 2024-07-17T144508.451 Hemlane unnamed – 2024-07-17T144511.816 PayRent unnamed – 2024-07-17T144515.074 TenantCloud unnamed – 2024-07-17T144518.903 Avail unnamed – 2024-07-17T144522.793
    How to Build a Real Estate Team in 7 Steps + Mistakes to Avoid Thu, 11 Jul 2024 13:24:05 +0000 According to a recent National Association of Realtors survey, more than 26% of Realtors in the United States belong to teams. Real estate teams are a fantastic way to share the costs of marketing, broaden your expertise, and mitigate the risks that are a part of a volatile industry like real estate.

    The post How to Build a Real Estate Team in 7 Steps + Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on The Close.

    Real estate teams can offer numerous advantages for agents, from increased support and resources to the potential for higher earnings. Additionally, building a successful real estate team involves careful planning and execution. In this introduction, we’ll explore the benefits of real estate teams for agents and outline a 7-step process on how to build a real estate team while highlighting the mistakes to avoid along the way. Let’s dive in and uncover the valuable insights that can help you thrive in the real estate industry.

    What Is a Real Estate Team?

    Before I get into how to build a real estate team, you need to know what a team is all about. A real estate team is a group of agents and employees with complementary skill sets that join to close more deals.

    An example of a real estate team
    The Huffaker Group real estate experts team (Source: The Huffaker Group)

    Teams come in all shapes and sizes—ranging from a duo of experienced agents who work side by side to close deals together to a single licensed agent with multiple unlicensed assistants to a dozen or more buyer’s agents, listing agents, and inside sales associates. How you structure your team is entirely up to you and depends on your business needs. However, you need to review the pros and cons to decide if it’s right for you.

    • Working on a team means having people who can help you.
    • Working on a team reduces some of the control and freedom that independent real estate agents typically enjoy.
    • When you work on a team, you can share tasks with others, which can help you better balance work and personal life.
    • You have to divide the commission, resulting in less money for you. The bigger the team, the more the split.
    • In a team, more people work on finding leads, which can bring in more clients for everyone.
    • Your team's dynamics might be unhealthy, as only some personality types mesh well with one another. This mismatch can lead to disagreements that stall progress and cause stress.
    • Being on a team means working together. You can share resources like leads, software, tools, and marketing materials.
    • Joining a real estate team means building the company's brand, not your own. This focus can make it challenging to establish your personal brand.

    Steps of How to Build a Real Estate Team

    Now that you know what a real estate team is and its advantages and disadvantages, it’s time to learn how to put it together. Before starting your quest to dominate your real estate market with a team, you need a plan. Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to build a real estate team and run it successfully.

    Step 1: Get Approval & Guidance From Your Managing Broker 

    Even though real estate teams are legal in all 50 states, you must still talk to your broker to ensure you know the rules on how to start a real estate team. You’ll also need a split and cap agreement to know how much money you can count on from each transaction to pay your team and cover your expenses. You can renegotiate with your broker as your team grows and becomes more successful.

    Why Managing Brokers Love Teams

    Are you worried about whether your managing broker will approve your team? Don’t be. Leadership typically encourages agents to start teams. Why? Teams require less hands-on management and usually recruit and train junior agents independently. This means less work for your boss, not more. Also, if you come to your broker with a detailed plan for your team, they’re more likely to take you seriously and offer help getting your team off the ground.

    Step 2: Choose the Right Team Structure

    Once you get the green light from your managing broker, the next step is to decide how your team will be structured. Here is a quick overview of our three favorite team structures to get you started.

    • Best for: Team leaders who excel at recruiting and training new agents at brokerages with downline revenue sharing like eXp, Keller Williams, and Exit
    • Split to team member: 70-90%
    • Cost to operate: Low

    If you love training new agents and work at a brokerage that offers revenue sharing, the mentor-mentee model might be your best bet. In this model, team leaders recruit, train, and mentor new agents to generate their own leads. Unlike other structures, agent retention is not the goal here. Instead, you mentor them until they are ready to build your downline. Since you won’t have to reach into your pocket to generate leads for your agents, costs are low, which means better splits and less work recruiting new agents.

    Drawbacks of the Mentor-Mentee Model

    • Time-consuming: You will spend almost all your time recruiting and training new agents.
    • Constant recruitment: If you’re not a skilled recruiter or dislike having a new face in your office every other month, this model might not suit you.
    • Best for: Team leaders with strong personal brands and established reputations in their farm areas
    • Split to team member: 50-60%
    • Cost to operate: Medium

    To build a strong personal brand and use it as the main focus of your team, consider the team leader model. This model functions like a unique real estate group, with the team leader’s brand as the focal point instead of a group brand. As the team leader, you’ll be the primary agent for listing properties and bring in other listing agents, showing agents, and support staff to help your business.

    Drawbacks of the Team Leader Model

    • More expensive: Requires support staff, making it more costly to start and run.
    • Personal brand reliant: Since your brand drives this model, it won’t work well unless you have a solid brand and an established reputation in your farm area.
    • Best for: Scaling your team without a strong personal brand
    • Split to team member: 30-40%
    • Cost to operate: High

    If you have the cash to burn, a strong business background, and thrive on organization and systems, the lead team model is for you. You’ll operate more like a startup’s founder than a real estate agent team leader. Instead of generating leads for everyone else, a business manager oversees a marketing manager, and a team of inside sales agents fills your customer relationship manager (CRM) with fresh leads. Those leads are then fed to listing agents and showing agents, who close them with the help of a transaction coordinator.

    Drawbacks of the Lead Team Model

    • Can be expensive: Requires significant financial investment.
    • Employee salaries: These must be paid regardless of market conditions.
    • Capital: Not suitable for businesses without sufficient capital to withstand economic downturns.

