Marketing – The Close Your #1 Source For Actionable Real Estate Advice Tue, 20 Aug 2024 16:57:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marketing – The Close 32 32 The #1 Open House Checklist Top Agents Use to Get Amazing Results Tue, 20 Aug 2024 16:57:40 +0000 Want to crush your next open house? We've got a checklist and plenty of pro tips that will give you everything you need to host your most successful listing promotions event yet.

The post The #1 Open House Checklist Top Agents Use to Get Amazing Results appeared first on The Close.

With the proper planning and execution, open houses can double or even triple the number of leads you get. I put together the ultimate open house checklist for agents to help you make the most of your open houses. I’ve included valuable tips for each step, links to in-depth articles on open house apps, boosting Facebook posts, and even using scripts and icebreakers to engage visitors. Download the open house preparation checklist and start reading!

Open House Checklist
Download our Open House Checklist

Before Your Open House

Getting ready for an open house is more than just a task. It’s an opportunity to impact the future of the property significantly. As the big day approaches, you must tackle several essential tasks to ensure everything runs smoothly and impresses potential buyers. 

1. Consider Professional Staging

Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression. If your new listing needs a little extra pizazz, consider the expertise of a professional staging company or software. They can make the most of your client’s existing decor or spice it up to help your listing pop. And if your listing is vacant, adding a few things to give context to the space is essential to attract the perfect buyers.

Apply Design features and services
Apply Design features and services (Source: Apply Design)

Check out Apply Design, the ultimate user-friendly app that empowers everyone to stage their listings effortlessly. Unlike other virtual staging apps, Apply Design still gives agents the freedom to work their magic. It has an intuitive interface and a vast selection of elegant furniture, art, lighting, rugs, and plant renderings!

2. Get Pro Photography

Now that you’ve got the place looking super-fly, it’s time for real estate photography. Word of warning—don’t skimp on the pictures! You’re about to post this listing for everyone to view and want these pictures to draw potential buyers to your upcoming open house. Be sure to hire a professional to get the job done. Or, if you DIY, at least check out our tips to ensure buyers stop scrolling through Zillow to add your open house list to their calendar.

Pro Tip: While your pro photographer is already in your new listing and everything looks perfect, get them to shoot some video for you, too. Some photographers can create Reel-style short vertical videos that you can use to post to social media to announce your upcoming open house. If your photographer doesn’t offer this service or you want to do some DIY to save some cash, make some quick videos yourself using your cell phone camera.

3. Boost Your Open House Post on Facebook

Given that most of your potential open house guests are conducting their house hunting online, boosting a Facebook post to announce your open house can be a game-changer. Just ensure your Facebook ad is designed to cut through the noise on Facebook. If you’re yet to set up a Facebook business page, you can find a comprehensive guide in our How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads article.

Screenshot of an open house Facebook ad sample
Example of an open house Facebook ad (Source: Facebook)

4. Decide Which Food & Drinks You Want to Serve

Believe it or not, the refreshments you serve at your open house can greatly impact how you are perceived as an agent. Remember, most of your guests don’t know you. That means they will be judging you on everything, including food! By serving high-quality open house refreshments, you will enhance your professional image and leave a lasting impression on your guests.

If you’re ordering food, give the restaurant or caterer enough time to prepare it. Two days before the open house should usually be enough lead time, but call ahead to make sure. If you’re making refreshments alone, shopping and preparing a few days before couldn’t hurt. 

5. Send an Email Blast or Newsletter Reminder

You worked hard to build your email list; now is the time to use it. Include your open house announcement in your weekly newsletter, or better yet, send out a dedicated email blast if you think the house is a good deal or it offers something curious neighbors might want to see.

Screenshot of Pipedrive dashboard and deals
Pipedrive dashboard and deals (Source: Pipedrive)

Looking for a simple way to send out your email blast? Pipedrive provides a customizable email builder with impressive templates and email analytics. Its intuitive interface lets you create visually appealing emails tailored to your branding and audience. Its robust analytics offer valuable insights into email performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics.

6. Post Your Open House on Zillow & 

Of course, not all your potential guests will be on your email list, but they will be scrolling Zillow and if they’re looking to buy. Zillow’s dedicated setting for scheduling open houses is a convenient tool to help you plan your event. You need to plan it early, but not too early. Four days or so before your open house should do the trick. 

Why stop with your open house? Zillow Premier Agent is a powerful tool that lets you connect with buyers where they’re already looking, giving you the confidence that your property is being seen by the right people.

7. Text Buyers You’re Already Working With

If you’re working with buyers, send them a quick text to announce the open house. It might not be the perfect home for them, but it gives you another chance to connect and will show them you’re working hard for your seller client.

8. Text Your Seller a Checklist to Prepare the Home

It’s important to give your seller time to prepare for the open house. They might need to clean, hide valuables, or make arrangements for pets. To show your thoughtfulness and care, offer to send a house cleaner, even though they might refuse. It’s the thought that counts!

Before and after home staging example
Before and after home staging example (Source: Pinterest)

Two Days Before Your Open House

Are you ready to host an open house for your real estate listing? Two days before the big day, you must utilize social media to reach out to the neighbors and prepare essential materials. These steps not only help you maximize attendance but also create a buzz that can make your open house an exciting event. 

9. Post an Instagram Reel Preview Announcement 

Since your Facebook post has already been boosted, take a few minutes to create a quick Instagram Reel to announce the open house to your followers. It doesn’t have to be Hollywood-quality, but it should tell them the date, time, and address and maybe include a sneak peek of the home. 

Highlight the benefits of attending, such as getting a first-hand look at the property, meeting the real estate agent, and asking any questions you may have. Shoot and edit this in advance, posting it two days before the open house.

Example of Instagram Reel open house preview announcement (Source: Instagram)

10. Do Some Circle Prospecting

Agents may shy away from knocking on doors (even though you should do that, too). Still, circle prospecting is a unique way to establish a personal connection with the neighborhood around your listing. Circle prospecting is a real estate strategy to generate more leads by focusing on a smaller area around a specific property. This makes building relationships and showcasing experience easier, creating a more personal outreach than cold calls. 

This personal touch can significantly enhance your chances of gaining another client. So, step out, knock on those doors, personally invite the neighbors to the open house, and then follow up with the results using a Just Sold postcard after you close.

11. Review Your Open House Scripts & Icebreakers

If you’re a new agent or haven’t held an open house in a while, it’s crucial to freshen up your open house scripts and icebreakers. This preparation will ensure you don’t stumble on the big day, making you feel more reassured. You want to be loose and spontaneous, but having some snappy phrases in your arsenal can’t hurt! A great example of an icebreaker and script from Laura Marie, Team Leader, eXp Realty:

Agent: Welcome! Stay as long as you want or as short as you want.

Then I walk away and let them wander. A while later, I find them and ask by name:

Agent: Do you want to buy it?

Generally, they will say no, which leads to the next question:

Agent: What are you looking for?

Listen for their response.

Agent: Hmmm, I think I’ve seen your dream home. Once I’m done here at {current listing address}, let’s go take a look. It’s only going to take us five minutes.

Set the appointment right then and go see a home or two. I’ve found offering showings on the same day has the highest conversion.

12. Add Your Open House Sign 

Consider installing the open house sign a little earlier than scheduled. This can notify neighbors and passersby that they are welcome to drop by and view the home at their convenience without making an appointment.

Example of an open house feather flag
Example of an open house feather flag (Source: Dee Sign)

13. Print Out Your Sign-in Sheets or Set Up Your App

It also helps to print out your open house sign-in sheets a few days before the event. The last thing you want is to have a printer malfunction or discover you’re low on ink the morning of the event.

Curb Hero app on tablet and smart phone
Curb Hero digital sign-in (Source: Curb Hero)

By the way, printing your open house sign-in sheets is so 2020. Savvy agents are stepping up their open house game with apps like Curb Hero, which feeds leads directly to thousands of customer relationship managers (CRMs) to help you easily stay on top of your potential new clients. And it’s free!

The Day of Your Open House

Get ready for your open house by taking care of these key tasks: think about what to bring to an open house as a realtor, put up directional signs, jazz up your for sale sign with balloons, and set up welcoming signs, eye-catching open house flyers, and important disclosures. Paying attention to these details will help set the right tone and make your open house a hit!

14. Install Open House Directional Signs

Given that many locations restrict the placement of directional signs to the day of your open house, it’s crucial to take the initiative and wake up early to install them. This proactive approach ensures you’re in control of the event’s logistics.

Example of open house directional sign
Open house directional sign sample (Source: DeeSign)

15. Put Balloons on Your For Sale Sign

While some realtors may dismiss balloons as tacky, they are a practical and effective tool to prevent your guests from getting lost and to attract attention. Embracing this strategy can give you confidence in the smooth running of your open house.

16. Put Out Welcome Signs, Flyers & Disclosures 

Once your directional signs and balloons are in place, it’s time to prepare the house for viewing. Set up a visible and informative entrance with a small table displaying your welcome sign, sign-in sheet, flyers, and disclosures. This clear guidance ensures your guests are well-informed from the moment they arrive.

Example of an open house flyer from Postermywall
Open house flyer template from Postermywall

Two Days After Your Open House 

As a realtor, your work doesn’t end when the last visitor leaves the open house. Completing post-open house tasks is a key part of your real estate agent open house checklist. It’s not just about wrapping up the event—it’s about maximizing your chances of getting property offers, generating new leads, and making a lasting impression on your sellers. The diligence and focus you put into these tasks can lead to approving reviews of your services and boost your professional reputation.

17. Text Buyers’ Agents for Feedback 

If you know any agents who brought or sent buyers to your open house, text them and ask for feedback. You can also include them in your follow-up emails, but texting will likely get you a faster—and hopefully more honest—response. 

18. Add Sign-ins to Your CRM 

This step should be fast and easy if you use an app that integrates with your customer relationship manager (CRM) like Pipedrive. If you’re working with paper sign-in sheets, enter them manually or send the list to your virtual assistant.

Twelve logos for some of the available integrations with Pipedrive
Some available integrations (Source: Pipedrive)

Pipedrive’s email segmentation allows agents to filter contacts based on various criteria, such as activities, products, and deals. This enables personalized emails to be sent to all clients, resonating with each recipient. Additionally, Pipedrive automates tasks such as reminders and email follow-ups, streamlining client management for real estate agents

19. Text Hot Sign-in Leads for Feedback 

After having great conversations with your guests, sending a friendly text is a more personal way to follow up than emailing. Remember to offer something of value, like inviting them for a coffee to discuss their real estate needs and desires further.

20. Email Cold Sign-in Leads

Finally, it would be best to take all the people who gave you their contact information and put them on a drip campaign. A drip campaign is a series of pre-written emails that are automatically sent to a specific group of people over a period of time. You can start with an email request for feedback and follow up with hot new listings. Make sure you ask for their business in your call to action. An example of an open house follow-up email is shown below:

21. Share All Feedback & Performance Data With the Seller

After receiving feedback about the home, put it all together and send it to your seller. Apps like Spacio will give you a form to send them with the data, making the process convenient and easy. However, you can always write it in an email or text message along with your analysis if that’s more comfortable for you. 

Bringing It All Together

Hey there, everyone! I’ve created a comprehensive open house checklist for realtors, but I’d love to make it even more impressive with your help! If you think anything should be added to the open house checklist for sellers, please feel free to share your ideas in the comments. Your input is incredibly valuable, and together, let’s make this real estate agent open house checklist absolutely fantastic!

The post The #1 Open House Checklist Top Agents Use to Get Amazing Results appeared first on The Close.

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The 11 Best Real Estate CRMs of 2024 Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:08:01 +0000 Ask any top-performing real estate agent what their can’t-live-without tool is, and chances are they’ll say a great real estate CRM. But which is best?

The post The 11 Best Real Estate CRMs of 2024 appeared first on The Close.

Ask any top-performing real estate agent what their go-to, must-have, can’t-live-without tool is, and the answer is usually a stellar customer relationship management (CRM) system. However, with so many CRM platforms available, finding the best real estate CRM for your needs can be challenging. That said, I’ve spent countless hours evaluating and scoring dozens of CRMs. Let’s take a look at the ones that topped the list.

The Close’s Top Picks for Real Estate CRMs

Real Estate CRM
Best For
Starting Monthly Price
Learn More
Email marketing, pricing
Pipedrive review
Wise Agent
Transaction management
Wise Agent review
Texting and calling
LionDesk Review
Follow Up Boss
Real estate teams
Follow Up Boss review
IXACT Contact
Contact management
IXACT Contact Review
Automating workflows
Realvolve Review
Lead generation
$449 + $15 per seat
Lofty Review
Real Geeks
Real Geeks review
Market Leader
Lead generation
Market Leader review
Sierra Interactive
Real estate website
Sierra Interactive review
Top Producer
Lead nurturing
Top Producer review
Featured Partner

Get a 30-Day Free Trial of the Industry-Leading CRM.

Top Producer logo
  • Automated lead follow-up: Text & email drip campaigns educate & engage leads
  • All-in-one system: Manage contacts & transactions in a centralized, intuitive dashboard
  • Powerful integrations: MLS data, 150+ lead providers, plus Gmail, Outlook, iCloud and more

Why Real Estate Agents Need a CRM

As real estate agents, making connections and building a network are essential to success. You must consistently communicate with them to nurture leads from your sphere of influence or your other marketing strategies. If you try to do all this manually without keeping track of your contacts and communications, you’ll inevitably (and probably immediately!) see some potential clients fall through the cracks.

Real estate CRMs are designed to solve this problem. Instead of trying to manually keep track of things and do all of the marketing tasks you want to do, a CRM is like an all-in-one tool to maximize your productivity. This increased efficiency will generate more leads and more clients. In 2023, a survey from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported that 36% of Realtors said their CRM gave them the highest volume of quality leads.

However, every CRM is different—just like every agent and team’s business is different. These are a few features to look for in a strong realtor CRM:

  • Contact management: A CRM should make it easy to import contacts, keep track of their contact information and communications with them, and even evaluate how likely they are to become a client.
  • Lead generation: This can look significantly different, but many CRMs include landing pages, real estate websites, social media contacts, or advertising.
  • Automated follow-ups: This follow-up includes emails, texts, direct mail, and sometimes phone calls. 
  • Task management: A good CRM will help you organize the tasks involved with leads, clients, and transactions and use reminders, calendar features, or workflows.
  • Analytics: Reporting tools are key for helping you track progress and determine what is and is not working within your marketing and nurturing strategies.
  • Mobile app: Not all CRMs have a mobile app, but this is ideal for real estate agents who are often on the go and not near a desk.
  • Pricing & plans: There are plenty of free real estate CRMs. There are also plenty that cost two or three figures per month. For new or individual agents, it’s best to find a CRM with multiple package options or add-ons so it can grow with your business.

Pipedrive: Best for Email Marketing

  • Most affordable CRM on our list
  • 14-day free trial
  • Easy to use
  • AI Assistant
  • Unlimited, customizable workflows
  • Limited integrations
  • Limited functions in mobile app
  • Security alerts and two-factor authentication only available on higher tiers
  • Phone support only available in higher tiers
  • No free forever plan
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Pipedrive

  • Pricing: Plans start at $14 per month

I chose Pipedrive as the top realtor CRM for many reasons, but it stands out for its extensive and easy-to-use email marketing tools and its affordable price. Pipedrive is designed for sales professionals, so it includes a variety of beautiful and functional email templates that realtors can tailor to their branding and audience. 

Their email marketing platform also includes segmentation, which connects to the data from the CRM to help you create the most personalized and effective emails. Plus, analytics make it easy to see your open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics. The variety of Pipedrive’s features at its affordable price makes it the best realtor CRM.

Pipedrive calendar view
Pipedrive calendar management (Source: Pipedrive)

Additional Features

  • Integrations: Pipedrive rivals the integrations of Follow Up Boss with a giant library of tools. These include integrations for lead generation, lead qualifying, nurturing, video meetings, document management, payment tracking and invoicing, and project management.
  • Pipeline management: Pipedrive focuses on creating a highly visual platform to manage your pipeline without letting leads slip through the cracks. The dashboard is customizable, easy to use, and helps prioritize leads and deals.
  • Lead automation: Tasks such as reminders and email follow-ups are automated, streamlining the agent client management process. Automation helps improve response times and gives agents a better chance of converting leads into clients.

Wise Agent: Best for Transaction Management

Wise Agent
  • User-friendly
  • 14-day free trial
  • Mobile app
  • Customizable landing pages
  • Unlimited document storage
  • No phone dialer
  • No mobile app
  • No texting capability
  • No live chat support
  • Credit card required in the free trial
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Wise Agent

  • Pricing: Plans start at $49 per month

Wise Agent is one of the top real estate CRMs because it is designed to be a one-stop shop for agents and brokers, providing tools to manage clients from beginning to end. Some of my favorite Wise Agent features allow transaction and listing management and drip campaigns. Real estate professionals can also create customized landing pages and integrate them with multiple social media tools.

