Prospecting – The Close Your #1 Source For Actionable Real Estate Advice Tue, 27 Aug 2024 14:29:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Prospecting – The Close 32 32 7 Proven Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts for Fearless Lead Gen Thu, 25 Jul 2024 13:41:07 +0000 We know firsthand how intimidating dialing up strangers can be. That's why we put together this step-by-step guide using tried-and-tested real estate cold calling scripts that will boost your confidence, plus expert tips and advice.

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Cold calling can be a highly effective and rewarding strategy for agents to generate new leads and build their client base. Experienced agents will tell you it’s an essential part of lead gen, while others claim it isn’t worthy of the anxiety and frustration. But at The Close, we believe that success in cold calling comes from preparation and persistence. To help get you started, I put together these tried-and-tested real estate cold calling scripts, why they work for prospective clients, and some tips for improving your cold calling skills.

Preview image of downloadable cold calling scripts

Download the Best Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

Before Cold Calling

Before you begin cold calling, you need to be aware of the regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. The National Association of Realtors established guidelines to know your responsibilities as a cold-calling agent. Here are the main points:

  • Obtaining consent is essential when cold-calling potential clients.
  • Agents must ensure they do not reach out to the numbers listed on the Do Not Call (DNC) registry. Always check your call list against the DNC registry to avoid violations.
  • As agents, you are responsible for complying with other state-specific regulations. These include registration, call time restrictions, and penalties for telemarketing violations.

1. Expired Real Estate Listing Cold Calling Script

Expired listing cold calling scripts for realtors can be tricky, especially when homeowners are inundated with calls from numerous agents, often on the same day. Stand out from the competition with this script from REDX.

Why it works: In this expired listing script, the agent isn’t pretending they’re the only game in town. Instead, they openly acknowledge their competition, which provides a fantastic opportunity to say, “While I recognize you’ll hear from many agents, I bring a deeper understanding of the neighborhood. Here’s why I’m uniquely qualified to represent you.” Also, extra points for this script for cold calling real estate for using a specific day and time to set up an in-person meeting.

2. Basic FSBO Cold Calling Script

Many real estate agents consider the FSBO prospect a perfect lead for cold calling. The owners have already announced to the world that they want to sell—all you have to do is convince them they need your help. David Hill’s excellent real estate cold-calling scripts help you navigate a seller’s concern about saving money. 

I’ve added some mock responses to this script so you can practice hearing “no” and learn how to overcome those initial rejections to get a listing appointment.

Why it works: This is a great script for an FSBO because it’s direct. The agent isn’t afraid to ask why they aren’t using a professional. And for every reason, this agent has an answer. The object here is to get in front of the seller, and this agent does that by thoughtfully addressing each of their concerns.

Note that there’s no haggling over the commission. Try to refrain from making any commitments regarding numbers. Instead, ensure you hear and understand the prospect’s wishes and concerns. You can always say, “I’m making a note of that…,” which shows that you’re listening but not making any promises.

3. Advanced FSBO Script: The Diagnostic

I like this thorough script from AgentFire, which keeps the conversation going with thoughtful questions. By actively listening to the seller’s responses, you’ll be able to identify their pain points and effectively demonstrate how you will resolve them.

Why it works: As with the Basic FSBO script, the agent’s goal is an in-person appointment. In this cold calling script for real estate, the seller feels heard because the agent asks thoughtful questions and validates their concerns while still offering a solution. This script is sure to set the tone for a great in-person conversation. Additionally, “I have a few buyers who might be interested in your property” is genius because it gets your foot in the door. Anyone who’s ever sold a house knows this is music to a seller’s ears!

4. Circle Prospecting Cold Calling Script

Circle prospecting is a great way to increase your exposure in neighborhoods where you’re already active. Deploy this circle prospecting script from the indelible Ricky Carruth to go after homes in neighborhoods where you’re the listing agent.

Why it works: The great Ricky Carruth understands that not every cold call leads to a listing or in-person meeting. However, he considers a cold call successful if he can secure an email address. Put that email into an email marketing drip campaign, and with some top-notch lead nurturing, you might just be their new agent. 

5. Open House Invitation Cold Calling Script

Here, Kevin Ward leverages all of the work that goes into hosting an open house by using it as a reason to cold call and extend personal invitations. This strategy becomes extra effective when you customize it to your unique situation.

Why it works: This is another opportunity to get in front of people. If you personally invite someone to come to an open house, not only are you meeting them in person, but they are getting to see you in your element! Additionally, I appreciate Kevin’s enthusiasm throughout—this script serves as a good reminder to be upbeat, friendly, and positive! Of course, people on the other end of the phone can pick up on fake sales telemarketer friendliness instantly, so make sure you’re being your authentic self.

6. Script Responding to an Online Buyer Query

If your marketing, website, and landing pages are doing their job, you should have leads filling in their information to get home valuations, property listings, and valuable free content. Now that you have this contact information, what do you do with it? This script is the perfect way to introduce yourself to buyer prospects and start what is sure to be a profitable conversation.

Why it works: This script is professional, helpful, and concise. If someone is starting their homebuying journey, they will appreciate this agent’s communication style. While it’s not a true cold call since the lead has already made the first move, treating it like any other cold call will set you up for success with cold and warm leads.

I also love that the agent has confirmed that the potential homebuyer did fill out the online form. This further qualifies a lead and shows that the agent respects the lead’s time and wishes. It’s basically getting permission from the lead to make a pitch.

7. Real Estate Cold Calling Voicemail Script

According to Pipedrive, 80% of calls go to voicemail, which means leaving the right message needs to be an important part of your real estate cold-calling strategy.

Why it works: This option is great for real estate agents new to cold calling. Some strategists argue that leaving a voicemail can turn a cold call into a lukewarm one. It establishes who you are and why you’re calling in a warm and friendly tone, but it doesn’t include your pitch. The goal is to secure that following conversation when they call back or you make a follow-up call.

Tips for Leveling Up Your Cold Calling 

Real estate cold calling requires much more than picking up the phone and dialing a random number. If you want to excel at cold calling as a lead generation strategy, here are some tips to follow and remember:

Tip 1: Prepare & Maintain a Positive Attitude

Build a strong opening that you feel comfortable with. Start with a friendly greeting and a clear introduction to why you’re calling. Or, mention something interesting, like a recent market activity or a specific property, to capture interest. Practice your opening real estate script with a friend or a colleague until it feels natural and confident. This sets the tone for the rest of the call, so ensure you’re optimistic about engaging your prospect.

If you get rejected, don’t take it personally. Rejection is a natural part of cold calling. Every agent gets rejected at some point. Instead of feeling discouraged, view each rejection as an opportunity to learn and improve your real estate cold calling script. Remember, persistence and a positive attitude are vital to turning cold calls into successful connections.

Tip 2: Let the Math Motivate You

A study by Baylor University on real estate cold calling revealed that, on average, it takes 209 calls to secure one listing appointment or referral. While this may seem daunting, here’s a silver lining:

A dedicated real estate professional making 100 calls daily, five days a week, can generate about two weekly listing appointments or referrals. Over a year, assuming you work 50 weeks, this results in around 100 prospecting appointments annually. So, rather than focusing on real estate objections, rejections, wrong numbers, and hang-ups, concentrate on the positive outcome of determination. The numbers work in your favor; consistent effort will lead to more listings.

Tip 3: Use an Auto-dialer

An auto-dialer keeps you focused and gets you through your call list faster. It can decrease your phone time by more than half. REDX’s Power Dialer claims to boost your call volume by over 400%. Wouldn’t that be more productive?

A screenshot of REDX's power dialer
Connect with more potential clients using REDX’s Power Dialer (Source: REDX)

If you aren’t familiar with REDX, it is an essential tool for cold callers. It gathers all your expired, FSBO, FRBO (for rent by owner), and preforeclosure leads in one place. By aggregating data across the web, the platform compiles contact information into a single dashboard. Then, you can use the built-in auto dialer to knock down your call list every day efficiently. Want to start booking more listing appointments? REDX is offering to waive its $150 setup price for The Close readers.

Tip 4: Mind Your Timing

New agents often wonder about the best time of day for cold calling to achieve the best results. While opinions may vary, data from a Baylor University study indicates that the most productive time for cold calls is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. On the other hand, the least effective time to make calls is in the evening, after 5 p.m., as people are winding down from their day and may be less inclined to engage.

Start with these recommended times, and adjust based on your experience. Consistently calling during optimal times can increase your chances of securing appointments.

Tip 5: Track Your Results

Tracking your results is essential for improving your cold calling strategy. Record which real estate phone scripts yield the highest success rates and the most effective times to call.
Using the right tools enhances productivity and keeps your effort organized. With that, we suggest a good customer relationship management (CRM) tool where you can track your calls, the days and times you called, the number of conversations, as well as rejections. If you’re looking for an affordable, full-featured CRM, consider one of our top picks, LionDesk.

A screenshot of the LionDesk CRM interface
Manage your calls more effectively using LionDesk (Source: LionDesk)

Tip 6: Always Follow Up

After the initial cold call, send a thank-you text message or email to reinforce your conversation and keep the prospect engaged. And just like your initial cold calls, time your follow-ups to avoid annoying your prospects. Remember, following up regularly and respectfully shows persistence and professionalism.

FAQs: Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

Bringing It All Together

Mastering real estate scripts for cold calling can be daunting. If you’ve wondered whether cold calling is the right strategy for you, try out our seven tested and proven scripts. Have you ever tried cold calling a potential client? How did it go? I want to hear your experience in the comments!

The post 7 Proven Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts for Fearless Lead Gen appeared first on The Close.

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The 7 Don’ts of Cold Calling for Agents & What to Do Instead Tue, 11 Jun 2024 18:09:15 +0000 Let’s face it: cold calling can be really cold—not just on the prospects’ end but also on the agents’.

The post The 7 Don’ts of Cold Calling for Agents & What to Do Instead appeared first on The Close.

Let’s face it: cold calling can be really cold—not just on the prospects’ end but also on the agents’. My husband and I recently listed our apartment for sale. As an agent and out-of-state property owner, I decided to go with someone living close to the listing. After a month of no offers, we decided to take it off the market and reevaluate (see–this happens to all of us!) 

I was not ready for the avalanche of calls from agents in the area asking for our listing. As I fielded these calls (and my husband’s calls) and listened to the good, the bad, and the ugly, I thought–we need an article about cold calling tips to amp up the cold calling game. So here you go! 

1. Don’t Focus Solely on Getting a Listing

Before most agents introduced themselves, they first said, “I see your listing is available” or “Your listing is off the market.” 

Many agents forget that we are in the people business. The people we work with are typically making the most expensive purchases of their lives by buying a home. We are in charge of finding a property that someone will call home, where they will lay their heads at night and keep their families safe. You will have difficulty getting clients and stumble through a cold call when you forget that.

Do This Instead

  • Introduce yourself: I might be dating myself here, but remember how you were taught to call people’s house phones when you were a kid? Do that. “Hi, this is Gina. May I please speak to X?” This is how we did it in my day.
  • Put people first, the listing second: If this is someone you hope to work with, focus on making a good first impression and building rapport. A simple “How are you today?” can help loosen people’s moods. 
  • Show empathy: You don’t know why the home is off the market, and there could be a million reasons. It could be a death in the family, someone losing their job, or another house they were buying falling through. Keep the worst-case scenario in mind because it could be the reason, and show empathy to the person on the other end of the phone. 

2. Don’t Ask for Someone Other Than Who You Called 

This one really shocked me. An agent called me and asked, “May I speak to the owner of (my address)?” to which I replied, “This is she.” He followed with, “May I speak to your husband?” Ugh, no, you may not. I am an equal owner of the home, and my name is on the deed. What is this, the 1950s? My mind is still blown.

Woman making a muscle saying "We can do it!"
Rosie the Riveter (Source: Britannica)

I get it—with cell phones, you sometimes don’t know who you’ll get. However, when a property listing is on the MLS, it does not take much effort to see who the owners are. It typically says it at the bottom of the listing. Also, you can look up public records to see who the owner is. 

Do This Instead

  • Research the person before calling: Just picking up the phone without understanding who is on the other end shows you’re unprepared and uninterested in them. About 76% of top performers do research on leads before dialing. Look up the person on Google, check their social profiles, and know who you’re talking with before calling.
  • Search public records: Google search “public records home ownership CITY, STATE” to find ownership details. 
  • Speak to who’s on the phone: No matter who you get on the phone, introduce yourself and have the conversation. If you have the wrong person, they’ll tell you. 

3. Don’t Go in Unprepared

Some calls my husband and I received weren’t bad, but the agent lacked confidence. There were lots of “umm” and “I don’t know,” which immediately made me think the agent was clueless. While you can’t predict who’s picking up the phone or their mood, you can control what’s going on from your side.

Even if a person isn’t a real estate agent, they can sniff out someone confident and knowledgeable versus someone who has no idea what they’re doing. If you’re going in blind (without doing the research I mentioned above) and without a script to follow, you could fail before you even dial. 

Do This Instead

  • Know what makes you unique: To the person you’re calling, you’re just like every other real estate agent, so make sure you come up with a unique selling proposition that sets you apart from the crowd. Maybe you have a certification or designation to work with specific niche clients, or you sold the house next door, so you are familiar with the location. Decide what makes you unique and prove to the prospect that you’re not just every other agent trying to get a listing.
  • How to get better at cold calling? Practice, practice, practice: Work with a colleague, family member, or friend and practice your cold-calling abilities on them. The more you practice your scripted cold calling, the easier it will be for you to pivot when objections come from callers. It will make you sound more natural, and people will be more inclined to talk to someone real.
REDX walkthrough video (Source: YouTube)

In addition to the niche real estate leads for agents interested in FSBO, FRBO, foreclosures, and expired listings, REDX offers a role-playing system for its customers that gives cold-calling advice. Choose the type of lead with whom you would like to practice and the difficulty level. REDX will connect you with a live caller to test your cold-calling skills. The recording is sent to you afterward so you can critique yourself. It also includes additional cold-calling tips on overcoming objections and points on which to improve.