    Step 3: Develop a Business Plan & Budget

    Example of a real estate business plan (Source: The Close)

    When overseeing a real estate team’s operations, it’s essential to recognize the unique aspects compared to managing a solo real estate business. A comprehensive real estate business plan outlining your requirements, financial considerations, and strategies for utilizing the generated revenue is crucial for success.

    The real estate team business plan must include the following items:

    • Mission, vision, and values
    • Detailed overview of the team’s organizational structure
    • Roles and responsibilities of team members
    • Strategies for effective team communication and collaboration
    • Conducting a SWOT analysis and setting SMART goals
    • Lead generation and client conversion strategies tailored to a team-based approach
    • Client relationship management and nurturing strategies
    • Comprehensive marketing plan for both team and individual agent branding
    • Scalability plans include expanding, hiring, and training new team members
    • Financial plan reflecting revenue-sharing model, budget allocations, and profit-sharing arrangements

    Step 4: Decide on a Compensation Model

    When working in real estate teams, the commission is usually split among team members. Junior agents typically receive 40% to 50%, and team leaders get 60% to 75%. Teams often have a cap of around 90% of the collective cap of a group of licensed agents of the same size. It’s important to be generous when attracting high-quality agents; adjustments can be made as your team grows.

    Wondering how much you’ll take home after sealing the deal? Use our handy calculator to find out! Just provide the details below, and we’ll automatically calculate your commission.

    • Sale price of home: The amount of money the buyer agrees to pay for the seller’s home.
    • Percent of the commission collected by an agent from the sale: The percentage of the sale price you are collecting at the close of the transaction.
    • Agent commission split with brokerage: Your commission rate is agreed upon between you and your brokerage.

    Equation 1: Sale Price of the Home X Percentage of Commission Collected by Agent from Sale = Total Commission Amount Before Splits

    Example: $400,000 X 3% = $12,000

    Equation 2: Agent Commission Split With Brokerage X Total Commission Amount Before Splits = Money for Agent

    Example: 70% X $12,000 = $8,400

    Equation 3: Money for Agent – Total Commission Amount Before Splits = Money for Brokerage

    Example: $12,000 – $8,400 = $3,600

    Step 5: Build Your Technology & Communications Stack

    Remember, the tools you choose can significantly impact your team’s success. The right software helps attract new team members and reduces stress and confusion. I’ve selected some top team tools and software specifically designed to help teams. They will allow you to start with just two team members and add more as your team grows.

    Marketing: Coffee & Contracts

    Screenshot of the Coffee & Contracts dashboard with the favorites tab clicked and several templates showing
    Premium quality graphic design and copy to encourage engagement (Source: Coffee & Contracts)

    Want to run the team leader model but can’t afford to hire a marketing manager? Coffee & Contracts is your new secret weapon. They offer beautifully designed social media and print templates that make everyone think you hired a $100,000-a-year marketing manager.

    Lead Generation: Market Leader

    Ad performance and tracking in the dashboard of Network Boost
    Market Leader’s network boost new feature (Source: Market Leader)

    If you need a steady stream of seller leads without the hassles of running your platform, then Market Leader is for you. Their exclusive seller leads come from, one of the internet’s most efficient lead capture websites. All you need to do is sign up and start qualifying your leads.

    Communication: Slack

    Screenshot of Slack's collaboration channel feature
    Slack collaboration channels feature (Source: Slack)

    Want to escape the drudgery of digging through your inbox just to follow up on conversations with your team? Slack, a business group messaging platform, is the 21st-century method innovative teams use to communicate. No more lost emails or scrolling through endless email chains to find that one disclosure file.

    Step 6: Hire an Administrative Assistant

    If you want to set your team up for success, your first hire should be an administrative assistant. Having an administrative assistant on your team can be an attractive lure for recruiting junior agents. This person’s primary responsibility is to take work off the plate of the team leader or other licensed team members so that they can focus on the real estate-specific tasks that drive new client relationships and closed deals.

    This work includes things like the following:

    • Filing
    • Calendar coordination and scheduling
    • Communication that doesn’t include real estate-specific advice or strategy
    • Light marketing tasks
    • Errands
    • Sign placement
    • Marketing material delivery
    • General office organization

    The ideal candidate for this position is organized, helpful, and solutions-oriented. They see a problem that needs fixing or a chance to increase the efficiency of a daily routine and fix it without being told to. This role is generally entry-level, so real estate experience isn’t necessary here. But it is helpful, especially if you’re a top producer with a lot of volume.

    📌   Pro Tip

    If you’re short on cash or just want to maximize your ROI, consider hiring an overseas virtual administrative assistant. Since administrative work for real estate agents is a common need, you can easily find someone in the Philippines with direct experience working with real estate agents.

    Step 7: Build Out the Rest of Your Team

    Once your team starts closing more deals than your agents can handle, it’s time to scale and recruit for your team. While the team model you choose will determine who you should hire next, here is the general order we recommend for most teams.

    Team Member
    What to Look For

    Buyer’s Agent

    A licensed real estate professional who works exclusively with house hunters. When you reach the point where you have more buyers than you have time, a buyer’s agent is the right hire.

    • Energetic
    • Organized
    • Motivated
    • Who is quick to follow up on leads
    • Can prioritize their time wisely
    • Isn’t squeamish about getting on the phone to convert prospects to clients

    Transaction Coordinator

    A transaction coordinator is a professional who helps with real estate sales. They work for real estate agents or property sellers to manage tasks and paperwork for closing deals.