WiseAgent CRM analytics dashboard and commission report
Wise Agent analytics dashboard (Source: Wise Agent)

Additional Features

  • Real estate content: The platform includes an extensive library of stock photos and real estate content for emails, written letters, text messages, newsletters, postcards, and flyers. There is even an AI writing assistant to help you create content more effectively.
  • Customer service: Wise Agent has standout customer service available 24/7, unlike other real estate CRMs with strict business hours.
  • Team and broker options: Although Wise Agent is often used by individual realtors, it includes multiple tools and add-on options built specifically for teams and brokers.

LionDesk: Best for Texting & Calling

  • Affordable pricing
  • 14-day free trial
  • Power dialer
  • Automated drip campaigns for text and email
  • Customizable dashboard
  • Unsophisticated transaction management
  • Basic analytics
  • Not ideal for scaling teams or brokerages
  • Not the most user-friendly platform
  • No AI assistant
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose LionDesk

  • Pricing: Starting at $25 per month

LionDesk is another top CRM for real estate because it was specifically designed for realtors. It offers a fully customizable dashboard that helps you decide what you want to see in your CRM. It also includes the most important tools for real estate agents, like contact organization, task reminders, email marketing, transaction management, lead generation, and a power dialer. LionDesk stands out because it includes automation tools for texting clients and email drip campaigns.

LionDesk CRM dashboard example
LionDesk dashboard (Source: LionDesk)

Additional Features

  • Customizable landing pages: Although this is an add-on feature, LionDesk allows agents to create customizable landing pages. It also includes landing page templates to build high-converting landing pages tailored to your brand.
  • Video email & texting capabilities: LionDesk is the only realtor CRM able to send videos through your emails and texts. Videos in real estate are compelling, and LionDesk is an ideal tool to leverage this marketing strategy.
  • Integrations: It has a large library of third-party integrations for everything from lead generation, contact management, and communication to finances.

Follow Up Boss: Best for Real Estate Teams

Follow Up Boss
  • Easy-to-use platform
  • 250-plus integrations
  • 14-day free trial
  • Phone dialer
  • Great for solo agents and teams
  • Setting up can be time-consuming
  • Limited features in mobile app
  • No live chat support
  • Costly premium plan
  • Difficult cancellation process
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Follow Up Boss

  • Pricing: Plans start at $58 per month.

Follow Up Boss is a well-known realtor CRM with various features, such as texting, email drip campaigns, text automation, and built-in calling. It stands out for teams because it’s an open platform with over 250 integrations. Its collaboration features are woven into the platform, with public comments, communication tracking, lead distribution, and visual tracking of each agent and each lead. Plus, real estate CRM reviews praise the fact that the interface is simple and can easily be integrated with the majority of other tools on the market.

Follow Up Boss lead activity
Follow Up Boss team activity dashboard (Source: Follow Up Boss)

Additional Features

  • Advanced lead routing: The platform automatically assigns leads to individual agents based on specific criteria and organizes leads for each agent.
  • Mobile app: The mobile app is user-friendly and instantly notifies each agent of new leads. It makes it easy to send emails and texts or call new or current clients, even on the go.

IXACT Contact: Best for Contact Management

IXACT Contact
  • 5-week free trial
  • Mobile app
  • Lead generation website tools
  • Detailed contact profiles
  • Email marketing tools
  • No audience segmentation
  • Lack of automation
  • Clunky user interface
  • Limited website customization
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose IXACT Contact

  • Pricing: Plans start at $46.75 per month

This CRM says it all in its name: IXACT Contact is an ideal tool for managing contacts from their first connection through every transaction. Every new lead, current client, and past client has a detailed contact profile that shows their phone number, address, email address, family information, birthdays, anniversaries, property details, and all your referral and communication history. Plus, real estate CRM software reviews say the interface is highly user-friendly, and users love the 5-week free trial.

IXACT Contact example of contact profile
Lead profile in IXACT Contact (Source: IXACT Contact)

Additional Features

  • Direct mail: IXACT Contact includes various built-in direct mail newsletter options. “The Preferred Client Update” sends mail to your past clients, and “Homeowner Update” is for marketing to homeowners in your farm area.
  • Social Stream: This add-on feature allows agents to select exclusive real estate articles and videos to share with their network. While you can’t create custom content, it’s a great way to automate social media content.
  • Personalized agent roadmap: The IXACT Contact CRM includes a personalized roadmap. This feature allows agents to set specific goals within the platform, and it will generate a plan to help reach them with specific tasks and activities.

Realvolve: Best for Automating Workflows

  • In-depth contact management
  • Mobile app
  • Great for individuals and teams
  • Suite of marketing tools
  • Efficient task management
  • No 24/7 customer support
  • No assisted onboarding for basic plan
  • May be too complex for newer agents
  • No website and landing page creation features
  • One of the higher-priced CRMs on our list
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Realvolve

  • Pricing: Plans start at $94 per month

Realvolve is one of the top real estate CRMs for individuals and teams. It includes the most important features in a CRM, like a visual dashboard, contact organization tools, and lead nurturing strategies. However, its most standout feature is its workflows and automation that help real estate professionals scale. There are many workflow templates to customize, and the Realvolve platform is remarkably flexible and adjusts to your activities. Realvolve is an ideal real estate CRM for individuals or teams focusing on productivity and efficiency.

Realvolve CRM dashboard example
Realvolve dashboard (Source: Realvolve)

Additional Features

  • Document management: Realvolve keeps all your documents organized. Each workflow includes a comprehensive checklist of all necessary documents to complete a transaction. 
  • Automated drip campaigns: Realvolve includes prebuilt lead sequences for buyers and sellers through email and text. These sequences are customizable and are designed to have a more personal touch than other automations.
  • Integrations: The platform integrates seamlessly with some of the most-used apps, like Google and Zapier.

Lofty (formerly Chime): Most Advanced Lead Generation & Nurturing

  • 33 different lead generation features
  • Mobile app
  • Google PPC advertising tools
  • 360° marketing to target customers on multiple platforms
  • Customizable IDX websites
  • No free trial
  • Steep learning curve
  • Most expensive CRM on our list
  • No 24/7 customer service
  • Not ideal for solo agents
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Lofty

  • Pricing: Specific pricing is not available on their website, but our team found that plans start at $449 per month, plus $15 per seat, per month

Of all the real estate CRMs I’ve found, Lofty offers the most extensive and impressive combination of advanced lead generation tools and features. It is one of the only CRMs to offer exclusivity to your farm area, which means no other agent who uses Lofty in your area can target the same leads. However, its real estate CRM pricing reflects its advanced features and is the most expensive on this list. It might not be ideal for beginner agents, but Lofty offers packages specifically crafted for agents, teams, and brokers.

Lofty CRM dashboard view
Lofty CRM dashboard (Source: Lofty)

Additional Features

  • Automated lead nurturing: Lofty automatically imports leads from multiple sources. It also creates property alerts for your leads, sends regular market analyses, and will match listings to leads automatically.
  • Power Dialer: Lofty’s 3-line power dialer allows you to click to call leads until you connect. You can leave prerecorded voicemails, schedule follow-ups, or leave notes. When a call goes through, the call is transferred to you or an available agent on your team.
  • Social Studio: This is a built-in social media management tool. It allows you to create content within Lofty’s platform and automatically share it on multiple real estate social networks simultaneously. 
  • AI Assistant: Automated assistant helps you become more efficient and minimize the Lofty learning curve at every step. The assistant will customize workflows, manage and organize leads with tags and notes, set reminders, and send automated responses.

Real Geeks: Best for Marketing

Real Geeks
  • Modern, intuitive interface
  • Multichannel marketing campaigns
  • CRM available on desktop and mobile app
  • Website visitor tracking analytics
  • Variety of integrations
  • Significant learning curve
  • One of the more expensive CRM options
  • Limited customization
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Real Geeks

  • Pricing: Plans start at $299 per month + one-time $250 sign-up fee

Similar to some of the other top real estate CRMs, Real Geeks offers complete support from prospect to closing, including a website and lead generation tools. It’s a great all-in-one CRM for individual agents, small teams, and expanding brokers. Its website and CRM work seamlessly together, making managing leads and automating your marketing and nurturing strategies easy.

Real Geeks CRM dashboard on desktop and mobile.
Real Geeks CRM view (Source: Real Geeks)

Additional Features

  • IDX websites: Real Geeks offers some of the best real estate website templates, with IDX capabilities and built-in lead generation strategies. Websites include property valuation tools, landing pages, a property search app, and many other integrations.
  • AI Chatbots: The GeekAI assistant helps you speed up the follow-up process with an automatic chatbot. There are premade scripts that you can customize to provide specific information for your clients.
  • Email & SMS marketing: Automate your communications and follow-ups with all your leads with drip campaigns on email and text. These are built through CRM, so you can ensure each lead gets precisely what they need.
  • Facebook & PPC advertising: Real Geeks has a unique Facebook marketing tool to streamline your ad creation and maximize your return on investment. Alternatively, Real Geeks also offers managed Facebook and PPC ads.

Market Leader: Best for Lead Generation

Market Leader
  • Exclusive buyer and seller leads
  • Powerful and user-friendly CRM
  • Great mobile app
  • Easily scalable to teams and full brokerages
  • Transaction management
  • No free trial
  • No live chat support
  • No advanced analytics feature
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Market Leader

  • Pricing: Plans start at $189 per month for agents

Market Leader is primarily a lead generation company, but it also offers a CRM that is so good that it needs to be included in the conversation. Market Leader is one of the only CRMs to offer exclusive buyer and seller leads—plus, you can integrate the platform with virtually any real estate lead source! As if that wasn’t enough, the CRM is intuitive and includes some of the most valuable and powerful tools, like marketing automation, real estate websites, print marketing tools, and a mobile app.

Contacts of CRM on a tablet and mobile phone
Intuitive dashboard (Source: Market Leader)

Additional Features

  • Customizable websites: Market Leader includes a variety of customizable, professional, prebuilt website templates for your brand. They have IDX capabilities, so your clients can search for properties on your site!
  • Listing marketing system: Easily create single property websites for your listings, and Market Leader automatically generates a professional listing email and social media posts for Facebook and LinkedIn. You can also customize ready-to-print flyers and postcards for each listing.

Sierra Interactive: Best for Real Estate Websites

Sierra Interactive
  • SEO website optimization
  • Powerful website lead generation tools
  • Lead-specific action plans for personalized automation
  • Mobile app
  • Variety of integrations
  • Pricey—which doesn’t work for some solo agents
  • Relatively limited customizations
  • Limited email marketing strategies
  • No analytics and reporting
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Sierra Interactive

  • Pricing: Starting at $499.95 per month

Sierra Interactive is a versatile real estate platform with a powerful real estate website creation tool, a good CRM, and marketing automation capabilities. Sierra Interactive’s websites are some of the most advanced in the industry, and they offer an unrivaled level of SEO optimization that can allow you to generate thousands of website views and organic leads.

I have personally worked with multiple brokers who use Sierra Interactive. Both teams had well-optimized content on their sites and generated millions of website visits from Google. Plus, the websites include various lead capture tools and are well integrated with the CRM, so it’s easy to attract high-quality, organic leads and nurture them through text and email.

Screenshot of an action plan that is customizable and runs automatically to your leads and sphere of influence
Custom automation with triggers (Source: Sierra Interactive)

Additional Features

  • Powerful IDX platform: Users can search for properties using detailed search filters. Agents can also generate specific listing results on different pages throughout the website.
  • Ad management: Multiply your reach by outsourcing advertising to Sierra Interactive. They manage a variety of ad types, including Google search, Facebook retargeting, and Facebook listings.
  • Lead routing: It offers multiple methods of distributing leads to team members, like price, location, property type, or round robin.

Top Producer: Best for Lead Nurturing

Top Producer
  • 30-day free trial
  • Listing alerts for agents and clients
  • Automated SMS marketing
  • Excellent transaction management features
  • Detailed reporting
  • Many features not available on Pro Plan
  • No storage system
  • No document management features
The Close Score
General Features:
Advanced Features:
Customer Service:
Customer Rating:
Expert Score:

Why I Chose Top Producer

  • Pricing: Starting at $129 per user, per month

Top Producer is one of the OGs in the real estate CRM space. It recently updated its CRM platform, which is called Top Producer X. This update includes tons of valuable features, like a 360° contact view that includes social media activity, branded MLS reports, email and text message templates, and an AI assistant. Top Producer also has dynamic workflows to help with transaction management, like syncing with calendars, contacts, and over 150 real estate lead sources.

Top Producer dashboard on desktop.
Contact view in Top Producer dashboard (Source: Top Producer)

Additional Features

  • Market reports: Top Producer automatically creates and sends a branded “Market Snapshot Report” to clients periodically. This tool keeps your leads and clients engaged and educated and shows professionalism while saving you time.
  • Automated communication: Like other CRMs, Top Producer includes email and SMS marketing. It also autosends new listings and price updates to each customer, so you don’t have to spend hours scouring the MLS.
  • Training webinars: Top Producer has a library of support articles and bimonthly training webinars in addition to live onboarding.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Methodology: How I Chose the Best Realtor CRM

As an experienced real estate writer, I’ve spent many hours researching and evaluating real estate CRMs over the last five years. However, you don’t have to just take it from me! At The Close, we have a team of real estate professionals, researchers, and editors who have developed a detailed rubric to evaluate a dozen top realtor CRMs objectively. You can read more about our methodology here.

We’ve based our evaluation on the following:

  • Pricing (20%)
    • I checked, updated, and evaluated each CRM’s pricing, subscription plans, and whether there are free trials and bulk discounts.
  • General CRM Features (20%)
    • I considered basic features such as contact management, text and email capabilities, task management, task reminders and notifications, lead management, pipeline or dashboard customizability, audience segmentation, transaction management, and integrations.
  • Advanced CRM Features (25%)
    • This includes listing management, customized reports and analytics, document management, storage, AI lead assist or lead automation, team management, marketing tools, social media integrations, and mobile apps.
  • Ease of Use (10%)
    • I evaluated each CRM’s user interface, customizability, and how easy it is to operate and set up each one.
  • Customer Service (5%)
    • Should real estate agents need additional support, customer services such as live chat, phone, email, and ticket systems are necessary.
  • Customer Rating (10%)
    • We collect information from multiple third-party sources to determine how real users have rated each CRM.
  • ri
    • The Close reviews each realtor CRM for standout features, additional considerations, and value for money spent from a real estate expert’s perspective. 

Your Take

So, what is the best CRM for real estate? After reading this guide, you should understand that the top real estate CRMs are as different as the individual agents who make up the industry. We’ve evaluated, researched, and compared the top CRMs to help you make the best choice, but our advice is to try, try, and try again! Think about what is most important for you in a CRM, and then take advantage of the free trials to find what really clicks.

Which CRM do you use? Tell us how you like it!

The post The 11 Best Real Estate CRMs of 2024 appeared first on The Close.

]]> 144 The 10 Best Real Estate CRMs of 2024 Looking for the best real estate CRM to grow your business? See our extensive overview of the best CRMs so you can make the best decision. Buyers Guide,FAQ,best real estate crm Top Producer logo Pipedrive unnamed – 2024-08-16T163832.032 Wise Agent unnamed – 2024-08-16T163835.608 LionDesk unnamed – 2024-08-16T163838.771 Follow Up Boss unnamed – 2024-08-16T163842.159 IXACT Contact unnamed – 2024-08-16T163845.727 Realvolve unnamed – 2024-08-16T163849.678 Lofty unnamed – 2024-08-16T163852.843 Real Geeks unnamed – 2024-08-16T163856.381 Market Leader unnamed – 2024-07-31T173056.552 Sierra Interactive Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 1.34.37 PM Top Producer unnamed – 2024-08-16T163907.370 expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse
36 Real Estate Blog Ideas (+ Examples & Expert Tips) Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:55:25 +0000 Coming up with fodder for your blog can be challenging. Check out the dozens of ideas and examples we've compiled here, along with some crucial tips and tricks to ensure your audience will click on, read, and engage with your blog posts.

The post 36 Real Estate Blog Ideas (+ Examples & Expert Tips) appeared first on The Close.

Are you looking for fresh and engaging content to elevate your real estate blog? I’ve got you covered! Having a variety of captivating blog ideas can set you apart and attract more readers to your site. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate agent, a newbie blogger, or somewhere in between, the right content can make all the difference. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of real estate blog ideas that will not only spark your creativity but also help you connect with your audience.