4. Don’t Bash the Current Agent

It may be tempting to point out what the last agent did wrong and why the property hasn’t sold—DON’T! Let me say that again: DON’T! Why? Think of it this way: a seller went through the process of finding a real estate agent they trusted and believed would do the job and found out that their judgment was wrong. So, you’re not bashing the agent; you’re bashing the person whose business you’re trying to procure. Not the best way to make a first impression or start a relationship. 

You also don’t know why things didn’t work out. Maybe it had nothing to do with the agent or their listing marketing plan. In our case, we took the apartment off the market to reevaluate our options. The agent could also be a friend or relative of the owner, so you’re burrowing further down the rabbit hole. And you’re missing the point–it’s not what the agent didn’t do; it’s what you can do as someone’s agent. 

Do This Instead

  • Start with the positive, then elaborate: This may seem like a crazy cold-calling tip, but start with what the current agent did right. “The listing pictures and description look great. Your agent did a nice job with them.” Then, you can inject what you would do further. For example, “Those pictures would look amazing on social media. Is that something you discussed with your current agent? If not, I’d like to tell you more about my marketing strategies.” 
  • Focus on what you can do: To elaborate on the above, take the time to tell your potential client what you do as an agent. Speak about your direct mail services marketing strategies, such as sending postcards or social media posts and followers. This moment is the time to let your work shine rather than bash someone you don’t know (even if they did a terrible job). 

5. Don’t Call at Certain Hours

My house went off the market on Monday evening, and on Tuesday and Wednesday between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., my husband and I received over 30 phone calls. This barrage was very disruptive to our daily routines. 

Think about what people do throughout the week and when you’re calling. Typically, between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., people get ready for work, commute, drop kids at school, etc. From 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., they’re doing the opposite: coming home from work, going to the gym, picking up their kids, making dinner, etc. If you wouldn’t want to be bothered during those times, other people won’t want to either. 

Do This Instead 

  • Call during proven hours: Studies show that the best times to make cold calls are between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. As much as you’re itching to make that call, it may cost you the lead if you make it at an inopportune time. 
  • Warm up a lead before calling: As a tested cold-calling technique, you want to be the first to contact this lead. However, think about warming the prospect up before picking up the phone. This tip could be a handwritten note, a postcard, or an email. If the homeowners see and recognize a name they know when the phone rings, you’ll have a better chance of converting

6. Don’t Be Overly Persistent

Some people shoot out of bed and start their day. On the other hand, I enjoy the quiet before my work day begins; I read a couple of chapters of a book, have coffee, look at Instagram, and walk my dog before sitting down for the next 9-12 hours in front of my computer. The last thing I want is phone calls disrupting my quiet time. Even if you’re the person who jumps out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off to prepare breakfast and lunches for your family or go for a morning run, you don’t want repeated calls from an unknown number during that time. 

If someone doesn’t answer your call the first time, don’t keep calling back immediately. It makes you appear desperate and shows no common courtesy. This morning, an agent called me three times in a row before 8 a.m. and left a voicemail with no message, which resulted in an additional ping on my phone. The fourth time, I picked up and gave him the same advice I’m giving you: “Don’t call someone three times before 8 a.m.” End call, block—no lead for you.

Man in chef uniform saying no soup for you, from Seinfeld.
Seinfield meme (Source: Facebook)

Do This Instead

  • Space out your calls: This is probably a pretty apparent cold-calling tip, but if someone doesn’t pick up your first call, wait until later to call again. Spacing the calls out by a day or two is usually best, but if you do call twice in a day, call once in the morning and once in the evening. Remember, connecting with a lead takes an average of 3 call attempts, so be patient and don’t always expect to nail it on the first try. 
  • Ask if there’s a better time to call: As real estate agents, knowing how to read people through verbal or non-verbal cues is important. You should be able to tell if someone picks up the phone and is busy or doesn’t want to talk. That is not the time to continue your elevator pitch. Simply ask them when you can call them back to chat–and make sure to call them at the agreed time

7. Don’t Forget About the Property

I know I just said to focus on the people, but hear me out. While your primary focus is the person you call, you shouldn’t forget about their property. I asked one agent if they had any interested buyers, to which he replied, “I don’t know. I haven’t even seen the property yet.” Umm, why are you calling me if you haven’t even taken a peek at the property pictures? Oh, that’s right, you only want the listing for the Zillow street cred.

Just like I encouraged you to research the person you’re calling, you need to study the property you’re calling about. While we know “listings are king” in real estate, you need to be able to speak to the property you are calling about in order to expand upon your plans for selling that property. 

Do This Instead

  • Review all materials you can find about the property: Just like you would research the person who owns the property, research the property like you’re doing a CMA. Review items on the MLS, dig into public records, and see if the property has appeared on websites or social media platforms. 
  • Research statistics about the area: Not only should you know about the property, but you should also know the neighborhood in which it resides. How many properties have sold in that area in the past six months? How many similar properties are currently on the market? What are their price points? What are the average days on the market? If you don’t know these questions, learn them before you call. 
  • Reference the property in your conversation: Show that you’ve taken the time to do your research by referencing the property on your call. “Gina, I’ve seen that you recently renovated the kitchen; what year did you do that?” or “The hardwood floors are amazing, are they original?” 

Bonus Cold Calling Script

So, how do you cold call? I couldn’t give you all these cold-calling tips without leaving you with a script. There is also plenty more where this came from. Check out our article on cold-calling scripts to get more cold-calling techniques for your arsenal.

Bringing It Home

You might have read this and thought, Wow, she really hates cold calls. I hope that’s not the impression I’ve given you because I don’t! As a real estate agent, I would attest that they are a tried-and-true way to make connections and grow your business, but they have to be done right. Cold calling is definitely an art and has made a lot of agents a lot of money, so don’t give up. Use these cold-calling tips to make your calls work for you. 

Your Take

Have you witnessed (or partaken in) any crazy or bad cold calls? Maybe someone (or you) said something brilliant you wrote down to use yourself—let us know! Cold calls are tricky, so we’re always looking for new ideas to bring you real estate business. Tell us! 

The post The 7 Don’ts of Cold Calling for Agents & What to Do Instead appeared first on The Close.

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The 11 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letter Templates Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:36:30 +0000 Check out our comprehensive list of letter templates to send to buyers, FSBOs, owners of expired listings, and more. Plus we share actionable tips you can use to write your own lead-generating copy.

The post The 11 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letter Templates appeared first on The Close.

In a world where digital marketing dominates, real estate prospecting letters offer a unique opportunity to stand out from the competition. In this article, I’ll provide actionable tips for writing effective real estate letters. I’ll also cover the essential elements of a compelling letter, share some of our best templates from The Close Pro, and discuss whether these letters still work in today’s market. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of real estate prospecting letters and how to use them to generate leads and grow your business. 

1. Expired Listing Prospecting Letter

Expired listings can be an excellent source of real estate leads, as these homeowners already want to sell. Most often, the main reason a home doesn’t sell is pricing. The owners might not have listened to their listing agent when they recommended a lower price, or—even better for you—maybe their listing agent wasn’t confident enough to price it correctly in the first place. 

The trick to writing real estate letters to potential sellers that persuade these owners to relist their homes is simple. Empathize with their problem and offer a fresh solution to fix it. In this letter, the perspective is shifted away from blame and focuses on a simple, tech-savvy solution:

2. FSBO Letter

Inevitably, you’ll meet homeowners who say they want to sell on their own. Savvy agents like you understand that these sellers simply want to save money. They don’t truly fathom how much work goes into marketing a home. Your approach to FSBO owners must demonstrate the value you bring to a real estate transaction. Use one of our best FSBO scripts to master the conversation. Offering free, actionable, hard-won advice on marketing their homes is an excellent way to persuade an FSBO that you are there to help, not sell. And it’s a great way to get a foot in the door and build trust. Here’s a good example:

3. FRBO Market Research Letter

Not all sellers are created equal. You’ll eventually encounter rental property owners using one or more real estate investment strategies. They look at their property differently than someone who lives in their home; they want to maximize the money they can make from their real estate investment. When you talk with one of these investors, you’ll want to get straight to the point and speak their language. That means telling them immediately that you can get them a better return on their investment than they are now.

Related Article
The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Marketing Plan (PDF Checklist)

4. Absentee Owner Letter

The struggle for property owners who don’t live in the area is real. It’s not uncommon for a homeowner to move before they can sell or inherit a property in another area they don’t live in. These unexpected landlords practically have to hire someone to manage their rental on their behalf. But you can offer a solution to their long-distance rental woes.

5. New Agent Announcement Letter

There are so many different real estate prospecting approaches, especially when you’re just starting out. Announcing your new career as a real estate agent to friends and family on Facebook is a great way to build your sphere of influence. The problem is that your post is too easy to ignore. On the other hand, a heartfelt real estate farming letter isn’t. Most people in your sphere will be impressed that you actually took the time and effort to send a letter. That alone makes it worth it.

Real estate coach Sean Moudry’s sphere letter below is an excellent example of a real estate farming letter. Hit your strengths as a new agent, and remind them they have you as an insider in the real estate industry.

6. Referral Request

Referrals are a real estate agent’s honeypot and typically provide the largest pool of prospects they can tap into. When you reach out to your sphere of influence, you connect with people who already know, like and trust you, so you don’t have to spend time convincing them how awesome you are. Reach out directly and ask them if they know anyone who might need your services. It’s also a great way to remind them you’re their friendly neighborhood real estate pro.

7. Local Business Prospecting Letter

Entrepreneurs and businesses can become great allies in your community. Show entrepreneurs that you’re a valuable asset by aligning your services with their business objectives. Engage with genuine curiosity about their businesses and a willingness to provide meaningful support. Focus on building long-term symbiotic relationships rather than seeking transactional opportunities.

8. Divorce Prospecting Letter

Since transactions after a divorce are often stressful, they may not be the best choice for newer agents. The sellers in divorce transactions will register high on the emotional scale and will take a lot of patience and grace to complete. The truth is they need someone to get them through the process, but the key players in this situation will require a delicate, empathetic, diplomatic approach. If you’re an experienced agent ready for the challenge, here is a letter you can use to get divorce leads.

9. Probate Prospecting Letter

Like divorce transactions, probate listings come with so much stress and red tape that we generally don’t recommend them for new agents. While it’s true that probate listings tend to sell quickly, dealing with grieving families and lawyers takes patience and a few years of experience. If you’ve done your homework and feel ready to take on the challenge, here is a letter offering empathy and showing off your agent skills.

10. Preforeclosure Prospecting Letter

Preforeclosure letters are not easy to write. But in a challenging situation, your letter and services just might help someone out of a tricky financial crisis when they most need it. The key to converting these leads is empathizing with their situation and remaining optimistic and realistic. Here is a sample letter you can use:

11. Open House Follow-up Prospecting Letter

Obviously, you want to circle prospect before an open house. But if you want to make a more personal connection with your open house guests, a quick letter—or better yet, a handwritten card—will have an excellent return on investment. Just remember to keep it light, short, and friendly. Here is an example of a real estate letter you can use for inspiration:

Prospecting Letter Templates

Like what you saw in this article? Download our PDF of 24 letter templates, including the 11 I share in this article, and get ready to boost your lead gen.

Download Our Best Real Estate Prospecting Letters

7 Tips to Write Real Estate Prospecting Letters

As you can tell from the wide variety of prospecting letter samples above, there are as many ways to write a prospecting letter as there are agents in your area. Drawing from my years of experience in copywriting, I spent years warming up leads and reaching out to prospects with real estate letters. To help you craft your unique prospecting letter templates, I’ve compiled this list of best practices designed to improve your response rate.

Copywriting is all about being persuasive and encouraging your readers to take action. The right words can make the difference between a letter that generates leads and one that ends up in the trash. Keep these key points in mind when crafting your prospecting letters:

Tip 1. Make it personal

Personalize your letter. Use the recipient’s name and adopt a friendly tone. Make your greeting feel warm, like you’re writing a letter to a friend.

Example: Hi, John!

Tip 2. Grab attention

Try using an attention-grabbing lede in your opening paragraph. The goal is to draw your readers in quickly before they toss your letter out with the recycling. When you use a strong hook to get your reader’s attention early in your writing, you’re more likely to draw them into your story and keep them interested.

Example: Are you leaving $80,000 on the table? 

Example: Imagine waking up in the home of your dreams every morning.

Tip 3. Make a connection

Once your reader is hooked and interested in what you have to say, it’s time to make a meaningful connection. You do that by pointing out a challenge your reader is most likely facing and empathizing with their situation. Let them know you understand where they are and how they feel.

Example: I understand how challenging the current market is and how it must be weighing on your decision.

Tip 4. Give your unique value proposition

Now that you’ve made a meaningful connection with your prospect, it’s time to set yourself apart from your competitors. Share what you do that makes you a better choice than any other agent. What do you provide to your clients that other agents don’t? 

Example: When you work with me, you’ll get an empathetic ear, a caring touch, my years of probate expertise, and the professionalism to see your transaction through smoothly.

Tip 5. Provide the solution

You’ve introduced yourself, made a meaningful connection, showed empathy for their current situation, and shared what sets you apart from the competition. Now, it’s time to present the solution to the prospect’s problem. In case you’re wondering what the solution is, it’s hiring you

Example: Let me simplify your home sale, ensuring you get the highest price for your home in the least amount of time.

Tip 6. Include a call to action

Now that you’ve convinced them that you are the solution to their real estate needs, tell them what you want them to do next. This doesn’t have to be sleazy or pushy. Make it simple. Just give them some direction on how to get in touch with you so they can hire you.