    • Someone who is supremely organized
    • Fantastic communicator
    • Able to manage deadlines consistently
    • Consider applicants who are former (or current) assistants on other teams and are ready to move up

    Listing Specialist

    A listing specialist is an agent who specializes in listing properties. As your business grows, you might need to add another listing agent to your team to handle the increasing listing presentation requests.

    • Who has a lot of market knowledge and experience selling property in your community
    • Experienced in performing comparative market analysis
    • Needs to be a closer
    • Can consistently get a name on the dotted line

    Marketing Specialist

    A marketing specialist is responsible for envisioning, designing, and executing a marketing strategy for your real estate team. Their work includes branding, lead generation, referral generation, and property marketing.

    • Should have a track record of success in a broad range of real estate marketing fields
    • Have vast marketing experience

    Inside Sales Agent (ISA)

    An inside sales agent's primary responsibility is to create new leads through outbound communication, qualify incoming leads, and pass opportunities on to other team members for nurturing and closing.

    • Someone very comfortable on the phone
    • Is a great communicator via email and text message
    • Has no problem starting conversations with strangers
    • Comfortable with the word “no.”
    • Understand that rejection is mathematically part of their job and aren’t discouraged by a negative outcome
    • Should ideally have a real estate license

    Critical Mistakes New Team Leaders Make

    Now that you have a better idea of how to set your team up for success let’s examine some common missteps that bright-eyed and bushy-tailed new team leaders make and how to avoid them.

    • Mistake #1: Not embracing the platinum rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
      • Do this instead: Great leaders embrace the Platinum Rule, popularized by authors Michael O’Connor and Tony Alessandra: “Treat people how they want to be treated.” You must also commit to knowing your people well enough to understand exactly what that means.
    • Mistake #2: Not providing consistent guidance, direction, or accountability.
      • Do this instead: People in our industry join teams and organizations because they want to be a part of something, and they want to be led. So, if you intend to be a great leader, you must be accessible, highly communicative, and model the high-minded behavior you expect from them.
    • Mistake #3: Not helping your people or team members develop to their full potential.
      • Do this instead: Consult with each team member and create an individualized growth plan. Where do their interests lie? What skills and proficiencies can be improved over the next quarter and year? What impact could this have on their performance and your profitability? Be prepared to identify the people, platforms, courses, and resources to make it happen—and to invest the resources.
    • Mistake #4: Failing to respect other people’s boundaries.
      • Do this instead: Great leaders embrace their people and honor what’s important to them. Your team members want balance, which comes from boundaries. Pay attention to how you spend your time and what your people observe you do. Be willing to share your challenges and desire to make positive, impactful changes. Reinforce their boundaries and balance, and seek a peer group to do the same for you.
    • Mistake #5: Not recognizing a job well done.
      • Do this instead: While it’s easy and maybe even second nature for leaders to identify what someone is doing wrong, you’ll be better respected and earn greater loyalty when you pay attention to what your people are doing right. So praise them, thank them, surprise and delight them, and be the leader others love to work with.
    • Mistake #6: Making big, business-impacting decisions without consulting those you lead or other team members.
      • Do this instead: If you’re a smart leader, you’ll ask for suggestions, consider their opinions, and include them in your decision-making process. If you don’t, things can go terribly wrong. 
    • Mistake #7: Micromanaging and expecting perfection from your team.
      • Do this instead: Tell your team what you want and let them do their work. Trust them and talk to each other. Everyone is good at different things, so listen when they tell you stuff. Don’t watch them all the time. Help them when they need it. This will make work better for everyone.

    📌   Pro Tip

    Good people don’t leave good jobs. They leave lousy leaders.


    Bringing It All Together

    Building a real estate team is a fantastic way for successful agents to scale up their business and for new agents to break into the industry and learn from seasoned pros. Are you a part of a real estate team? What advice would you give to agents wondering how to start up a squad or choose a company to work for? Tell us in the comments below.

    The post How to Build a Real Estate Team in 7 Steps + Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on The Close.

    ]]> 7 unnamed – 2024-07-11T140831.561 unnamed – 2024-07-11T140948.041 unnamed – 2024-06-11T230201.480 Network Boost dashboard unnamed – 2024-07-11T141000.946 expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse
    Follow Up Boss Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) Thu, 11 Jul 2024 13:19:43 +0000 Is Follow Up Boss right for you? It's been my CRM of choice for my own real estate business since 2019. Find out why (and whether or not it has what you need to succeed).

    The post Follow Up Boss Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) appeared first on The Close.

    Follow Up Boss (FUB) is a powerful real estate customer relationship management (CRM) software. The tool significantly improves how agents and brokerages handle their everyday and long-term client relationships. It helps real estate professionals with client communication, optimizes lead management, and boosts overall productivity. Our Follow Up Boss CRM review will cover detailed features, usability, pricing, and overall effectiveness. Let’s dive into the findings!

    Follow Up Boss
    • Integrated payment processing
    • Mobile application provided
    • Simple platform interface
    • Social media integrations available
    • No live chat support
    • Premium plan is costly
    • Requires some assistance to set up the platform
    • 24/7 customer support is not available
    The Close Score
    Additional Features:
    Ease of Use:
    Help and Support:
    Customer Rating:

    My Verdict on Follow Up Boss & Why You Should Trust It 

    As a real estate technology expert with years of experience implementing these tools within a brokerage, I bring a great deal of knowledge and insight into my software reviews. My thoughts on Follow Up Boss are that it’s a powerful, all-inclusive real estate-specific CRM solution. Beginning with an easy-to-use interface and robust automation features, the platform’s ability to handle vital tasks for agents and brokers makes it an extremely valuable tool. 