Creative Blog Ideas for Captivating Homebuyers

Young couple holding keys to their first home.

Want to grab the attention of potential homebuyers with your blog? Check out these creative and engaging real estate blogging ideas that will hook your readers and provide them with the valuable tips and insights they need on their homebuying journey. 

 1. First-time Homebuyer Tips

  • Example title: 10 Must-know Tips for First-time Homebuyers

Sharing tips for first-time homebuyers is a great way to provide valuable information to those looking to purchase a home for the first time. Use this post to educate buyers on what to look for in a Realtor, how the homebuying process works, and also subtly play up your strong suits.

2. Real Estate Negotiation Tips

  • Example title: 5 Negotiation Secrets Smart Buyers Use to Get Better Deals

Since most consumers have minimal experience in negotiating, offering them a peek inside the process of negotiating a deal can make a great blog post. If you really want to wow them with your skills, try using actual examples from your career.

3. Renting vs Buying

  • Example title: Renting vs Buying: Which Is Right for You?

This topic is always relevant as many people struggle with this decision—especially first-time homebuyers. Providing a balanced view with pros and cons can help your readers make informed choices that suit their personal circumstances.

4. Mortgage Advice

  • Example title: Understanding Mortgage Options: A Guide for New Homebuyers

Helping your readers navigate the complex world of mortgages can alleviate a lot of stress. By breaking down different mortgage options and go-to resources, you can make the process feel more manageable and less intimidating.

Lead magnet marketing
Lead magnet marketing (Source: Coffee and Contracts)

Need a boost for your real estate blog? Look no further than Coffee and Contracts! They’ve got fantastic marketing resources designed just for real estate pros. With ready-to-use content and automation options, they make it super easy to keep your blog fresh and engaging. Check them out and see how they can help you make a lasting impression on your readers.

Engaging Topics to Help Homesellers Succeed

Shot of a young couple holding up a sold board outside their house.

Selling a home can be complex, emotional, and stressful. That’s why you’re the one to show your community how it’s done. Offering tips, advice, checklists, and strategies for selling a home will help prospects trust you to be the one to list and sell their home.

5. Home Staging Mistakes to Avoid

  • Example title: 7 Embarrassing Home Staging Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Home’s Value

Home staging mistakes is a fantastic blog idea because it’s something every homeowner thinks they can do on their own. The reality, of course, is that home staging can be difficult and expensive—something most homeowners don’t realize until they actually try to stage their own.

6. Home Staging Tips & Tricks to Sell Faster

  • Example title: 7 Interior Paint Colors That Will Help Your Home Sell Quicker

The trick with this blog post idea is to make sure to interview (or research) experts who actually know a thing or two about interior design and how it might affect a listing. Just be careful about making any promises here. Avoid saying things like “This landscaping will increase your listing price” and instead say something like, “One study showed this type of curb appeal helped homes sell X% faster.”

7. What Does a Listing Agent Actually Do?

  • Example title: 12 Hidden Ways Listing Agents Help Homeowners Sell Faster & for More Money

Justifying your own job might seem a little desperate, but if you focus on the positive and talk about some uncommon but essential ways you can help homeowners, you just might end up with a viral blog post.

8. A Property Marketing Case Study

  • Example title: Case Study: How 3 {Your Farm Area} Luxury Homes Sold 20% Over Asking

This blog post requires a little more research, but if you have a few listings under your belt where marketing your listing made the difference, or know an agent who does, then this is a great post to show off your marketing knowledge to your readers.

9. Easy Curb Appeal Ideas for Your Local Market

  • Example title: 11 Affordable Curb Appeal Ideas for {Your Farm Area} Homes

Curb appeal is one of those things that most homeowners don’t quite understand. They think they do, but when it comes down to pulling out their credit card or rolling up their sleeves, they will inevitably head to Google—or you, if you have a well-written article on your blog!

Helpful Improvement Tips for Homeowners

Mature couple taking a break with hot drinks while tidying the garden with rake.

Targeting buyers and sellers is a no-brainer, but don’t forget about what comes after the transaction. Your homebuyers are now homeowners. Your sellers are still homeowners. This is a topic area that appeals to the masses, and there’s plenty of content to write about. Help your audience take care of their homes so that you can sell them at top dollar.

10. Home Renovations that Offer the Best ROI for Resale

  • Example title: 7 Home Projects That Will Get You Money Back at the Closing Table

Here’s a real estate blog idea that most homeowners thinking of selling will find irresistible. After all, renovating their older home will cost them tons of money, and most homeowners don’t have a clue if they will ever get any of that money back at the closing table.

11. Before & After Renovation Examples

  • Example title: Before & After: This Humble Bungalow in {Your Town} Was Transformed Into a Luxe Retreat

People love Cinderella stories, so writing about local homes transformed by tasteful renovations is a great way to get readers hooked on your blog. The more specific you can get here, the better. Check sites like Curbed for examples of local renovations and see if you can get a quick comment from a local architect or interior designer.

Choosing the Right Real Estate Professional (& Why You’re the Best)

Real estate agent holding a sold sign.

These real estate agent blog ideas offer a chance for a subtle flex, showing that not only do you know the biz, but you also know how to outperform the competition. These real estate blog content ideas let you show off your high standards and impeccable professionalism with branded content.

12. Open House Food Ideas

  • Example title: 17 Open House Food Ideas to Make Your Open House a Success

Writing up a short article on popular open house food ideas is a great way to impress potential homesellers. They’ll see that if they hire you, you’ll go way beyond a box of stale store-bought cookies and bottled water.

13. Dual Agency Explained: What You Need to Know

  • Example title: 7 Reasons Dual Agency Can Be a Mistake in {Your State}

Dual agency is one of those real estate topics to discuss that seems easy to understand at first but gets more complicated as you dig in. That makes it a perfect blog post to show off your sales expertise. If it’s legal in your state, make sure to be clear about its complexities and list the pros and cons honestly.

14. Horror ‘Behind the Scenes’ Stories

  • Example title: 12 Common Lies Realtors Tell New Buyers in {Your Town}

Pull back the curtain and dish on what really goes on in the industry. This is a great way to differentiate yourself from the bad apples. Just remember to keep it PG, and don’t accuse fellow agents or brokerages by name.

Uncovering Local Market Insights & Attractions

A man studies a pie chart with a magnifying glass near the house figure.

Your blog post is one of the best ways to show off your local bona fides. In fact, your blog could become so popular that you generate leads just from Google searches on local goings-on. 

15. In-depth Neighborhood Guides for Relocation Buyers

  • Example title: An In-depth Guide to {Your Area} for New Homeowners

In-depth neighborhood guides make excellent lead magnets, e-books, and social media content. The trick here is to go deep. Most agents will write fluffy overviews, so make sure you get into the nitty-gritty of what moving to your neighborhood will be like.

16. Hyper-local New Homebuyer’s Guide

  • Example title: A New Homebuyer’s Guide to Moving to {Your Farm Area}

Are you working with new buyers? If not, you’re missing out. Many first-time buyers these days have excellent income and credit, and all they really need is someone to walk them through the transaction. If you get it right, you could have a devoted evangelist for life.

17. Monthly or Quarterly Aggregated Market Reports

  • Example title: Your {Month Year} Market Report for {Your Farm Area}

While most agents post some kind of market report and charts on their blogs, they tend to be pretty thin and not actually useful to their readers. If you want to stand out, take the time and effort to make your monthly or quarterly local market reports as in-depth and nerdy as you can manage.

18. Local Listing(s) of the Week

  • Example title: 3 Drop-dead Gorgeous, Mid-century Modern Homes in {Your Town}

This is a fun one and can help you build relationships with local listing agents. Try to choose three to five listings every week that might fit a specific theme your audience will like for more impact. For example, if you’re working in Miami, waterfront listings would be fun to write about. If you’re working in Manhattan, then you can’t go wrong writing about penthouses.

19. How Economic News Affects Your Farm Area

  • Example title: What the {Recent Economic News} Means for {Your Farm Area} Homeowners

While your wealthy clients might read The Wall Street Journal every morning, most of the economic news won’t be directly relevant to their real estate portfolio. That’s why taking that news and contextualizing it for them is another excellent way to use your blog to offer something of value to your audience.

20. A Guide to Local Architectural Styles

  • Example title: A Cheat Sheet to the Architectural Styles of {Your Town}

When people start thinking about buying or selling a home, they generally go into education mode. Learning about local architectural styles is a great way to get them to click on your posts on social media.

21. A Guide to Local HOA Covenants

  • Example title: 15 Common HOA Covenants & What They Really Mean

For most people, homeowners associations (HOAs) are right up there with the IRS when it comes to confusing and potentially expensive adversaries. That’s why a friendly explainer piece on HOA covenants can help new homeowners or anyone who never lived under their rules feel a little more comfortable about them.

22. A Guide to Up & Coming Micro-neighborhoods

  • Example title: 3 Neighborhoods in {Your Town} Set to Take Off in 2024

While every agent in your farm area is probably opining about the hot new neighborhood, writing about smaller micro-neighborhoods with appealing qualities is a great way to show off your local market knowledge.

23. Chat With a Lawyer on Common Local Legal Issues

  • Example title: A {Your Area} Lawyer Explains Eminent Domain

Real estate lawyers also want to show off their local expertise to your audience because your leads might potentially be their leads too. Interviewing local experts can help build relationships that lead to referrals down the road.

24. Interview a Local Real Estate Developer

  • Example title: What 100 New Affordable Housing Units Means for {Your Community}

Developers have their finger on the pulse of local communities. They know the demographics, trends, permitting processes, the movers and shakers—in other words, they have plenty of intel that would make a fascinating blog post. Plus, it’s an excellent networking opportunity for you—after all, who’s going to sell all of those new units?

Profitable Ideas for Real Estate Investors

Young real estate agent worker working with laptop and tablet at table and small house beside it.

Your audience might be interested in learning how to leverage real estate in their investment portfolio, and you’re exactly the person to teach them. Break down complicated topics like real estate market cycles or commercial opportunities into bite-sized pieces so your readers can not only gain knowledge but also see you as a conduit for investment success.

25. A 101-level Crash Course in Real Estate Investing

  • Example title: Investing in {Your Town} Real Estate 101

Since everyone wants to make a great investment, a crash course in real estate investing is a great idea for a blog post. You can explain some common industry terms and investment strategies and then discuss which one works best in your farm area.

26. Fix & Flip Guide

  • Example title: How to Fix & Flip Homes in {Your Town}

With the popularity of real estate reality TV shows growing every day, writing blog posts that educate your audience on investing is a great way to increase traffic and conversions. If you’re serious about working with new investors, writing an in-depth ebook explaining the fix-and-flip process in detail would be a great way to capture leads.

27. A Guide to Evaluating & Purchasing Rental Properties

  • Example title: 8 Tips for Buying Rental Properties in {Your Town}

Since the real estate investment niche is red-hot these days, an expert guide to purchasing a rental property in your farm area can get you clicks and conversions on your blog. If you’re not an expert in rental property, work with your broker or a local investor to write this one.

28. A Guide to Buying Foreclosures

  • Example title: How to Buy Distressed Properties 101

Your audience might have heard of foreclosed properties, and maybe the idea of getting a bargain appeals to them. Better, though, that they have all of the information before starting down a road that offers both opportunity and plenty of potential frustration.

29. 1031 Exchange Rules

  • Example title: How 1031 Exchanges Can Save Property Investors Real Money

This topic is a bit more technical than the previous ones, but that means more consumers are looking for help with it. We have the perfect guide to help you explain what 1031 exchanges are and how they can benefit your investor clients.

Growth in real estate price market.

Real estate blogs on market trends help readers make sense of current patterns and predict future changes, whether they’re buying, selling, or investing. By breaking down the numbers and explaining what they mean, you’ll become the go-to expert for anyone looking for a real estate professional.

30. Current Housing Market Trends

  • Example title: What’s Happening in the Housing Market Right Now?

Staying up-to-date with the latest housing market trends and statistics is crucial for buyers, sellers, and investors. This type of content keeps your audience informed about the current market conditions and what they mean for their real estate decisions.

31. Predicting Future Market Changes

  • Example title: 2025 Real Estate Market Predictions: What Experts Are Saying

People love to know what’s coming next, especially in the volatile world of real estate. Offering expert predictions helps your readers plan ahead and make informed decisions based on anticipated market shifts.

32. Local or Regional Market Analysis

  • Example title: Why {City/Region} Is the Next Real Estate Hotspot

Highlighting specific regions that are experiencing growth or change can attract local readers and those considering relocating. This content helps readers understand why certain areas are becoming more desirable and what that means for their investments.

33. Seasonal Trends in Real Estate

  • Example title: Why Winter Could Be the Best Time to Buy a Home

Seasonal trends can significantly affect the real estate market, and understanding these patterns can be a game-changer for buyers and sellers. Sharing insights on the best times of year for real estate activities makes your content timely and relevant.

Innovative Blog Ideas on Real Estate Technology

Virtual reality architect in virtual reality headset talking with colleague.

Technology has made a huge impact on the real estate industry in recent years. These real estate blog examples will help you explore how cutting-edge tools and trends are transforming the industry. From smart home gadgets to virtual reality tours, you can tell readers what’s hot and what’s not—all while showing them how you know your stuff.

34. An Overview of Virtual Staging Software

This one falls into the “seems easy until you try it” category for homeowners. Virtual staging looks like magic, but once they try to do it, they will realize that hiring a professional like you to market their home might be a better investment.

35. Smart Home Technology

  • Example title: How 1031 Exchanges Can Save Property Investors Real Money

This real estate blog topic showcases the latest smart home gadgets is a surefire way to attract tech-savvy readers. This type of content highlights how technology can make homes more convenient and appealing, which is a big selling point for today’s buyers.

36. Real Estate Apps & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Example title: Must-have Real Estate Apps for Buyers and Sellers and How AI Can Work for You

With the rise of mobile technology and AI, real estate apps are essential tools for staying ahead. Reviewing the best apps for real estate needs keeps your audience informed about tools that can simplify their buying or selling journey.

Even More Real Estate Blog Topics to Explore

I’ve already shared 36 real estate blog ideas, but there’s so much more to explore! If you’re looking for more inspiration, here are 30 more real estate blog topics to spark your creativity.

Real Estate Blog Best Practices

Now that you’re inspired to start blogging, sit down and plan out your content using your real estate marketing plan. Then, use these insider tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years that will help you get more page views.

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Tip 1: Write Three Different Versions of Your Headline

The headline is by far the most important element of your real estate blog post, just like your business logo. It’s the first—and sometimes only—thing your audience will see before they decide to click on it and read it. So, take the time to learn how to write headlines that get clicks. Write three and then pick your best.

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Tip 2: Break Up Text in Your Posts

Since your readers are busy, do them a favor and break up your blog posts into bite-sized chunks using subheadings. Most people are going to skim your posts anyway. Make it easy for them. Using H2, H3, and H4 tags (rather than just bolding the text of your headings) is also a best practice for search engine optimization (SEO).

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Tip 3: Include Links to Your Other Related Blog Posts

This will not only help your reader quickly get to related posts but will also help Google crawl your site and might help you rank better. You can also link to your posts on your social media profiles. LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook are all great places to find new readers.

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Tip 4: Use Keyword Research to Answer Your Audience’s Questions

If you want a chance of ranking your blog posts on Google, you need to research what keywords your audience is searching for. You can start by checking out some other successful real estate blogs in your farm area. Which articles do you think are most helpful for buyers and sellers? If you want to get serious and do professional keyword research, check out our in-depth guide below.

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Tip 5: Use Descriptive Language & Keep Paragraphs Short

Long paragraphs are like homework, and you have about 10 seconds to capture your reader’s attention before they click back over to Facebook. Be sure that the words you are using are descriptive and engaging.

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Tip 6: Use Images & Infographics

We are naturally drawn to attractive images, so sprinkle some throughout your blog post. Make sure you have the rights to use the photos—you can use photos of your listings, your home, and your neighborhood. Unsplash is a great place to find great high-res, free images. 

You can also utilize infographics and catchy real estate slogans to capture attention and illustrate your points. We have a great collection in our guide below.

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Tip 7: Read Your Writing Out Loud Before Hitting Publish

Editing your own writing can be tricky, but one way to make it easier is to read your entire post out loud and see if you stumble. If you can read through it without stumbling, then chances are so will your readers.

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Tip 8: Always Put the Reader First

Always put your reader first. Make sure to focus on their needs and experience rather than search engine optimization (SEO), selling, trying to sound clever, or anything else. Always remember your blog is for your readers! Putting your audience first is the best way to put out your marketing message in a subtle way. 