Example: Send me a text or call me at the number below to get things started.

7. Finish like a champ

Be sure to thank them for reading your letter and considering you for their real estate needs. It’s courteous, and you want to end on a positive note. Also, don’t forget to include all of your contact information under your signature. You might want to include your website (especially if they can find testimonials there) if they want to learn more about you.

Example: Thank you for taking the time to read this and for allowing me to present my value. I hope you’ll consider working with me to get your home sold.


Over to You

Have a unique real estate prospecting letter that converts well for you? Let us know about it in the comment section.

The post The 11 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letter Templates appeared first on The Close.

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The 10 Best FSBO Scripts (+ Why They Work) Fri, 05 Jan 2024 19:07:27 +0000 Winning over sellers who want to go it alone is easier than you'd think with this collection of tried-and-true FSBO scripts.

The post The 10 Best FSBO Scripts (+ Why They Work) appeared first on The Close.

My broker told me, “FSBOs have raised their hands and told you they want to sell—all you have to do is convince them you’re the right person for the job.” And the way to do that is with road-tested for-sale-by-owner scripts. No matter the situation or objection, these for-sale-by-owner scripts will help you feel prepared, confident, and ready to convert.

Featured Partner

Generate high-quality FSBO leads effortlessly with Guerrilla Realty’s Fizbonanza. Their innovative approach offers:

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  • Expert marketing: Attract motivated sellers with professional marketing tools.
  • Strategic pricing: Gain a competitive edge with their pricing expertise.
  • Legal support: Ensure a smooth process with comprehensive legal assistance.
Download Our FSBO Scripts Here

1. Tom Ferry’s ‘Appointment Setter’ FSBO Script

Rock star real estate agents will tell you that getting in the door is the most important step to landing a real estate seller lead. Of course, that’s no easy task, which is why we love this FSBO script from Tom Ferry:

Why ‘Appointment Setter’ Works

Every question in this script is seller-focused. Tom asks about the seller’s property and their needs and desires. This FSBO script works because people love talking about themselves. Plus, the conversation naturally leads to highly valuable information about the market you could leverage with a buyer, even if this listing doesn’t work out.

If you don’t like driving around town looking for signs or scouring Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace, consider an FSBO lead service like Vulcan7. Vulcan7 provides valuable FSBO lead contact information like names, phone numbers, and email addresses. They also offer expired listing leads, preforeclosure leads, and a fantastic neighborhood prospecting tool that is a true level-up for anyone who does geographic prospecting or real estate farming.

Visit Vulcan7
Related Article
15 Clever Real Estate Prospecting Ideas to Boost Your GCI

2. David Hill’s ‘We’re Trying to Save Some Money’ FSBO Script

Most FSBO sellers use the do-it-yourself approach for one reason: saving money. Check out what David Hill does to help negate this concern.

Why ‘We’re Trying to Save Money’ Works

Hill’s script is effective because it creates camaraderie with the seller, identifies their needs, and commiserates with their pain points. Hill seals the deal by admitting he may be unable to help them. This openness is based on human psychology and creates a desire to have what’s been “taken away.”

3. Kyle Handy’s ‘Reverse Selling’ FSBO Script

Kyle Handy takes a no-nonsense approach to steering the conversation with FSBO sellers to productive and thoughtful places. This script is great if you’re in a competitive market where many agents are pursuing FSBOs.

Why ‘Reverse Selling’ Works

Kyle’s script uses a bit of reverse psychology to let your FSBO seller know that you’re not on the phone with them to change their minds but to understand what’s motivating them. This FSBO script works because your offer to help identifies you as an ally—and that relationship is far more likely to turn you into their agent down the road.

4. Mike Ferry’s ‘Describe Your Perfect Agent’ FSBO Script

We all know that Tom Ferry is a powerhouse, but did you know his father, Mike Ferry, has been a successful real estate coach for over 40 years? Mike’s inventive script gets your prospect to describe what they’re looking for in the agent they didn’t even know they wanted.

Why ‘Describe Your Perfect Agent’ Works

Ask an FSBO seller if they want an agent, and they will say no. But ask them to describe what they want in an agent, and you have a roadmap to get hired. This FSBO script works because it creates an opportunity in the seller’s mind. They were closed off to hiring an agent, but now they feel they have some control over the process. Even if it doesn’t immediately result in a listing appointment, it gets a date on the calendar.

5. Breakthrough Broker’s Transparent FSBO Script

In my experience, FSBOs typically have a nose for BS, so if you’re not being honest about why you’re contacting them, they can probably sniff it out. To quickly build trust with FSBO sellers, try this authentic approach from Breakthrough Broker. It’s simple, straightforward, and effective.

Why Transparent FSBO Script Works

This interaction immediately establishes trust between you and the FSBO seller, putting him at ease. Most agents will try to win an appointment by any means necessary, possibly telling half-truths to get it done. Is it any wonder why FSBOs go on the defensive at the first hint of the word “Realtor?” When you use a completely transparent script, not hiding your intentions, the person on the receiving end is much more open to hearing you out.

📌   Pro Tip

Finish up with a handwritten thank-you note with your business card included. Then, set your FSBO up on an email campaign that’s designed to give them some great tips for handling their transaction. Share your favorite vendors, like lenders, home inspectors, plumbers, etc., that you know they’ll need.

6. Fit Small Business’ ‘Older FSBO’ Script

Sometimes, an FSBO listing will sit and become stale on the market, which presents a unique set of challenges for the seller and opportunities for the agent. Check out this Fit Small Business FSBO script explicitly designed for properties that have languished on the market for a while:

Why ‘Older FSBO’ Works

Many FSBO sellers have yet to learn how long it should take to sell a property, make a price adjustment, or begin considering other options. This script works because it lets the seller know there is help available. This conversation lays out your professionalism and knowledge without being pushy or salesy, which allows the seller to see your value.

7. Agent Mastermind’s ‘I’ve Got a Buyer’ FSBO Script

If you’re an agent with a lot of buyers, you need a few for sale by owner scripts that get you in the door of FSBO homes, otherwise known as near-exclusive listings unknown to the rest of the market. This short-and-sweet buyer’s agent script from Agent Mastermind should always be in your back pocket.

Why ‘I’ve Got a Buyer’ Works

This FSBO script works because it does a great job of communicating in a non-threatening way while sounding serious and professional. Remember, your FSBO prospects may not know real estate agent lingo, so when you use a term like “cooperating,” make sure you can explain it in layperson’s terms.

📌   Pro Tip

A word of advice: Never use the “I’ve Got Buyers” script if you don’t actually have buyers. Misrepresenting yourself will only damage your relationship with an FSBO seller, making them think you’re bringing buyers to see the home. It’s better to be transparent than to damage your reputation and look unprofessional.

8. Breakthrough Broker’s ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ FSBO Script

The Breakthrough Broker takes for sale by owner scripts to the next level, using a flowchart so you can alter your approach midstream if necessary. This script gives you the confidence to pivot if the conversation doesn’t go as planned.

Why the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ FSBO Script Works

You can practice your script all you want, but what happens when the seller says no? This script will help any agent pivot when faced with objections. It works because the flowchart gives you a ready answer to get past that first no, which is often the toughest roadblock for real estate agents to overcome.

9. The Close’s ‘Meeting a Seller In-person’ FSBO Script

Many FSBO scripts are about securing an in-person meeting. If you’re already face-to-face, you’ve won half the battle. This script, created by The Close experts, asks the right questions to learn why they’ve listed FSBO and their pain points. Once you learn their motivation, you can tailor your pitch to their needs.

Why the ‘Meeting a Seller In-person’ FSBO Script Works

This FSBO script works because you keep the conversation casual and ask questions, which builds rapport. You become more of a friend and ally than a salesperson hawking a service. The discussion sets you up to make a pitch to solve their problems and get your foot in the door.

10. My FSBO Script for a Flyer or Postcard

I penned a script to use on a flyer or postcard that will not only advertise your services but also reveal the risks involved in selling on one’s own.

Why the Flier FSBO Script Works

According to a recent survey from Clever, 20% of FSBO sellers feel like the buyer got the better end of the deal—this concerned warning and offer to help strikes just the right chord. I’m especially partial to the “coffee on me” bit. It’s a great way to set up that first in-person meeting—who doesn’t want a free cup of coffee?

Related Article
Top 23 Real Estate Postcard Templates That Actually Generate Leads (+ Design Guide)

Tips & Tools for Using Your FSBO Scripts Effectively

Now that you’ve got your scripts for FSBOs, here are some helpful hints for using them effectively.

  • Rehearse your FSBO scripts: Find another real estate agent (not a friend or spouse) with whom you can role-play. You want to practice with someone familiar with the sorts of objections you’ll encounter to get comfortable moving the conversation forward, even in the face of “no.”
  • Choose the best time to call: A study by Lead Response Management suggests that the best time to reach people is between 4 and 6 p.m. However, remember that FSBOs expect frequent calls about their homes. The best time to prospect FSBO homes is when you feel prepared and confident and can regularly set aside time.
  • Double your efforts with text messaging: Sure, getting a seller on the phone is always better. But if they don’t answer when you call, text them right after that. Don’t even bother with a voicemail—just text them instead. And if you think scripts are great in person or over the phone, they’re just as effective in text messaging. You can start with a script like this:

Text: Hi, my name is {your name}, and I just tried calling you about your home on {address of home}. I’m a Realtor with {your brokerage}. Is it still for sale?

Wait for their text response. When they respond affirmatively, text them again…

Text: Great! I was calling because I work with many clients in your area, and the inventory on the market, especially in your price point and neighborhood, is extremely low. I like to stay current with everything available to my clients, not just what’s listed in the MLS. I was hoping I could schedule a time to preview your home to see it in person, take some notes, and potentially match it to a buyer. Do you have availability when I can stop by today or tomorrow? 

Set the appointment.

I set so many appointments by simply texting FSBOs that it became a steady source of listings. This technique also works if you’re afraid of getting on the phone. Set appointments using only text messages until you build enough courage to pick up the phone. 

  • Send an FSBO prospecting letter: Increase your exposure to FSBOs you want to convert with an FSBO letter. I often used these to get my face in front of the FSBOs I was targeting. I attempted to contact them multiple times via phone but also sent these letters out. The idea is to leverage the added exposure to increase my appointments. After seeing my face and reading my letters and text messages, they would eventually answer when I called. 
  • Use an auto-dialer: When you have a list of 50 phone numbers you are working with, it’s incredible how much time you spend physically dialing and waiting. An auto-dialer like Vulcan7’s can up your calls per hour by more than 400% by dialing multiple numbers simultaneously, only connecting you to those who pick up.
  • Get a dedicated business phone number: Carrying multiple phones is unrealistic and a recipe for mix-ups. Instead, consider a simple virtual phone system like Grasshopper, which provides you with a second phone number for your phone so you can keep business and personal calls separate. You can make calls, send texts, record custom greetings, set up extensions, and even receive inbound faxes.
Try Grasshopper


You’ve got your FSBO scripts and some tips and tools to use them effectively. But before you get started making calls, here are some answers to the most common questions about converting for-sale-by-owner sellers.

Related Article
7 Proven Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts for Fearless Lead Gen

Bringing It All Together

Cold calling is already intimidating and frustrating. And without an FSBO script to help, you could be setting yourself up for failure. Take these FSBO scripts, tweak them to make them your own, and start practicing them. 

But more importantly, remember that FSBOs are simply people who don’t know they need your help yet. Be kind and patient. Listen with empathy and offer value. Pretty soon, you’ll be converting FSBOs into listings. 

Have any tips or questions? Leave a comment below!

The post The 10 Best FSBO Scripts (+ Why They Work) appeared first on The Close.

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15 Clever Real Estate Prospecting Ideas to Boost Your GCI Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:19:55 +0000 Some agents cold call, others send postcards. But the goal is always the same: to initiate contact with potential clients to turn them into leads. Here are 14 ideas you can act on today!

The post 15 Clever Real Estate Prospecting Ideas to Boost Your GCI appeared first on The Close.

Real estate prospecting is the act of generating new clients through active outreach and outbound communication. Rather than waiting for the phone to ring, a real estate agent engaged in prospecting picks up the phone (or emails or texts or knocks on the door) to initiate contact with potential clients.

Learning how to prospect in real estate can be one of the most rewarding pursuits, and, undoubtedly, it’s the best way to generate new leads. If you need to level up your real estate prospecting, I compiled this list of my 15 best tips and have a resource to help you get started right away. 

However, before you jump right in, take a look at It’s a referral service that matches sellers and buyers with agents in their area—and best of all, it’s completely free. So while you’re out there prospecting, is busy generating leads.

Get Started With

1. Learn the Art (& Science) of Real Estate Prospecting Letters

A critical tool in a real estate professional’s toolkit is the prospecting letter—especially handwritten ones. Simple, efficient, and inexpensive, a prospecting letter serves several purposes:

  • It conveys a lot of information (like a neighborhood comparative market analysis).
  • It’s an easy way to introduce yourself and soften the ground before a phone call.
  • It’s effective: People read hand-addressed letters more often than marketing postcards.

Make sure your prospecting letters are personalized, professional, and authentic. Your goal is to demonstrate your value and prompt prospects to reach out, so include a motivational call to action.

Get started today: Write a prospecting letter to 10 neighboring homeowners about the last transaction you were involved in. Share exactly what you did to complete the job and how you’re ready to help the recipients sell their homes. We’ve got you covered here with our best letter templates and how to use them!

The Close resource: The 15 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letter Templates for 2023

Download the 26 Best Prospecting Letter Templates

2. Try Circle Prospecting

Circle prospecting is all about reaching out to the 30 (or so) homeowners who live close to your latest listing or recent closing. Let them know real estate activity is happening in the area and that it is an opportunity for them to get in on the action. 