    While Follow Up Boss offers numerous benefits, there are some drawbacks. The platform is priced for all the bells and whistles it comes with, but that can be a bit pricey for a smaller team or an independent agent. They also charge fees for added features like marketing tools, lead automation, and website and landing pages.

    iPhone and Android versions of Follow Up Boss.
    Follow Up Boss mobile app (Source: Follow Up Boss)

    My Follow Up Boss review determines that it’s a solution that can handle everything from effectively managing leads to building strong relationships with clients in the most professional way. It’s a game-changing tool to support agents, increase productivity, and help create strong real estate results. It contains all the features that every agent should want to see in their CRM. 

    Follow Up Boss Alternatives

    Although FUB real estate has a well-rounded set of features for real estate professionals, there are a few reasons for looking for an alternative solution for a real estate CRM. Each real estate business is different; hence, what works well for one firm may not be suitable for another. That may be due to certain feature specifications, budget, integration constraints, or the user’s preference. Here are a few alternatives to consider:

    Why It’s a Great Alternative
    Learn More
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    Follow Up Boss Reviews: What Current Users Think

    Customer feedback is crucial to evaluating any CRM platform. Understanding the experiences and views of Follow Up Boss customers will allow any agent interested in the platform insights into the benefits and potential drawbacks they may encounter. The platform received an overall customer rating of 4.6 out of 5 on G2. Below, I’ve compiled some direct quotes from customer reviews that will give you a vivid picture of how this CRM fares in the real world.


    “It’s user friendly but if you have questions support is super responsive by phone or email. Also, assigned an account manager. One of my favorite things they do is video examples step by step from my account. The smart lists are a no brainer for efficiency snd most of all the community is incredible. Top producer are in there ready to share their processes and moderators will even @ mention the best person to help you.”


    “Love how it integrates with my website. Offers a very clean and intuitive interface to maximize follow-up with clients/prospects. And let’s talk about the amazing automations and how AI helps drive the software….just awesome!”


    “Follow Up Boss is unmatched compared to other CRM’s out there. There is a wealth of info, resources, and support as well as successful lead conversion!”

    It’s also important to look at some of the negative reviews for Follow Up Boss to obtain the best understanding of the platform’s performance and value. 


    “The app sucks and the most simple things like logging calls and looking up people don’t work properly a good portion of the time. Have brought issues to their attention and have even corresponded with the owner or CEO Dan Corkill and it doesn’t look like they have taken any action.”

    Key Features of Follow Up Boss

    Follow Up Boss is a powerful tool designed to boost your productivity and success in the real estate industry. It is packed with amazing features to help you create a seamless real estate operation. From unlimited contacts to texting capabilities, this CRM ensures you can manage your client relationships effortlessly. Agents can leverage the free trial to ensure it’s the right fit before making a financial commitment because the Follow Up Boss costs can add up. 

    Ready to see these in action? Watch the 90-second introduction video for a quick look at how Follow Up Boss can transform your real estate business!

    Intro video (Source: Follow Up Boss)

    Unlimited Contacts

    One of the unique features of Follow Up Boss is its support for unlimited contacts. This feature empowers real estate professionals to have an extended database of clients without any apprehensions about running into a limit. Whether you’re an agent working on an ever-growing list of prospects or a brokerage managing thousands of interactions, this feature ensures your CRM can grow with your business. It eliminates cumbersome data management practices and ensures a seamless way to keep all client information in one place.

    Screenshot of lead dashboard with contact and agent headshots
    Lead engagement (Source: Follow Up Boss)

    Follow Up Boss Academy

    Follow Up Boss Academy is a comprehensive training resource designed to help users squeeze the most value out of the CRM’s functionality. The academy provides access to several in-depth tutorials, webinars, and how-to guides on using the platform, from basic functions to advanced ways of leveraging it. Whether you’re a new Follow Up Boss user or a seasoned professional looking to fine-tune your knowledge, their academy will surely give you valuable insights and tips along the way.

    Screenshot of available training links
    Training resources (Source: Follow Up Boss)

    Connect Any Lead Source 

    Integrating leads from any source is easy to do with Follow Up Boss. It has integrations with many lead generation tools and websites, so all your leads flow into one central system. This feature is especially ideal for agents with multiple marketing means to prospective clients. By keeping all leads in Follow Up Boss, users will reduce time in the follow-up processes, avoid missing big deals, and enhance lead management efficiency.

    Graphic showcases available lead integration capabilties
    Available integrations (Source: Follow Up Boss)

    Team Plans 

    The Follow Up Boss system is designed for one agent or a growing brokerage. Their plans include all collaboration tools so that team members are always on the same page when working on a deal. Some features are shared contact databases, team inboxes, and the ability to assign tasks. It’s a feature beneficial to team leaders for tracking performance, progress, and workflow optimization. This further increases the functionality and efficiency of client service through this collaborative approach, entailing that no single detail goes unnoticed.

    Screenshot of team leaderboard showcasing agent numbers
    Team dashboard (Source: Follow Up Boss)

    Texting Capabilities 

    One central place for the agents to communicate with clients quickly is provided through the Follow Up Boss CRM platform. Agents can send and receive messages directly in CRM with integrated texting features. This can prove very useful in contacting clients who prefer text messages over calling or emailing. It allows for the automation of text messages for follow-ups, appointment reminders, and personalized communication. The texting capabilities ensure agents are better positioned to manage communication effectively and stay on top of it promptly.

    Screenshot of contact list with direct texting capabilities
    Texting lead functionality (Source: Follow Up Boss)

    Follow Up Boss Pricing

    Follow Up Boss pricing is flexible and can cater to the exact needs of real estate professionals. There are three premium plans available: Grow, Pro, and Platform. All plans are highly scalable for all businesses and come along with features at different levels. 