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Tip 9: Make Sure Readers Know Who You Are

Having a bio and headshot on your website is a must. Your bio lets readers get to know you better, sharing your background, expertise, and a bit of your personality. And don’t forget a professional headshot! It adds a personal touch and helps potential clients feel more connected to you. 


Bringing It All Together

Writing a real estate blog is a proven way to market your services, generate leads, and help others. It can be hard to keep your content fresh and engaging, but this list of ideas should keep you brainstorming and busy. Don’t forget that the whole point of your blog is to let others see you as the local expert, the one who can solve their problems, and make all of their real estate dreams come true.

Have some favorite real estate blog post ideas? Let us know in the comments!

The post 36 Real Estate Blog Ideas (+ Examples & Expert Tips) appeared first on The Close.

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Real Estate Facebook Ads: 8 Best Practices & Examples for Agents Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:49:49 +0000 This in-depth guide can help you create Facebook ads that will generate leads for a reasonable price. Use our step-by-step instructions to set up your first ad campaign and figure out when it’s time to hire a pro. We’ll talk about what it costs and show you real-world examples of Facebook ads that work.

The post Real Estate Facebook Ads: 8 Best Practices & Examples for Agents appeared first on The Close.

With over three billion monthly active users, real estate Facebook ads are a great tool to help you generate leads, promote properties, and build brand awareness. But it’s not just creating some catchy images with clever headlines. Agents who master the strategic approach to Facebook ads reap financial benefits from using the platform. Here are the top ten best practices to get you started on creating ads that resonate with your audience.

Why Use Real Estate Facebook Ads

Real estate facebook ad containing two side by side images of the front porch and living room
Real estate Facebook ad (Source: Constant Contact)

Before we get into best practices and examples, let’s discuss why Facebook ads are so lucrative for your real estate business. Facebook ads for realtors have become an integral component in the real estate industry today as they help agents increase their reach and client base within their target markets. Leveraging Facebook’s enormous user database and sophisticated targeting options enhances your marketing efforts. 

Here are some compelling reasons you should use real estate Facebook ads to grow your business:

  • Large potential audience: Considering that Facebook hosts over 3 billion monthly active users, no other platform provides this kind of reach for the varied audience it has. It gives you the visibility to let your potential clients know what you offer.
  • Advanced targeting options: With detailed targeting on Facebook, you get to the demographics, interests, and behaviors of consumers to ensure the right people see your ads.
  • Cost-effective advertising: Offers options for flexible budgeting. Agents can start low and increase when the results come. Facebook ads cost approximately $9.78 per 1000 impressions
  • High engagement rates: Captivating visuals and messaging in real estate ads will drive high engagement, meaning more clicks and inquiries turn into conversions. 
  • Dynamic ad formats: Carousel, slideshow, and collection ads give agents creative and interactive representations of their listings.
  • Retargeting capabilities: It provides features for retargeting users who have already shown interest in your listings to increase chances of conversion.
  • Detailed analytics: Facebook analytics tools offer great value with good insight into the performance of ads for data-driven decisions on campaign optimization.
  • Mobile-friendly platform: Since many Facebook users log into the network from their mobile devices, your ads reach potential clients wherever they might be.
  • Branding: Thought-out and consistent ads will elevate your brand’s awareness and prestige, making you a trustworthy name in real estate.
  • Competitive advantage: It could set you apart from the competition who hasn’t started using or isn’t using the power of Facebook ads to their advantage.

How to Create Facebook Ads

Creating Facebook ads is a pretty simple process. If you’re not sure how to do it, I can help with that! Here are the steps, but for more detailed information with images, scroll through each step below: 

  • Step 1 – Open your Facebook Ads Manager account
  • Step 2 – Select your campaign
  • Step 3 – Create and name your campaign
  • Step 4 – Set a posting schedule and budget 
  • Step 5 – Identify your target audience
  • Step 6 – Organize your ad placement
  • Step 7 – Create your ad

Scroll these images for the details 👉

Best Practices & Examples of Realtor Facebook Ads

Effective Facebook ads are essential for acquiring buyer and seller leads. In that respect, you would want your ads to be engaging, focused on performance, and lead generation-oriented. Here are the top strategies, with examples, to help you craft compelling Facebook ads that drive results in the competitive real estate market.

1. Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is the very basis of any effective ad campaign. Using advanced targeting on your Facebook ads for real estate, agents can find probable buyers and sellers according to demographics, interests, and behaviors. For instance, if you deal in luxury homes, target those in a higher income bracket or those interested in luxury living. By zeroing in on the ideal target audience, your real estate ads are directly in front of the people who would want your services. 

Example: Check out the sponsored ad on Facebook below, targeting a demographic interested in upscale properties in Palm Springs. The ad works well due to its high-quality visuals, which reflect the luxurious features of the property through magnificent architecture and a desirable location.

Facebook carousel ad showcasing new listings
Sponsored Facebook Ad (Source: Hootsuite)

CINC is a robust lead gen and conversion platform with all the tools and resources an agent needs to get the most value from any Facebook ad campaign. With CINC’s proprietary demographic targeting, any real estate team or agent can perform Facebook real estate lead generation based on location and demographic factors. With CINC, agents can build target-effective ads, driving high-quality leads to their listings.

2. Use High-quality Images & Videos

Higher-quality visuals in your Facebook ads for realtors attract more eyeballs, facilitating increased views and creating more chances of sparking interest and buyer inquiries. High-resolution photos and videos can capture the best property views and are more appealing to buyers. Agents can provide a comprehensive property view by including professional photographs, virtual tours, or drone footage. Ensure your visuals are well-lit and clear, and give all details about this home.

Example: This Facebook ad contains an image of a high-end property with an expansive yard and a large house. The viewer can see how big it is and picture themselves living in it. The ad places the proper attributes of the house in the limelight and entices any possible purchaser with compelling visuals to want more information or show interest in viewing the property.

Facebook ad with large home with sprawling lawn
Facebook ad with great visuals (Source: Pinterest)

3. Craft Compelling Headlines

Your headline is the first thing people will see, so it’s imperative to make it count. The headlines you come up with should be clear, concise, and intriguing. Bring out your property’s selling points or distinctive features to gain maximum eyeballs instantly. A good headline on Facebook ads for real estate should convey the main benefit or unique aspect of the listing in just a few words, standing out and enticing potential clients to click through and read more.

Example: The below Facebook ad is supposed to lure the audience into buying a house in a booming rental market. The heading, “With rent prices only going up, now’s the best time to buy!” is catchy and will motivate a viewer to grab the opportunity immediately since the demand for rental housing is about to surge. High-resolution images and aptly tailored messages will get views and trigger interest in the property showcased.

Market Leader offers robust marketing solutions to help agents succeed with their real estate lead generation Facebook ads. It allows the agent to create and manage ad campaigns that reach the right audience segments. With one-click social media posts on Facebook and LinkedIn, agents can share listings and promotions on as many platforms as possible, maximizing online presence and reach.

4. Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

A call-to-action (CTA) will tell your potential clients what to do next. Effective CTAs drive user action, turning interest into concrete actions like scheduling viewings or contacting you that can lead to sales.

Use action-oriented phrases, such as “Schedule a Viewing,” “Learn More,” or “Contact Us Today.” It will encourage interest and involvement. Placing a well-written CTA will help in increasing conversion rates by instructing what the next steps should be.
Example: The call to action, “Learn More,” is distinctly placed in the ad’s caption, encouraging viewers to click through for more information about the property. This placing allows interested viewers to easily take the next step in effectively creating leads and getting potential buyers flowing toward the investment opportunity in the growing rental market area.

Facebook ad with brown home and green grass in front of clear blue sky
Facebook Ad call to action example (Source: Constant Contact)

5. Leverage User-generated Content

Testimonials and client reviews can help agents build trust and credibility with prospective clients. User-generated content can be testimonial videos or client photos, which can be more effective than regular Facebook real estate ads. Sharing your testimonials and reviews enhances your credibility and allows potential clients to choose you as their agent confidently.

Example: Although the post below doesn’t feature any property, this client testimonial works very nicely in creating some trust and credibility. Sharing a positive experience with one of your satisfied clients sets up that connection with the prospective buyer, giving them assurance in the quality and reliability of your service. It showcases social proof, leaving a strong impression on viewers considering working with you for their real estate needs.

Sierra Interactive is a real estate lead management platform to help agents optimize leads received from their Facebook ad campaigns. Inside the platform, multiple integrations are available to connect CRM with Facebook Ads so agents can better capture and put leads in nurture. Sierra Interactive can also help agents create IDX websites to redirect potential clients from their Facebook ads to a website for further detailed information about their services and other listings.

6. Utilize Facebook Ad Formats

Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel ads, slideshow ads, and collection ads. Carousel ads are great when trying to highlight properties or many features in a single ad, and slideshow ads create a video through the slideshow of a series of images. Mix and match all these ad formats to keep your advertising fresh and engaging, increasing the likelihood of attracting and retaining potential clients.

Example: The Facebook ad below includes the carousel option, providing users with a live, engaging format for looking at the home’s best features in one ad. The carousel format shows extensive property detail, keeping prospects interested in inquiring about the property. Accompanied by good visuals, well-informative image captions make the ad quite effective at catching the target audience’s attention.

 Facebook ad with multiple images of different rooms of a listing
Carousel Facebook ad example (Source: NAR)

7. Highlight Unique Selling Points

Agents should always emphasize what makes the property or service unique. It could be an ideal location, a modern kitchen, or old-fashioned high-quality customer service that gives your ad an edge. The more of these elements you have, the greater separation from competing listings and better your ad’s appeal to the right buyers. You will clearly articulate what puts your listings in a class of their own.

Example: The agent gives prospective clients clear, easily digestible information in this bullet-point format above. Following through the ad, it’s easier for people to understand the property’s features and benefits. Bulleting the primary selling points improves readability, ensuring that all essential details are conveyed to the potential buyers for effective decision-making.

Facebook ad with image of home and agent headshot with listing information
Just listed Facebook ad (Source: Privyr)

8. Keep Ad Copy Short & Sweet

A social media user’s attention span is very short. Keep the ad copy concise and to the point. Give only the most relevant details, sparing the potential client large blocks of text. This clear messaging engages interest more effectively. Use bullet points or short paragraphs so users can quickly scan and grasp the main details.

Example: Keeping ad copy as concise as possible, like the example below, makes getting essential information across quickly. With a focus on relevant information and in as few words as possible, the ad can grab interest and pressure action without bombarding potential clients with too many words. This succinctness enhances general ad efficiency, making it an excellent strategy for generating leads or attracting buyers.

Top Producer Social Connect is a one-stop shop that helps real estate agents solve the mystery of social media advertising, especially on Facebook. This platform provides ease in maintaining an online presence. The expert ad creation is simply done. Top Producer Social Connect’s advanced automatic lead nurturing ensures prospective clients receive customized content throughout a four-month period. The platform’s integrated CRM helps agents manage and follow up with leads efficiently, ensuring no missed opportunity.


Bringing It All Together

Real estate Facebook ads can increase your business exponentially because you reach a large, targeted audience. Knowing how much they cost allows you to create an appropriate budget for them and get maximum ROI. With a well-defined step-by-step process in creating your ad, from choosing the right objective to high-quality visuals and a strong call to action, it will be compelling and engaging. 

Have you used Facebook ads to boost your listings and real estate business? Tell us your tips!

The post Real Estate Facebook Ads: 8 Best Practices & Examples for Agents appeared first on The Close.

]]> 15 unnamed – 2024-08-09T160224.755 unnamed – 2024-08-09T160229.195 Facebook Ads Manager set up page (Source: Facebook) unnamed – 2024-08-09T160232.849 Facebook campaign objective (source: Noah Digital) unnamed – 2024-08-09T160236.130 Facebook Ad Manager campaign section (Source: Facebook) unnamed – 2024-08-09T160239.333 Facebook ad posting budget and schedule (Source: Facebook) unnamed – 2024-08-09T160242.111 Detailed targeting options (Source: Facebook) unnamed – 2024-08-09T160244.821 unnamed – 2024-08-09T160247.596 unnamed – 2024-08-09T160250.865 unnamed – 2024-08-09T160254.473 Craft Compelling Headlines Listing marketing showcased on desktop, laptop, mobile, and tablet unnamed – 2024-08-09T160303.836 Facebook ad with agent headshot and client testimonial on the left of image Screenshot of lead dashboard with lead information unnamed – 2024-08-09T160313.129 unnamed – 2024-08-09T160316.218 Facebook ad with image of a home for sale Graphic showing various nurturing timelines for leads expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse
20 Clever Real Estate Pop-by Ideas to Get More Referrals Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:47:25 +0000 Don't hit the pavement empty-handed! Get inspired by our favorite real estate pop-bys with links to customizable templates, pricing, gifting strategies, and who they’re best suited for on your list of past clients.

The post 20 Clever Real Estate Pop-by Ideas to Get More Referrals appeared first on The Close.

If you’re looking to brighten your client’s day and possibly get a referral in return, you’ve come to the right place. Building connections is essential to your real estate business, so I’ve compiled a list of gifts that are sure to start a conversation. Whether you target a farm area or just swing by to see a few clients, check out these 20 real estate pop by ideas to help strengthen your relationships while also growing your business.

What Is a Pop-by Gift?

Real estate pop-by gifts are small gestures of appreciation that help you stay connected with your clients. When you “pop by,” you’re not just dropping off a gift. You’re nurturing your client relationships in a meaningful way. These thoughtful gestures help you stay top of mind, build trust, and pave the way for even more leads and return business.

Pop-by Ideas for Real Estate 

With these realtor pop by ideas, create a routine to see your clients face-to-face throughout the year regularly. Your goal should be to keep the gifts simple but memorable and, most importantly, have fun with them!

1. Tea & Honey: ‘Clients Like You Are Tea-rific!’

Multiple packets of tea next to an individual tea bag.
Custom real estate tea bags (Source: TheShindyCo)

Tea has a way of making people feel all warm and cozy inside. That’s why it makes for the perfect real estate pop-by gift during fall and winter. There are so many delicious flavors to choose from, including limited-edition holiday options. If your clients are tea connoisseurs, consider going for a high-end tea. And don’t forget the honey—go for a local brand if you can.

Once you’ve chosen the perfect tea, search online for a customizable tag to add your own branding and message. Pop the tea bag and a honey stick in a gift bag, tie it up with your custom tag, and voila—you’ve got a thoughtful and heartwarming gift. 

2. S’mores Kit: ‘I’m Never Too Busy for S’More of Your Referrals’

S’mores kit with adorable card from Etsy
S’mores kit with note attached

Who doesn’t love the nostalgic feeling of sharing s’mores? Giving your clients a s’mores kit and a cute card will help them think of you as someone sweet. The best part about these kits is that you can keep it simple or fancy it up by including gourmet chocolate and handcrafted marshmallows. This pop-by gift is the perfect go-to option for visiting multiple clients since you can easily make many s’mores kits at once.

3. Heart-shaped Cookies or Chocolates: ‘You Are the Heart of My Business!’

Valentine's day pop-by ideas from Etsy
Bag of cookies with note
  • When to give: Winter, Valentine’s Day
  • Cost: Around $3 per cookie (+ $5 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Heart-shaped cookies from Wicked Good Cookies and Pop by Tag from Etsy

Roses are red, violets are blue, holidays are the perfect excuse to do realtor pop-bys for you. Choose festive heart-shaped cookies for Valentine’s Day and spread the love to your clients and sphere. Even better, order custom cookies with your branding on them! 

4. Bag of Goldfish Crackers: ‘Fishing for Your Referrals’

Fishing for Your Referrals pop bys from Etsy
Bag of goldfish crackers with note
  • When to give: Anytime
  • Cost: $9 per box of 20 packs (+ $5 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Goldfish crackers from Walmart and Pop by Tag from Etsy

Don’t be afraid to couple your pop-by with an “ask” on occasion. Make custom stickers with the phrase “fishing for your referrals,” along with your information, and place them on any fish-themed snack. Switch between sweet and savory by picking up Goldfish crackers and Swedish Fish. This sweet and salty gift idea is a light-hearted way to ask for referrals while showing your clients that you appreciate them.

Pro Tip: While you’re in the spirit of asking for things, consider asking your client for a testimonial that you can use to promote your business. Sometimes, a testimonial will be just what you need to lead to your next client.

5. Packet of Seeds: ‘Thank You for Helping My Business Grow’

Two custom brown paper seed packets with a thank you note and real estate agent contact information on them.
Custom packet of seeds (Source: Favorfully)

One of my favorite spring pop by ideas for realtors is a packet of seeds. It’s the gift that keeps on giving! Whether it’s plants, veggies for their garden, or beautiful flowers, your clients will surely think of you as they watch them grow. Get a variety of seeds and order personalized packets to put them in, creating your very own blossoming business cards.