I use a one-two-punch strategy for circle prospecting:

  1. The moment a listing goes live (or a sale closes), send a postcard or letter alerting your community to the activity.
  2. Follow up with a phone call (or, if you’re feeling bold, a door knock) the day after to start the conversation.

Get started today: Look through your listings (or recent sales), pick a neighborhood to focus on, and send out 30 cards (ideally handwritten). Make sure you’re recording all of this activity in your customer relationship manager (CRM) so you can track your results and add any interested prospects to text or email drip campaigns.

The Close resource: How Circle Prospecting Got One Tampa Realtor 200 Leads in ONE DAY

3. Base Your Real Estate Prospecting on Predictive Analytics Data

Realtors who use data to guide their decision-making processes are going to come out ahead when prospecting in real estate. Track what you’re doing, what’s working, your response rates—and especially who you’re targeting—so you’re not spinning your wheels. 

You can also use data developed through predictive analytics. Say you want to send prospecting letters but don’t want to waste money on those who aren’t interested. Predictive analytics companies such as SmartZip use thousands of data points to narrow down the prospects in your community most likely to buy or sell.

Get started today: Put big data to work for you in your prospecting. Check out how a predictive analytics platform like SmartZip or Offrs can help you narrow down the prospects in your community to only those most likely to buy or sell. Check out our deep-dive reviews on some of our favorite predictive analytics companies.

The Close resource: SmartZip Deep Dive Review; Offrs Deep Dive Review

Get Started With SmartZip

4. Get Some Face Time With Real Estate Prospects

Let’s start by establishing your overall goal for prospecting. Yes, you want listings and closings, but prospecting is also about establishing the first step in your relationship with a lead. Finishing up a cold call with a listing in your pocket is rare. It’s much more common that you set a date for an in-person meeting. 

My first broker, who’d been in the business for decades, used to say he would prospect in hopes of a handshake. He’d offer to take a stranger to coffee, drop by to see an FSBO listing—anything to get in front of a buyer or seller and establish a connection. 

Humans crave connection on a deep level and the trust that comes with it. A solid relationship with a client increases your chances of closing a deal, which all starts with a handshake.

Get started today: Set up office hours at a local coffee shop. Every time you speak to a cold-outreach prospect, mention that you’re going to be at a coffee shop on a particular morning, and they should drop by for a cup of coffee (on you) to talk real estate (or fly fishing or animal rescue, or whatever is going to start building that relationship). Creating a non-confrontational way to offer a face-to-face experience is an excellent way to build relationships.

The Close resource: If you’re nervous about breaking the ice with strangers while prospecting, here’s our list of the most outrageous, unbelievable real estate facts to warm the conversation up and get things moving along.

5. Remember, You’re Providing Value to Your Community

I often hear new agents say they don’t want to bother anyone with cold calls or door-knocking. Yet the reality is you’re providing value to your community.

When you reach out to potential buyers and sellers, letting them know about your services and expertise, you also make them aware of their real estate options. Remember, you’re the professional. You’ve received specialized training to help your clients make the best real estate decisions possible.

Have confidence in your contribution to the community and be the expert who helps clients navigate buying and selling.

6. Make Your Weekly Goals About Work & Your Long-term Goals About Results

Prospecting is hard work, and it’s easy to feel like you’re spinning your wheels if you don’t set benchmarks. Make your weekly prospecting goals about your work (the number of calls you make, the number of texts you send, the number of doors you knock on). Center your quarterly goals around the amount of business you close. 

This high-level thinking will keep you motivated and focused on big-picture targets—not minor setbacks.

Get started today: Prospecting should be a part of your overall lead generation strategy. Consider where you need to apply your efforts and resources to stay focused on reaching your long-term goals. Use our lead generation plan template to create your blueprint.

The Close resource: 37 Underrated Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas

7. Use an Autodialer to Improve Your Efficiency

Cold calling is not for everyone. In fact, it can be pretty challenging, especially if you hate to hear “no.” But agents cold call because it works. Research shows that if you’re consistent and put in the time, you will generate leads. 

If you’re a cold caller, you need the best tools available. I like REDX, which provides leads—expired listings, FSBOs, targeted neighborhoods, and preforeclosures—for you in an organized customer relationship manager (CRM). Their power dialers, which can make you much more efficient, keep the phone calls ringing—all you need to do is polish your scripts.

Get started today: A good first step is to check out our complete guide to real estate cold calling.

The Close resource: Next, you’ll want to decide if a product like REDX, Mojo Dialer, or Vulcan7 can help you level up your cold-calling game. When you’re ready to boost your productivity and prospecting efficiency, REDX offers to waive its $150 setup price for The Close readers.

8. Create a Lead-generating Website

Real estate prospecting is easier if people are already familiar with who you are and what you do. If you haven’t already, create a professional website that provides visitors with information about selling a home in your community. Additionally, offer your visitors an opportunity to search for properties currently listed for sale and a way to contact you with questions.

The very best site providers include lead generation services, which means they capture information from people perusing your site so that you can reach out to them. Website lead gen works because you’ll have easier conversations and higher conversion rates when you speak to your prospects directly.

Get started today: There are a lot—and I mean a lot—of options when it comes to website builders. Start by checking out our roundup of ourtop picks for website builders.

9. Engage on Social Media 

As mentioned above, prospecting isn’t about cold calling and mass mailings. It’s about starting (and cultivating) relationships with people you think will be buyers or sellers. I’m sure you often hear how important it is to market yourself and engage on social media. So, what does that actually mean in practice? 

Post regularly to your social media platform of choice (I recommend you pick two networks to focus on), but also comment on and like the posts of your followers and those you’re following. Use real estate hashtags to connect with new buyers and sellers. Be part of a larger conversation in your community.

In addition, use social media to connect to people who share your interests. My favorite example is a friend of mine who’s a history nerd and agent. He actively posts and comments on our community history pages so buyers and sellers see him as an authority on the local area. He’s so well-known and respected that he has a huge advantage when prospecting for leads.

Grow your database with a steady stream of affordable, exclusive real estate leads from social media ads. Social Connect from Top Producer is designed to get you a high volume of leads and move them through your pipeline until they’re ready to buy and sell real estate. Connect with an average of 30 consumers interested in real estate in your local market for just $300 per month!

How Social Connect works:

  • Digital advertising experts create and run social media ad campaigns on your behalf
  • You get exclusive leads from your desired local area
  • All leads are automatically nurtured via text and email on your behalf until they’re ready to connect, saving you time and effort

Get started today: Use your social media accounts to connect to others with similar interests and parlay those online interactions into real-life ones.

The Close resource: Check out our library of social media tips and strategy guides and our collection of proven real estate marketing techniques that generate leads.

10. Dedicate 90 Minutes Each Day to Prospecting

Your real estate prospecting efforts will only be successful if they are consistent. Prospecting is a lot of work, so thinking you will get it done in a couple of minutes daily isn’t realistic.

Successful real estate agents set aside 90 minutes every day for prospecting. If you can commit to a regular schedule, you’ll be amazed at the results that 7.5 hours of prospecting each week will yield.

Get started today: Head to your calendar and block off 90 minutes of protected time to prospect each day. I suggest making it the first thing you do every morning since you’re more likely to use your CRM in the morning anyway.

The Close resource: Not in love with your CRM? Check out our round-up of top CRMs and see if one is a better fit for you and your prospecting activities.

11. Call Expired Listings. Every. Single. Day.

Expired listings represent a golden opportunity to land real estate seller leads. After all, these owners have raised their hands and said, “I want to sell my home!” For one reason or another, their home hasn’t sold yet. But chances are, they still want a buyer. 

Before you get an owner of an expired listing on the phone, prepare background information on their property. How much was it listed for? Was it priced right? Was it marketed correctly? Has it been listed more than once in recent years? Use effective expired listing scripts to overcome objections and move quickly.

According to Vulcan7, almost 40% of expired listing homeowners relist within 30 days, which means you have an excellent chance of being their new agent and closing a deal. But also, you’re not the only agent prospecting these leads, so the sooner you get on the phone and start making connections, the better.

Get started today: Head to your MLS and set up an alert for any property that changes to “expired” status.

The Close resource: The 26 Best Expired Listing Scripts + Objection Handlers

12. Call FSBO Sellers. Every. Single. Day.

Like expired listing sellers, FSBOs are fantastic prospects because they have publicly announced that they want to sell their homes. 

However, your strategy will differ from expired listings because FSBOs believe they don’t need a real estate agent (or at least they claim to). Either that, or they don’t want to pay a commission. Often, all it takes to win these listings is a savvy pitch and persistent follow-up. Call attention to the fact that homes sold by a Realtor tend to sell for 32% more than FSBO homes. That percentage could more than account for any concerns about the commission.

Get started today: Be sure to set up a new listing alert for FSBO homes on Zillow since more than 90% of FSBO homes are listed there.

The Close resource: Get comfortable with our best FSBO scripts and assemble a generic FSBO deck that you can tailor to individual homeowners.

13. Don’t Fear the Word ‘No’

According to a famous study by Baylor University on real estate cold calling, it takes an average of 209 calls to set one appointment or get a referral. For those of you who fear rejection, the takeaway is that you will have to endure a lot of gut-wrenching “no’s” before you finally get a “yes.”

For those who have already overcome your fear of “no,” this statement is music to your ears. It means that for every “no” you get, you are quantifiably closer to a “yes.” It means that you will get three appointments if you can make 627 calls weekly (which is totally doable in your 90 minutes each day).

Get started today: Practice with our cold calling scripts. Practice, practice, and practice some more until it’s rote. Practice with family, friends, and fellow agents who can throw objections at you. If your scripts flow naturally, you’re not going to be bothered by a “no”—you’ll just be on to the next potential prospect.

The Close resource: How to Overcome the 3 Most Common Seller Real Estate Objections Like a Boss

Related Article
The 33 Best Real Estate Text Message Scripts for Agents

14. Send Direct Mail (It’s Still King)

We know it might not be cool, but plenty of people out there (especially older generations, the ones who actually have houses to sell) appreciate direct mail. Whether it’s a postcard, a thoughtful handwritten letter, or a timely market report, put a stamp on it. The Close’s own Trevor Jones says you get bonus points if you time your voicemail drops to coincide with the arrival of your mail—you get double the impact!

Get started today: Use that data from your predictive analytics resource to ensure you’re targeting the right audience and plan your direct mail cadence.

The Close resource: Check out our round-up of favorite postcards, learn how to use them to generate leads, and get our free design guide.

15. Nurture Your Prospects

🚨Friends, real estate agents, I can’t say this enough: You can prospect all you want: write letters, cold call, talk to everyone in line at the grocery store, but if you don’t nurture your prospects, they won’t ever turn into leads. OK, lecture over.🚨

How do you do it successfully? Start with our guide on long-term lead nurturing, where we offer plenty of tips and tricks to ensure your prospects aren’t falling through the cracks. 

If you have a great CRM, it should come with automation that will help you maintain contact with your prospects. Generally, it takes dozens of “touches” for a prospect to become a lead, and a CRM’s automated email and SMS drips can do just that.

At its heart, though, nurturing is really about showing people that you actually care about them and are paying attention to their needs. Remember birthdays, anniversaries, favorite sports teams, and kids’ names (or use your CRM to help you remember), and you’re halfway there.

Get started today: Think of 20 people in your sphere of influence (SOI) or recent prospects and reach out. Send an email or text (or social media DM) to check in, say you’re thinking about them, celebrate a recent birthday, see how back-to-school went, ask how they spent a recent holiday, or reference a good-natured sports rivalry. We bet you hear back and can move those prospects into your leads column.

The Close resource: Lead Nurturing: Tools & Strategies for Conversion (+ Scripts)

Bringing It All Together 

So, then, what is prospecting in real estate? Real estate prospecting is never forgetting that you’re providing a service to your community through your expertise and professionalism and letting your community know just that! Prospecting in real estate can be tough, but it works. If you put in the time, remain consistent, track your progress, engage with your community, and have some helpful scripts handy, you’ll be successful. On those hard days, remember that each “no” is getting you closer to the “yes.” 

Have additional questions or tips for your fellow agents? Leave us a comment below!

The post 15 Clever Real Estate Prospecting Ideas to Boost Your GCI appeared first on The Close.

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REDX Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:35:04 +0000 Is REDX worth the price tag? In this review, we’ll dive into the features, pricing, and how this prospecting software can help you grow your business, uncovering the info you need to decide if REDX will work for you.

The post REDX Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons appeared first on The Close.

REDX is a powerful platform that delivers a diverse assortment of listing leads, an auto-dialer, and a lead management system to help agents crush their cold calling efforts. It promises to be the turbo-charged lead generation tool every agent needs, offering the most up-to-date lead data for FSBOs, expired listings, preforeclosures, and more to give real estate pros a leg up on their competitors, saving time and money. 

But is this prospecting software worth the price tag? In this REDX review, I’ll dive into the features, pricing, and how REDX can help you grow your business, uncovering the info you need to decide if REDX will work for you.

The Close Score

REDX scorecard
  • A la carte pricing
  • Vortex lead management system
  • Three levels of auto-dialer (Preview-Line Dialer, Power Dialer & Multi-Line Dialer)
  • Easy-to-use scripts
  • User-friendly interface
  • Tons of training
  • Mobile app
  • Limited integration options
  • High percentage of inaccurate data
  • No integration with outside CRM
The Close Score
User Interface:
Lead Quality:

Cold calling is not for everyone. But for hungry agents armed with solid cold calling scripts who are motivated to connect with new leads consistently, REDX might be the perfect solution. It offers some of the best data out there for expireds, FSBOs, and preforeclosure leads. And GeoLeads, which allows you to target a specific geographic location regardless of status, takes your prospecting to the next level. 

Ready to start booking more listing appointments? REDX is now offering to waive its $150 setup price for The Close readers.

Visit REDX

What Is REDX?