    All plans have unlimited contacts, lead sources, and integrations, so you can manage your ever-growing database without extra costs. Follow Up Boss has a pricing plan that will suit every business, from the single agent just getting started to the largest brokerages looking for advanced functionality.

    Monthly Pricing
    How many users included
    Price for additional users


    The Close has a team of data analysts, writers, and editors who carefully reviewed all CRM platforms to arrive at scoring that suits the best interest of real estate professionals. Our experts are here to give complete reviews as a vital resource in wading through the myriad of solutions out in the real estate space.

    Our purpose is to drive the industry forward, providing insights that are quite useful in helping agents and brokers make informed decisions, and optimize workflows, and performance in the competitive real estate environment. This commitment ensures our readers get the very finest and most trustworthy tips for actionable information that enables their success.

    Here’s how we developed our Follow Up Boss review:

    • Pricing: 4 out of 5
      • We ranked Follow Up Boss 4 out of 5 on pricing. Plans are flexible and tailored towards the different sizes of the business. We believe it offers great value for money on its provided features. 
    • Features: 5 out of 5
      • Due to its impressive pack of tools, Follow Up Boss scored the highest for its general features. The platform has it all for anybody looking forward to starting and growing a real estate business.
    • Additional Features: 5 out of 5
      • Features going above and beyond most general features like mobile application, document management, and marketing tools helped Follow Up Boss score an impressive rating. 
    • Ease of Use: 4.63 out of 5
      • The vast majority of the platform is relatively easy to use; however, most users generally report a little bit of a learning curve at the very beginning of transitioning or implementing the platform. 
    • Help and Support: 3.25 out of 5
      •  While Follow Up Boss provides support by phone and email 7 days a week, it could offer live chat support along with 24/7 customer support. 
    • Customer Rating: 4.65 out of 5
      • Based on user feedback and reviews, Follow Up Boss holds a high rating from its customers. This indicates overall satisfaction with the platform in terms of its overall effectiveness, feature set, and net positive effect on users’ real estate businesses. 

    Read more about our methodology here.


    The Bottom Line: Is Follow Up Boss Worth Your Money? 

    There are many notable features for agents to leverage with the FUB CRM, making it very desirable for most real estate professionals. My favorite features in the system are unlimited contacts, next-level texting, and integration with lead sources. The platform is useful for real estate professionals because of the availability of tailored functionality that manages leads, automates follow-ups, and keeps up strong client relations. The user-friendly interface and large integration capacity are also some of the higher selling points for this platform.

    Though the pricing plans offer great value, they might be on the higher end for smaller teams or individual agents. In a nutshell, Follow Up Boss is worth every real estate professional’s time in enabling them to get the best out of their clientele management and smooth operation. Paired with robust functionality, this tool provides great support and strong scalability, making it extremely useful for real estate agents and brokerages alike. If you are serious about growing your real estate business and willing to pay for a quality CRM solution, Follow Up Boss is the way forward.

    The post Follow Up Boss Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) appeared first on The Close.

    ]]> 6 %%title%% Learn about the costs, features, benefits, and drawbacks of Follow Up Boss in this CRM review from an agent who's been using it since 2019. Email Capture - 197 lead generation,FAQ,follow up boss review Follow Up Boss unnamed – 2024-07-11T152809.126 LionDesk logo black symbol and wordmark Pipedrive_Logo LionDesk logo black symbol and wordmark Pipedrive_Logo unnamed – 2024-07-11T154843.112 unnamed – 2024-07-11T154846.225 unnamed – 2024-07-11T154850.799 unnamed – 2024-07-11T154853.834 unnamed – 2024-07-11T154856.603 expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse
    The Best Hard Money Lenders of 2024 (Interest Rates, Fees & More) Tue, 09 Jul 2024 18:45:24 +0000 Choosing the best hard money lender for your investment project can be tricky. We did the research that will guide you to the best financing options for your particular needs.

    The post The Best Hard Money Lenders of 2024 (Interest Rates, Fees & More) appeared first on The Close.

    When traditional bank loans are unavailable for your investment projects, obtaining funds from hard money lenders is a great alternative option. Hard money lenders typically offer short-term loans backed by real estate collateral. These loans are helpful in situations where you need quick funding due to a new investment opportunity, property flip projects, or when you’re just unable to obtain conventional lending. I’ve scoured the web to find the six best hard money lenders for your investment needs. 

    • Kiavi: Best for rapid financing for quick property flips
    • RCN Capital: Best for investors requiring large loan amounts 
    • Lima One Capital: Best for loan products for every type of investment strategy 
    • Groundfloor: Best for new investors with crowdsourced loan opportunities
    • The Investor’s Edge: Best for personalized investment strategies through one-on-one consultations
    • New Silver: Best for tech-savvy investors seeking fast, data-driven loan approvals
    Type of SoftwareBest forAvailable marketsLearn More
    kiavi logoObtaining quick financing for your projects 32 states plus Washington, D.C.Kiavi ↓
    RCN Capital logoInvestors needing large loan amountsAll states except AK, NV, ND, SD, and VTRCN Capital ↓
    lima one capital logoLoan products for every type of investment strategy46 states plus Washington, D.C.Lima One Capital ↓
    groundfloor logoNew investors with crowdsourced loan opportunitiesNationwideGroundfloor ↓
    The Investor edge logoInvestors that need 1-on-1 assistance with their projects 39 statesThe Investor’s Edge ↓
    New silver logoInvestors needing instant loan approvals 39 statesNew Silver ↓
    Type of SoftwareBest forAvailable marketsLearn More
    kiavi logoObtaining quick financing for your projects 32 states plus Washington, D.C.Kiavi ↓
    RCN Capital logoInvestors needing large loan amountsAll states except AK, NV, ND, SD, and VTRCN Capital ↓
    lima one capital logoLoan products for every type of investment strategy46 states plus Washington, D.C.Lima One Capital ↓
    groundfloor logoNew investors with crowdsourced loan opportunitiesNationwideGroundfloor ↓
    The Investor edge logoInvestors that need 1-on-1 assistance with their projects 39 statesThe Investor’s Edge ↓
    New silver logoInvestors needing instant loan approvals 39 statesNew Silver ↓