6. Bag of Popcorn: ‘Popping by to Offer an Update on the Current Market’

A real estate agent business card in front of a bag of popcorn lying on a table with popcorn spilling out of it.
Bag of popcorn with business card tag (Source: Market Dwellings)
  • When to give: Anytime
  • Cost: Around $6 per box of 12 (+ $.50 per unit for tags)
  • Purchase: Popcorn from Amazon and Pop by Tag from Etsy

When it comes to simple yet delightful gifts, nothing beats a bag of popcorn. Whether it’s microwave popcorn or individual-sized bags, it doesn’t get easier than this. Order custom tags or stickers to attach to the popcorn featuring your personal note and contact information. Keep these tags on hand, and you’ll always be ready to brighten a client’s day with a friendly visit. This gift really puts the perfect POP into your real estate pop by gifts. 

7. Sparklers or Flags: ‘You Add So Much Sparkle to My Business’

A bucket full of Fourth of July party favors with an example of a real estate agent thank you card attached to it.
Fourth of July party favors (Source: PartyGloss)
  • When to give: Summer
  • Cost: Around $9 per 6 packs of sparklers (+ $4 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Sparklers from Walmart and Pop by Tag from Etsy

If you’re looking for sizzling summer pop-by ideas for realtors, this could be the one for you. Buy some sparklers, pop-its, or American flags to create a fun and memorable celebration for your clients. These goodies are sure to bring smiles to everyone’s faces. If sparklers aren’t an option, anything with an American flag theme will do the trick. 

8. Small Pumpkin & Carving Kit: ‘I’m Always Ready to Carve Out Time for You’

Pumpkin with carving kit
Pumpkin with carving kit (Source: Amazon)
  • When to give: Fall
  • Cost: Around $7 per kit (+ cost of pumpkin)
  • Purchase: Pumpkin carving kit from Amazon (+ pumpkin from your local nursery)

If you’re stumped for gift ideas, stick with festive and fun. Whether you align your pop-by with an upcoming holiday or choose something seasonal, coordinating your visits with a purpose makes it easier. After all, it’s not about finding the perfect gift; it’s about sharing a warm gesture and building a solid connection. In the fall, pick up some small pumpkins and carving kits, then head on over to your clients’ homes to share the joy of the season.

Pro Tip: Include a note encouraging your clients to tag you in a social media post with pictures of their carved pumpkins to enter a drawing to win a gift card!

9. Bottle of Wine: ‘I Have Nothing to Wine About With Clients Like You’

A bottle of red wine next to a sample wine label with a thank you note written on it.
Bottle of wine with card (Source: RealtorMarketingCo)
  • When to give: Anytime
  • Cost: Around $8 or more per bottle (+ $4 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Wine from Walmart (or local liquor store) and Pop by Card from Etsy

Offering a bottle of wine is said to be a gesture of appreciation. While this might initially seem extravagant, it doesn’t have to be. Reserve this option for your loyal clients or those who have referred business to you. There are so many different price ranges from which to choose, allowing you to select the perfect bottle.

Pro Tip: Be mindful when gifting alcohol, as not everyone drinks. If you’re unsure whether or not your client would appreciate this option, choose one of our other gifts to stay on the safe side. 

10. Free Cup of Coffee: ‘Thanks a Whole Latte for Your Referrals’

Card with gift card attached
  • When to give: Anytime
  • Cost: Around $5 to $10 per gift card ($15 for ten pre-printed cards)
  • Purchase: Coffee gift card from Starbucks (or your local coffee shop) and Pop by Card from Etsy

Not all real estate pop by ideas have to include beverages, but we can’t leave out coffee. It’s hard to go wrong with a gift card to a local coffee shop, and it would work perfectly for people who have just moved into a new neighborhood. With this option, you’ll get the added bonus of supporting a local business.

Pro Tip: While it may not be the same as an in-person visit, you can still brighten your client’s day by sending them a virtual cup of coffee (in the form of a gift card) via text or email. This virtual gift is a beautiful way to express gratitude if you’re pressed for time and can’t make it for a face-to-face thank you.

11. Pumpkin Pie or Fall-themed Treats: ‘Grateful for Your Referrals’

A pecan pie with a bow and gratitude card attached to it.
Pecan pie with note (Source: PartyGloss)
  • When to give: Fall
  • Cost: Around $15 to $20 per pie ($15 for 10 pre-printed cards)
  • Purchase: Pecan pie from Wood Pecan Company (or your local bakery) and Pop by Tag from Etsy

Showing your clients gratitude is what pop by gifts are all about. So, lining up some of these visits with Thanksgiving is a no-brainer. Pick up some pies and tie a thank-you note to the pie with a bow, and you’ll be all set! Make sure to time your deliveries close to the holiday so your clients can share the joy with their loved ones. You might even land a referral when their friends and family ask where they got the tasty treat. 

12. Easter Candy: ‘Your Referrals Are Eggstra Special’

 Two individual chocolate eggs with real estate client referral cards attached to them.
Chocolate eggs with a card attached (Source: Chevelly Designs)
  • When to give: Spring, Easter
  • Cost: Around $2 per candy (+ $7 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Reese’s Easter Egg from Walmart and Pop by Sticker from Chevelly Designs

You can’t go wrong with a simple and easy gift idea that your clients might really look forward to every year! Get your hands on some limited edition Reese’s Easter egg-inspired chocolates (you know the ones!) that only come around once a year, and add a personalized sticker to the wrapper. If you’re feeling extra fancy, you could even put a few in a cute gift bag and throw in some other festive candy.

Whenever you give food as a pop-by gift, be mindful of allergens. When in doubt, avoiding common food allergens like nuts, soy, dairy, and wheat is a good idea.

13. Flashlights: ‘Don’t Be in the Dark About the Real Estate Market!’

Two samples of real estate pop by tags with a picture of a flashlight on them and a message about the real estate market.
Flashlight pop by tag (Source: MissAbitaDesigns)
  • When to give: Anytime
  • Cost: Around $38 per pack of 30 (+ $5 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Mini Flashlights from Amazon and Pop by Tag from Etsy

The beauty of real estate pop by gifts is that they’re designed to be small tokens of appreciation that keep you on your clients’ minds. Flashlights may seem ordinary, but they’re a great way to remind your clients that you’ve got their back. They represent your ability to guide them every step of the way. Just attach a card with a friendly note and your contact information, and you’re all set!

14. Lotto Tickets: ‘Lucky to Have You & Your Referrals’

A real estate client referral card with agent contact information with a spot to attach a lotto ticket.
Card with lotto ticket holder (Source: MarketDwellings)
  • When to give: St. Patrick’s Day or Anytime
  • Cost: Around $2 to $10 per ticket (+ $20 for a set of ten cards)
  • Purchase: Lotto tickets from your local store and Pop by Card from Etsy

Let your clients know how lucky you feel to have their support, and spread that good luck by giving them a lottery ticket. Whether it’s St. Patrick’s Day or any time of year, show your appreciation with this fun pop-by gift idea. Get a set of custom cards that can hold your business card and the lotto ticket. Easily grab these whenever you want to stop by and see your clients.

15. Sunblock: ‘Don’t Let Your Friends Get Burned in This Market’

Two bottles of sunblock on a table with examples of real estate client referral cards on them.
Bottle of sunblock with card (Source: BigTopCreations)
  • When to give: Summer
  • Cost: Around $38 per box of 24 (+ $7 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Box of travel size sunblock from Amazon or your local dollar store and Pop by Tag from Etsy

Catchy real estate marketing helps set you apart from other agents and gives you a chance to show a bit of your personality. For example, in the summer, give out sunblock with a tagline like, “Don’t let your friends get burned in this market.” It’s simple yet memorable; every time your clients use the sunblock, they’ll think of you. Opt for travel-size bottles and buy in bulk to cut your costs.

16. Cooking Seasoning: ‘From Your Seasoned Real Estate Professional’ 

A bottle of cooking seasoning with a real estate client referral card attached to it.
Bottle of seasoning with card (Source: REdigitalassist)
  • When to give: Anytime
  • Cost: Around $3 per bottle (+ $4 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Cooking seasoning from Amazon and Pop by Tag from Etsy

Don’t be afraid to brag about yourself a little! If you’re looking for a pop by gift to remind your clients of all your hard-earned experience, hand out cooking seasoning. Not only is it a practical and long-lasting gift, but it’s a subtle way to show that you really know your stuff when it comes to real estate. Purchase various seasonings and stick a custom label on them, dubbing yourself a “seasoned agent.” 

17. First Aid Kit: ‘Let Me Be Your First Aid for All Your Real Estate Needs’

A first aid kit with a national preparedness month card leaning on it along with real estate agent contact information.
First aid kit (Source: AwkwardAgent)
  • When to give: Anytime; or in September for First Aid Day
  • Cost: Around $2 per kit (+ $8 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: First aid kit from Amazon (or your local dollar store) and Pop by Tag from Etsy

When all else fails, check out the “national days” that take place throughout the year for some gift inspiration. September is all about safety and national preparedness, but on the 2nd of the month, it’s also “first aid day.” This season is perfect for connecting with your clients, raising awareness, and giving out mini first aid kits.

Pro Tip: Team up with a home security company to amp up your promotional efforts and show your clients that you genuinely care about their safety and well-being. If possible, add an exclusive discount code for a home security system to the back of your card to give them a little extra something.

18. Donuts: ‘Sprinkling Joy & Gratitude for Being a Sweet Part of My Business!’

A box of donuts next to a real estate client thank you card.
Box of donuts with card (Source: BizBuzzDesigns)
  • When to give: Anytime
  • Cost: Around $2 per donut (+ $6 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Donuts from your local bakery or donut shop and Pop by Tag from Etsy

When you’re creating your marketing plan and scheduling your realtor pop by ideas, you don’t always have to think outside the box. In fact, some ideas are best inside the box. Take donuts, for example! Whether it’s a single donut or a whole dozen, pair them with a card to express your joy and gratitude that your clients have chosen you as their real estate resource. This option also allows you to support a local bakery and build connections in the community.

19. Shout Wipes: ‘Give Me a Shout for All Your Real Estate Needs’

Package of Shout wipes with a real estate client note attached including agent contact information.
Shout wipes with note card (Source: MsFerDesigns)
  • When to give: Anytime
  • Cost: Around $3 per pack of 4 (+ $6 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: On-the-go Shout Wipe from Amazon and Pop by Tag from Etsy

Want your clients to give you a shout? Gift them some Shout wipes, letting them know you’re available whenever they’re ready to buy or sell. Yes, your pop-bys can be this quick and easy! Plus, you might get a thank-you call the next time your client encounters a coffee stain emergency.

20. Hand Sanitizer: ‘If I Can Give You a Hand, Please Call’

A bottle of hand sanitizer on a desk with a plant in the background and scissors next to it with a real estate client note attached.
Hand sanitizer with a note (Source: happenbyLucy)
  • When to give: Winter or Anytime
  • Cost: Around $9 per pack of 5 (+ $4 one-time fee for digital download)
  • Purchase: Hand sanitizer from Bath & Body Works and Pop by Tag from Etsy

Gifting hand sanitizer is a great way to remind your clients that you’re here to support them with all their real estate needs. It’s a simple and thoughtful gesture they can use often, helping keep you top-of-mind. Purchase hand sanitizer in bulk to grab and go for spontaneous visits. Don’t forget to tie a short note around the bottle to make it more personal. 

How to Send a Pop-by Gift 

When putting together your real estate pop by ideas, don’t forget to think about the best way to deliver them to your clients. While traditional pop-bys involve visiting your clients in person, alternative methods exist. Whether you operate in a city with numerous buildings and gated communities or simply want to respect your client’s privacy, physically visiting each client’s home may not always be an option. 

  • Stop by your client’s house: The first option for giving a pop by gift is to actually visit your clients in person. This most personal approach will lead to a stronger connection and bond with your clients.  
  • Use a delivery service: If you’d still like a personalized delivery, you can hire a delivery service to bring the gifts to your client’s house for you. This service is not the same as showing up and conversing, but it could be an option if you have a fragile gift that you want hand-delivered when you can’t make it. 
  • Put a gift in the mail: If you find it challenging to get to your clients’ houses or work in a location where it’s impossible, schedule your gifts to be delivered via mail. This approach will require you to choose gifts that are easy to mail, but it can still be done. 
  • Send a digital gift: The quickest and easiest way to get a gift to your client is to send a digital gift. There are various gift card options that you can send and other online gifting services that allow your clients to select a gift of their choosing.  

As a general rule of thumb, giving your clients a heads-up before you stop by their house is always a good idea. Unexpected visits might not have the effect you’re hoping for. Once your clients get into the swing of these visits as part of your business, they may even start to look forward to them. 

How to Choose the Right Gift

When sorting through realtor pop-by ideas and making a plan for the year, consider the following steps to choose what gifts you’ll send, when you’ll send them, and how much you’ll spend. Planning out your pop-bys is as important as planning any other business task. 

  • Decide on your budget
  • Categorize your clients
  • Decide what holidays you will gift for
  • Choose the seasonal gifts you want to send
  • Align gifts with market conditions
  • Order cards or tags for each gift
  • Decide on your delivery method
  • Set the pace and timeframe

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Bringing It All Together

Staying in touch with your people doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive. Use these pop by ideas for real estate marketing or to come up with your unique gift-giving concepts. Make connecting with your clients an enjoyable experience; remember, the bond you create is what really counts.

Are there fun or affordable gifts you swear by? Know a great source for nice-looking pop-by gifts? Let us know in the comments.

The post 20 Clever Real Estate Pop-by Ideas to Get More Referrals appeared first on The Close.

]]> 7 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235145.677 S’mores kit with adorable card from Etsy Valentine’s day pop bys from Etsy Fishing for Your Referrals pop bys from Etsy unnamed – 2024-08-09T235201.887 (1) unnamed – 2024-08-09T235204.896 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235207.789 (1) unnamed – 2024-08-09T235211.208 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235214.107 (1) Untitled (19) unnamed – 2024-08-09T235219.936 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235223.345 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235226.204 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235229.016 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235231.730 (1) unnamed – 2024-08-09T235235.094 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235237.932 (2) unnamed – 2024-08-09T235241.742 (1) unnamed – 2024-08-09T235244.688 unnamed – 2024-08-09T235252.229 expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse
Top 20 Real Estate Newsletter Templates & Tips for 2024 Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:40:05 +0000 One of the most affordable and effective ways to stay top-of-mind with clients and prospects is by creating and sending out regular newsletters.

The post Top 20 Real Estate Newsletter Templates & Tips for 2024 appeared first on The Close.

One of the most affordable and effective ways to stay top-of-mind with clients and prospects is by creating and sending out regular newsletters. They are a great way to showcase your expertise with niche audiences and inform them about market trends and industry news. I’ve compiled a list of the 20 best real estate newsletter templates to execute your newsletters.

1. Color-blocked Two-page Newsletter

First page of a pastel-colored newsletter
Second page of color-blocked newsletter with property listing's features and agent information
  • Price: Free
  • Format: PNG, JPG, PDF
  • Editor: Canva
  • Best for: General marketing or updates (customizable for your audience)

This real estate agent newsletter template takes a modern approach to a simple, classic newsletter design. It includes space for three short paragraphs, three statistics, one featured property, detailed contact information, and plenty of images. Its distinct color blocks differentiate sections, helping build brand recognition. This visually impactful and well-organized template will reinforce your professionalism and expertise.

2. Visual Newsletter With One Focus

A one-page simple newsletter in landscape layout
  • Price: $14 per month
  • Format: PNG, JPG, PDF
  • Editor: Flipbooks
  • Best for: Staying top of mind with current homeowners or previous buyer clients

This real estate newsletter template is unique because of its simplicity. Instead of covering multiple topics, it includes multiple pages for one topic—home renovation ideas. This highly visual real estate newsletter template has a simple, powerful, and eye-catching design and format. However, it also includes plenty of space to describe your ideas and even mention how the home improvement tips have helped your clients in the past.

3. Multipage Free Real Estate Newsletter Templates

A dark blue and white-colored newsletter with tips for buyers and sellers
  • Price: Free
  • Format: PNG, JPG, PDF
  • Editor: Canva
  • Best for: New and specialized listings or general real estate market updates

Sending multipage newsletters allows agents to provide clients with more in-depth content. This real estate newsletter sample has two pages and is formatted similarly to a magazine or newspaper. It provides plenty of space to showcase various content, like market updates, featured properties, local news, or real estate tips. Its customizable design makes it easy for agents to customize their branding and content to a specific audience.