RedX logo

REDX is a lead prospecting platform with a robust auto-dialer integration. Agents can subscribe to one or more of the five categories of listings: expireds, for sale by owner (FSBO), for rent by owner (FRBO), geoleads, and preforeclosures. 

When you log into REDX, you’ll see a list of fresh leads, complete with phone numbers, addresses, tax information, and even a property listing if it’s been recently listed on the local MLS. REDX mines all of that data from national, private, and even proprietary databases and has access to over half a billion landlines and 200 million mobile phone numbers. 

REDX also helps agents call as many leads as quickly as possible through its Power Dialer, and provides scripts so you know exactly what to say when someone answers. I personally don’t like using the multi-line dialer, though other agents swear by it. It’s a bit nerve-racking to have three lines dialing at once. But the power of the single-line dialer is undeniable, and I love it!

Related Article
The 11 Top Real Estate Lead Generation Companies 2024

REDX Pricing (5 out of 5)

REDX has an a la carte pricing model with options as low as $50 per month. All paid subscriptions include the VORTEX Lead Management System (LMS). 

Here’s the breakdown of REDX’s a la carte pricing:

App NameMonthly Cost
Expired Leads$70 (Expired PLUS $130)
GeoLeads$70 (GeoLeads PLUS is $130)
FSBOs$50 (FSBO PLUS is $70)
FRBOs$60 (FRBO PLUS is $80)
Preforeclosures$50 (preforeclosures PLUS is $90)
Power DialerPreview-line dialer is $60, Power Dialer is $100, Multi-line dialer is $150
Market Insights Add-on$25
Data Insights (Financial, Home & Building, Lifestyle)$25 each

Pricing in Context

REDX pricing is set up so you can choose the type of leads you want. Start with one lead source and as your business grows, you can add more types of leads. Choosing the PLUS option for any of these lead types will give you the full Data Insights suite for your list. 

As I mentioned, cold calling is not for everyone. It takes a lot of confidence and practice to make an investment in these types of leads profitable. If you aren’t great at converting leads on the phone, you may end up spending the money without any return on investment (ROI). 

But, if you’re looking at the cost of these leads versus any other lead source, REDX is one of the most affordable lead generation companies on the market. The biggest reason for that is there is no advertising spend associated with these leads. 

Even if you opt for the premium leads from REDX, the monthly investment is under $100 per month for most of the lead types, with the only exception being expireds at $130 per month. Where else can you get so many leads for so little cost?

The best part about these leads is you don’t have to wait for the leads to come to you before you act. REDX delivers fresh, qualified leads each day directly to your VORTEX lead system You’re free to start calling as soon as you open your REDX account. I love the flexibility and stability of knowing I have plenty of reliable leads to work on my time schedule. To me, the cost benefit is completely justified and well worth the spend.

REDX Key Features

Let’s break down the features that make REDX an outstanding choice for agents ready to take their business to the next level.

VORTEX Lead Management (4.8 out of 5)

REDX Vortex dashboard

The REDX experience centers on its lead management system (LMS), called VORTEX, which is where you’ll find a list of all your current leads, their contact information, and links to notes you’ve made from previous conversations. Using VORTEX makes REDX simple. The design is straightforward, so there’s no confusion about what to do when you open the platform. Everything is laid out in the most uncluttered way, so it’s easy to get right to work contacting your leads each day.

VORTEX is not a customer relationship manager, so it doesn’t track all of your client interactions or allow you to put them on a drip campaign—its only job is filling up the pipeline with listing leads and helping you contact them. You can make notes inside each contact card, though, so when you reach out again you’ll be able to jump right back into the conversation.

Subscribe to whatever kind of leads you want to prospect and the platform constantly generates those types of new, qualified leads. While you might be able to find some of this information through your MLS, REDX does all of the hard work for you in a fraction of the time. I always hated mining this data myself so I love how easy it is to access this information. 

The thing I love about VORTEX is its ease of use. When you log into REDX, it’s easy to see exactly where you are and what you need to do next. For many agents, technology can be a barrier to entry. But REDX keeps things simple, which makes it incredibly easy to use.

The one thing I don’t particularly like about REDX is there is no integration with other platforms. So, if you’re in love with your customer relationship manager (CRM), you really can’t easily send your leads to it from inside REDX. You’ll need to work the leads inside REDX until they become active, and then move them into your CRM from there.

Related Article
The 9 Best Places to Buy Real Estate Leads in 2024

Lead Generation (5 out of 5)

REDX uses cutting-edge aggregation techniques to pull together five different types of leads. One of the best things about REDX is its ability to generate high-quality leads that any agent can use to fill their listing pipeline. Their data comes from reputable sources with the most up-to-date information available. Having that information fed into your REDX portal daily saves time and ensures you’re working with the most current data.

In my experience, the data hasn’t always been 100% accurate. But for the record, that’s true for any data mining platform. REDX provides as accurate information as it has access to, which means many times the information it’s pulling from records is simply old or incorrect.

REDX lead filters

Power Dialer (4.6 out of 5)

Screenshot of the REDX Power Dialer startup screen popup.

The REDX Power Dialer calls through your computer or cell phone and initiates a constant roll of calls. The moment someone picks up, you are instantly connected and as soon as that person hangs up, the dialer has already lined up the next one. 

REDX estimates that Power Dialer users have more than four times the number of conversations per hour than manual dialing. More conversations means more appointments and more transactions. 

I personally love how simple the Power Dialer is to access from right inside your VORTEX platform. And because the REDX Power Dialer is integrated with the lead management system, it automatically keeps track of everything, including the disposition of each call, your personal notes, how many calls you’ve made during your session, and much more.

Plus, in its two premium Power Dialer packages, REDX allows you to pre-record a voicemail for each calling session, so you don’t waste time leaving a voicemail every time you reach a mailbox. You can also record your conversations with leads for review later with your sales coach. And the time zone protection makes sure you’re not calling at inconvenient hours. All of these added features make the REDX Power Dialer a smart tool to grow your business fast. 

Three Levels of the Power Dialer

The efficiency of Power Dialer is actually a little overwhelming at first, especially if you are used to the relatively casual pace of manual phone prospecting. But, from my experience, you get into a rhythm rather quickly. It’s exciting seeing how many calls you can knock out in a short amount of time. I personally never liked using the multi-line dialer. But the single-line is an amazing time saver that literally doubled my productivity. 

I find using the dialer helpful to eliminate the hesitation between dials. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it can be mentally exhausting every time you have to dial the phone. So, keeping it going knocks out friction.

The REDX Power Dialer comes in three different packages.

Three Levels of the Power Dialer

Preview-Line Dialer
$60 per month
  • 1 line
  • 1,500 minutes
  • Call with computer or phone
  • Time zone protection
  • Usage log
Power Dialer
$100 per month
  • Everything in the previous package, plus: Unlimited minutes Upload voicemails
Multi-Line Dialer
$150 per month
  • Everything in the previous package, plus: 3 lines Upload callback messages Free spam monitoring

Scripts (4.3 out of 5)

If you don’t have your phone pitch down just right, REDX has multiple scripts tailored to each of their lead sources. The real estate lead scripts are excellent starting points for someone looking to get better on the phone. But, I probably wouldn’t settle on the given scripts verbatim.

What I like about the scripts section is there is a place to add your own scripts to the list. So, for example, if you’re working your FSBOs but the REDX script (which honestly could use some work) doesn’t work for you, you can upload your own script to use instead. That feature makes the scripts section so much more valuable.

The best feature of these scripts is their easy accessibility. They’re located directly inside the lead contact card while you’re dialing. You never have to leave the contact to use the scripts. I also love how easily you can switch between the different types of scripts by simply clicking the different icons, like between a FSBO and a preforeclosure.

Related Article
How to Convert Leads With Bad Phone Numbers (+ Email Scripts)

Pulse Conversion Tracker (4.8 out of 5)

The REDX Pulse tracks your call time and conversions. For anyone goal-oriented or motivated by hard numbers, this is your happy place. Anytime you need a boost in your motivation, just pop over to the Pulse screen to check in on your progress. It’s clean, clear, and concise—just the pick-me-up a hardworking agent needs.

Analytics (4.4 out of 5)

REDX offers four different bundles of data insights: market, financial, home and building, and lifestyle. Each bundle is considered an add-on for an additional $25 per month, though you can get them for free if you choose the PLUS option for any particular lead type. The analytics are designed to enrich your knowledge and give you the confidence to talk to any lead about any property. 

For example, if you subscribe to the market insights add-on, you could pull up the market data for the local area during your conversation with a homeowner. Having that data at your fingertips can go a long way in helping you look like the neighborhood expert. For me, the price is a bit of an overreach on REDX’s part and not really worth the extra $25 per month. But for some agents, it might be a confidence boost to know they have access.

Training & Troubleshooting (4.6 out of 5)

The training and troubleshooting resources on how to best use VORTEX are essential to increasing your success with the platform. The library of written material and prerecorded videos help answer most questions, and they have phone support during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time). 

There is also a robust blog and an informative podcast with helpful tips and techniques for success. If you need help converting your leads, you can find additional training on using all the features plus additional tips on overcoming objections.

REDX Alternatives

REDX is a leader in the prospecting and phone dialer industry. But they’re not the only game in town. Let’s take a look at some of the alternatives you can compare against the features and pricing of REDX.

Prospecting ToolBest For
Mojo DialerIntegrating with outside platforms (CRMs, lead sources, etc.)
LandvoiceBudget option with no dialer
Related Article
Mojo Dialer Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons

Who Is REDX Best For?

REDX is perfect for motivated agents who are driven to actively and consistently prospect for leads. If you’re the agent who doesn’t like to sit around and wait for leads to come in, this is a great option and worth consideration. It is also one of the most affordable lead generation companies out there. 

But if you’re worried about committing to regular prospecting, we have other options for you to consider. Check out our article on the best places to buy real estate leads to find the right fit.

Related Article
The 9 Best Places to Buy Real Estate Leads in 2024

The Bottom Line: Is REDX Worth It?

REDX provides a simple interface for agents with easy-to-navigate tools and only the slightest learning curve. Plus, it offers flexible packages so you can enter the outbound prospecting field at your own pace. Overall, REDX provides solid leads and the means needed to convert them at a high level.

However, if you’re not the type of person who feels comfortable cold calling, this may not be the best answer for you yet. REDX is an outstanding platform, but it’s not passive lead generation. You have to actively work these types of leads in order for them to be worth the money. That said, it’s a great platform to begin your outbound prospecting journey.

Methodology: Why You Can Trust My Review

I’ve been a licensed real estate agent since 2018, and I’ve used a myriad of tools to help me run my business, including REDX and other data aggregation companies like it. When I assess real estate software solutions, I approach them through the lens of a practicing agent who would use the platform in my real estate business. 

I combine my personal expertise and a rubric created specifically to weigh REDX against its competitors in an objective and balanced way to add context to my assertions. When I analyze and review platforms, I specifically look at these criteria:

  • Pricing
  • Features
  • Integrations
  • Ease of use
  • User interface
  • Learning curve for implementation

 I also take into consideration any additional systems for: 

  • Marketing 
  • Data analytics 
  • Pipeline management 
  • Automation

You can learn more about our methodology here.

Your Take

Are you ready to take your outbound prospecting to the next level? Using a platform like REDX could be just the tool you need to get there. Have you used a platform like REDX? What was your experience? Let us know in the comment section below.

The post REDX Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons appeared first on The Close.

]]> 5 REDX scorecard REDX_Wordmark_Logo_CA1600 REDX Vortex dashboard REDX lead filters expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse Geoleads interactive lead map Geoleads property search filter Geoleads search neighborhood Geoleads flexible lead source Storm-Dialer Untitled-5
The 117 Best Real Estate Keywords (+ How to Use Them & Find More) Mon, 20 Nov 2023 21:00:03 +0000 Want to rank at the top of Google search? Learn how to use keywords to generate leads through your website and YouTube videos.

The post The 117 Best Real Estate Keywords (+ How to Use Them & Find More) appeared first on The Close.

Having trouble finding real estate keywords that actually drive qualified leads to your blog posts and YouTube videos? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Choosing keywords for your agent website is hard if you don’t know what you’re doing. 

That’s why we decided to put together this guide with 117 real estate keywords that buyers and sellers commonly search for. Perhaps more importantly, we’ll show you tools to find more keywords and show you how to customize and use these keywords in your blog posts and YouTube videos.

What Are Real Estate Keywords?

Real estate keywords are words or short phrases that Google and other search engines use to categorize content. Generally speaking, the real estate keywords used in an article will represent the main subject of a blog post or webpage. 

Over the last few years, Google’s algorithm has gotten smarter. Much smarter. Today Google uses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver hyper-specific answers to the questions people search for. Increasingly, those answers are targeted to the searcher’s geographic location. This is why tailoring your keywords to specific local audiences is crucial. 

Before you dive in, you should understand that keywords are only one element of an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. If you’re brand-new to SEO, check out our in-depth guide here:

Related Article
Real Estate SEO: The Ultimate Guide (9 Steps to Better Ranking)

The Best Real Estate Keywords for 2024

Here is our list of the best real estate keywords for 2024. You can use these keywords to plan which articles to write for your blog. Always remember that your main goal here is to educate your reader first and show up on Google second. In fact, if your article is spammy or overstuffed with keywords, it won’t rank on Google for long. 

We included both short-tail keywords (single words and phrases) and long-tail keywords (short sentences and questions) in this list. Generally speaking, long-tail keywords will have a smaller audience searching for them, but their specificity makes them more relevant. Most of the SEO content you create should use long-tail keywords, which are generally more critical than short-tail keywords.

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Keywords for Your Farm Area

It is much easier to get your content to rank for local real estate keywords since there is much less competition. For example, tens of thousands of people might search for “closing costs,” but only a few hundred might search for “closing costs in Phoenix.” So whenever you are planning an article or video, make sure you come up with local long-tail keywords to answer questions for a specific audience in a specific location. 