    Kiavi: Best for Rapid Financing for Quick Property Flips

    kiavi logo


    • Has no application fees
    • Can close in as little as 7 days
    • Offers experienced customer support
    • Lends to business entities

    Kiavi Rates & Terms

    • Interest rate: 9.25% to 12% interest only
    • Loan-to-value ratio (LTV): 95% LTC (loan-to-cost), up to 100% of rehab costs, 80% ARV (after-repair value)
    • Upfront fees: No upfront fees; 2% to 3% origination fee
    • Term: 12 to 24 months
    • Credit requirement: 650 FICO score, no hard credit pull
    • Min and max loan amount: $75,000 to $3 million
    • Prepayment penalty: Yes
    • Property types: Single-family homes, attached and detached planned unit developments (PUDs), and 2-4 unit rentals


    • Is not available in all states
    • Requires appraisal for rental loans
    • Cannot get long-term financing as a prepayment penalty

    Why I Chose Kiavi 

    I chose Kiavi as one of the best hard money lenders for rapid financing for quick property flips because of their efficient loan processing. They specifically offer fix and flip loans with rates as low as 9.25%. Because of their swift financing process, inventors can compete with all-cash buyers on new purchases. Their application process bypasses tedious paperwork like pay stubs and W-2s, as their technology can cut through the clutter and get you approved quickly.

    Screenshot of a few loan application questions
    Kiavi application (Source: Kiavi)

    Additional Features

    • Prequalification: With just a soft credit pull, real estate investors can prepare to make quick offers on any opportunities that arise. 
    • Flexible loan amounts: With loans up to $3 million, Kiavi can accommodate small renovations and large-scale projects.

    RCN Capital: Best for Investors Requiring Large Loan Amounts

    RCN Capital logo


    • Can close in as little as 10 days
    • Has in-house loan approvals
    • Has dedicated customer service
    • Has funding for new construction projects

    RCN Capital Rates & Terms

    • Interest rate: 9.99%% to 12%, interest only; varying based on investing experience
    • Loan-to-value ratio: Up to 90% of the purchase price, 100% of renovation cost (not to exceed 75% of ARV)
    • Term: 12 to 18 months
    • Upfront fees: No upfront fees. 1% to 5% origination fee
    • Credit requirement: 660 minimum credit score
    • Maximum loan amount: $2 million generally, up to $2.5 million for properties with 5+ units
    • Prepayment penalty: None
    • Property types: Condo, townhouse, single-family, duplex, multiunit, mixed-use; not for owner-occupied properties


    • Has no nationwide coverage
    • Requires appraisal for all loans
    • Has a minimum loan amount that may be high for new investors
    • Has no funding for owner-occupied residential properties

    Why I Chose RCN Capital

    I selected RCN Capital because it’s one of the hard money lenders for real estate that offers loans up to $2.5 million. This amount is significantly higher than many other hard money loan lenders, making it ideal for investors handling large-scale developments or multiple rental properties. RCN determines the maximum loan value based on the loan program and the value of the real estate asset as collateral. Unlike more tech-forward lenders, RCN requires a typical application process to include credit reports, background checks, bank statements, property appraisals, etc.

    Screenshot of video library with headshots of video host
    Video library (Source: RCN Capital)

    Additional Features

    • Rehab budget builder: This tool is available to help investors analyze their investments to understand cost, risk, ROI, etc.
    • Video Library: It includes up-to-date videos that offer market updates, investment tips, and motivational content.

    Lima One Capital: Best for Loan Products for Every Type of Investment Strategy

    lima one capital logo


    • Has clearly outlined loan terms
    • Approves loan in under ten days
    • Has a simple renewal process once approved
    • Has an established investor referral program

    Lima One Capital Rates & Terms

    • Interest rate: 9.6% to 12% interest only
    • Loan-to-value ratio: 92.5% of LTC, 75% ARV
    • Term: 13 to 24 months
    • Upfront fees: 1% to 2.25% of the loan amount
    • Credit requirement: 620 minimum credit score, 660 for inexperienced borrowers, options for nonrecourse and soft credit pulls available
    • Maximum loan amount: $3 million
    • Prepayment penalty: None
    • Property types: Townhouse, single-family, multiunit up to 4; not for owner-occupied properties


    • Has limited coverage in certain states
    • Might require personal guarantees
    • Requires high credit scores for some programs
    • May not be a good option for new investors

    Why I Chose Lima One Capital

    Lima One Capital’s extensive range of loan products makes it the best hard money lender for supporting every type of investment strategy. Even within each loan product, like fix and flip loans, there are multiple financing options for flipping, fix-to-rent, and bridge loans. They also provide loans for rentals, new construction, multifamily properties, and short-term rentals. In addition, they offer investors a variety of loan terms and structure options like loans from 13-24 months, nonrecourse, single loans, and portfolios. Best of all, investors only have to pay interest on what they draw and not on unused funds.

    Screenshot of available loan programs from Lima One Capital
    Lima One Capital Product offering (Source: Lima One Capital)

    Additional Features

    • Case studies: Detailed case studies on their website illustrate the strategies, financial figures, challenges, and outcomes of real-world property investments.
    • Podcast: A podcast covers various topics relevant to real estate investing and provides ongoing education and industry insights in an easily accessible audio format.