4. Brand-building Real Estate Newsletters for Agents

A black-colored newsletter with the agent's portrait and property listing's features
  • Price: Subscription at $10 per month or $120 per year
  • Format: PNG, JPG, PDF
  • Editor: Canva
  • Best for: New or growing agents who want to establish their reputation and brand

Many newsletter templates for real estate agents are ideal for building your real estate brand and establishing yourself as an industry expert. With a large realtor headshot, logo, and a large heading, thi

5. Traditional Newspaper Layout

A traditional newspaper-themed real estate newsletter
  • Price: Starts $2.99 per asset
  • Format: AI/EPS and JPEG
  • Editor: Adobe applications
  • Best for: Newsletters focused on data like market reports, real estate updates, local news, or events

Real estate newsletter templates resembling a traditional newspaper are perfect for agents who want to provide their audience with a mix of information. The template has several columns and a classic layout to accommodate market updates, featured properties, local news, etc. The traditional newspaper-style newsletter layout is familiar and can resonate with a demographic that formerly enjoyed physical newspapers.

6. Bundle of Seasonal Real Estate Newsletter Topics

Four real estate newsletter templates with market updates, sold properties in the neighborhood, things to do in town during spring, and cozy winter ideas
  • Price: $35 for bundle
  • Format: PNG, JPG, PDF
  • Editor: Canva
  • Best for: Residential real estate leads and clients

The most effective real estate newsletters will contain information that is highly relevant and interesting to their clientele. One way to consistently create newsletters with relevant information is by including seasonal content like winter decorating ideas in January or spring home maintenance tasks in April. This newsletter template bundle consists of 12 months of newsletters with multiple pages, consistent and customizable branding, and seasonal topics. 

7. Interactive Real Estate Newsletter Template

An email newsletter template featuring luxury listings
  • Price: Free
  • Format: HTML, PDF
  • Editor: Unlayer
  • Best for: Driving traffic to a real estate website and targeting multiple audiences, including buyers, sellers, or a real estate niche

One of the benefits of using newsletters in your repertoire of marketing materials is their versatility. While many real estate newsletter examples are physical papers sent in the mail, you can also send digital newsletters through email or text. In fact, email newsletter templates for real estate agents are ideal for generating leads since readers can simply click buttons or links to visit specific listings, landing pages, and contact forms.

8. Contemporary Magazine-style Newsletter

 Pink and white magazine-style real estate newsletter
  • Price: Subscription at $14 per month or $168 per year
  • Format: PNG, JPG, PDF
  • Editor: Flipbooks
  • Best for: Real estate agents or teams wanting to display a high level of professionalism with detailed information; could be ideal for luxury audiences, previous clients, buyer leads, or seller leads

With a contemporary layout and design, this realtor newsletter template is designed to resemble a modern magazine. Agents can provide their clients with a virtually stunning newsletter, creating a sense of excitement for each new issue to be released. Plus, this template includes six pages with multiple formatting options to fit a variety of types of content.

9. Local Guide Newsletter

A two-page newsletter containing things to do at a local community
  • Price: $6.17
  • Format: PDF
  • Editor: Canva
  • Best for: Current residents in your farm area, clients relocating to your area, or new residents

If you want your newsletter to stand out from others, consider doing a “local guide” or “community newsletter” instead. Highlight local attractions, events, businesses, schools, and amenities, providing valuable insights into the lifestyle and culture of the area. You will enhance your clients’ sense of belonging and loyalty by offering personalized recommendations, local events, and up-to-date community details. Becoming the go-to neighborhood resource is also a highly effective way to generate real estate referrals.

10. One-page Real Estate Newsletter Template

A white and pink single-page newsletter
  • Price: Subscription at $10 per month
  • Format: PNG, PDF, HTML
  • Editor: Venngage
  • Best for: More frequent newsletters, like weekly or bi-weekly; niche audiences with educational content

While there are many benefits to multipage, magazine-style newsletters, there are equally as many benefits to straightforward single-page newsletters. A smaller text and information make it easy for busy clients to read and digest. A one-page format lets agents focus on one important topic, which can build an authoritative presence on specific niches or topics. Agents can also spread out their marketing content through multiple newsletter mailings.

11. Renting vs Buying Newsletter

A simple real estate newsletter featuring the pros and cons of renting a home
  • Price: $15
  • Format: PDF
  • Editor: Canva
  • Best for: Marketing to current renters and first-time home buyers

This newsletter template is specifically designed to educate potential buyers on their housing options. It is a magazine-style template with multiple pages and includes the pros and cons of both renting and buying. This template allows agents to provide a valuable resource to help potential clients make an educated decision about renting or buying. Although this isn’t a typical style of real estate newsletter, it is an ideal way to show individuals in the early stages of their home search that you can be their trusted advisor.

12. Seasonal Newsletter for Real Estate Seller Leads

A two-page white and grey real estate newsletter

Tailored specifically for homeowners considering listing their properties, this newsletter template bundle includes designs for all four seasons. It includes seasonal tips and strategies for enhancing curb appeal, staging homes, and maximizing selling potential during different times of the year. Potential sellers are particularly interested in local market data and how it impacts their decision about whether or not to sell their home, so that is an important element in a newsletter for listing clients.

13. Realtor Newsletter Template With Landing Page Design

A newsletter template featuring marketing tips from realtors to other realtors
  • Price: Free
  • Format: PNG, PDF, HTML
  • Editor: Venngage
  • Best for: Agents wanting to build more brand recognition with landing pages

A unique idea for your real estate newsletter is to create a design that looks like a website landing page but can be delivered via mail, email, or even social media. This type of design will stand out against other real estate marketing materials and build brand recognition by mimicking your website. Stand out even further by providing a link or QR code on this newsletter design to a matching landing page on your website.

14. Real Estate Newsletter Templates for Teams

A two-page newsletter template with a section featuring the agents in a brokerage
A two-page newsletter template with a section featuring the agents in a brokerage
  • Price: Free design, printing starts at $2
  • Format: PDF
  • Editor: Breakthrough Broker
  • Best for: Building brand recognition for a real estate team

If you’re part of a real estate team, choose a newsletter template with space to introduce the team members and showcase your team’s expertise and unique strengths. This type of template allows you to build the team’s brand and differentiate themselves from competitors. These newsletters can include team photos, bios, and success stories so agents can humanize their team and create a sense of community and trust with their audience.

15. Commercial Property Newsletter Template

A commercial property newsletter template with a realtor headshot
  • Price: Free
  • Format: JPG, PNG, SVG, PDF
  • Editor: Xara
  • Best for: Commercial real estate clients and real estate investors

For agents marketing to commercial real estate clients, look for real estate newsletter samples with a corporate-style design like this one. Keep in mind that the content should also be adjusted to cater to businesses, investors, or rental property owners. Not only do property details like terms, pricing, and price per square foot change dramatically with commercial properties and clients, but your marketing strategy will also differ.

16. Email Newsletter for Active Buyers

An email newsletter template featuring property listings
  • Price: Free
  • Format: Zip, HTML, PDF
  • Editor: Unlayer
  • Best for: Potential or current real estate buyer leads

When you work with buyers, especially in competitive markets, being in constant communication with your clients is crucial. Listings can go on the market and sell quickly, so using a real estate newsletter to show clients that you are always looking for their needs is beneficial. This email newsletter template is simple and to the point. It includes eye-catching visuals, a small amount of text, and multiple new listings.

17. Infographic Newsletter Template

 An infographic newsletter template explaining the BRRRR method
  • Price: Free
  • Format: PNG, PDF, HTML
  • Editor: Venngage
  • Best for: Commercial real estate clients, investors, and property managers

Many real estate newsletters for agents include a limited amount of data because most residential real estate clients aren’t interested in detailed reports. However, this infographic with multiple charts, graphs, and statistics is ideal for clients focused on the financial side of properties, like real estate investors and commercial property owners. It organizes incredibly detailed information into visually appealing graphics and succinct data points to show the agent’s expertise and help data-driven clients make informed decisions.

18. News-focused Newsletter Template

A dark blue and yellow-themed newsletter template focused on property news
  • Price: Subscription at $10 per month or $120 per year
  • Format: PNG, JPG, PDF
  • Editor: Canva
  • Best for: Real estate agents, brokers, and teams wanting to communicate their expertise on the real estate market

Some real estate agent newsletter templates are designed to look like a newspaper, but this template is designed with a strategic focus on sharing news in the real estate industry. This template is ideal for updating your real estate farm area on real estate market changes, like interest rates, new laws, new developments, or upcoming events. You’ll demonstrate your expertise in the real estate industry by sharing timely and updated information and educational resources. Additionally, a time-sensitive newsletter can create a sense of urgency and encourage readers to take action.

19. Visual Real Estate Process Newsletter

A newsletter template featuring the step-by-step process of real estate investing
  • Price: Subscription at $24 per month
  • Format: PNG, PDF, HTML
  • Editor: Venngage
  • Best for: Corporate clients, real estate investors; could be customized for residential leads and clients

For people outside of the real estate industry, the processes involved can be extremely overwhelming. This template provides a visual step-by-step explanation of investing in real estate. However, it could be customized easily for residential real estate clients seeking guidance and reassurance before, during, and after a real estate transaction. By demystifying the real estate journey and offering valuable insights about what to expect at every stage, agents can build trust with leads and help motivate clients to start the process.

20. Home Equity Report Newsletter

Newsletter template with six pages featuring a home's equity report
  • Price: $24
  • Format: PDF
  • Editor: Canva
  • Best for: Current homeowners and potential sellers

When homeowners start thinking about moving to another property or selling their home, they need essential information about their current home’s value and the state of the real estate market. With this home equity report newsletter, you can provide valuable insights into a client’s financial health and the potential of their properties. It includes ten pages with visually appealing charts, data points, and explanations of each one, making it a powerful strategy to get more listings.

Tips for Creating & Customizing a Realtor Newsletter Template

Before you start customizing your templates and including them in your real estate drip campaigns, take note of these helpful tips:

Tip 1: Identify Your Target Audience

Defining your specific audience and goals is crucial before creating a newsletter. Who are you targeting with your newsletter, and what do you want them to do? If you are trying to generate first-time home buyer leads or for sale by owner leads, use this target audience to tailor your content and approach to maximize your results.

Tip 2: Provide Valuable Real Estate Content

Your newsletter should provide valuable content relevant to your audience. This content could include market updates, industry news, tips for buyers and sellers, or even a success story detailing how you did it. By providing valuable content, you can position yourself as an expert in your field and build trust with your audience. Some topics you can cover in your monthly real estate newsletter templates include:

  • Selling a home
  • Saving money for a downpayment
  • Deciding whether to downsize
  • Preventing foreclosure
  • Solutions for expired listings
  • Purchasing a rental property
  • Curb appeal ideas
  • Improving property value
  • Local neighborhoods to move into

Tip 3: Use Clean & Professional Newsletter Real Estate Templates

Choosing an attention-grabbing design and layout that fits your brand is just as important as your newsletter content. Eye-catching design elements like graphics, images, and color schemes make your newsletter visually appealing. Make sure you also choose a layout that is easy to read and navigate, which will help recipients read all the content, whether it is delivered online or as direct mail

The good thing about newsletter templates for real estate agents is that they are customizable. When you find a template that fits your brand, don’t hesitate to change the content or theme to fit your needs for your specific audience. Additionally, it’s crucial to design your newsletter to be mobile-friendly since many recipients will read it on their phones. A responsive layout ensures your content looks great on any device.

Tip 4: Include a Compelling Call to Action (CTA)

If you want your audience to schedule a consultation, visit your website, or follow you on social media, you must communicate what action you want them to take. A strong CTA will help you generate leads and move your audience further down the sales funnel.

Tip 5: Be Consistent in Sending Out Newsletters

Similar to sending out real estate email templates, consistency and frequency are critical to the success of your newsletter. Choose a regular schedule and stick to it. Whether you send your newsletter monthly or quarterly, ensure consistency with your timing. This extra attention to detail will help your audience anticipate your newsletter and make it a regular part of their routine.

Tip 6: Monitor Your Real Estate Email Newsletter Templates’ Performance

If you’re delivering your newsletter online, use an email marketing platform like Mailchimp or Constant Contact to track your newsletter’s performance. This way, you’ll see the campaigns’ effectiveness, allowing you to tailor your strategy to your subscribers’ needs.

Tools & Resources for Creating Real Estate Newsletters

Creating a professional-looking newsletter tailored to your audience’s needs and interests may seem daunting. Fortunately, various tools and resources are available to help you create effective newsletters. These tools provide real estate newsletter samples, customizable templates, software to perform email marketing, and forms to capture leads. All these tools and resources help agents streamline the creation of realtor newsletter templates and optimize their content engagement.

Best For
Key Features
Starting Price
Learn More
social media marketing tool Canva logoIndividuals and teams wanting a versatile and easy-to-use graphic design program
  • Variety of real estate templates
  • Collaboration tools
  • Custom branding kit
Visit Canva
coffee and contracts logoAgents and teams looking for professional and luxurious designs
  • Sophisticated newsletter templates
  • More brand-building ideas
  • Variety of real estate template
$54 per month
Visit Coffee & Contracts
mailchimp logoSmall businesses wanting a user-friendly platform for email and marketing
  • User-friendly interface
  • Multiple integrations with third-party apps
  • Affordable pricing plans
Visit Mailchimp
ProspectPlus! logoAgents and teams seeking a direct mail program with customizable designs and mailing lists
  • Variety of real estate-specific templates
  • Mailing lists for purchase
  • Every Day Direct Mail (EDDM)
Visit ProspectsPLUS!
Real estate CRM tool IXACT Contact logoReal estate professionals wanting an all-in-one CRM
  • Built-in monthly email newsletters
  • Variety of newsletter templates
  • Advanced campaign reporting
$45 per user per month
Visit IXACT Contact
Best For
Key Features
Starting Price
Learn More
social media marketing tool Canva logoIndividuals and teams wanting a versatile and easy-to-use graphic design program
  • Variety of real estate templates
  • Collaboration tools
  • Custom branding kit
Visit Canva
coffee and contracts logoAgents and teams looking for professional and luxurious designs
  • Sophisticated newsletter templates
  • More brand-building ideas
  • Variety of real estate template
$54 per month
Visit Coffee & Contracts
mailchimp logoSmall businesses wanting a user-friendly platform for email and marketing
  • User-friendly interface
  • Multiple integrations with third-party apps
  • Affordable pricing plans
Visit Mailchimp
ProspectPlus! logoAgents and teams seeking a direct mail program with customizable designs and mailing lists
  • Variety of real estate-specific templates
  • Mailing lists for purchase
  • Every Day Direct Mail (EDDM)
Visit ProspectsPLUS!
Real estate CRM tool IXACT Contact logoReal estate professionals wanting an all-in-one CRM
  • Built-in monthly email newsletters
  • Variety of newsletter templates
  • Advanced campaign reporting
$45 per user per month
Visit IXACT Contact

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Bringing It All Together

Creating and sending out regular newsletters is a great way to stay top-of-mind with your current clients and leads. Using newsletter templates for real estate agents, you can easily create professional and engaging newsletters to build your business and nurture relationships. Whether you specialize in luxury properties or market updates or simply want to check in on your contacts, there’s a template that perfectly fits your needs.

The post Top 20 Real Estate Newsletter Templates & Tips for 2024 appeared first on The Close.

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7 Savvy Ways to Get Real Estate Referrals Thu, 08 Aug 2024 13:13:16 +0000 Knowing how to generate referrals is key to building your business, and winning organic referrals and repeat clients from your personal connections requires thoughtful strategy. We give you some tips to generate business through the connections you already have and make every day.

The post 7 Savvy Ways to Get Real Estate Referrals appeared first on The Close.

Real estate referrals have always been a lucrative source of leads for seasoned agents, so knowing how to generate referrals is vital to building your business. Referrals typically result from you providing such an exceptional customer experience that clients, friends, and neighbors are all compelled to recommend your services to others. 

So, how do you consistently turn satisfied clients into championing supporters who bring new prospects to your door? I’ll explore how to get real estate referrals from your sphere of influence, creating a continuous flow of new clients through trusted word-of-mouth recommendations. 

1. Tap Into Your Existing Network

two people looking at a cell phone with apps in front of a coffee table.
  • Connect with clients on social media regularly.
  • Show genuine appreciation by hosting client appreciation events.
  • Surprise your past clients with pop-by gifts.

Your existing network is a goldmine of potential real estate agent referrals just waiting to be tapped into. These people already know, like, and trust you—making them your best cheerleaders! Stay in touch regularly through personalized emails, holiday cards, and milestone check-ins to keep yourself top-of-mind. 