For example, let’s say the keyword is “how to buy a home.” In order to tailor this to your geographic area, you might change it to “how to buy a home in Charlotte.” Or you can make it even more specific, if there’s search volume, and focus on a neighborhood.

📌   Pro Tip

The idea here is to use keywords naturally in your articles. For every 100 words, you should use the keyword one time in the body copy, which gives you 1% keyword density. As long as you have the keyword in the title, meta, and H2s, don’t worry about how many times you use it in the body copy. Just use it whenever it feels natural.

How to Find Your Own Real Estate Keywords

As noted above, while our list of real estate keywords is a great starting point for your content, you will likely need to pinpoint more specific keywords to reach buyers and sellers in your farm area. In order to make your life easier, here are three ways to determine important keywords for your content.

1. Use SEO Tools to Find More Keywords

The best and most accurate way to find new keywords is to use dedicated SEO tools. These tools analyze millions of search engine results pages (SERP) to estimate important data like how many people search for a keyword per month (also called search volume), and crucially, how hard it is to rank for that keyword (difficulty). They also help analyze your competitors’ websites to see which keywords they’re ranking for. Here are three of our favorite SEO tools:


  • Best for: Finding keyword search volume and difficulty
  • Cost: Starting at $99 per month
  • Ease of use: Medium

Our first go-to tool for keyword research is Ahrefs. Ahrefs has very similar tools that competitors like Moz offer, but its data is a bit more accurate (according to our own research, that is). It also gives you questions people ask along with keywords.

Visit Ahrefs


  • Best for: Competitor and keyword research
  • Cost: Starting at $99 per month ($79 per month paid annually)
  • Ease of use: Medium

One of the earliest SEO tools, Moz actually invented its own domain authority metric, which is widely used in the industry. You can use Moz to find what other sites are ranking for, as well as who is linking to them. And finally, we’re big fans of their learning center, which has resources for professionals at every stage of their SEO journey.

Visit Moz


  • Best for: Competitive research
  • Cost: Starting at $130 per month
  • Ease of use: Medium

Semrush is the go-to tool in the SEO industry for analyzing your competitors’ websites to see and track what keywords they rank for as well as getting lists of other sites that link to your competitor’s site. You can even set alerts, audit websites, and more.

Visit Semrush

2. Hire a Freelance Keyword Researcher on Fiverr

  • Best for: Outsourcing
  • Cost for keyword research: $5 to $150

By hiring someone on Fiverr to do your keyword research for you, you can get a simple spreadsheet of keywords and article ideas that will give you a road map for the year for less than the price of a month of SEO software.

Click below to head over to Fiverr and find someone to do your keyword research starting at just five bucks.

Visit Fiver

3. Research SERPs for Your Keywords

  • Best for: DIYers
  • Cost: Free

Another great (and free!) way to find keywords for your content is to research search engine results pages (SERPs). Try searching for common real estate terms in your area and see what results you get.

Google’s “People Also Ask” sections can be a gold mine of article or video ideas. For example, here is the “People Also Ask” section on the SERP for “How to buy a NYC condo”:

How to Use Keywords to Generate Traffic & Leads

There are two basic steps to using keywords effectively to generate traffic and leads. First, you need to tailor your real estate keywords to target local buyers and sellers. After all, ranking number one for “luxury homes” won’t be as helpful for your business if you can’t target people actually buying luxury homes in your farm area.

Second, you need to write blog posts or create videos that provide the best answer to the questions local buyers and sellers are searching for on Google. Here’s a quick breakdown of this process: 

Determine Search Intent

Once you have a list of local long-tail keywords, the next step is to figure out which questions your local buyers and sellers want answered when they search Google for them. This is known as search intent and should be the driving force behind all content you create in order to rank on Google. 

Think of it like Jeopardy: If your keyword is “homebuying tips for Phoenix,” the question being asked is pretty straightforward: “What do I need to know about buying a home in Phoenix?” However, if your keyword is something like “closing costs in Phoenix,” your local buyers and sellers will likely have more than one question. 

  • How much are closing costs in Phoenix? 
  • Who pays closing costs in Phoenix?
  • How can I save money on closing costs in Phoenix? 

Write Blog Posts or Create Videos to Answer Questions Local Buyers & Sellers Are Asking

OK, now that you have a list of local long-tail keywords and understand the search intent, it’s time to provide answers that can rank. There are three key places you want to add keywords to your blog posts. In order of importance, they are the title, the meta description, and the main headings of your article. Try to use the keywords naturally in all three places. 

Write a Snappy Title

Your title should include your keyword (ideally as close to the beginning as possible), and should be written in a natural style that will make people want to click on your article. Here are some title ideas to target “closing costs in Phoenix”:

  • Closing Costs in Phoenix: Myths vs Facts
  • Closing Costs in Phoenix: The Ultimate Guide
  • What Every New Buyer Needs to Know About Closing Costs in Phoenix

Remember that, generally speaking, it’s a bad idea to write more than one article targeting the same keyword. 

Write an Introduction That Draws People In

Your introduction has two purposes: to make people curious about your article or video and explain what they will get by consuming it. Using real estate keywords in your introduction is crucial. Just make sure you do so in a natural way. Here is an example of an introduction for an article about closing costs in Phoenix:

Create an Outline for Your Content & Start Writing

When you have search intent figured out, writing your content is easy. All you need to do is create an outline for your article or video and use the questions people want answered as your primary headings and subheadings. If you’re making a video, use the questions as chapters.

Don’t worry about using keywords in your content. If you are focusing on answering buyers’ and sellers’ questions, they will come up naturally as you write.

Be sure to link to your new blog post from older blog posts. Tying your posts together can help you rank better as it helps Google “read” and categorize the content on your site. 

Finally, if you want to rank on Google long term, you need to update your blog posts at least once a year. Go back and change the date, add relevant new information or news, and try to make your article more readable and useful for your readers.

Create a Great ‘About Me’ Page

Since you want your articles to signal EEAT (experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) to Google, you should always include references to these factors in your articles. At a minimum, your author bio or YouTube “about” page should have your credentials, including designations, and your experiences.

Use Keywords in YouTube Videos 

For YouTube videos, you can use the same basic formula when you write your video’s title, description, and tags. You can also use keywords in your video’s channel. Click on Channel and find your settings where you’ll have the option to add keywords. You can also put keywords in your chapters, but only if they are relevant to what you are talking about. Don’t forget to use these same keywords when promoting your video. 

If you need more ideas for blogs or want some expert writing tips, check out our guide to real estate blog ideas below:

Related Article
36 Real Estate Blog Ideas (+ Examples & Expert Tips)

Bringing It All Together

Have any additional tips or questions related to researching and using real estate keywords? Let us know in the comment section.

The post The 117 Best Real Estate Keywords (+ How to Use Them & Find More) appeared first on The Close.

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Homebot Review: Pricing, Pros & Cons for Real Estate Agents Fri, 03 Nov 2023 14:52:29 +0000 In the age of disinformation, people want to hear from a trusted source. Why can’t that be you? Let’s dive into Homebot and see if it can help you reach more clients with data.

The post Homebot Review: Pricing, Pros & Cons for Real Estate Agents appeared first on The Close.

Listen, we’ve all been cautious of predictive analytics in real estate—looking at you, Zestimate! But with big data and historical pricing information, there are tools that can send homeowners regular messages reviewing what their house is worth. Homebot has entered the chat. 

Homebot isn’t just a win for homeowners, though. It’s a way for agents to nurture their sphere as well as educate them—two birds with one stone. In the age of disinformation, people want to hear from a trusted source. Why can’t that be you? So let’s dive into the top features of Homebot, its pricing, and my full breakdown.

Homebot scorecard
  • Set-and-forget it with automated monthly emails
  • Cost-effective
  • No contract requirement
  • Lender referral opportunities
  • Hyperlocal data from Altos Research
  • Email-centric (may not be for all clients)
  • Setup fee
  • Advanced features only available with lender plans
  • Not a replacement for expert advice
  • Market competition via Zillow, Remine, etc.
The Close Score
User Interface:

My Verdict 

As both a real estate agent and coach, I’ve seen my fair share of software and even some cool AI tools designed to help agents stay connected with clients. Homebot stands out for me. It’s not just another tool—it’s a way to offer valuable insights that your clients will actually appreciate. People want to know what the value of their home is—Homebot keeps them off Zillow and engaged with you on a monthly basis. And at $25 a month, it feels like a no-brainer. 

I recommend Homebot to every one of my coaching clients because of the low cost and the added value you’ll bring to your sphere. While I still coach agents to use the FORD method—asking their sphere about their family, occupation, recreation, and dreams—I do think Homebot can help agents who worry about just making small talk a few times per year. While it’s still important to stay up to date with your clients’ lives, Homebot provides you (and your clients) with actionable advice. If you’re looking to up your client engagement game without emptying your wallet, I’d recommend checking out Homebot.

Check Out Homebot

What Is Homebot? 

Homebot is a lead nurturing tool that helps real estate agents educate clients on what their home is worth via a monthly automated email. What’s great about Homebot is that it offers personalized insights, not just a number. This automated valuation model (AVM) is based on market data from more than 20,000 neighborhoods, updated weekly. 

You can also partner with a lender to unlock other cool features like a Chrome extension plugin and browsing on Zillow with a Homebot insights sidebar. You might not be able to keep leads off Zillow, but you can still provide better insights while they browse it. 

Homebot Pricing 

For Real Estate Agents

Homebot offers a straightforward and budget-friendly pricing model for agents. There’s even a way to get a freemium version through your lender partner. The Pro Plan for agents starts at $25 per month with a one-time setup fee of $50. Here’s what you get:

  • Personalized home value insights delivered to 500 clients every month
  • Customized insights for homeowners 
  • Basic integrations  

Note: If you want to add more clients, you can do so in blocks of 500 for an additional $10 per month. 

For Lenders

In most transactions, the lender is essential—and most agents have a few preferred mortgage professionals in their pocket. When your lender partners with you on Homebot, that’s where the magic happens. You’ll unlock these premium features: 

  • Homebot Home Search Chrome browser extension
  • Video manager and video email 
  • Personalized URLs for your listings
  • Additional insights for clients when they browse Zillow 

With these extra bells and whistles, pricing is a bit more involved for lenders. There’s a $200 one-time setup fee and a base subscription of $150 per month. The reason for the big jump in pricing when compared to the agent offerings is that the lender pricing unlocks other features specific to mortgage professionals, such as the ability to offer a freemium version to agent partners. 

Key Features 

Automated Home Value Insights

what a client sees on the Homebot email, with "the estimated value of your home is $432,000," along with the options to tune value and see an instant offer.
Source: Homebot

One of the core features of Homebot is its ability to provide automated and personalized home value insights. They use one of the largest real estate databases, Altos Research, to give homeowners an accurate picture of what their home is worth. 

If your clients don’t agree, they have the option to change it (after which you’ll receive a notification). Don’t worry—your clients are only given a realistic adjustment range based on Homebot’s data models and market trends. This number will be saved for your client, but won’t impact Homebot’s data reporting. 

The insights also extend into the “Homebot Home Search Experience.” This is a really cool feature where Homebot integrates directly with Zillow in the user’s browser, so your clients will get added Homebot insights while they browse Zillow. Let’s dive into that feature further. 

Homebot Home Search Experience

Homebot home buyer software, with a geo map and overlay of home square footage and home value insights.
Source: Homebot

The question on your mind at this point is most likely, “Are Homebot’s values more accurate than Zestimates?” The answer is unequivocally yes. I’ve dug into the Zestimate data and Zillow’s nationwide margin of error is 7.7% for homes that are off market. Altos Research, which provides data to Homebot, has roughly 20,000 hyperlocal markets and pulls data on “over 100 million properties every week.” 

Zillow’s model is limited to the data that Zillow has access to—which relies on partnerships with MLSs nationwide. But agents know how fickle those partnerships can be. On the other hand, Altos Research positions itself as “the only company to analyze the entire active market in real time, tracking every property listed for sale or rent in the U.S.”

Looking at the snip above, this is what homeowners will see when they use the Homebot home search function. It’s a much cleaner interface that keeps your clients engaged with you, not the featured Zillow Premier Agent

Refinancing Scenarios

Snip, "what could a refi save you in interest?" Different loan terms, 15, 25 and 30 showing the different savings and monthly payment amounts.
Source: Homebot

With rates at recent highs, a lot of homeowners don’t have any idea of what they could afford if they chose to refinance or buy. Homebot gives your prospects several possible refinancing scenarios based on current mortgage rates. You can help your clients better understand the value of their largest financial asset, especially in uncertain times. 

Personalized Landing Pages (PURLs)

Sample PURL from Homebot. There is a CTA field for visitors to input their address to see what their home is worth.
Source: Homebot

Personalized URLs, or PURLs, are a way Homebot can help you grow your client base. These landing pages capture new leads and put them directly into your Homebot database. When a new visitor lands on your PURL, they’re prompted to enter their home address to receive an instant home valuation (powered by Homebot). 

You can use this in a lot of different ways, like with social media advertising or with an open house on a new listing. We’ve seen the power of landing pages for real estate agents, and the fact that Homebot designs this for you is a boon for your productivity.

These pages have a great user interface and an actual reason for visitors to input their info—they’ll get the value of their home without waiting for a real estate agent to pester them. I also like the fact that you have an easy intro for your follow-up. Just ask your new client about what they thought of their home’s predicted value.

📌   Pro Tip

Use a PURL as a sign-in page for your next open house to add visitors directly to your database!