    Groundfloor: Best for New Investors With Crowdsourced Loan Opportunities

    groundfloor logo


    • Has no hard credit pulls
    • Has deferred payments available
    • Has minimum loan amount of $50,000
    • Has no minimum transaction experience

    Groundfloor Rates & Terms

    • Interest rate: Starting at 7.5%
    • Loan-to-value ratio: 80% to 100% of LTC, 70% of ARV
    • Upfront fees: $495 evaluation fee, 2.75% to 4% origination fee (can be financed), $1,200 doc prep fee
    • Credit requirement: 650 minimum credit score
    • Maximum loan amount: $75,000 to $750,000
    • Prepayment penalty: None after three months
    • Property types: New construction, condo, townhome, single-family, multiunits up to four


    • Requires a higher minimum credit score
    • Has a minimum interest requirement for prepayment
    • Has a longer application closing timeline
    • Has high closing fees

    Why I Chose Groundfloor

    Groundfloor is ideal for new investors because of the lack of transaction experience required. They are one of the national hard money lenders that allows investors to start with smaller amounts and gain experience in real estate financing. The trade-off for a lack of investor experience is that Groundfloor will require a higher credit score. They provide a comprehensive education hub for investors to access videos on growing wealth and budgeting their finances. I also found that their crowdfunding investment options offer a great opportunity for new investors to invest in real estate without taking on the purchasing burden.

    Screenshots of videos offered in the education hub for Groundfloor
    Education hub (Source: Groundfloor)

    Additional Features

    • Blog: A regularly updated blog provides insights, updates, and educational content related to real estate investing and personal finance.
    • Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) loans: Long-term loans are available based on cash flow generated by the property instead of loan approvals based on the investor’s income. 

    The Investor’s Edge: Best for Personalized Investment Strategies through 1:1 Consultations

    The Investor edge logo


    • Has 100% funding options available
    • Is ideal for new investors
    • Offers free lending consultation
    • Has available funding for multiple properties

    The Investor’s Edge Rates & Terms

    • Interest rate: 12% to 18% interest only, with the option to roll monthly interest payments into the final payoff statement.
    • Loan-to-value ratio: 80 to 100% of LTC, 75% of ARV
    • Upfront fees: $495 evaluation fee, 3% to 5% origination fee (can be financed), $1,200 doc prep fee
    • Credit requirement: No minimum credit score
    • Maximum loan amount: $250,000 for 100% loans, $1 million for all others
    • Prepayment penalty: None
    • Property types: New construction, condo, townhome, single-family, multiunits up to 4


    • Has higher interest rates compared with competitors’
    • Can take up to 12 days to approve loans
    • Has website information that can be overwhelming to new investors
    • Does not clearly list loan details

    Why I Chose The Investor’s Edge

    I am a fan of The Investor’s Edge as the best for personalized investment strategies due to their focus on partnering with investors and their projects. They offer free one-on-one consultations to help investors identify which investment strategies will help them reach their financial goals. Beyond the consultations, the team at The Investor’s Edge team will help investors identify, fund, and sell their properties. I also appreciate the availability of informative courses tailored to home and land flipping for new investors.

    Screenshot of the available podcasts offered by The Investor's Edge
    Income hacker podcast (Source: The Investor’s Edge)

    Additional Features

    • Gap financing: It is a type of short-term loan available to investors that covers the difference between the total funding needed for a project and the principal amount already secured. 
    • The Investor’s Edge Software: It is a comprehensive tool designed for investors to efficiently perform real estate market analysis, property valuation, and investment strategy planning. 

    New Silver: Best for Tech-savvy Investors Seeking Fast, Data-driven Loan Approvals

    New silver logo


    • Provides instant proof of funds documents
    • Has no hard credit pulls
    • Offers repeat borrower discounts
    • Offers immediate online approval

    New Silver Rates & Terms

    • Interest rate: 10% to 12.75% interest only
    • Loan-to-value ratio: 90% of LTC, 80% of ARV
    • Term: Up to 24 months
    • Upfront fees: 1.875% to 3% origination fee ($3,500 minimum, can be financed), $759 underwriting fee, $1,250 legal fee, $350 doc prep fee
    • Credit requirement: 650 minimum credit score; no hard credit pull
    • Maximum loan amount: $100,000 to $5 million
    • Prepayment penalty: None
    • Property types: Residential 1 to 12 units, including single-family, condo, and townhomes; multifamily up to 50 units


    • Has fees for appraisals
    • Has no closing cost credits
    • Limits the maximum size to 5 acres for fix and flip loans
    • Only offers loans for residential properties with 1 to 50 units

    Why I Chose New Silver

    New Silver is one of the hard money loan lenders ideal for tech-savvy investors because of its efficient, AI-driven loan approval processes. Investors can get instant online approval in just five minutes and close in as little as five days. Loans secured through real estate collateral only require a soft credit pull in addition to the property’s value. They do not need income verification for loan approval. I appreciate the platform’s focus on streamlining the lending process, which minimizes paperwork and accelerates the timeline from application to funding.

    Screenshot of one of the loan application questions
    New Silver application question (Source: New Silver)

    Additional Features

    • Advantage program: It has enhanced loan terms and rates to repeat borrowers who have successfully completed previous projects with New Silver. 
    • Fintech scholarship: It has an initiative to support students pursuing studies in financial technology-related fields. 

    What Is a Hard Money Lender? 

    Hard money lending companies provide specialized financing where real estate property is pledged as collateral. They are much different from a traditional lender, such as a bank, which first and foremost bases its decisions on a borrower’s credit history and income when deciding whether to approve a loan. 