Show appreciation for any referrals with handwritten thank-you notes and drop off pop-by gifts. By actively engaging with your existing network, you will create a steady stream of new clients and grow your business.

2. Join a Referral Network

Woman sitting in front of a couch working on her laptop.
  • Choose the right network.
  • Build strong relationships.
  • Harness the power of follow-up.

Becoming part of a referral network can truly transform your real estate business, but the key lies in selecting the one that aligns perfectly with your goals and values. Not all networks are created equally, especially ones you find on social media. Paid or pay-per-transaction referral programs tend to be more lucrative and yield a better return on your investment. 

To get the most out of a referral network, attend meetings, join the discussions, and genuinely engage with the referral network. When you get a referral, follow up quickly and professionally, keep the referring member in the loop, and show appreciation. This diligence boosts your reputation in the network and encourages even more real estate referrals down the line.

Popular Referral Networks

Start by looking for networks that focus on building relationships and passing real estate referrals among professionals, provide platforms for receiving leads from buyers and sellers, and match clients with top local agents. These networks can help you expand your client base and grow your business. 

Here are our top picks based on popularity to get you started.

Referral Network
What They Offer
Starting Price
Learn More
Zillow Premier Agent
  • Exclusive zip code advertising
  • High volume of leads
  • Integrated CRM
  • Pricing varies based on the location.
  • Pricing starts around $200-plus per month.
  • Potential costs can be up to $1,000-plus per month.
Visit Zillow Premier Agent
  • Qualified leads
  • No upfront costs
  • Increased exposure via online agent profiles
  • It has no upfront costs or membership fees.
  • Pay a referral fee per closed transaction.
  • Referral fees average 30%.
  • No upfront costs; pay-at-closing model
  • Comprehensive data and listings
  • Lead matching algorithm
  • It has no upfront costs or membership fees.
  • Pay a referral fee per closed transaction.
  • Referral fees range from 25% to 35%.
Visit Movoto
ReadyConnect Concierge
  • Real-time lead connection
  • No upfront costs; pay-at-closing model
  • Lead screening and nurturing
  • It has no upfront costs or membership fees.
  • Pay a referral fee per closed transaction.
  • Referral fees range from 30% to 35%.
Visit ReadyConnect

Things to Consider When Choosing a Referral Network

  • Referral fee percentage: Some networks charge as much as 40% referral fees. With these companies, consider whether the juice is really worth the squeeze.
  • Subscription fees: Some referral networks charge a monthly or annual subscription fee. Consider whether you’ll be able to justify the amount you’re paying to be a part of the network and whether you’ll be able to recoup any of the costs. A few networks don’t charge a subscription fee and only collect the referral percentage. Weigh whether the leads you get are of high enough quality to justify your investment.
  • Lead quality: Will the leads convert? Before signing up, getting feedback from current referral network members, especially paid networks, is never a bad idea. Check company reviews to see what other agents say about the lead quality. 
  • Lead volume: If you’re paying a subscription for a referral network but aren’t getting a lot of leads, reconsider your investment. Learn as much as you can about how many leads to expect from any referral source before signing up for a long-term commitment.

When thinking outside the box to figure out how to get real estate referrals, these are just a few elements to consider if you’re contemplating joining an agent-to-agent referral network. In addition to these, there are many other networks where you can pay for leads. If you want to learn more about companies specializing in paid lead generation, check out our recommended top lead generation companies.

3. Boost Your Online Presence

woman at her desk working on a computer creating online content.
  • Create a professional website.
  • Leverage online reviews and testimonials.
  • Use social media platforms and paid advertising.

A solid online presence is crucial to attracting real estate referrals. Start by creating a clean, easy-to-navigate, and mobile-friendly professional website. Ensure all the essential information, like your services, contact details, and client testimonials, is easy to find. Keep a regularly updated blog that offers valuable content to engage visitors and boost your search engine optimization (SEO). Positive reviews and testimonials are gold, so don’t be shy about asking happy clients to leave reviews and respond to all feedback. Share these glowing testimonials across your social media profiles and website. 

Speaking of social media, it’s a fantastic tool for building your brand. Keep active profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter by sharing engaging content regularly. High-quality images, videos, and interactions with your audience go a long way. And don’t forget about targeted ads—they can help you reach an even broader audience. 

4. Connect With Local Businesses

silver open sign hanging on a window of door to a small business.
  • Build a mutual partnership to refer each other’s services. 
  • Host joint events.
  • Collaborate on marketing efforts.

Ok, so we’ve all likely walked into a local coffee shop, restaurant, or store and thought, “Oh, maybe I should see about putting my business cards here.”—only to see five other real estate agents who have beaten you to the punch. Building mutual partnerships with local businesses can be a fantastic way to boost your referrals, but just putting your business cards out isn’t going to do the trick. Take it a step further and ask to speak to the owner to see if you can team up to refer clients to each other. 

Offer to cohost events in their space, like holding a first-time homebuyer’s workshop. At the same time, the coffee shop provides the coffee—or consider hosting client appreciation events at a local business. You can even collaborate on marketing efforts to reduce costs by cosponsoring ads or other promotional materials. These partnerships are not only smart but also super exciting, adding a dynamic edge to your business and strengthening your community ties.

5. Get Involved in the Community

Picture of a man with his arms folded with a shirt on that says volunteer.
  • Volunteer your time for local causes.
  • Sponsor community events.
  • Join local business organizations.

Immerse yourself in the community to build lasting connections and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around you locally. Start by volunteering for local causes you’re passionate about, whether it’s helping at a food bank or joining a neighborhood clean-up. This engagement shows you care and builds genuine connections. Consider sponsoring community events like charity runs or local festivals to get your name out there and show your support for the fun and important things happening locally. 

So, if you’re looking for how to get real estate referrals, don’t forget to join local business organizations like the Chamber of Commerce. It’s a great way to network, meet other professionals, and establish yourself as a community leader, all while building a strong foundation for referrals for real estate agents.

6. Provide Value to Your Clients & Prospects

woman at computer holding a sell phone looking at a graph.
  • Offer expert advice and insights.
  • Host educational events.
  • Go the extra mile with exclusive perks and personalized services.

What’s the secret sauce for building strong relationships and securing those all-important realtor referrals? Start by offering expert advice and insights on the real estate market. Share valuable information through engaging blog posts, fun newsletters, or personalized one-on-one consultations to help clients make informed decisions about market trends. Hosting educational events like workshops and seminars on home buying, selling strategies, or property investment is another fantastic way to provide your clients with the knowledge they need while showcasing your expertise. 

Go the extra mile by offering exclusive perks and personalized services. Give clients first dibs on your new listings or special deals with local businesses. By consistently adding these special touches, you’ll show your commitment to their success and satisfaction, setting yourself apart as a trusted and dedicated real estate professional.

7. Ask for Real Estate Referrals

two woman sitting at a coffee shop looking at each other having a conversation.
  • Pick the right moment.
  • Connect on a personal level.
  • Make it easy for them to refer you.

Asking for real estate referrals can feel daunting, but it’s one of the most effective ways to grow your real estate business. Pick the right moment, typically right after a successful transaction, when your client is most satisfied with your service. Connect with them personally by sending a heartfelt message or a friendly phone call to express your appreciation. 

Make it easy for them to refer you by providing business cards, referral links, or other simple ways to share your information with their network. This approach ensures a positive and seamless referral process that can significantly boost your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Final Thoughts

Referrals are the lifeline of a thriving real estate business. There are multiple ways of obtaining referrals, from leveraging your existing network to creating new relationships to drive business your way. Get in front of as many people as you can whether it’s in person at local community events or using your online presence on social media. Don’t be shy about who you are and why you’re in this business. Ask for referrals or join conversations where you can get to know people who may have referrals for you. 

Do you have any unique ways to generate referrals organically that we didn’t cover here? Let us know in the comments.

The post 7 Savvy Ways to Get Real Estate Referrals appeared first on The Close.

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13 Real Estate Thank-you Notes That Create Clients for Life (+ Templates) Tue, 06 Aug 2024 13:10:05 +0000 Smart agents always send thank-you notes to buyers and sellers because theunderstand that making a personal connection after closing a deal is crucial to establishing enduring client relationships.

The post 13 Real Estate Thank-you Notes That Create Clients for Life (+ Templates) appeared first on The Close.

Sending real estate thank-you notes is a game-changer for your business. These notes are like magic wands, creating strong connections that bring in more leads, clients, and referrals. I’ve gathered examples of incredible real estate thank-you note templates. After the realtor thank-you notes, I’ll also share tips on how to write your own, the benefits of writing one, and ways to send it. Get ready to step up your real estate game!

Download the Best Thank-you Note Templates

1. After Closing

This thank-you note from realtor to buyer after closing is from Zoe Kasiske and Marny Maslon, Douglas Elliman, Los Angeles.

2. From Listing Agent to Homeowner

From Beverly Ruffner, real estate coach, The Close contributor

3. Handwritten Note With Closing Gift

From Tika Van Den Hurk, Douglas Elliman in Fort Lauderdale

4. After Closing From Buyer’s Agent to Buyer

Screenshot of custom thank-you cards from VistaPrint
Custom thank-you cards (Source: VistaPrint)

Agents should consider using a service like VistaPrint to help design, print, and mail thank-you notes. Its easy-to-use design editor lets you personalize premade thank-you note templates for postcards, flyers, posters, and other real estate marketing collaterals. VistaPrint also offers design services, a logo maker, and a free QR code generator.

5. Buyer’s Agent After a Difficult Closing

6. After Receiving a Closing Gift From a Buyer

7. After Finding a Buyer an Amazing Deal

8. Homeowner After Not Getting the Listing

9. Former Client After They Give You a Referral

10. After Making Initial Contact With a New Lead

11. After Initial Appointment or Phone Conversation

12. ‘Thanks Anyway’

13. During the Holiday Season

Tips for Writing Effective Real Estate Thank-you Notes

Customizable thank-you note.
Example of real estate thank-you note (Source: Pinterest)

Looking to express gratitude in real estate? Effective thank-you notes can go a long way. Mastering impactful thank-you notes can improve professional relationships and help you stand out in the competitive real estate market. Here are some valuable tips for writing real estate thank-you notes to buyers and sellers that leave an impression.

  • Handwrite your realtor thank-you notes: When sending real estate thank-you notes, consider handwriting them to convey a personal touch and commitment to superior customer service. But if you prefer, you can use email, text, or realistic handwriting generators to save time. Keep the design simple to maintain a personal feel.
  • Use the right tone: Remember to use a professional, warm, and sincere tone in your real estate thank-you cards. Being too casual can make you seem less competent and trustworthy, while insincerity may come across as a marketing ploy.
  • Timing is important: Follow up with leads quickly to show professionalism. Send realtor thank-you notes to buyers, sellers, and current and past clients within a week or two to avoid seeming insincere or too busy.
  • Keep it simple: A small message can have a significant impact. A simple “thank you” can speak volumes, especially handwritten. Keep it short to avoid hand cramps. Don’t overdo it by sending too many thank-you notes to the same person or family—one or two within a year will likely be enough. More than three in a year may seem pesky or desperate.

Benefits of Writing & Sending Thank-you Notes

Writing and sending thank-you notes in real estate is a simple yet powerful practice that can yield long-term benefits for agents and their clients. Here are some of the benefits of thank-you notes:

  • Establishes a personal connection with clients
  • Builds trust and rapport with buyers and sellers
  • Shows appreciation for their business
  • Reinforces a positive image of the real estate agent
  • Maintains enduring client relationships
  • Keeps lines of communication open
  • Demonstrates that the agent values the client’s business beyond the transaction
  • Leads to repeat business and referrals
  • Assists you in standing out in a competitive real estate market
  • Allows you to leave a lasting impression on clients

Ways to Send Thank-you Notes

There are several different ways to send real estate thank-you note from realtors to buyers or sellers:

  • Handwritten notes: These carry a personal touch that can leave a lasting impression on clients, fostering a sense of warmth and connection.
  • Email: This is a quick and convenient method for sending thank-you notes, especially for clients who prefer digital communication. It provides ease and efficiency, allowing you to maintain a productive workflow while still showing appreciation.
  • Thank-you cards/Direct mail: Sending thank-you cards through traditional mail can also positively impact clients. It’s a tangible way to show your care and consideration, making your clients feel valued and appreciated.
  • Personalized gifts: Sending a small, personalized gift and a thank-you note to buyers or sellers after closing can further show appreciation for the client’s business. This could be a branded item, a gift card to a local business, or something that aligns with the client’s interests.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Bringing It All Together

Sending thoughtful thank-you notes in real estate can significantly impact client relationships. Personalizing your messages and expressing genuine appreciation can create lasting connections and foster a strong network of satisfied clients. Whether you use templates or craft your own messages, the key is to make each note heartfelt and tailored to the recipient. Do you have any great tips for sending real estate thank-you notes that you think our readers will love? Let us know in the comments!

The post 13 Real Estate Thank-you Notes That Create Clients for Life (+ Templates) appeared first on The Close.

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10 Real Estate Mastermind Groups Every Agent Should Join Today Mon, 05 Aug 2024 19:34:25 +0000 These days, a lot of “secret” mastermind groups now have tens of thousands of members, but only a handful of posts per month. That’s why we decided to dig a little deeper and find active groups where agents are sharing tips, tricks, memes, referrals, or just a shoulder to cry on when a deal goes south.

The post 10 Real Estate Mastermind Groups Every Agent Should Join Today appeared first on The Close.

Real estate is a constantly developing industry, and all agents must learn, network, and strategize continuously. One unique platform to help real estate agents with the demands of their profession is mastermind groups. They bring together people with the same goals and obstacles, creating an enabling environment through sharing experiences, insights, and strategies to help each other succeed. I’ll break down the top 10 real estate mastermind groups and explain the benefits and how these groups will support your professional growth.

What Is a Real Estate Mastermind Group?

People sitting a circle conversing.

A real estate mastermind group is peer-to-peer mentoring among agents and investors looking to share knowledge, strategies, and support. These mastermind agent groups of realtors and investors meet in person or online at specific periods to review trends, fix problems, or simply set goals. The synergy of the group, through their composite expertise and experience, maximizes both individual and group potential.

Mastermind groups are resourceful and different from the usual networking groups where members only exchange business cards and socialize. In a mastermind group, members commit to each other’s success by offering constructive feedback and sharing resources. Such synergy created in these groups can provide a breakthrough, which one would not get by working alone.

Be it increasing the knowledge base, solving specific problems, or seeking motivational fuel, real estate mastermind groups are game-changers for real estate careers.

How to Join Real Estate Mastermind Groups

A mastermind real estate group could be a giant step toward developing your professionalism and network. You can find real estate investing mastermind groups by doing a simple search on Google (or continue reading this article, which will give you a bunch of excellent mastermind group choices!) Find those of interest and research them the same way you would any other critical decision. 

The steps to joining a real estate mastermind include the following: 

  • Research: Identify groups that align with your professional goals and interests. Look for groups with people who have similar levels of experience and expertise. 
  • Apply: Most groups have an application process to ensure a good fit between the group’s objectives and your goals. This application process may be done by filling out a form, participating in an interview, or attending a trial meeting. Most online Facebook groups are free to join but may need group administrator approval before having access. 
  • Attend: If accepted, regularly attend meetings or real estate conferences. The more active you are with the group, the more you gain from it. Some groups may have attendance policies.
  • Contribute: Offer your knowledge and experience to others within the group to derive value from. The more you contribute, the more you will benefit from the members’ collective wisdom.

How Much Do Real Estate Masterminds Cost?

All the mastermind groups I have shortlisted are free and online via Facebook. Such groups will help agents get important resources and provide the ability to connect with others to share information from expert practitioners at no cost. 

Some other paid mastermind groups can grant advanced features, such as personal coaching and special member-only resources. However, free online groups will still deliver some of the value and support that help agents move their careers forward. The minimum cost for these free groups is your time and involvement, which are returned to you through knowledge networking and professional growth.

Benefits of Joining a Real Estate Mastermind Group

Joining a real estate masterminds group will enhance your career with a bundle of different benefits best suited for your professional growth and success. You’ll share a collaborative environment and have the opportunity to leverage the collective intelligence of participants in the groups. The key benefits of a real estate mastermind group are as follows: 

  • Networking opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals and expand your business network.
  • Knowledge sharing: Gain insights and learn from the experiences of others in the industry.
  • Accountability: Stay focused on your goals with the support and encouragement of group members.
  • Motivation: Be inspired by the successes and strategies of your peers.
  • Problem-solving: Find solutions to challenges through collective brainstorming and advice.
  • Personal and professional growth: Continuously improve your skills and knowledge.
  • Market insights: Stay updated on the latest industry trends and developments.
  • Supportive community: Benefit from the encouragement and camaraderie from professionals who understand your challenges

The Close’s Favorite Mastermind Groups

The right mastermind realtor group is key to real estate professionals seeking valuable insight, support, and good networking. With so many options available, finding one that aligns with your goals and professional level is imperative. Therefore, we’ve pulled out a list of the top 10 masterminds real estate groups for you to start with. No two groups are alike, each having varying benefits and focus, so no matter what an agent is looking for to move their career forward, there will be at least one.

1. Real Estate Rockstar Agents

Man and woman in capes with arms on their waists

Year Founded: 2014
Group Membership: 47,246
Monthly Posts: Around 200
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

Real Estate Rockstar Agents is a dynamic community built for high-performance agents wanting to move their careers to the next level. The group shares advanced strategies, industry secrets, and innovative techniques on how to be the best within a particular market. Its culture of excellence and ambition makes it a perfect fit for those looking to learn from the best and constantly challenging themselves to improve their skill base.

2. Real Estate Memes & Videos

Man in tan sports coat, red tie, black pants standing in front of a house with the name of mastermind group to left of him

Year Founded: 2016
Group Membership: 52,077
Monthly Posts: Around 150
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

A unique mastermind group with an extremely unique blend of humor and education that refreshes your professional network is Real Estate Memes & Videos. The content provided is the most entertaining way to draw on industry trends, common challenges, and real estate tips. This group is an excellent place to keep yourself light-hearted while still learning from fellow agents.

3. LabCoat Agents

Two men standing next to mastermind group logo

Year Founded: 2014
Group Membership: 165,704
Monthly Posts: Around 2,000
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? On approval of admins
Real Estate Agents Only? No

As one of the largest and most active real estate communities, LabCoat Agents offers a wealth of resources for agents at all levels. It’s known for highly detailed content regarding real estate matters, from marketing and technology to lead generation and personal development. With regular webinars, expert interviews, and collaborative discussions, LabCoat Agents is a must-join for those serious about excelling in real estate.

4. Empowering Women in Real Estate

Headshot of a woman next to group logo and image of kitchen

Year Founded: 2014
Group Membership: 38,235
Monthly Posts: Around 170
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? No, lenders, title companies, and real estate support teams, too!

Founded by agent Karen W. Cooper, the mission of Empowering Women in Real Estate is to help and encourage women in real estate. This mastermind real estate group provides a safe space where women can empower each other through sharing experiences, struggles, and triumphs. By focusing on mentorship, networking, and personal development, the idea is to allow women to reach their potential within the real estate industry.

5. New Real Estate Agents Facebook Group

Man holding out both palms with a graphic of a family above his hands

Year Founded: 2017
Group Membership: 76,655
Monthly Posts: Around 200
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? No, mortgage brokers, too!

The New Real Estate Agents Facebook Group is a great forum and support group for those entering the business. You can ask questions, ask for advice, or share personal experiences regarding entering the real estate business. This group would be a good fit for any new agent looking for mentorship, real-life practice tips, and motivation from people who recently walked a similar path.

6. Real Estate Mastermind

Scattered business logos across image

Year Founded: 2016
Group Membership: 304,243
Monthly Posts: Around 3,500
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

Join Real Estate Mastermind if you are seeking a high-level, peer-to-peer group. It’s the perfect group if you’re an experienced agent or industry leader ready to dive into advanced strategies and insights. This mastermind group consists of people who like to get things done, keep their members responsible, collaborate, and help set real estate goals. It is excellent for learning subtle skills and keeping updated on market trends.

7. Real Estate Happy Hour

Four llamas standing next to each other in a field

Year Founded: 2015
Group Membership: 15,578Monthly Posts: Around 50
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? No, lenders can join, too.

The Real Estate Happy Hour mastermind group brings professional development into a social setting, allowing agents to network and discuss ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Though it’s not the most active group on our list, it provides an opportunity for its membership base to discuss industry topics and best practices and offers relevant networking. It’s great for those looking to mix business with a sprinkle of humor while growing a professional network.

8. Facebook Ad Support Group for New Real Estate Agents

Man holding out both palms with a graphic of a family above his hands

Year Founded: 2018
Group Membership: 30,419Monthly Posts: Around 10
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

While not a group you might actively participate in, The New Real Estate Agent Facebook Support Group is a place to become proficient in online ads. The group shares real and practical tips and advice on troubleshooting and success stories related to running Facebook ads. These resources are invaluable for agents leveraging social media marketing to generate leads and grow their businesses.

9. Real Estate Agents Referral Group

Backyard pool with furniture on patio

Year Founded: 2000
Group Membership: 11,062
Monthly Posts: Around 10Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

The Real Estate Agents Referral Group is a forum for exchanging referrals among agents nationwide. Members can grow their businesses through this group by networking with fellow agents around various other demographic areas. This forum is suitable for finding someone to partner with, sharing leads, and giving your clients superior service with a network of trusted professionals who can help take your business to the next level.

10. The Close Real Estate Community

Grey and orange banner with white text across

Year Founded: 2019
Group Membership: 8,979Monthly Posts: 15
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? No, it is open to other industry professionals, too.

The Close Real Estate Community is our specially curated group with top-level access to real estate industry insights, practical advice, and highly attainable community members. We bring forward collaboration in this environment that empowers members to share their experiences or ask for guidance from our team. Be it a seasoned agent or a new entry into the business, The Close Real Estate Community is equipped with the tools and support needed for agents to be successful in their chosen careers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Bringing It All Together

The real estate mastermind groups are valuable because they provide a robust platform where agents can establish a faster and more tangible pace of personal and professional growth. Agents will access a helpful and friendly network of similar-minded career professionals who can offer valuable industry insights and actionable strategies to apply directly to their businesses. These groups present opportunities for continual learning, accountability, and motivation.

Do you belong to a mastermind group? Tell us which one and how it has helped you!

The post 10 Real Estate Mastermind Groups Every Agent Should Join Today appeared first on The Close.

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10 Tips to Choose Great Real Estate Domain Names (+ Name Generator) Wed, 31 Jul 2024 15:46:40 +0000 Struggling to come up with a domain name for your real estate business? Use our expert tips and free real estate domain name generator to find one that will help you dominate your market for years to come.

The post 10 Tips to Choose Great Real Estate Domain Names (+ Name Generator) appeared first on The Close.

Choosing real estate domain names for a business is like picking the perfect storefront location. It must be memorable, easy to find, and a true reflection of your brand. Whether you’re just starting or rebranding your existing business, the right domain names for real estate can make all the difference in how potential clients perceive and interact with you online. So, grab a cup of coffee as I dive into choosing the perfect real estate website name and tools to simplify it.

What are Real Estate Domain Names?

Screenshot of a great domain name example from
Real estate domain name example (Waterfront Properties and Club Communities)

Real estate domain names are web addresses (URLs) that represent your real estate business online. They are the links that clients type into their web browsers to find your real estate website. A domain name for real estate serves as your digital identity, making it easier for potential clients to locate and remember your business. Your domain name should be unique to you and a part of your overall branding and marketing strategy. 

Why You Need a Great Name

Picking the right domain name for your real estate business can boost your online presence, make your brand more recognizable, and attract more clients. It’s like having a prime location for your business online. Strong real estate domain names help build credibility and trust with potential clients. It’s often their first impression of your business, and a catchy, professional domain can really make you stand out. 

Plus, a good domain name can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for clients to find you. Taking the time to choose the perfect domain name for real estate is important in building a successful online presence for your business.

Excellent Real Estate Domain Name Examples

Before getting into the nitty-gritty, let’s check out these examples of great real estate domain ideas for realtors. They’re memorable, professional, and perfectly capture their brand. These examples can help spark ideas for your own domain name, making sure it stands out and represents your business effectively.

👇P.S. Some of these are available if you’re looking

Bruce Ailion is hard to beat when choosing great real estate domain names. He was lucky enough to snag But that was years ago, and all the good domain names are taken now, right? Not so fast. Keep reading to get The Close’s tips and name generator (#9)!

Google search engine results
Google search engine results (Source: Google)

Tip 1: Understand Your Brand

Before choosing your real estate domain name, you must clearly understand your brand. It should be a natural extension of your brand identity, reflecting who you are and what you have to offer. Ask yourself these three questions as you start to think about your domain name for real estate.

  • What are the core values and mission of my real estate business?: Think about what your business stands for and what you aim to achieve. Are you focused on luxury, affordability, eco-friendly homes, or exceptional customer service? Your domain name should reflect your values.
  • Who is my target audience, and what are their needs and preferences?: Know who you’re trying to reach. Are your clients first-time homebuyers, investors, or families? Will you be focused on getting listings or helping buyers? Choose a domain name that speaks directly to their needs and interests.
  • What is my unique selling proposition (USP) that differentiates me from my competitors?: Identify what makes you unique. Do you offer personalized service, deep market expertise, or specialize in a niche area? Highlight this in your domain name to stand out and attract the right clients.

With a clear understanding of your brand, you can now focus on the specifics of your realty domain name.

Tip 2: Keep It Short & Unique

When it comes to choosing your domain name, less is definitely more. A short and unique domain name can make a huge difference in how easily your clients find and remember you. Here’s why you should aim for a short and sweet name:

  • Easy to remember: If someone can recall your domain after just one glance, they’re much more likely to return to your site. 
  • Reduces typos: The longer and more complicated your domain name, the more likely people will make typos and land on another site.
  • Enhances brand recognition: It should stand out in a crowded market and reflect your brand’s personality. Make it catchy and distinct.
  • Shareable: Whether you’re sharing it verbally, in print, or online, a short domain name is much easier to pass along if it’s easy to say and spell.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to check your domain name for silly hidden meanings. Sometimes when you take two perfectly innocent words and put them together…Well, you end up with something not so innocent. No one wants to type in Pen Island as 🙉🙈🙊

Tip 3: Don’t Stress About Keywords

Keywords are great for search engine optimization (SEO) because they help people find you online. Including relevant keywords in your domain name can boost your search rankings. But don’t stress too much about fitting them in. Ranking on Google is super competitive, and keywords are just one piece of the puzzle. 

Overloading your domain with keywords can make it look spammy and hard to remember. Instead, focus on a name that’s brandable, easy to remember, and reflects your business. Keep it simple and authentic to your brand!

Website on laptop and mobile phone with example of SEO search on google.
Real estate SEO package (Source: Agent Image)

If you really want to make an impact, hire a web design company that knows how to rank real estate websites on Google. Agent Image has 24 years of experience building websites for Realtors and using cutting-edge SEO strategies to get you to the front page faster. Click the button below for 20% off.

Tip 4: Choose the Right Domain Extension

Selecting the right domain extension is just as important as the domain name itself. While .com is the most popular and widely recognized extension, other options like .realtor or .biz can offer unique benefits for your real estate business.

The .realtor extension was created specifically for real estate professionals and is only available if you are a National Association of Realtors (NAR) member. Also, NAR has announced a .realestate domain name which is available to anyone wanting to brand themselves within the real estate industry

While this extension can lend itself to a certain level of credibility for your business, there are some other factors to consider. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of using this extension:

  • Shows agents you are a real estate professional
  • Only available to NAR members
  • Helps identify that you are a realtor
  • Less common than .com or .net
  • Builds client confidence
  • Limits your business scope if you offer other services
  • Neutral Effect on SEO: It’s important to note that the domain extension has a neutral effect on SEO. Google and other search engines do not prioritize .com over .realtor or any other extension. The key factors for SEO are the quality of your content, user experience, and overall site performance. So, while a .realtor extension can help with branding and trust, it won’t necessarily boost your search engine rankings by itself.

    Tip 5: Avoid Hyphens & Numbers

    When choosing a domain name for your real estate business, it’s best to steer clear of hyphens and numbers. While they might seem like a good way to get around the unavailability of certain names, they can create more problems than they solve. Which domain looks professional and easy to remember?


    Hyphens and numbers can make your domain name harder to remember, leading to increased typos and confusion when clients try to recall or share your web address. They can also make your site look less professional, resembling spammy or temporary sites. Also, while hyphens were once thought to help with SEO, search engines now prioritize user experience. Clean, straightforward real estate domain names are best.

    Tip 6: Check for Trademarks & Copyrights

    Coming up with unique names is not as easy as you might think. Using a domain name infringing on an existing trademark can have serious legal consequences. You might receive a cease-and-desist letter, face legal battles, or be forced to change your domain name, which can be costly and time-consuming. 

    You wouldn’t believe the number of people claiming a trademark infringement, even on general phrases. As a broker, I once received a cease and desist letter for the use of “Moving from XYZ to City.” Another broker had trademarked the phrase, so my agents in that city could not use that phrase in their marketing. Talk about a headache! Imagine spending countless hours and marketing dollars becoming a local expert, only to discover you violated a trademark. 

    Conducting a thorough trademark search helps you avoid these potential pitfalls. Use trademark search tools like USPTO or WIPO to ensure your domain name does not infringe on any existing trademarks. Also, do an online search to ensure you’re not infringing on someone’s copyright. If someone had the domain name first and you began using it, you could face copyright infringement claims. 

    Tip 7: Scale Your Website Slowly

    One all-too-common mistake agents make in building websites is signing up for an “all-in-one” real estate website platform and loading it up with bells and whistles on day one. There is a big problem with this approach: the price. These platforms sell you on “upgrades” by “tiers” for a reason. They want you to spend money today on features you won’t need for years. 

    Template or custom real estate website builder
    Template or custom real estate website builder (Source: AgentFire)

    Instead of feeling pressured to “upgrade” to the next “tier,” try the number one rated agent website platform on Facebook and Google with an average rating of 4.9: AgentFire. AgentFire lets you add features to your site as you scale your business. If your business scales slowly, you upgrade your site slowly. Simple.

    Pro Tip: Check your socials. Make sure your domain name is available on Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media platforms you use regularly. It doesn’t have to be exact, but make sure it can tie into your brand.

    Tip 8: Think About the Future

    When choosing a domain name for your real estate business, it’s important to think long-term. While it might be tempting to pick a name that fits your current situation perfectly, considering how your business might grow and evolve can save you a lot of hassle down the road. Remember, you won’t always be a newbie. So, here are some essential questions to ask yourself before choosing your real estate domain name.

    These are all important questions to ask yourself when you think about what your business will look like in five years. A word of advice for choosing realtor domain names: plan for growth, avoid trends, stay flexible, and consider your future SEO needs. Choose a name that can grow with your business, and you’ll set yourself up for long-term success.

    Tip 9: Pick a Place to Host Your Website

    Choosing the right hosting provider is key to making your real estate website perform flawlessly and stay reliable. One highly recommended option is BlueHost. Here’s why BlueHost is an awesome choice for your real estate website:

    • Reliable Performance: BlueHost keeps your website running smoothly with a 99.9% uptime guarantee, so clients can always reach you. Reliability is key to maintaining a professional online presence.
    • Affordable Pricing: BlueHost offers competitive pricing plans that fit all budgets. Their basic plan starts at $2.95 a month and includes a free domain for the first year, a free SSL certificate, and a one-click WordPress installation, making it an affordable and comprehensive option for real estate pros.
    • Excellent Customer Support: BlueHost offers 24/7 customer support via phone, chat, and email. Their knowledgeable support team is always ready to help with any issues or questions, ensuring your website runs smoothly.
    WordPress-compatible sites
    WordPress-compatible sites (Source: BlueHost)

    BlueHost offers a ton of benefits as your web hosting provider, like reliable performance, easy management, great customer support, and room to grow. These features make it a perfect choice for real estate pros wanting to build a strong, dependable online presence.

    Tip 10: Use The Close’s Domain Name Generator

    If you’re struggling to come up with a domain name, use our free real estate domain name generator. While there are a lot of sites out there that let you pick a domain name, very few offer good alternatives when the name you want is taken. That’s why we built this free real estate domain name generator. Just plug in your name, farm area, or both, and click generate.

    Real Estate Domain Name Generator

    Warning: The Domain Names produced by this generator were created by our team, but it is up to you to verify their available status.


    Bringing It All Together

    Picking the right domain name is key to building a strong online presence for your real estate business. Keep it short, unique, and easy to remember. Avoid hyphens and numbers, think about your future growth, and check for trademarks. While keywords are helpful, don’t stress too much about them. A great domain name boosts your credibility and attracts more clients. Take your time, get creative, and choose a name that truly represents your business.

    Have a tip for choosing a catchy real estate domain name that we missed? Have a favorite we’d love? Let us know in the comment section.

    The post 10 Tips to Choose Great Real Estate Domain Names (+ Name Generator) appeared first on The Close.

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