Client Nurturing With Video Manager

video manager page on Homebot software. There are a few sample videos, such as "Homeowner intro," and "Intro to refinancing."
Source: Homebot

Another great feature I love is Homebot’s video manager*. With this, you can upload videos around common client pain points and send them to your sphere every month as an engagement tool. You can import these from YouTube, BombBomb, or other popular video platforms as well. This makes it super easy to email your videos to keep your clients engaged beyond the automated home value email. 

Make a few videos that explain refinancing, provide personalized video market updates, or just simply check in with your sphere to give them that personal touch. When you get a new client in your Homebot database, your “Homeowner Intro” can be sent at the touch of a button. 

*Video Manager is only available to agents cosponsored by a lender or lenders on the Pro plan. Otherwise, you can choose from a few premade videos to engage your clients. 


what a homeowner sees when browsing Zillow with the Homebot plugin. There is a section stating this home is a "smart buy." and what the monthly payment amount would be.

Within the Homebot platform, you can view your open rate, click-through rate and see which of your prospects have engaged with their Homebot email. It’s pretty straightforward so I don’t want you to worry about the fact that Homebot doesn’t have a ton of integrations. 

Homebot does partner with Total Expert CRM, BombBomb, and Mortgage Coach. But more importantly, the company has an open API. So if you’re a tech-savvy agent, you can get in touch with their team to put together a custom integration. This also means you can use a tool like Zapier to connect Homebot to a CRM you’re using with minimal headaches. 

When you partner with a lender, those plans offer a Chrome extension and a Zillow plugin. After all, we know it’s almost impossible to keep your clients off of Zillow. This feature could be the extra nudge you need to nurture a great conversation with your client about a home they saw on Zillow. Based on the buyer’s profile, Homebot provides a “buy score” for a home, letting them know if this is a smart, fair, or a weak purchase price, as well as estimated monthly costs and savings compared to renting.

📌   Pro Tip

Touch base with your lender partners to see if they’re interested in partnering with you on Homebot. Some of the lender plans come with a freemium version for real estate agents. Strengthen the relationship with your preferred lender and perhaps even snag some referrals!

Homebot Alternatives 

Here’s the thing—in the world of real estate tools, Homebot stands alone. With artificial intelligence (AI) valuations, it’s more important than ever to keep that client relationship alive. Homebot is an innovative tool that has more accurate valuations than a Zestimate and provides real value for your clients. I haven’t been able to find a tool that does what Homebot does, especially for the price. However, if some of these features sound appealing, here are a few other companies you might like to consider.

Wise Agent

If you like the lead nurturing aspect of Homebot, Wise Agent could be a good choice for a more all-in-one solution, including a customer relationship manager (CRM). It’s budget-friendly and has great support. In contrast to Homebot, which focuses on home value and financing, Wise Agent gives you a broader range of functions if you’re not already using a CRM or lead nurture software.

Check Out Wise Agent
Related Article
Wise Agent Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons

Agent Legend

If you like the fact that Homebot’s lead nurturing is automated, you might want to check out Agent Legend. You can tailor follow-ups via text and email, with plenty of templates to customize your communication. While Homebot is geared more toward nurturing your current sphere, Agent Legend is really more about converting your new leads. This could be a great alternative for agents using online lead generation companies.

Check Out Agent Legend
Related Article
Agent Legend Review: Easily Automate Your Lead Follow-up


If you work more with real estate investors, Kiavi is great. Your clients can use anticipated rental income in qualifying for a mortgage. This software levels the playing field for your clients looking to step into the investing world. You can use this in tandem with Homebot to help those who refinance and are looking to roll that money into a rental property.

Visit Kiavi
Related Article
The Best Hard Money Lenders of 2024 (Interest Rates, Fees & More)

The Bottom Line: Is Homebot Worth the Money?  

Homebot is an amazing addition to any agent’s existing toolkit, and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. This isn’t just “touching base” to see how things are going—you’ll be offering personalized financial insights to your clients, which go much further than calling them to ask them the FORD questions for the third time this year. 

Homebot’s focus is on client nurturing—something I preach a lot in my coaching. What I like about the company’s approach to this vital part of the client relationship is that Homebot is designed to complement your current system. If you’re aiming to give your client nurturing strategy a tech-forward edge without overwhelming yourself, Homebot is your go-to.


In evaluating Homebot, I used my firsthand experience of the platform as both a real estate agent and a coach. I’ve been a fan of Homebot for years and I’ve recommended it to many of my coaching clients with great success.

Here at The Close, our goal is to offer actionable advice to help our readers succeed. Just to be clear: Homebot has not paid for this review, and my enthusiasm for Homebot has not influenced my evaluation. Our product review methodology emphasizes thoroughness and an unbiased take.

What’s Your Take? 

What do you feel about predictive analytics software and letting AI predict home value in real estate? Do you feel like this product could work for your business? 

We love to hear from our readers. Please share your experience with Homebot or other thoughts in the comment section below.

The post Homebot Review: Pricing, Pros & Cons for Real Estate Agents appeared first on The Close.

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The 7 Best Real Estate Chatbots (Pricing, Pros & Cons) Tue, 31 Oct 2023 20:26:18 +0000 Leads expect their questions to be answered instantly, and real estate chatbots help you do exactly that. We’re here to demystify chatbots, show you how to use them to boost your business, and reveal which chatbots offer the best combination of pricing and features.

The post The 7 Best Real Estate Chatbots (Pricing, Pros & Cons) appeared first on The Close.

If you walked into my office 12 years ago and told me that real estate agents would need chatbots screening their leads online, I would have laughed in your face. Well, I probably would have asked if you needed an apartment in the East Village first, but you get the idea.

Today, leads expect their questions to be answered instantly, and real estate chatbots help you do exactly that. We’re here to demystify chatbots, show you how to use them to boost your business, and reveal which chatbots offer the best combination of pricing and features. Not exactly sure what chatbots are? Let’s start with that! 

The Best Real Estate Chatbots of 2023

While there are a ton of chatbot options these days, here are our picks for the best for real estate pros:

Freshchat’s Freddy

Freshchat scorecard
  • Customizable
  • Responsive chat
  • Chat campaigns
  • Free version
  • Lack of integrations
  • Steep learning curve
  • Lack of customer service
The Close Score
Ease of Use:


Free – $79 per agent, per month

Freshchat’s Best Features for Agents:

Freshchat lets you interact with your leads using Freddy, an artificial intelligence bot. You can set your chatbot to start chatting with leads based on their website activity. For example, a lead clicking over to a listing page might trigger a chatbot to offer to set up a showing. They also offer chat campaigns, and even let you engage with your leads on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram DMs.

Freshchat’s Drawbacks:

While Freshchat is an affordable option, especially since the free version allows up to ten users, even the upgraded versions (which include sessions, better customer service access, and deeper analytics) lack some of the more sophisticated features as others on our list. The biggest drawback is that Freshchat does not directly integrate with popular real estate CRMs like CINC or LionDesk the way Structurely does.

Visit Freshchat


Tidio scorecard
  • Free Version
  • Customizable
  • Ready-made Templates
  • Analytics & Reporting
  • Easy to Use
  • Integrations Aren’t Seamless
The Close Score
Ease of Use:


Tidio offers a free version (three users, 50 livechat conversations) and several packages that vary based on the number of users and number of livechat conversations. The most expensive is $29 per month. 

Tidio’s Best Features:

This is a chatbot at its most customizable—so much so that it looks like a natural extension of your branded site and social media. The out-of-the-box templates are helpful for real estate leads (even though Tidio is not specifically designed for the real estate industry) and it’s easy to create your own. I also like the thoughtful analytics and reporting, which make it easy to see what’s working and what’s not. Tidio is easily one of the top options on our list and a strong alternative to Freshchat

Tidio’s Drawbacks

Some agents might get tripped up by some of the integrations, but since the customer service is something Tidio prioritizes, they should be able to help troubleshoot.

Visit Tidio


Structurely scorecard
  • Real estate-specific templates
  • Lead qualification
  • Bot, plus email and text nurturing
  • Strong CRM integrations
  • Hand-off from bot to person mid-conversation
  • Expensive
  • Learning curve
The Close Score
Ease of Use:


$499 to $1,499 per month, depending on the number of conversations

Structurely’s Best Features for Agents:

Structurely offers an AI chatbot that operates like an inside sales agent to qualify and even nurture leads via text messaging. But it doesn’t stop there. Structurely’s AI assistant also qualifies and nurtures leads via email. If you’re worried that there’s a bot sending out emails and texts that are hard to track, don’t. Structurely seamlessly integrates with popular CRMs like CINC, LionDesk, Follow Up Boss, and Real Geeks so you can monitor and log conversations with your leads right from your CRM.

Structurely’s Drawbacks:

Although Structurely offers agents some pretty high-tech features, they are priced accordingly. Many agents spend less for their entire IDX website than what Structurely charges. For a high-end product without the high-end price tag, consider Tidio.

Visit Structurely scorecard
  • Free version
  • Strong social media engagement
  • Customizable
  • Deep analytics on site visitors
  • Lack of focus during rebrand
  • Customer service is lacking
The Close Score
Ease of Use:


There is a free option, a starter package for $199 per month and the pro package, which is $499 per month. Pricing depends on the number of website visitors and conversations.’s Best Features

Agents who interact with their leads on social media are going to really appreciate’s seamless integrations. You’re even able to automate your DMs on Facebook and Instagram. Bonus points to for the deep analytic reporting on website visitors so that you get to know your audience and tailor your content better.’s Drawbacks

Previously MobileMonkey,’s new ownership and brand is talking a big, bold, very vague AI game. I’m going to keep an eye on it to make sure that a rebrand isn’t a sign of potential messiness or lack of vision in the future. I’m also hoping to see better native integrations and higher levels of customer service. MobileMonkey had a kind of cult following so we’ll see if can keep loyal customers happy.



Tars scorecard
  • Template library
  • Instant response rates
  • Innovative technology
  • Integrations with CRMs
  • Opaque pricing
  • Learning curve
  • Lacks social media integrations
The Close Score
Ease of Use:


I know pricing starts at $99 per month, but that’s about it. Would love to see more transparency here. 

Tars’ Best Features

Tars serves multiple industries and has developed more than 1,000 templates for customers to deploy. It understands speed to lead and promises the fastest responses of any chatbot provider on the list. As a major chatbot player, they are up to date on the most innovative AI technology and are swift to adopt new and better strategies. Throw in that the integrations are pretty good, especially with CRMs, and Tars is an excellent real estate chatbot choice. 

Tars’ Drawbacks

Tars has limited social media integrations, so if that is where you’re engaging with most of your leads, this probably isn’t the best option. Consider or Tidio instead. I’d also say that the lack of transparency around pricing is frustrating. Finally, starting at $99 per month puts this tool out of reach for a lot of new agents. 

Visit Tars


Collect.Chat scorecard
  • Free version
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • Good mobile experience
  • Excellent calendar integrations
  • Not fully-featured
  • Lacks some social media integrations
  • Lacks customization
The Close Score
Ease of Use:


Collect.Chat has a free version and several packages with the most expensive being $99 per month. Pricing is based on the features and number of responses. 

Collect.Chat’s Best Features

Collect.Chat is the ideal starter chatbot for real estate agents. It’s easy to use, has a drag-and-drop builder, and makes it easy for leads to book appointments and schedule showings. Plus the mobile experience is really top notch. This is as close to ready to go out of the box as you can get. If you’re not ready for some of the turbo-charged chatbot providers on this list but still want to try a quality product, this is the one for you. 

Collect.Chat’s Drawbacks

This is not as full-featured or robust as Freshchat, Tidio, Tars, or Structurely, and it lacks the social media integrations of It’s also pretty limited in terms of customization at the free level. But all in all, if I was new to chatbots but didn’t want to waste my time (or my leads’ time), I’d give Collect.Chat a go.

Visit Collect.Chat


RealtyChatbot scorecard
  • Real estate specific
  • Strong facebook integrations
  • Easy to use
  • Strong CRM integration
  • No free option
  • Expensive setup
  • Limited technology innovation
The Close Score
Ease of Use:


If you’re paying once a year, RealtyChatbot will run you $119 a month with a $195 setup fee. Otherwise it’s $149 per month with a $995 setup fee.

RealtyChatbot’s Best Features for Agents

The company’s AI chatbot can modify its responses based on how your lead answers questions. In addition, it offers agents the ability to sync their real estate chatbot to their Facebook page. This feature makes RealtyChatbot a great option for agents who interact with leads from their Facebook page or through Facebook Messenger. It’s also the only chatbot on this list that was designed specifically for the real estate industry. 

RealtyChatbot’s Drawbacks

Like Structurely and Tars, RealtyChatbot is priced a bit out of reach for many newer agents. And while it’s an effective chatbot that many agents like and use, it doesn’t have the robust AI features of a Tidio, Structurely, or Freshchat bot. We’ll be watching to see if it can continue to innovate in an ever-changing AI field.

Visit RealtyChatbot

Methodology for Finding the Best Real Estate Chatbots

When evaluating the many real estate chatbots on the market, we took into account the following:

  • Value
  • Package options and pricing
  • Real estate-specific features
  • Templates and scripts
  • Mobile app
  • Language capabilities
  • Branding
  • Analytics
  • Integrations
  • Customization
  • Ease of use
  • Customer support

Read more about our methodology here.

Bringing It All Together

What do you think about using real estate chatbots? Love them? Hate them? Any tips for chatbot use or have a favorite provider? Let us know in the comment section!

The post The 7 Best Real Estate Chatbots (Pricing, Pros & Cons) appeared first on The Close.

]]> 12 expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse Screenshot_ReMax_Website_Chatbots Freshchat scorecard Tidio scorecard Structurely scorecard scorecard Tars scorecard Collect.Chat scorecard RealtyChatbot scorecard
11 Ways Smart Real Estate Agents Are Using LinkedIn to Get Better Leads Fri, 20 Oct 2023 18:54:34 +0000 Learn why and how you should be using LinkedIn to generate real estate leads (and not simply to network with other industry professionals in your SOI).

The post 11 Ways Smart Real Estate Agents Are Using LinkedIn to Get Better Leads appeared first on The Close.

LinkedIn may be less flashy than other social media platforms, but it’s one of the most overlooked channels for generating real estate lead generation. I’d go so far as to say that LinkedIn is the ideal place to show that you’re knowledgeable and relevant in a loud, crowded industry. 

I bet you’re wondering how to make LinkedIn work for you. We’ll show you how, with a little time, a lot of consistency, and a clear objective, it’s the ideal social media platform to generate leads, maintain your lead pipeline, establish yourself as the expert, and expand your sphere of influence (SOI). 

1. Start by Building Your Profile

No matter how a potential client finds you—whether it’s through your website, Instagram account, or by word of mouth—chances are they’re also going to check out your LinkedIn profile. Your profile should have one main goal: to show the world that you know what you’re doing. 

Start the process by taking stock of your profile. We all know that it’s your online resume, so take this opportunity to brag about and differentiate yourself. Conduct a quick audit and check the following:

  • Is your photo current and in line with our headshot recommendations?
  • Is all of your professional experience relevant and accurate?
  • Does your background image have something to do with real estate?
  • Use the headline wisely. You’re not just a Realtor; you’re Charleston’s Top Luxury Real Estate Agent.
  • Have a catchy slogan? Put it here. Don’t have one? Create one here!
  • Gather endorsements and recommendations—at least three, ideally five.
  • Add all awards, accomplishments, accreditations, designations, and specialties.
  • Show you’re multidimensional: Add volunteer work, hobbies, and organizational memberships

LinkedIn’s own data shows that member profiles that showcase volunteer experience see as many as six times more views than those that don’t. If you volunteer at the animal shelter, are a champion badminton player, or just really into pickleball, include it! 

Here are a few profile examples that show off designations, hobbies, and accomplishments. Each profile really stands out and highlights what makes that agent special. I especially like the use of images that signal a specific location or make you want to buy a beautiful home.

2. Make Connections to Generate Leads

If you’re like most agents, your connections are mostly … other agents. It’s important to have relationships with fellow real estate pros, but when it comes to LinkedIn lead generation, you need to expand your network. 

Networking thoughtfully is a crucial part of your lead generation activity. Spend some time establishing connections with people you know, and then start looking for new and valuable relationships. Connecting to community influencers is key to LinkedIn lead generation—nonprofit board members, local thought leaders, C-suite executives, and other movers and shakers who will open doors for you. 

By design, LinkedIn does an excellent job of recommending new contacts for you—it can use data about who you’re connected with and who is visiting your profile to suggest new links. Don’t “request bomb” people, though. Spend some time every couple of days strategically reaching out.

LinkedIn leads take time. If you’re ready to fill your pipeline right now, consider optimizing zBuyer’s unique cash-offer lead capture strategy. The cash-offer strategy attracts potential off-market properties whose sellers might be interested in selling to deliver verified leads directly to your app, email, and customer relationship manager (CRM) in real time.

Visit zBuyer

Be Strategic About Networking for Lead Generation

Sure you want to connect with people, but LinkedIn is a vast and populous place. Who should you target for successful lead generation? 

Connect With Agents in Other Cities & Create a Referral Network

Focus on agents in other cities, near and far, who can pass along referrals. It’s important to connect with those who are in a similar real estate niche (luxury agents in New York would want to refer to a luxury agent in Los Angeles, for example). But you need to also connect to agents who differ from your specialty so that you’re ready to step in and be the expert when other agents are not. 

Be in the Know When New Businesses Come to Your City 

LinkedIn allows you to filter news and information by geographic area so you can keep your finger on the pulse of local business news. This is a great way to get a heads-up if a big corporation or company is moving to town. Investigate where their employees might be moving from and start an ad campaign to target that area, sending connection requests based on that geographic area. Not only is that helpful for (probably very stressed) families making a big move, but it also keeps your pipeline full. 

LinkedIn Networking Etiquette 

If you want to connect to someone but you don’t know them, make sure to introduce yourself. Best practices dictate sending a personal message with your request to connect.

If you want to really show some respect or stand out, opt to send an InMail (essentially email that has a better response rate than a connection request), available with LinkedIn Premium. If you’re curious about Premium, check out the discussion below.

Related Article
26 Best Email Templates for Real Estate Leads

3. Join Relevant Groups to Market Effectively 

Groups are an innovative way to get to know different segments of your target market and their pain points. Joining and being active in groups allows you to finely craft your value proposition so that you’re addressing the needs of your target audience. 

Joining a diverse range of groups might seem like a distraction, but it will not only grow your network and generate leads, it will help you market more effectively to those leads. Consider what kinds of groups might be interesting and helpful for your niche. A group that unites professionals in finance or senior care could be a good fit. Or maybe people who love dogs, jogging, or startups. Whatever your niche, chances are there’s a LinkedIn group for it.

Let’s say you join a group of dog lovers in your area. Now you can start to network, participate in conversations, and understand what makes the dog-owning community in your town tick. Are people looking for properties with fenced-in backyards? Apartments near dog parks? Are young couples looking for puppies (which is a classic first step before homeownership)? Guess who’s right there to help them! Their fellow dog-lover (who’s also a real estate agent). I will caution you to be authentic in your networking, though. No one likes someone who only pretends to like dogs.

4. Engage Meaningfully With Your Network

As with almost every social media platform, engagement only works if it’s a two-way street. Your success with LinkedIn depends on your ability to give back to your community. Sharing and liking posts isn’t enough.

The good news is that LinkedIn sets you up for success. It alerts you when connections have professional news, milestones, and anniversaries so you can reach out and congratulate them. Celebrating their accomplishments goes a long way to showing exactly what kind of professional you are.

You can also give back by taking a few minutes to write recommendations. The whole I’ll-write-you-one-you-write-me-one only gets you so far. Think what it would mean to your connections to see your kind words out of the blue!

Remember, though, you really want to be authentic. Nothing is worse than fake attempts at thoughtfulness—people can sense that a mile away. 

5.  Like & Share Relevant Content Thoughtfully

Because LinkedIn is unapologetically a professional platform, you get to write, post, share, like, recommend, and network unabashedly and not annoy your friends who just want cute puppy content. 

When leads look at your profile, they want to see that you’re the person others depend on for helpful, relevant, compelling content in your area of expertise. Ideally, you’re the one crafting the content, but I’ll get to that in a minute. For now, as you’re building your presence on LinkedIn, focus on reposting and sharing articles and videos that will interest and inform your audience. 

Be judicious and selective in what you repost, and make sure that it’s high-quality content. What you decide to share is an extension of your brand, so make sure it’s from a source you trust and respect. Set a goal to repost regularly and be sure to engage with other relevant posts.

Remember, almost everyone has some degree of interest in real estate, especially in today’s market. I bet you can find posts to share about real estate and adjacent topics that will appeal to just about any audience, not just your fellow agents.

Share stats about your market’s real estate activity—available from your local board of Realtors—including average home prices, current inventory, and average days on market. How to stage a home for a quick sale, how to compete in a market flush with cash buyers, what to do when interest rates are expected to rise—these are all great topics to repost, share, and discuss with your LinkedIn audience. 

Related Article
80 Real Estate Agent Statistics, Insights & Trends for 2024

6. Create Content Around Trending Topics

Sharing and posting is a good start, but if you create your own article content, you will truly reap the LinkedIn rewards. Note that you can always link to your existing blog on LinkedIn, but the algorithm will give priority to content created on (and for) its site. So if you want content to have a better chance of being shared, liked, and commented on, create it right on the platform.  

As you might imagine, the vast majority of people on LinkedIn never post anything, which means that if you regularly post content and use hashtags, people are much more likely to see and engage with your content.

This is especially true because users have to manually turn off notifications (and most people aren’t taking the time to do that), so your posts are getting seen by hundreds, maybe even thousands of users who didn’t even know they were interested in what you’re writing about. 

Write What You Know

What’s your real estate specialty? What sets you apart from your competition? That’s what you should start focusing on in your posts. They can be short—you can even simply ask a question or conduct a poll. Just make sure your posts are reflecting your brand and expertise.

Write About What’s Trending

LinkedIn clearly lays out what’s trending, liked, and shared in the LinkedIn News feed. Pick a topic and relate it to what you know: real estate. 

Take a look at this LinkedIn News Feed. While at first nothing looks real estate-related, you could easily tie some of these topics to real estate and craft a post that’s timely and relevant to your audience.

In a screenshot from this week, there is plenty for agents to write about. That second trending topic, “US Recession Seems Less Likely,” is perfect for agents! Who doesn’t want to shine some hope on our stagnant housing market? Then there’s another topic, “Home Sales Nearing 2008 Levels,” that offers a great opportunity to show expertise. Or just have some fun, bond with your fellow Swifties, and weigh in on the Taylor Swift film, which is also a hot topic. 

Write (or Create) Something Fun

Often, posts with the greatest interaction are speaking to a specific audience and identifying a pain point—which can be really effectively done with humor. I love this example from our own Kaydi Rainey that talks directly to fellow agents (though anyone can be in on the joke).

In the end, all of this work is in pursuit of your goal to convey your expertise and generate leads who see and appreciate your industry authority.

📌   Pro Tip

Consider producing and sharing a video that showcases a neighborhood, explains 1031 exchanges, or even just introduces you and your business. Or create an eye-catching infographic with Canva. It’s easy to do and will help you stand out. It’s also the kind of content that others share and repost.

7. Upgrade to LinkedIn Premium 

One of the most frustrating things about LinkedIn is that it tells you how many people viewed your profile, but not always who viewed your profile. If users are searching LinkedIn in private mode, you may receive a cryptic notification like “A CEO viewed your profile.” 

Clearly, a LinkedIn member who checks out your profile might be an excellent lead. Knowing who they are makes it possible to follow up and turn that warm lead into a hot one. That’s where LinkedIn Premium comes in. It lets you see who has viewed your profile in the past 90 days, but still lets you browse in private mode. Here’s how former agent Gill Chowdhury scored a $3 million dollar deal from LinkedIn:

“I noticed that a prominent businessman whose attention I was seeking looked at my LinkedIn profile. This was a great sign. From there, I was able to focus more on this individual to the point where I was hired to sell his $3 million-plus property without ever meeting him, and with no phone interview. My messages were powerful enough to convince him, and LinkedIn was a key part in that opportunity coming to fruition.”

InMail Messages

The only way you can message someone who is not in your network is by signing up for LinkedIn Premium and using their InMail platform

LinkedIn promises that InMail is 2.6 times more effective than cold emails or calls, but it’s not cheap. I’d recommend starting with the Business plan, which is $45 per month (with a free one-month trial). This gives you 15 InMails a month. If you really ramp up your lead generation, consider the Sales Navigator package ($80 per month), which includes custom lead and account lists, advanced lead searching, and lead recommendation. 

LinkedIn Premium also includes unlimited people searches, competitor data, industry news, analytics, and more. It could be a really powerful addition to your marketing strategy, but only if you’re really going to put your time into LinkedIn. Otherwise, it’s probably not worth the investment.

8. Buy Ads & Sponsored Posts

Ads and sponsored posts

Of course, if you’re pressed for time or don’t want to learn yet another social media platform, LinkedIn also offers a ton of paid promotion options that you can use for lead generation. You can build audiences and create sponsored content, messaging ads, or text ads for LinkedIn lead generation, site visits, or what LinkedIn was designed for—recruiting agents.

Just be aware that since LinkedIn is a business-to-business (B2B) channel, advertising here is not cheap. But if you want to try your hand at it, here’s a quick rundown of what they offer:

Grow your database with a steady stream of affordable, exclusive real estate leads from social media ads. Social Connect from Top Producer is designed to get you a high volume of leads and move them through your pipeline until they’re ready to buy and sell real estate. Connect with an average of 30 consumers interested in real estate in your local market for just $300 per month!

How Social Connect works:

  • Digital advertising experts create and run social media ad campaigns on your behalf
  • You get exclusive leads from your desired local area
  • All leads are automatically nurtured via text and email on your behalf until they’re ready to connect, saving you time and effort

9. Use Hashtags to Reach Your Audience

Why hashtags? Hashtags are essential to getting your content seen by relevant audiences. As with any social media platform, hashtags help a relevant audience see what you’re writing and sharing. Check out the helpful use of hashtags in this posts below.

10. Promote a New Listing via LinkedIn Circle Prospecting 

As I’ve mentioned, one of the aspects that makes LinkedIn such a lead-generating power tool is that you can search by geographic area. The first step with a new listing is to locate nearby companies. You can then target your connection requests to people who work in those companies. Throw in a beautiful video of your new listing and send it out to employees of those local companies who might be looking for a shorter commute. Add a brief introduction, and wait for the replies of interested buyers. 

Related Article
8 Circle Prospecting Strategies to Boost Lead Generation

11. Be Consistent for Optimal LinkedIn Lead Generation 

LinkedIn gives you all of the tools you’ll need to be successful in expanding your audience, establishing your authority and brand, and networking strategically. Leads find you (or you find them) because you are the present, professional, and engaged real estate expert. But, none of this happens without consistency.

Devote 20 minutes a day to:

  • Connect with former and existing clients, friends, and colleagues
  • Strategize who you want to target
  • Share, like, and engage with relevant content
  • Join and engage in groups
  • Offer congratulations to someone celebrating a professional milestone or success
  • Write a recommendation
  • Write a post on a trending topic
  • Create video content (start with your elevator pitch introduction)

Bringing It All Together

Are you a real estate agent who uses LinkedIn to generate leads? We would love to hear your social media tips or questions in the comment section below.

The post 11 Ways Smart Real Estate Agents Are Using LinkedIn to Get Better Leads appeared first on The Close.

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