    Hard money lenders focus primarily on the property’s value and potential. This focus on asset value, not creditworthiness, makes hard money loan lenders quite applicable in real estate ventures where time is of the essence to maximize new investment opportunities. 

    Pros & Cons of Hard Money Loans 

    Hard money loans are one of the most popular financing options for real estate investors because they provide quick turnaround on projects where traditional funding may not be possible. The table below identifies all the pros and cons related to hard money loans that investors should be aware of when considering this financing option:

    • Loans can be secured quickly, often within days, ideal for time-sensitive deals.
    • They have higher interest rates and fees compared to traditional loans.
    • Terms can be adjusted to suit specific borrower needs, accommodating unique situations.
    • They typically require repayment within a year or two, posing risks if investments don’t pay off quickly.
    • They are available to borrowers with poor credit or unconventional income sources.
    • There is a risk of losing the real estate if the loan goes into default.
    • They have less bureaucracy and simpler application processes than in traditional banks.
    • Borrowers often need significant equity in the property to qualify for a loan.
    • Lenders evaluate the property’s potential, which is beneficial for fix-and-flip projects.
    • Fewer regulations can mean fewer protections for the borrower.
    • Some lenders do not charge penalties for early loan repayment, which can save you money if you settle debts quickly.
    • Refinancing a hard money loan with a traditional loan can be challenging due to the short-term nature and cost of hard money loans.

    How to Know if You Need a Hard Money Lender

    Knowing whether a hard money lender is the proper fit for your real estate financing involves many considerations. Most hard money loans are designed for unique situations or circumstances that traditional funding just can’t handle. The following is a closer look at situations where you should consider a hard money lender:

    • Quick funds are needed: You require quick financing to secure a real estate deal before potential competitors.
    • Credit issues: Traditional financing isn’t an option due to credit issues or unconventional income that doesn’t satisfy typical bank requirements.
    • Short-term financing: For projects like fix-and-flips or bridge loans, you need short-term financing.
    • Investment opportunities: You encounter a real estate investment opportunity that requires immediate action that conventional funding sources cannot meet.
    • Renovation projects: You need financing for purchasing properties that require significant repairs that traditional banks may not finance because of their condition.

    How to Choose the Best Hard Money Lenders

    The right lender can make or break your investment. Keeping these factors in mind will put you in a better position to know when you really need a hard money lender and how to be sure you are selecting an appropriate one for your specific financial and project goals. This evaluation allows you to work with the best lender possible for the most optimal terms possible for your investment strategy. Here is how to choose the right hard money lender:

    1. Evaluate lender reputation: Research the lender’s track record, customer reviews, and industry reputation to ensure they are reliable and fair.
    2. Understand the terms: Fully comprehend all loan terms, including interest rates, fees, loan-to-value ratio, and repayment schedule.
    3. Assess the speed of funding: Since time is often critical, assess how quickly the lender can process and fund the loan.
    4. Professional advice: Consider consulting with a financial advisor or real estate professional to help navigate the process and select the best lender for your specific needs.
    5. Compare multiple offers: Don’t settle for the first lender you meet. Compare different offers to find the best terms and rates.
    6. Check for transparency: Ensure the lender is transparent about all costs, fees, and any penalties associated with the loans. 

    Methodology: How I Chose the Best Hard Money Lenders 

    To find the best hard money lenders of 2024, I devised a rigorous methodology focused on the most critical factors to create an unbiased review. I reviewed various lenders against multiple key factors to ensure I viewed them through the lens of what would be most important to a real estate investor. The detailed analysis then isolated lenders that support good, solid financial solutions and blend well with various investment strategies and goals. 

    Here are the key factors considered:

    • Interest rates and loan terms: Assessed the competitiveness and flexibility of each lender’s offerings.
    • Speed of loan processing and funding: Evaluated how quickly each lender processes and disburses funds, a crucial factor for time-sensitive investments.
    • Lender reputation: Examined customer reviews and industry feedback to gauge each lender’s reliability and overall customer satisfaction
    • Transparency: Focused on how openly each lender communicates fee structures and loan conditions, ensuring no hidden costs exist.
    • Geographical coverage: Considered the availability of services across different regions to accommodate investors in various locations
    • Target audience suitability: Analyzed which types of real estate investors (e.g., fix-and-flippers, buy-and-hold investors, and commercial developers) each lender best caters to based on their product offerings and specialty areas

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Your Take

    Investors should look for the best hard money loans that fit the needs of your project and financial goals. Consider a lender that offers flexible terms of the deal, transparent structures of the fees charged to the investor, and competitive rates of interest. Additionally, the lender should have an impressive, reputable status in the industry, characterized by positive testimonials from clients, with reliable transactions that give value to the money. The right hard money lender will do more than just finance an investment. They will also support the investor’s overall strategy and want to contribute to their success.

    The post The Best Hard Money Lenders of 2024 (Interest Rates, Fees & More) appeared first on The Close.

    ]]> 0 Kiavi-Logo RCN-Capital-New-Logo Lima_one_capital Groundfloor logo investor_edge_logo NewSilver Kiavi-Logo RCN-Capital-New-Logo Lima_one_capital Groundfloor logo investor_edge_logo NewSilver Kiavi-Logo unnamed – 2024-07-09T143708.734 RCN-Capital-New-Logo unnamed – 2024-07-09T143712.651 Lima_one_capital unnamed – 2024-07-09T143716.114 Groundfloor logo unnamed – 2024-07-09T143719.729 investor_edge_logo unnamed – 2024-07-09T143723.798 NewSilver unnamed – 2024-07-09T143727.606 expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse