The Close Your #1 Source For Actionable Real Estate Advice Mon, 26 Aug 2024 19:04:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Close 32 32 The #1 Open House Checklist Top Agents Use to Get Amazing Results Tue, 20 Aug 2024 16:57:40 +0000 Want to crush your next open house? We've got a checklist and plenty of pro tips that will give you everything you need to host your most successful listing promotions event yet.

The post The #1 Open House Checklist Top Agents Use to Get Amazing Results appeared first on The Close.

With the proper planning and execution, open houses can double or even triple the number of leads you get. I put together the ultimate open house checklist for agents to help you make the most of your open houses. I’ve included valuable tips for each step, links to in-depth articles on open house apps, boosting Facebook posts, and even using scripts and icebreakers to engage visitors. Download the open house preparation checklist and start reading!

Open House Checklist
Download our Open House Checklist

Before Your Open House

Getting ready for an open house is more than just a task. It’s an opportunity to impact the future of the property significantly. As the big day approaches, you must tackle several essential tasks to ensure everything runs smoothly and impresses potential buyers. 

1. Consider Professional Staging

Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression. If your new listing needs a little extra pizazz, consider the expertise of a professional staging company or software. They can make the most of your client’s existing decor or spice it up to help your listing pop. And if your listing is vacant, adding a few things to give context to the space is essential to attract the perfect buyers.

Apply Design features and services
Apply Design features and services (Source: Apply Design)

Check out Apply Design, the ultimate user-friendly app that empowers everyone to stage their listings effortlessly. Unlike other virtual staging apps, Apply Design still gives agents the freedom to work their magic. It has an intuitive interface and a vast selection of elegant furniture, art, lighting, rugs, and plant renderings!

2. Get Pro Photography

Now that you’ve got the place looking super-fly, it’s time for real estate photography. Word of warning—don’t skimp on the pictures! You’re about to post this listing for everyone to view and want these pictures to draw potential buyers to your upcoming open house. Be sure to hire a professional to get the job done. Or, if you DIY, at least check out our tips to ensure buyers stop scrolling through Zillow to add your open house list to their calendar.

Pro Tip: While your pro photographer is already in your new listing and everything looks perfect, get them to shoot some video for you, too. Some photographers can create Reel-style short vertical videos that you can use to post to social media to announce your upcoming open house. If your photographer doesn’t offer this service or you want to do some DIY to save some cash, make some quick videos yourself using your cell phone camera.

3. Boost Your Open House Post on Facebook

Given that most of your potential open house guests are conducting their house hunting online, boosting a Facebook post to announce your open house can be a game-changer. Just ensure your Facebook ad is designed to cut through the noise on Facebook. If you’re yet to set up a Facebook business page, you can find a comprehensive guide in our How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads article.

Screenshot of an open house Facebook ad sample
Example of an open house Facebook ad (Source: Facebook)

4. Decide Which Food & Drinks You Want to Serve

Believe it or not, the refreshments you serve at your open house can greatly impact how you are perceived as an agent. Remember, most of your guests don’t know you. That means they will be judging you on everything, including food! By serving high-quality open house refreshments, you will enhance your professional image and leave a lasting impression on your guests.

If you’re ordering food, give the restaurant or caterer enough time to prepare it. Two days before the open house should usually be enough lead time, but call ahead to make sure. If you’re making refreshments alone, shopping and preparing a few days before couldn’t hurt. 

5. Send an Email Blast or Newsletter Reminder

You worked hard to build your email list; now is the time to use it. Include your open house announcement in your weekly newsletter, or better yet, send out a dedicated email blast if you think the house is a good deal or it offers something curious neighbors might want to see.

Screenshot of Pipedrive dashboard and deals
Pipedrive dashboard and deals (Source: Pipedrive)

Looking for a simple way to send out your email blast? Pipedrive provides a customizable email builder with impressive templates and email analytics. Its intuitive interface lets you create visually appealing emails tailored to your branding and audience. Its robust analytics offer valuable insights into email performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics.

6. Post Your Open House on Zillow & 

Of course, not all your potential guests will be on your email list, but they will be scrolling Zillow and if they’re looking to buy. Zillow’s dedicated setting for scheduling open houses is a convenient tool to help you plan your event. You need to plan it early, but not too early. Four days or so before your open house should do the trick. 

Why stop with your open house? Zillow Premier Agent is a powerful tool that lets you connect with buyers where they’re already looking, giving you the confidence that your property is being seen by the right people.

7. Text Buyers You’re Already Working With

If you’re working with buyers, send them a quick text to announce the open house. It might not be the perfect home for them, but it gives you another chance to connect and will show them you’re working hard for your seller client.

8. Text Your Seller a Checklist to Prepare the Home

It’s important to give your seller time to prepare for the open house. They might need to clean, hide valuables, or make arrangements for pets. To show your thoughtfulness and care, offer to send a house cleaner, even though they might refuse. It’s the thought that counts!

Before and after home staging example
Before and after home staging example (Source: Pinterest)

Two Days Before Your Open House

Are you ready to host an open house for your real estate listing? Two days before the big day, you must utilize social media to reach out to the neighbors and prepare essential materials. These steps not only help you maximize attendance but also create a buzz that can make your open house an exciting event. 

9. Post an Instagram Reel Preview Announcement 

Since your Facebook post has already been boosted, take a few minutes to create a quick Instagram Reel to announce the open house to your followers. It doesn’t have to be Hollywood-quality, but it should tell them the date, time, and address and maybe include a sneak peek of the home. 

Highlight the benefits of attending, such as getting a first-hand look at the property, meeting the real estate agent, and asking any questions you may have. Shoot and edit this in advance, posting it two days before the open house.

Example of Instagram Reel open house preview announcement (Source: Instagram)

10. Do Some Circle Prospecting

Agents may shy away from knocking on doors (even though you should do that, too). Still, circle prospecting is a unique way to establish a personal connection with the neighborhood around your listing. Circle prospecting is a real estate strategy to generate more leads by focusing on a smaller area around a specific property. This makes building relationships and showcasing experience easier, creating a more personal outreach than cold calls. 

This personal touch can significantly enhance your chances of gaining another client. So, step out, knock on those doors, personally invite the neighbors to the open house, and then follow up with the results using a Just Sold postcard after you close.

11. Review Your Open House Scripts & Icebreakers

If you’re a new agent or haven’t held an open house in a while, it’s crucial to freshen up your open house scripts and icebreakers. This preparation will ensure you don’t stumble on the big day, making you feel more reassured. You want to be loose and spontaneous, but having some snappy phrases in your arsenal can’t hurt! A great example of an icebreaker and script from Laura Marie, Team Leader, eXp Realty:

Agent: Welcome! Stay as long as you want or as short as you want.

Then I walk away and let them wander. A while later, I find them and ask by name:

Agent: Do you want to buy it?

Generally, they will say no, which leads to the next question:

Agent: What are you looking for?

Listen for their response.

Agent: Hmmm, I think I’ve seen your dream home. Once I’m done here at {current listing address}, let’s go take a look. It’s only going to take us five minutes.

Set the appointment right then and go see a home or two. I’ve found offering showings on the same day has the highest conversion.

12. Add Your Open House Sign 

Consider installing the open house sign a little earlier than scheduled. This can notify neighbors and passersby that they are welcome to drop by and view the home at their convenience without making an appointment.

Example of an open house feather flag
Example of an open house feather flag (Source: Dee Sign)

13. Print Out Your Sign-in Sheets or Set Up Your App

It also helps to print out your open house sign-in sheets a few days before the event. The last thing you want is to have a printer malfunction or discover you’re low on ink the morning of the event.

Curb Hero app on tablet and smart phone
Curb Hero digital sign-in (Source: Curb Hero)

By the way, printing your open house sign-in sheets is so 2020. Savvy agents are stepping up their open house game with apps like Curb Hero, which feeds leads directly to thousands of customer relationship managers (CRMs) to help you easily stay on top of your potential new clients. And it’s free!

The Day of Your Open House

Get ready for your open house by taking care of these key tasks: think about what to bring to an open house as a realtor, put up directional signs, jazz up your for sale sign with balloons, and set up welcoming signs, eye-catching open house flyers, and important disclosures. Paying attention to these details will help set the right tone and make your open house a hit!

14. Install Open House Directional Signs

Given that many locations restrict the placement of directional signs to the day of your open house, it’s crucial to take the initiative and wake up early to install them. This proactive approach ensures you’re in control of the event’s logistics.

Example of open house directional sign
Open house directional sign sample (Source: DeeSign)

15. Put Balloons on Your For Sale Sign

While some realtors may dismiss balloons as tacky, they are a practical and effective tool to prevent your guests from getting lost and to attract attention. Embracing this strategy can give you confidence in the smooth running of your open house.

16. Put Out Welcome Signs, Flyers & Disclosures 

Once your directional signs and balloons are in place, it’s time to prepare the house for viewing. Set up a visible and informative entrance with a small table displaying your welcome sign, sign-in sheet, flyers, and disclosures. This clear guidance ensures your guests are well-informed from the moment they arrive.

Example of an open house flyer from Postermywall
Open house flyer template from Postermywall

Two Days After Your Open House 

As a realtor, your work doesn’t end when the last visitor leaves the open house. Completing post-open house tasks is a key part of your real estate agent open house checklist. It’s not just about wrapping up the event—it’s about maximizing your chances of getting property offers, generating new leads, and making a lasting impression on your sellers. The diligence and focus you put into these tasks can lead to approving reviews of your services and boost your professional reputation.

17. Text Buyers’ Agents for Feedback 

If you know any agents who brought or sent buyers to your open house, text them and ask for feedback. You can also include them in your follow-up emails, but texting will likely get you a faster—and hopefully more honest—response. 

18. Add Sign-ins to Your CRM 

This step should be fast and easy if you use an app that integrates with your customer relationship manager (CRM) like Pipedrive. If you’re working with paper sign-in sheets, enter them manually or send the list to your virtual assistant.

Twelve logos for some of the available integrations with Pipedrive
Some available integrations (Source: Pipedrive)

Pipedrive’s email segmentation allows agents to filter contacts based on various criteria, such as activities, products, and deals. This enables personalized emails to be sent to all clients, resonating with each recipient. Additionally, Pipedrive automates tasks such as reminders and email follow-ups, streamlining client management for real estate agents

19. Text Hot Sign-in Leads for Feedback 

After having great conversations with your guests, sending a friendly text is a more personal way to follow up than emailing. Remember to offer something of value, like inviting them for a coffee to discuss their real estate needs and desires further.

20. Email Cold Sign-in Leads

Finally, it would be best to take all the people who gave you their contact information and put them on a drip campaign. A drip campaign is a series of pre-written emails that are automatically sent to a specific group of people over a period of time. You can start with an email request for feedback and follow up with hot new listings. Make sure you ask for their business in your call to action. An example of an open house follow-up email is shown below:

21. Share All Feedback & Performance Data With the Seller

After receiving feedback about the home, put it all together and send it to your seller. Apps like Spacio will give you a form to send them with the data, making the process convenient and easy. However, you can always write it in an email or text message along with your analysis if that’s more comfortable for you. 

Bringing It All Together

Hey there, everyone! I’ve created a comprehensive open house checklist for realtors, but I’d love to make it even more impressive with your help! If you think anything should be added to the open house checklist for sellers, please feel free to share your ideas in the comments. Your input is incredibly valuable, and together, let’s make this real estate agent open house checklist absolutely fantastic!

The post The #1 Open House Checklist Top Agents Use to Get Amazing Results appeared first on The Close.

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Offrs Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:33:43 +0000 Offrs leverages the power of big data to analyze consumer behavior and property trends and hand over exclusive seller leads to agents. Let's take a deeper look into what Offrs does, how it works, how much it costs, and ultimately, whether it's right for you and your business.

The post Offrs Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) appeared first on The Close.

Finding high-quality real estate leads is more crucial than ever to stay ahead of the competition. Offrs is an industry leader in real estate lead generation, providing predictive analytics that pinpoints which property owners are likely to sell. It saves time and maximizes conversion rates by having agents work on prospects with the greatest potential. My review will detail how the platform works, key features, Offrs reviews from current users, and how it stands out in the saturated field of lead gen tools. Let’s dive into how Offrs can increase your business!

The Close Scorecard

Offrs scorecard
  • Has built-in lead capture tools
  • Has integrations with CRM
  • Provides phone and email support
  • Leverages artificial intelligence for lead conversions
  • Doesn’t provide free trial
  • Lacks IDX website features
  • Doesn’t offer team distribution capabilities
  • Only provides customer service during business hours
The Close Score
Lead generation features:
Advanced lead generation features:
Customer service:
Customer rating:
Expert score:

My Verdict on Offrs & Why You Should Trust It

As a meticulous real estate technology tracker, I spent hours researching and testing lead generation platforms to offer agents sound insights. My immense experience lets me provide an in-depth Offrs review and draw sharp conclusions based on a profound understanding of the product and needs of real estate professionals at large.

What differentiates Offrs from the rest in the ocean of lead generation tools is its advanced predictive analytics and the ability for agents to obtain exclusive leads that their brokerages may otherwise not provide. Offrs’s value for agents lies in its leverage of artificial intelligence to identify potential sellers before their homes ever hit the market. However, like any other tool, it may not always fit into the wheelhouse of every real estate agent, especially those looking to represent buyers.

Desktop view of the Offrs dashboard.
Offrs dashboard (Source: Offrs)

All in all, Offrs provides a rather well-built lead gen solution, especially for those users who benefit from the early stages of seller leads. After a close look at the feature set, usability, and value proposition, I came to this conclusion so that you can use this review as a guide in your decision-making process.

Offrs Alternatives

Some agents might look for other alternative lead generation platforms due to cost, the learning curve for its advanced features, or the need for an all-in-one platform that covers more in terms of marketing and CRM tools. Exploring other options could provide a better budgetary fit, more functionality, or a better match with the overall business strategy.

Why It’s a Great Alternative
Learn More
Ready to Purchase?
cinc-logoAllows agents to create IDX websites for lead generationCINC Review
Visit CINC
Market Leader logoCan distribute leads via round-robin to team members Market Leader Review
Visit Market Leader
zurple logo.Provides access to voicemail scripts that can help agents convert leadsZurple Review
Visit Zurple

What Current Users Think of Offrs 

Offrs has quite a mix of reviews from all its users, with an overall customer rating of 3.3 out of 5 on Sitejabber. Some agents have found value in its Big Data capabilities and lead generation. Others’ experiences have been quite varied. Before deciding, it’s helpful to read Offrs reviews to see how other agents have benefited from the platform.


I can’t say enough about the team at Offrs. They work hard to make their customers happy. Many people don’t understand marketing or how much effort it takes to truly run a business, and I can say having Offrs as a partner was a good choice.


I personally license a lot of data to fuel my marketing campaigns, and this company has provided me with the best data I have found (including the big data companies). I leverage it mostly to target the right homeowners with my services. It’s definitely worth investing if you are looking to grow your business.


I got my first listing with Offrs. Lead Feed is very cool. All types of seller leads in one place. The automated email marketing system has allowed me to reach out to quality leads without having to spend hours manually researching and crafting emails. It’s so easy to use and the results have been amazing! Our first Just Sold campaign was a great success! Consistent marketing helps to keep your business top-of-mind for leads, even if they are not yet ready to list.

Some real estate agents have expressed concerns about certain aspects of the platform, which have contributed to the overall rating. Here is what one user had to say about their less-than-ideal experience.


This product is not at all what they say in their videos, they sell you on the likelihood of these sellers selling in the next few months, but it’s not true. The system in difficult to use. There is very poor training if any and is really just a waste of time and money.

Key Features of Offrs 

Offrs has positioned itself as a top option for any real estate agent looking to harness the power of predictive analytics for their lead generation. Offrs believes it’s arming agents with the edge they need to win listings by providing leads for potential sellers before they ever hit the market. Its technology and approach set it apart in the crowded lead generation space. Below, we’ll run through five top features that help Offrs stand out as a real estate professional.

Free Marketing Plan

Screenshot of a question in the marketing plan
Marketing plan question (Source: Offrs)

It includes a free marketing plan as part of the full service offered by Offrs. This plan provides a personalized way for agents to maximize their lead generation effort by suggesting how many leads are needed from Offrs for agents to reach their desired gross commission income. The plan also considers the zip code agents are interested in to obtain their lead number. The marketing plan gives agents a starting point for helping them reach their desired financial goals from the platform alone. 

Exclusive Leads

Screenshot of a map with selected area
Territory selector (Source: Offrs)

One of the standout features of Offrs is its exclusive leads offering. Unlike other platforms that sell leads to multiple agents, Offrs exclusively provides leads within a specified territory. This uniqueness reduces competition and increases the chances of converting that lead into a client. This specificity allows an agent to focus on cultivating these leads without fighting for the same prospects as other professionals.

ISA Team

Graphic of lady in front of a laptop with headset
Inside sales team (Source: Offrs)

Another critical factor that makes Offrs standout is the ISA Team. This team of inside sales agents ensures pre-qualification of leads, so the agents only deal with people ready to engage. They make the initial contact, confirm interest, and gather details necessary to make it easy for the agents to follow through on closure. This support layer streamlines the lead conversion process and generally raises productivity.

Predictive Seller Leads

Screenshot of dashboard with seller information listed
Seller leads dashboard (Source: Offrs)

Predictive seller leads are at the very core of what is offered by Offrs. Using sophisticated algorithms coupled with big data analysis, Offrs points out those homeowners likely to sell soon. Knowing exactly when people sell lets real estate agents get in touch before they list their properties, providing a much-needed edge in securing new listings. One of the biggest reasons agents join Offrs is this predictive lead generation accuracy, which allows them to get an edge over the competition.

Lead Capture Ads

Screenshot of a lead capture from asking housing value questions
Lead capture ad (Source: Offrs)

Offrs also provides lead capture ads and landing pages designed to help agents generate leads directly from their online advertising campaigns. The ads are specifically set up and optimized to capture contact information from interested prospects and place it directly into the agent’s lead pipeline. With Offrs handling ad creation and targeting, agents can focus on converting the leads into clients. It’s a great feature for real estate agents and those looking to grow and attract new business through digital marketing.

Offrs Pricing

Offrs has variable pricing depending on the size of the region or zip code that an agent would want to target but requires a 6-month commitment to a contract. This pricing scheme allows agents to scale their lead generation efforts according to their budget and desired market coverage while committing to a longer-term investment. It is also worth noting that the pricing may vary by zip code, and no free trial or free plans are available in Offrs. 

Subscriptions start as low as $200 per month to target a region with about 4,000 homes. For example, for those targeting coverage of a whole zip code, it would cost around $300 a month for nonexclusive access and $600 per month for exclusive rights to the leads of a specific area. Their pricing model is a per-property fee, wherein Offrs charges $0.05 a month for every property in a targeted area and $0.10 per property if someone wants exclusivity.


Our team at The Close performs extensive research to identify a list of the most efficient lead-generation platforms for real estate professionals. With due care, we have considered Offrs’ ability to generate leads, available features, ease of use, pricing framework, and quality of customer support extended to users. In addition, we went through user feedback and ratings to find out if Offrs serves its purpose and meets the requirements and expectations of real estate agents.

Accurate and reliable insight empowers agents and brokers by allowing them to make informed decisions in a very competitive marketplace. Through this research, we aim to provide our readers with the critical information required to succeed in real estate.

How we came up with our review: 

  • Pricing: 3.75 out of 5
    • Assessed the cost of plans relative to the value offered and compared to other platforms
  • Lead generation features: 4.38 out of 5
    • Evaluated the platform’s core lead generation capabilities, focusing on predictive analytics and exclusivity
  • Advanced lead generation features: 3.38 out of 5
    • Reviewed the availability and effectiveness of more sophisticated tools beyond basic lead generation
  • Customer service: 2.5 out of 5
    • Considered the methods for contacting support and the consistency of the assistance provided
  • Customer rating: 3.06 out of 5
    • Looked at how past clients rated the platform and its popularity 
  • Expert score: 3.88 out of 5
    • Derived from expert analysis and hands-on experience with the platform’s overall performance

Read more about our methodology here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Bottom Line: Is Offrs Worth Your Money?

Unparalleled analytics and exclusive leads, combined with a free marketing plan, make Offrs perfect for the agent looking for seller lead generation. Its ISA Team provides further value in pre-qualifying leads for agents who need the team to support their lead-generation efforts. However, limited customer service hours and a lack of advanced CRM features could be detractions, along with committing to a required 6-month contract with no free trial.

If you’re at a point in your career where you are ready for more seller leads and securing exclusive opportunities, the price through Offrs is a worthy investment. It may be short on advanced features and top-tier support, but no one can match its real estate lead generation capabilities to help any agent looking to get ahead in the market.

The post Offrs Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) appeared first on The Close.

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10 Essential Real Estate Events & Conferences You Can’t Miss Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:23:00 +0000 Learn about all the must-attend real estate conferences for 2023 and into 2024, plus a whole host of regional and brand-specific conferences as well as networking tips.

The post 10 Essential Real Estate Events & Conferences You Can’t Miss appeared first on The Close.

Have you attended real estate conferences that leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on new challenges? These events offer a fantastic opportunity to connect with peers, stay current on market trends, and learn valuable insights from industry experts. Plus, you’ll get the latest scoop on tech and tools to take your business to the next level. A win-win in my book! Check out the real estate events I gathered for 2024-2025. I’ve also included some regional and brand-specific events and networking tips, so you can make the most of these awesome conferences.

1. Tom Ferry’s Success Summit 2024

Screenshot of Tom Ferry’s Success Summit banner
Tom Ferry’s Success Summit 2024 banner (Source: Tom Ferry)

Tom Ferry has been selling and coaching salespeople for almost 30 years, and his real estate conferences are known for providing valuable content. His approach inspires professionals at all levels of the real estate journey, from new agents to seasoned professionals. According to Ferry, “What you say matters,” and at his Success Summit, attendees will spend three days listening, learning, and practicing to enhance their conversations with clients, leads, and people on the street and improve profitability.

Tom Ferry’s Success Summit Photos From Previous Years
Tom Ferry’s Success Summit photos from previous years (Source: Tom Ferry)
  • What We Love About Tom Ferry’s Success Summit 2024:
  • Discusses modern referral marketing approaches
  • Provides full 3-day access to the Ultimate Real Estate Seminar
  • Delivers unmatched talks and panels
  • Gives epic real estate networking receptions
  • Provides The Summit 2024 Workbook (an industry-famous strategy guide!)

2. LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance 2024 Conference

Screenshot of LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance 2024 Conference banner
LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance 2024 Conference banner (Source: Real Estate Alliance)
  • Date: September 25-27, 2024
  • Location: Las Vegas
  • Virtual option: No
  • Cost: Prices are not yet listed
  • Best for: LGBTQ+ community new and experienced in real estate
  • Helpful resource: Registration link for the conference

Get ready for a fantastic experience at the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance 2024 Conference! This great event includes insights from top industry experts, educational sessions, inspiring speakers, and a celebratory atmosphere that honors the achievements of professionals in the LGBTQ+ community. The conference aims to support the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance’s mission of promoting equality, diversity, and inclusivity in the real estate industry. Take advantage of this opportunity to be part of inclusive networking at its best!

Screenshot of LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance Conference for the past year
LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance Conference 2023 (Source: Real Estate Alliance)
  • What We Love About LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance 2024 Conference:
  • Open to all
  • Inclusive networking
  • Provides access to industry-leading experts who will share invaluable knowledge and forward-thinking strategies.
  • Engaging breakout sessions

3. NAR NXT Conference & Expo

 Screenshot of NAR NXT Conference & Expo banner
2024 NAR NXT Conference & Expo banner (Source: NAR NXT)
  • Date: November 8-10, 2024
  • Location: Boston, Massachusetts
  • Virtual option: Yes
  • Cost: $550 to $650
  • Best for: NAR members shopping for tech solutions
  • Helpful resource: Register for NAR NXT

Get ready for the ultimate real estate experience at the National Association of Realtors (NAR) annual conference and expo! This premier event is about enhancing the Realtor experience, focusing on cutting-edge educational sessions and an impressive lineup of 350-plus industry-leading exhibitors. It’s the perfect opportunity to discover innovative solutions to real estate challenges.

 Screenshot of NAR NXT Conference & Expo from previous years
NAR NXT Conference & Expo from previous years (Source: NAR NXT)
  • What We Love About NAR NXT Conference & Expo:
  • Networking opportunities with industry professionals and experts
  • Access to fresh, future-focused content and innovative ideas
  • Rave-worthy presenters and elevated programming
  • Relevant and value-added unique features and experiences

4. Inman Luxury Connect 2025

Screenshot of Inman Luxury Connect banner
Inman Luxury Connect 2025 banner (Source: Inman)
  • Date: July 28-29, 2025
  • Location: Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego
  • Virtual option: No
  • Cost: $699 to $1,598
  • Best for: Luxury real estate agents and brokers
  • Helpful resource: Register for Inman Luxury Connect

If you are looking for exclusive luxury learning and networking, you’ll find it at this extravagant event. You’ll get the high-quality content and event experience you’d expect from Inman Connect founder Brad Inman, but focused on high-end agents. It’s ideal for networking with a select crowd and gaining insider knowledge of the luxury market. Plus, I’ve heard rumors that Inman is planning spectacular off-site events to knock your socks off!

Inman Luxury Connect Las Vegas Photos
Inman Luxury Connect Las Vegas photos (Source: Inman)
  • What We Love About Inman Luxury Connect 2025:
  • Immersive discussions with elite agents and brokers
  • Interactive workshops with industry experts
  • Top-tier networking opportunities with luxury real estate agents
  • Beautiful beaches and vibrant culture of San Diego
  • Connecting with the crème de la crème of luxury real estate

5. Regional Real Estate Conferences

Because location matters so much in real estate, it makes sense to check out what’s happening in your backyard. Here are a few of the best real estate seminars for regional conferences that real estate professionals in the area should consider.

Florida Realtors Convention & Trade Expo

Screenshot of Florida Realtors Convention & Trade Expo banner
Florida Realtors Annual Convention & Trade Expo (Source: Florida Realtors)

It makes sense that the state with the largest share of Realtors in the US offers such an incredible expanse of exhibitors and speakers yearly. This year, the event provides education sessions featuring nationally recognized speakers, trainers, and Florida’s industry experts. Also, REBarCamp Orlando is a day of peer-to-peer learning and sharing information, from getting listings and handling multiple offers to social media marketing and the latest tech gadgets.

  • What We Love About Florida Realtors Convention + Expo:
  • Peer-to-peer training sessions focusing on today’s challenges and opportunities.
  • CE credit courses
  • Free two-day Trade Expo with exhibitors whose job is to work wonders in your business.
  • Special and ticketed events during the day and late into the night that celebrate our industry. 
  • Awards luncheon—Who will be Realtor of the Year? Come celebrate the best in the business at this must-attend event.
  • Legislative and political forum—Find out what’s happening in Tallahassee and beyond.

REimagine! Expo

Screenshot of REimagine event banner
REimagine conference and expo banner (Source: REimagine)
  • Date: September 24-26, 2024
  • Location: Long Beach, California
  • Virtual option: No
  • Cost: Free for CAR members; nonmembers: $150 to $350
  • Helpful resource: Register for REimagine!

Prepare for an unforgettable three-day event to help you thrive in your business! Whether you’re a seasoned industry pro or just starting, REimagine! Expo offers cutting-edge insights and practical knowledge to keep you ahead of the game. Join top industry experts as they share valuable strategies, delve into crucial topics, and tackle industry challenges head-on. You won’t want to miss the countless takeaways that will empower you to elevate and expand your business.

  • What We Love About REimagine! Expo:
  • 50-plus powerful sessions
  • 250-plus must-see exhibit booths
  • 200,000-plus realtors invited
  • 30-plus big prizes over two days
  • 5 preconference educational tracks for your business

Triple Play REALTOR Convention + Expo

Screenshot of Triple Play REALTOR Convention + Expo banner
Triple Play 2024 REALTOR Convention + Expo banner (Source: Triple Play)
  • Date: December 9-12, 2024
  • Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey
  • Virtual option: TBD
  • Cost: TBD
  • Accreditation: Register for Triple Play

Triple Play is a premier event for Realtors in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Each year, the event offers a diverse mix of exhibitors and speakers. While the speaker lineup for 2024 has not been announced yet, it is sure to be as dynamic and inspiring as always.

  • What We Love About Triple Play REALTOR Convention + Expo:
  • Features 49 speakers
  • 117 sessions
  • 6,600 participants
  • 326 booths

6. Brokerage Events

Are you part of a large real estate brand? Most major labels have their own convention every year, packed with amazing speakers and guaranteed fun. Many of these events are more for hype and motivation, but they are excellent learning opportunities, and you feel energized and ready to tackle new business.

Better Homes & Gardens’ Better Retreat: Agent Experience

Screenshot of Better Homes & Gardens’ Better Retreat: Agent Experience banner
Better Retreat: Agent Experience banner (Source: Better Homes & Gardens)

The Better Retreat’s Agent Experience is tailored for Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate (BHGRE) affiliated agents and teams. It focuses on introducing cutting-edge techniques for business growth, enhancing mindset, and expanding networking opportunities.

  • What We Love About Better Retreat: Agent Experience:
  • Keynote speaker: Kerri Walsh Jennings, the 5-time Olympian and American beach volleyball player, will be the headline speaker at The Better Retreat!
  • Industry expert speaker: Logan Mohtashami, lead analyst for HousingWire and a renowned expert in the mortgage and housing ecosystem, will share industry insights and market updates for company planning.
  • Discounted rate at the accommodation hotel (Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa)

Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Summits 2024

Screenshot of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Summit 2024 banner
Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Summit 2024 banner (Source: Coldwell Banker)

Miami Global Luxury Event

  • Date: September 23-24, 2024
  • Location: W South Beach Hotel
  • Virtual option: TBA
  • Cost: TBA
  • Helpful resource: Global Luxury Summits

Beverly Hills Global Luxury Event

  • Date: November 13-14, 2024
  • Location: Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles
  • Virtual option: TBA
  • Cost: TBA
  • Helpful resource: Global Luxury Summits

Join colleagues and leaders from across the globe in either Miami Beach or Los Angeles. Hear from industry experts, access unparalleled luxury-focused learning and networking, and leave with actionable insights to propel you further into the luxury real estate industry. These exclusive Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® Summits are solely for Luxury Property Specialists affiliated with the Coldwell Banker® brand.

  • What We Love About Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Summits:
  • Global participation
  • Industry expert insights
  • Luxury-focused learning
  • Networking opportunities
  • Actionable insights for the luxury real estate industry

eXpcon 2024

Screenshot of eXpcon 2024 banner
eXpcon Miami 2024 banner (Source: eXpcon)
  • Date: October 27-30, 2024
  • Location: Miami Beach, Florida
  • Virtual option: No
  • Cost: $949 to $1,899
  • Helpful resource: Register for eXpcon

As one of the fastest-growing brokerages in the world—yes, the world—eXp puts on a good show. eXpcon has become a can’t-miss celebration of stunning successes and exciting futures. This year promises to be the most significant event to date.

  • What We Love About eXpcon 2024:
  • Exclusive insights to increase your income and have more free time.
  • 2X the interactive breakout sessions tailored to your learning needs, with more agent leaders than ever.
  • Networking opportunities with industry leaders and peers in a vibrant setting.
  • Inspiring keynotes from top experts who will share their playbooks for success.
  • Access to new content, certifications, workshops, and value-driven training designed to transform your business.

Tips for In-person Networking at Real Estate Events

After attending real estate conferences, you will feel inspired, educated, and more connected to colleagues and other industry professionals. Here are some tips on efficiently expanding your network at real estate events.

  • Bring at least 100 business cards and be generous in handing them out. Your goal is to meet people and establish connections to enhance your business.
  • Hang around after the presentations and chat with the speaker directly if you find a session helpful or interesting. Most speakers build time into their schedules to connect one-on-one with attendees.
  • Remember to chat with every vendor selling products you’re considering investing in. Embrace the chance to speak face-to-face with reps and have your questions answered by a real person.
  • Don’t skip the parties! Socialize, have fun, and bring your business cards.

Tips for Networking at Virtual Real Estate Conferences

Some real estate events offer both in-person and virtual attendance, providing a unique opportunity to network online. Virtual conferences are often cheaper and easier to attend, making them valuable for connecting with industry colleagues and speakers without traveling. Here are some tips to make the most of this format:

  • Create a unique attendee profile: Put effort into creating a standout attendee profile to help others get to know you.
  • Update your social media before the event: Introduce yourself confidently and provide an easy way for others to connect with you.
  • Remember to research and prepare smart questions for Q&A sessions: If you can’t interject, use the chat function to communicate with the real estate groups or individuals.
  • Socialize and enjoy: Remember to ask for contact info and follow up after the conference.

Bringing It All Together

Realtor conferences offer an opportunity to expand your network, stay informed about the latest market trends and emerging tech, and make new friends in the industry. But it’s up to you to make the most of these opportunities. Have you been to any of these real estate agent events? What are some of your best takeaways? Which best real estate conferences are on your travel list this year?

The post 10 Essential Real Estate Events & Conferences You Can’t Miss appeared first on The Close.

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11 Scripts for Real Estate Internet Leads (+ Tips) Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:19:45 +0000 When connecting with potential clients, using scripts for real estate internet leads is essential for collecting information.

The post 11 Scripts for Real Estate Internet Leads (+ Tips) appeared first on The Close.

When connecting with potential clients, using scripts for real estate internet leads is essential for collecting information. Think of it as having a sidekick who guides you through every conversation, keeping you in control and ensuring you say the right things. I’ve compiled several scripts, including follow-up and seller lead scripts for new and experienced agents. These scripts will keep you sharp, avoid miscommunication, and keep your phone calls on point. Practice these with your realtor friends!

1. Buyer Advertising Lead Script

Watch Chastin J. Miles, an entrepreneur, author, and real estate agent, and his team perform a live role-play on how to use the buyer advertising lead script. Chastin also offers advice on getting more appointments with buyers and sellers, including conveying urgency and ensuring you deliver value to potential clients, such as a comparative market analysis (CMA), during the call.

Role-playing real estate scripts by Chastin J. Miles (Source: YouTube)
  • Our expert advice: This realtor script speaks directly to homebuyers who have already taken action online to contact you, so they will be more likely to respond positively to your call. Show them you care about helping them by asking specific questions like, “What are the must-haves in your future property?” and “Any favorite neighborhoods?” and listening to their needs. Ultimately, give them a clear next step to continue working with you and make yourself accessible for further communication.

2. Landing Page Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: Because landing pages are frequently tailored to particular clients, using them is one of the most efficient ways to produce quality leads. Additionally, customize it to record valuable data about your real estate leads. To increase the conversion rate of your landing page, speak to visitors’ specific pain points, arouse their emotions, and establish trust. In addition, a landing page’s design, messaging, mobile optimization, and compelling calls to action (CTA) are crucial to succeeding in real estate and generating leads.
Screenshot of a website design sample by Placester
Placester’s customizable landing page (Source: Placester)

If you’re struggling to create your real estate landing page, Placester can help you design your website for optimal traffic and conversion. It is a real estate-specific website creation system with integrated real estate lead generation tools, including advanced internet data exchange (IDX) listing integration tools, a simple client relationship manager (CRM), unlimited pages, custom real estate landing pages, and online customer support.

3. Buyer Voicemail Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: Leaving a voicemail gives you less time to build a lead’s knowledge, preferences, and trust factor, but sometimes the voicemail box is all you get! When using real estate lead conversion scripts, communicate with enthusiasm, expertise, and an honest desire to help the buyer find the right home. Stay on topic and specify how it would benefit the buyer to contact you, like this line: “I looked over your information, and I found some properties for sale right now that I think you might like!”.

4. FSBO Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: FSBO sellers are typically motivated by higher profits; however, they may realize over time that using a real estate agent is more effective. To successfully prospect an FSBO lead and convert them into clients, they need to believe that you genuinely have their best interests in mind. Use FSBO real estate lead scripts for agents and tweak them a little to make them your own. Now, get out there and start converting FSBOs into genuine listings.
Screenshot of REDX's Vortex interface
Vortex interface (Source: REDX)

REDX is a reliable source of fresh FSBO leads. REDX delivers your leads through Vortex, allowing you to organize, track, and tag leads. In addition, REDX provides live training, free role-playing and FSBO script practice, and a podcast to improve your skills and help you convert FSBO leads successfully.

5. High-sales Area Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: This real estate script can be used in a homeseller’s market. The script focuses on connecting with the homeowner by referencing their neighborhood and which houses you’ve sold. These leads may not have considered selling their home yet, so you’re presenting them with an opportunity they might otherwise not know they have. Sending a comparative market analysis (CMA) is a great way to stay on top of their minds, build your authority, and give them time to consider this opportunity.

6. Follow-up Lead Script

During the follow-up call, continue to build a natural rapport, and conversions will happen more naturally. As an example, watch how Ricky Carruth, a real estate agent, speaker, author, and real estate coach, converts a lead on a live follow-up call by categorizing and scheduling a conversation with his leads and avoiding filler words or phrases like “um,” “well,” and “you know.”

Following up with real estate leads by Ricky Carruth (Source: YouTube)
  • Our expert advice: Take cues from our real estate lead follow-up script. No matter what type of lead you’re following up with, this is when you’ll get the most conversions. Following up shows your potential clients that you are trustworthy and genuinely want to help them. While at it, ensure you’re not letting any leads fall through the cracks by tracking your lead communications with a real estate CRM.
Screenshot of Pipedrive CRM
Pipedrive interface (Source: Pipedrive)

Use Pipedrive’s low-cost CRM and essential real estate agent tools, such as document management tools and email marketing functionality. It also includes a sales pipeline that you can drag and drop to track the progress of your leads and focus on those most likely to convert. Set reminders and tasks to help you organize your communication and interactions with current and past clients to prioritize and nurture everyone in your pipeline.

7. Listing View Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: If website visitors don’t take action while on your website, they likely won’t remember it or return to it. That’s why personally calling a lead after they’ve viewed one of your properties is a great way to stand out. Your goal is not to sign them on as one of your clients immediately but to allow them to trust you and feel heard. This way, you’ll have fewer real estate objections in the future.

8. Referral Buyer Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 87% of homebuyers and sellers would recommend or refer their agents to others. The more you can grow your referral network, the more you’ll be able to boost your income. Start your call off on the right foot by using the provided real estate scripts for buyers above, establishing your connection with this lead, and asking questions about the friend who recommended you.

9. Referral Seller Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: This real estate lead script will help you build rapport, establish your standard connection with the lead, and immediately make them feel valued. After you hear their perspective and thoughts about selling their home, give them a clear next step. This could be a meeting, a house tour, or a CMA, but make it clear, easy, and appealing.

10. Expired Listings Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: Approaching owners of expired listings is a little different from other cold calls because more emotions and competition are involved. Before using expired listing real estate scripts, remember that these owners are probably frustrated with their previous agent and worried about their future. You might be one of many real estate agents or brokers calling them. Stand out by listening to them and giving them an expired listing letter and proof that you know how to sell expired or hard-to-sell listings.

11. Probate Referral Lead Script

  • Our expert advice: When you call a probate listing lead, there’s a good chance they are in the middle of grief and feeling overwhelmed by selling a family home. So before using probate lead scripts, it’s essential to be sensitive to how they feel about the situation and make them feel heard. If they don’t already have a real estate agent, they might be thankful to hear from someone who understands them and knows how to help them.

Tips for Collecting Internet Real Estate Leads

Even the best scripts for real estate internet leads will go to waste if you don’t have high-quality leads. That means you must use multiple real estate lead generation strategies to find accurate contact information for people seeking real estate help. Add things like hosting an open house and building your sphere of influence.

A few of the top ways to generate internet real estate leads include the following:

  • Advertising and marketing: Using Facebook or Google Ads can get your name in front of specific audiences, allowing leads to request information. They wait for your call instead of being surprised to hear from you. In addition, you can use a tool like Offrs to predict when homeowners are getting ready to sell a home and reach out to them before other real estate professionals.
  • Networking: Networking will generate some of your most reliable connections and leads. Attend in-person or online events like open houses, NAR meetings, or Chamber of Commerce groups to build your network, grow your sphere of influence, and generate leads without upfront costs.
  • Real estate agent referrals: Real estate agents often refer leads to other agents if those leads are outside their farm area or niche. To get the most real estate agent referrals, ensure you have a robust professional network and gain the trust of other credible agents.
  • Friends and family referrals: Many real estate agents build their businesses on personal referrals since clients often find it easier to trust referred agents. Keep referral leads coming to your pipeline by consistently checking in with previous clients.
  • Partnerships: Partnerships are similar to referral leads, but they come from other local businesses like mortgage brokers, lawyers, contractors, and plumbers. Look for companies that serve people with the exact same needs as your audience to get the most benefit from partnership leads.
  • FSBO/expired listings: FSBO and expired listing leads are unique because they actively try to sell their home. With the right strategy and a lead generation tool like REDX, this can become a profitable niche for any agent.

FAQs: Scripts for Real Estate Internet Leads

Bringing It All Together

Using scripts for real estate internet leads enables you to build a connection while staying on topic. Gather valuable information about the needs of your leads and build their trust. Keep your scripts polite and respectful, and stay focused on how you can solve your potential client’s problems. Have you used any of our real estate internet lead scripts? Share your experience in the comments!

The post 11 Scripts for Real Estate Internet Leads (+ Tips) appeared first on The Close.

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Realtor vs Real Estate Agent: What’s the Difference? Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:14:51 +0000 There is a lot to learn in real estate, but your title shouldn’t be something that trips you up.

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There is a lot to learn in real estate, but your title shouldn’t be something that trips you up. If you’ve ever stumbled to explain—or even understand—the difference between being a Realtor and being a real estate agent, you’re in the right place. Both help people buy, sell, or rent properties, so what makes them unique? Let’s walk through the differences between the two.  

Realtor & Real Estate Agent Defined

When asking, “What is a realtor vs real estate agent, and what does it stand for?” it’s best to look at the definition. 

Realtor: According to NAR, the term REALTOR® has one, and only one, meaning: REALTOR® is a federally registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics.

Real estate agent: The Cambridge dictionary defines a real estate agent as someone who arranges the selling, renting, or management of homes, land, and buildings for the owners. 

Differences Between a Realtor and a Real Estate Agent

The public widely adopted the term “Realtor” as a universal title for real estate agents, but that’s not how it was initially intended. Realtors are National Association of Realtors (NAR) members, and the title was once reserved for members only. That aside, real estate agents and Realtors mostly share the same job responsibilities, but there are distinctions between them. Here is a further breakdown of the difference between a Realtor and a real estate agent:

Real Estate Agent
  • A licensed real estate professional who works for a sponsoring broker to help individuals buy, sell, and rent properties.
  • Same as an agent, but is a member of NAR.
  • Holds a real estate license in the state of residence or multiple states by reciprocity
  • Works under a sponsoring brokerage
  • Required to complete continuing education
  • Same as an agent, but requires NAR code of ethics training; can also get additional education and professional development from NAR
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Handle all documents in a real estate transaction
  • Represent client(s) (buyers, sellers, property owners, and lessees) in purchase and lease negotiations
  • Bound to Fair Housing laws
  • Same as an agent, but in addition to Fair Housing, is also bound to the NAR code of ethics
Income and Expenses
  • Active salespeople are paid as a 1099 independent contractor
  • Paid from commissions
  • Pay taxes and Social Security independently
  • Responsible for health insurance
  • Pays annual membership dues
  • Has the same expenses as a real estate agent, with the addition of NAR membership dues
  • NAR offers health insurance options at a discounted rate for members.
Marketing and Advertising
  • Include brokerage name and contact information on all marketing materials
  • Same as agent, but can use the trademarked Realtor designation
Additional Differentiators
  • May be Realtors or brokers
  • Membership is required in some circumstances. For instance, you must join if your brokerage is a NAR member.

Important Note: The term ‘Realtor’ is a registered trademark and should always be spelled with a capital ‘R’ when referring to a real estate agent who is a NAR member. However, the general public often uses ‘realtor’ to refer to all real estate agents, not all of whom may be NAR members. In this case, the term should be spelled with a lowercase ‘r.’

Shared Duties & Responsibilities

Now that we’ve broken down the differences between a real estate agent and a realtor, let’s look at some similarities. When it comes down to it, the main goal of both is to represent our buyer, seller, and renter clients to the best of our abilities. But there are other shared duties and responsibilities that include the following:

Pros & Cons of Real Estate Agents vs Realtors

Of course, we can’t discuss the difference between a realtor and a real estate agent without breaking down the advantages and disadvantages of each. Before joining NAR to become a Realtor or choosing to remain a real estate agent independent of additional affiliations, take a look through the pros and cons of these two real estate roles. 

Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent is the most common among real estate professionals, as obtaining this license is the first step to working in the real estate industry. It’s a slightly more cost-effective option since agents don’t have to worry about additional membership dues to NAR.

Real Estate Agent
  • Has uncapped income potential
  • Must operate under a broker’s license
  • Has fewer continuing education requirements
  • Must join a local board to access MLS
  • Has no annual NAR membership dues
  • Typically earns less income than a Realtor
  • Has low operating expenses
  • Cannot use the term Realtor in marketing
  • Realtors

    Any real estate agent can join NAR by paying their membership dues. But depending on where they work and which brokerage they’re affiliated with, some agents might even be required to join if their broker is a member. Being a Realtor under NAR means they’re held to higher ethical standards, so there’s a perception that they’re more trustworthy.

    Similar advantages and disadvantages as an agent, but also includes the following:
  • Has access to NAR benefits, discounts, events, education and training
  • Has costly annual dues
  • The Realtor designation is widely recognized
  • Managing broker must be a Realtor member if agents want the designation
  • May enhance marketing when used in campaigns
  • Must be an active agent or broker for membership
  • Has access to cutting-edge real estate research and timely news
  • May not be able to join if you or your broker have a bankruptcy within three years of application, or you may be required to pay cash upfront for membership and MLS
  • What additional benefits does NAR give to its members?

    NAR members gather in the expo hall of the annual real estate convention.
    NAR Members at Annual Convention (Source: CNN)

    When further diving into the difference between realtor and real estate agent, let’s take a closer look at NAR. As the largest trade association in the U.S., NAR provides its members with support and resources, including professional development courses, local discounts, and opportunities to contribute to charity and volunteer events. Some additional benefits of being a Realtor include the following:

    • Public advertising and campaigns supporting Realtors
    • Support for federal, state, and local policy initiatives
    • Resources like Realtor Magazine, designations, and certifications
    • International network
    • Discounts for equipment, insurance, services, and tools
    • Further educational and networking opportunities at the state and national conventions
    • Opportunities to contribute to local and national charities

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Bringing It All Together

    So whether you are a real estate agent, a NAR Realtor, or labeled a realtor by a client, it’s safe to say that there are more similarities than differences. As we’ve learned today, the term Realtor comes from being a part of the NAR network and gaining access to those advantages. However, guiding clients through the journey of buying, selling, and renting homes is paramount. No matter your title, working in real estate offers a chance to build rewarding relationships and enjoy the flexibility to create your success.

    The post Realtor vs Real Estate Agent: What’s the Difference? appeared first on The Close.

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    The 11 Best Real Estate CRMs of 2024 Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:08:01 +0000 Ask any top-performing real estate agent what their can’t-live-without tool is, and chances are they’ll say a great real estate CRM. But which is best?

    The post The 11 Best Real Estate CRMs of 2024 appeared first on The Close.

    Ask any top-performing real estate agent what their go-to, must-have, can’t-live-without tool is, and the answer is usually a stellar customer relationship management (CRM) system. However, with so many CRM platforms available, finding the best real estate CRM for your needs can be challenging. That said, I’ve spent countless hours evaluating and scoring dozens of CRMs. Let’s take a look at the ones that topped the list.

    The Close’s Top Picks for Real Estate CRMs

    Real Estate CRM
    Best For
    Starting Monthly Price
    Learn More
    Email marketing, pricing
    Pipedrive review
    Wise Agent
    Transaction management
    Wise Agent review
    Texting and calling
    LionDesk Review
    Follow Up Boss
    Real estate teams
    Follow Up Boss review
    IXACT Contact
    Contact management
    IXACT Contact Review
    Automating workflows
    Realvolve Review
    Lead generation
    $449 + $15 per seat
    Lofty Review
    Real Geeks
    Real Geeks review
    Market Leader
    Lead generation
    Market Leader review
    Sierra Interactive
    Real estate website
    Sierra Interactive review
    Top Producer
    Lead nurturing
    Top Producer review
    Featured Partner

    Get a 30-Day Free Trial of the Industry-Leading CRM.

    Top Producer logo
    • Automated lead follow-up: Text & email drip campaigns educate & engage leads
    • All-in-one system: Manage contacts & transactions in a centralized, intuitive dashboard
    • Powerful integrations: MLS data, 150+ lead providers, plus Gmail, Outlook, iCloud and more

    Why Real Estate Agents Need a CRM

    As real estate agents, making connections and building a network are essential to success. You must consistently communicate with them to nurture leads from your sphere of influence or your other marketing strategies. If you try to do all this manually without keeping track of your contacts and communications, you’ll inevitably (and probably immediately!) see some potential clients fall through the cracks.

    Real estate CRMs are designed to solve this problem. Instead of trying to manually keep track of things and do all of the marketing tasks you want to do, a CRM is like an all-in-one tool to maximize your productivity. This increased efficiency will generate more leads and more clients. In 2023, a survey from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported that 36% of Realtors said their CRM gave them the highest volume of quality leads.

    However, every CRM is different—just like every agent and team’s business is different. These are a few features to look for in a strong realtor CRM:

    • Contact management: A CRM should make it easy to import contacts, keep track of their contact information and communications with them, and even evaluate how likely they are to become a client.
    • Lead generation: This can look significantly different, but many CRMs include landing pages, real estate websites, social media contacts, or advertising.
    • Automated follow-ups: This follow-up includes emails, texts, direct mail, and sometimes phone calls. 
    • Task management: A good CRM will help you organize the tasks involved with leads, clients, and transactions and use reminders, calendar features, or workflows.
    • Analytics: Reporting tools are key for helping you track progress and determine what is and is not working within your marketing and nurturing strategies.
    • Mobile app: Not all CRMs have a mobile app, but this is ideal for real estate agents who are often on the go and not near a desk.
    • Pricing & plans: There are plenty of free real estate CRMs. There are also plenty that cost two or three figures per month. For new or individual agents, it’s best to find a CRM with multiple package options or add-ons so it can grow with your business.

    Pipedrive: Best for Email Marketing

    • Most affordable CRM on our list
    • 14-day free trial
    • Easy to use
    • AI Assistant
    • Unlimited, customizable workflows
    • Limited integrations
    • Limited functions in mobile app
    • Security alerts and two-factor authentication only available on higher tiers
    • Phone support only available in higher tiers
    • No free forever plan
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Pipedrive

    • Pricing: Plans start at $14 per month

    I chose Pipedrive as the top realtor CRM for many reasons, but it stands out for its extensive and easy-to-use email marketing tools and its affordable price. Pipedrive is designed for sales professionals, so it includes a variety of beautiful and functional email templates that realtors can tailor to their branding and audience. 

    Their email marketing platform also includes segmentation, which connects to the data from the CRM to help you create the most personalized and effective emails. Plus, analytics make it easy to see your open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics. The variety of Pipedrive’s features at its affordable price makes it the best realtor CRM.

    Pipedrive calendar view
    Pipedrive calendar management (Source: Pipedrive)

    Additional Features

    • Integrations: Pipedrive rivals the integrations of Follow Up Boss with a giant library of tools. These include integrations for lead generation, lead qualifying, nurturing, video meetings, document management, payment tracking and invoicing, and project management.
    • Pipeline management: Pipedrive focuses on creating a highly visual platform to manage your pipeline without letting leads slip through the cracks. The dashboard is customizable, easy to use, and helps prioritize leads and deals.
    • Lead automation: Tasks such as reminders and email follow-ups are automated, streamlining the agent client management process. Automation helps improve response times and gives agents a better chance of converting leads into clients.

    Wise Agent: Best for Transaction Management

    Wise Agent
    • User-friendly
    • 14-day free trial
    • Mobile app
    • Customizable landing pages
    • Unlimited document storage
    • No phone dialer
    • No mobile app
    • No texting capability
    • No live chat support
    • Credit card required in the free trial
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Wise Agent

    • Pricing: Plans start at $49 per month

    Wise Agent is one of the top real estate CRMs because it is designed to be a one-stop shop for agents and brokers, providing tools to manage clients from beginning to end. Some of my favorite Wise Agent features allow transaction and listing management and drip campaigns. Real estate professionals can also create customized landing pages and integrate them with multiple social media tools.

    WiseAgent CRM analytics dashboard and commission report
    Wise Agent analytics dashboard (Source: Wise Agent)

    Additional Features

    • Real estate content: The platform includes an extensive library of stock photos and real estate content for emails, written letters, text messages, newsletters, postcards, and flyers. There is even an AI writing assistant to help you create content more effectively.
    • Customer service: Wise Agent has standout customer service available 24/7, unlike other real estate CRMs with strict business hours.
    • Team and broker options: Although Wise Agent is often used by individual realtors, it includes multiple tools and add-on options built specifically for teams and brokers.

    LionDesk: Best for Texting & Calling

    • Affordable pricing
    • 14-day free trial
    • Power dialer
    • Automated drip campaigns for text and email
    • Customizable dashboard
    • Unsophisticated transaction management
    • Basic analytics
    • Not ideal for scaling teams or brokerages
    • Not the most user-friendly platform
    • No AI assistant
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose LionDesk

    • Pricing: Starting at $25 per month

    LionDesk is another top CRM for real estate because it was specifically designed for realtors. It offers a fully customizable dashboard that helps you decide what you want to see in your CRM. It also includes the most important tools for real estate agents, like contact organization, task reminders, email marketing, transaction management, lead generation, and a power dialer. LionDesk stands out because it includes automation tools for texting clients and email drip campaigns.

    LionDesk CRM dashboard example
    LionDesk dashboard (Source: LionDesk)

    Additional Features

    • Customizable landing pages: Although this is an add-on feature, LionDesk allows agents to create customizable landing pages. It also includes landing page templates to build high-converting landing pages tailored to your brand.
    • Video email & texting capabilities: LionDesk is the only realtor CRM able to send videos through your emails and texts. Videos in real estate are compelling, and LionDesk is an ideal tool to leverage this marketing strategy.
    • Integrations: It has a large library of third-party integrations for everything from lead generation, contact management, and communication to finances.

    Follow Up Boss: Best for Real Estate Teams

    Follow Up Boss
    • Easy-to-use platform
    • 250-plus integrations
    • 14-day free trial
    • Phone dialer
    • Great for solo agents and teams
    • Setting up can be time-consuming
    • Limited features in mobile app
    • No live chat support
    • Costly premium plan
    • Difficult cancellation process
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Follow Up Boss

    • Pricing: Plans start at $58 per month.

    Follow Up Boss is a well-known realtor CRM with various features, such as texting, email drip campaigns, text automation, and built-in calling. It stands out for teams because it’s an open platform with over 250 integrations. Its collaboration features are woven into the platform, with public comments, communication tracking, lead distribution, and visual tracking of each agent and each lead. Plus, real estate CRM reviews praise the fact that the interface is simple and can easily be integrated with the majority of other tools on the market.

    Follow Up Boss lead activity
    Follow Up Boss team activity dashboard (Source: Follow Up Boss)

    Additional Features

    • Advanced lead routing: The platform automatically assigns leads to individual agents based on specific criteria and organizes leads for each agent.
    • Mobile app: The mobile app is user-friendly and instantly notifies each agent of new leads. It makes it easy to send emails and texts or call new or current clients, even on the go.

    IXACT Contact: Best for Contact Management

    IXACT Contact
    • 5-week free trial
    • Mobile app
    • Lead generation website tools
    • Detailed contact profiles
    • Email marketing tools
    • No audience segmentation
    • Lack of automation
    • Clunky user interface
    • Limited website customization
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose IXACT Contact

    • Pricing: Plans start at $46.75 per month

    This CRM says it all in its name: IXACT Contact is an ideal tool for managing contacts from their first connection through every transaction. Every new lead, current client, and past client has a detailed contact profile that shows their phone number, address, email address, family information, birthdays, anniversaries, property details, and all your referral and communication history. Plus, real estate CRM software reviews say the interface is highly user-friendly, and users love the 5-week free trial.

    IXACT Contact example of contact profile
    Lead profile in IXACT Contact (Source: IXACT Contact)

    Additional Features

    • Direct mail: IXACT Contact includes various built-in direct mail newsletter options. “The Preferred Client Update” sends mail to your past clients, and “Homeowner Update” is for marketing to homeowners in your farm area.
    • Social Stream: This add-on feature allows agents to select exclusive real estate articles and videos to share with their network. While you can’t create custom content, it’s a great way to automate social media content.
    • Personalized agent roadmap: The IXACT Contact CRM includes a personalized roadmap. This feature allows agents to set specific goals within the platform, and it will generate a plan to help reach them with specific tasks and activities.

    Realvolve: Best for Automating Workflows

    • In-depth contact management
    • Mobile app
    • Great for individuals and teams
    • Suite of marketing tools
    • Efficient task management
    • No 24/7 customer support
    • No assisted onboarding for basic plan
    • May be too complex for newer agents
    • No website and landing page creation features
    • One of the higher-priced CRMs on our list
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Realvolve

    • Pricing: Plans start at $94 per month

    Realvolve is one of the top real estate CRMs for individuals and teams. It includes the most important features in a CRM, like a visual dashboard, contact organization tools, and lead nurturing strategies. However, its most standout feature is its workflows and automation that help real estate professionals scale. There are many workflow templates to customize, and the Realvolve platform is remarkably flexible and adjusts to your activities. Realvolve is an ideal real estate CRM for individuals or teams focusing on productivity and efficiency.

    Realvolve CRM dashboard example
    Realvolve dashboard (Source: Realvolve)

    Additional Features

    • Document management: Realvolve keeps all your documents organized. Each workflow includes a comprehensive checklist of all necessary documents to complete a transaction. 
    • Automated drip campaigns: Realvolve includes prebuilt lead sequences for buyers and sellers through email and text. These sequences are customizable and are designed to have a more personal touch than other automations.
    • Integrations: The platform integrates seamlessly with some of the most-used apps, like Google and Zapier.

    Lofty (formerly Chime): Most Advanced Lead Generation & Nurturing

    • 33 different lead generation features
    • Mobile app
    • Google PPC advertising tools
    • 360° marketing to target customers on multiple platforms
    • Customizable IDX websites
    • No free trial
    • Steep learning curve
    • Most expensive CRM on our list
    • No 24/7 customer service
    • Not ideal for solo agents
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Lofty

    • Pricing: Specific pricing is not available on their website, but our team found that plans start at $449 per month, plus $15 per seat, per month

    Of all the real estate CRMs I’ve found, Lofty offers the most extensive and impressive combination of advanced lead generation tools and features. It is one of the only CRMs to offer exclusivity to your farm area, which means no other agent who uses Lofty in your area can target the same leads. However, its real estate CRM pricing reflects its advanced features and is the most expensive on this list. It might not be ideal for beginner agents, but Lofty offers packages specifically crafted for agents, teams, and brokers.

    Lofty CRM dashboard view
    Lofty CRM dashboard (Source: Lofty)

    Additional Features

    • Automated lead nurturing: Lofty automatically imports leads from multiple sources. It also creates property alerts for your leads, sends regular market analyses, and will match listings to leads automatically.
    • Power Dialer: Lofty’s 3-line power dialer allows you to click to call leads until you connect. You can leave prerecorded voicemails, schedule follow-ups, or leave notes. When a call goes through, the call is transferred to you or an available agent on your team.
    • Social Studio: This is a built-in social media management tool. It allows you to create content within Lofty’s platform and automatically share it on multiple real estate social networks simultaneously. 
    • AI Assistant: Automated assistant helps you become more efficient and minimize the Lofty learning curve at every step. The assistant will customize workflows, manage and organize leads with tags and notes, set reminders, and send automated responses.

    Real Geeks: Best for Marketing

    Real Geeks
    • Modern, intuitive interface
    • Multichannel marketing campaigns
    • CRM available on desktop and mobile app
    • Website visitor tracking analytics
    • Variety of integrations
    • Significant learning curve
    • One of the more expensive CRM options
    • Limited customization
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Real Geeks

    • Pricing: Plans start at $299 per month + one-time $250 sign-up fee

    Similar to some of the other top real estate CRMs, Real Geeks offers complete support from prospect to closing, including a website and lead generation tools. It’s a great all-in-one CRM for individual agents, small teams, and expanding brokers. Its website and CRM work seamlessly together, making managing leads and automating your marketing and nurturing strategies easy.

    Real Geeks CRM dashboard on desktop and mobile.
    Real Geeks CRM view (Source: Real Geeks)

    Additional Features

    • IDX websites: Real Geeks offers some of the best real estate website templates, with IDX capabilities and built-in lead generation strategies. Websites include property valuation tools, landing pages, a property search app, and many other integrations.
    • AI Chatbots: The GeekAI assistant helps you speed up the follow-up process with an automatic chatbot. There are premade scripts that you can customize to provide specific information for your clients.
    • Email & SMS marketing: Automate your communications and follow-ups with all your leads with drip campaigns on email and text. These are built through CRM, so you can ensure each lead gets precisely what they need.
    • Facebook & PPC advertising: Real Geeks has a unique Facebook marketing tool to streamline your ad creation and maximize your return on investment. Alternatively, Real Geeks also offers managed Facebook and PPC ads.

    Market Leader: Best for Lead Generation

    Market Leader
    • Exclusive buyer and seller leads
    • Powerful and user-friendly CRM
    • Great mobile app
    • Easily scalable to teams and full brokerages
    • Transaction management
    • No free trial
    • No live chat support
    • No advanced analytics feature
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Market Leader

    • Pricing: Plans start at $189 per month for agents

    Market Leader is primarily a lead generation company, but it also offers a CRM that is so good that it needs to be included in the conversation. Market Leader is one of the only CRMs to offer exclusive buyer and seller leads—plus, you can integrate the platform with virtually any real estate lead source! As if that wasn’t enough, the CRM is intuitive and includes some of the most valuable and powerful tools, like marketing automation, real estate websites, print marketing tools, and a mobile app.

    Contacts of CRM on a tablet and mobile phone
    Intuitive dashboard (Source: Market Leader)

    Additional Features

    • Customizable websites: Market Leader includes a variety of customizable, professional, prebuilt website templates for your brand. They have IDX capabilities, so your clients can search for properties on your site!
    • Listing marketing system: Easily create single property websites for your listings, and Market Leader automatically generates a professional listing email and social media posts for Facebook and LinkedIn. You can also customize ready-to-print flyers and postcards for each listing.

    Sierra Interactive: Best for Real Estate Websites

    Sierra Interactive
    • SEO website optimization
    • Powerful website lead generation tools
    • Lead-specific action plans for personalized automation
    • Mobile app
    • Variety of integrations
    • Pricey—which doesn’t work for some solo agents
    • Relatively limited customizations
    • Limited email marketing strategies
    • No analytics and reporting
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Sierra Interactive

    • Pricing: Starting at $499.95 per month

    Sierra Interactive is a versatile real estate platform with a powerful real estate website creation tool, a good CRM, and marketing automation capabilities. Sierra Interactive’s websites are some of the most advanced in the industry, and they offer an unrivaled level of SEO optimization that can allow you to generate thousands of website views and organic leads.

    I have personally worked with multiple brokers who use Sierra Interactive. Both teams had well-optimized content on their sites and generated millions of website visits from Google. Plus, the websites include various lead capture tools and are well integrated with the CRM, so it’s easy to attract high-quality, organic leads and nurture them through text and email.

    Screenshot of an action plan that is customizable and runs automatically to your leads and sphere of influence
    Custom automation with triggers (Source: Sierra Interactive)

    Additional Features

    • Powerful IDX platform: Users can search for properties using detailed search filters. Agents can also generate specific listing results on different pages throughout the website.
    • Ad management: Multiply your reach by outsourcing advertising to Sierra Interactive. They manage a variety of ad types, including Google search, Facebook retargeting, and Facebook listings.
    • Lead routing: It offers multiple methods of distributing leads to team members, like price, location, property type, or round robin.

    Top Producer: Best for Lead Nurturing

    Top Producer
    • 30-day free trial
    • Listing alerts for agents and clients
    • Automated SMS marketing
    • Excellent transaction management features
    • Detailed reporting
    • Many features not available on Pro Plan
    • No storage system
    • No document management features
    The Close Score
    General Features:
    Advanced Features:
    Customer Service:
    Customer Rating:
    Expert Score:

    Why I Chose Top Producer

    • Pricing: Starting at $129 per user, per month

    Top Producer is one of the OGs in the real estate CRM space. It recently updated its CRM platform, which is called Top Producer X. This update includes tons of valuable features, like a 360° contact view that includes social media activity, branded MLS reports, email and text message templates, and an AI assistant. Top Producer also has dynamic workflows to help with transaction management, like syncing with calendars, contacts, and over 150 real estate lead sources.

    Top Producer dashboard on desktop.
    Contact view in Top Producer dashboard (Source: Top Producer)

    Additional Features

    • Market reports: Top Producer automatically creates and sends a branded “Market Snapshot Report” to clients periodically. This tool keeps your leads and clients engaged and educated and shows professionalism while saving you time.
    • Automated communication: Like other CRMs, Top Producer includes email and SMS marketing. It also autosends new listings and price updates to each customer, so you don’t have to spend hours scouring the MLS.
    • Training webinars: Top Producer has a library of support articles and bimonthly training webinars in addition to live onboarding.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Methodology: How I Chose the Best Realtor CRM

    As an experienced real estate writer, I’ve spent many hours researching and evaluating real estate CRMs over the last five years. However, you don’t have to just take it from me! At The Close, we have a team of real estate professionals, researchers, and editors who have developed a detailed rubric to evaluate a dozen top realtor CRMs objectively. You can read more about our methodology here.

    We’ve based our evaluation on the following:

    • Pricing (20%)
      • I checked, updated, and evaluated each CRM’s pricing, subscription plans, and whether there are free trials and bulk discounts.
    • General CRM Features (20%)
      • I considered basic features such as contact management, text and email capabilities, task management, task reminders and notifications, lead management, pipeline or dashboard customizability, audience segmentation, transaction management, and integrations.
    • Advanced CRM Features (25%)
      • This includes listing management, customized reports and analytics, document management, storage, AI lead assist or lead automation, team management, marketing tools, social media integrations, and mobile apps.
    • Ease of Use (10%)
      • I evaluated each CRM’s user interface, customizability, and how easy it is to operate and set up each one.
    • Customer Service (5%)
      • Should real estate agents need additional support, customer services such as live chat, phone, email, and ticket systems are necessary.
    • Customer Rating (10%)
      • We collect information from multiple third-party sources to determine how real users have rated each CRM.
    • ri
      • The Close reviews each realtor CRM for standout features, additional considerations, and value for money spent from a real estate expert’s perspective. 

    Your Take

    So, what is the best CRM for real estate? After reading this guide, you should understand that the top real estate CRMs are as different as the individual agents who make up the industry. We’ve evaluated, researched, and compared the top CRMs to help you make the best choice, but our advice is to try, try, and try again! Think about what is most important for you in a CRM, and then take advantage of the free trials to find what really clicks.

    Which CRM do you use? Tell us how you like it!

    The post The 11 Best Real Estate CRMs of 2024 appeared first on The Close.

    ]]> 144 The 10 Best Real Estate CRMs of 2024 Looking for the best real estate CRM to grow your business? See our extensive overview of the best CRMs so you can make the best decision. Buyers Guide,FAQ,best real estate crm Top Producer logo Pipedrive unnamed – 2024-08-16T163832.032 Wise Agent unnamed – 2024-08-16T163835.608 LionDesk unnamed – 2024-08-16T163838.771 Follow Up Boss unnamed – 2024-08-16T163842.159 IXACT Contact unnamed – 2024-08-16T163845.727 Realvolve unnamed – 2024-08-16T163849.678 Lofty unnamed – 2024-08-16T163852.843 Real Geeks unnamed – 2024-08-16T163856.381 Market Leader unnamed – 2024-07-31T173056.552 Sierra Interactive Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 1.34.37 PM Top Producer unnamed – 2024-08-16T163907.370 expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse
    Fair Housing in Real Estate: A Guide for Agents & Brokers Mon, 19 Aug 2024 14:49:32 +0000 Real estate professionals must follow all Fair Housing Act laws.

    The post Fair Housing in Real Estate: A Guide for Agents & Brokers appeared first on The Close.

    Real estate professionals must follow all Fair Housing Act laws. They are legally and ethically obligated to ensure their clients have fair treatment and equal access to housing. Failure of the real estate professional to comply with fair housing laws violates an agent’s fiduciary duties toward their client and violates protected classes. This article tackles what fair housing real estate is, prohibited discrimination activities, their enforcement, the latest statistics, and ways you can comply.

    Disclaimer: While this article provides guidance accompanied by research, always seek professional legal advice if you or your clients experience a violation of real estate fair housing laws.

    What Is the Fair Housing Act?

    The Fair Housing Act (FHA) is a United States federal law created as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. It was created to prohibit housing discrimination during the sale, rental, or financing process. The law applies to single-family homes, apartments, and condos, regardless of whether they are sold or rented. The law also applies to mortgage lending, insurance, and marketing advertisements for housing.

    Protected classes
    Protected classes (Source: Equal Rights Center)

    The Fair Housing Act of 1974 and 1988 was amended to include additional groups of protected classes. Below are the FHA-protected classes determined by the Fair Housing Act as it stands today:

    • Race
    • Color
    • National origin
    • Religion
    • Sex
    • Familial status
    • Disability

    The FHA is a federally implemented law that acts as a baseline for states and local governments to create laws surrounding fair housing. Depending on the state, fair housing real estate laws have expanded protected classes under the Federal Housing Administration also to include:

    • Gender, gender expression, and gender identity
    • Citizenship status
    • Partnership status
    • Lawful occupation
    • Ancestry
    • Source of income
    • Age
    • Domestic violence victim status
    • Genetic information
    • Marital status
    • Medical condition
    • Sexual orientation
    • Military or veteran status
    • Primary language
    • Criminal background

    What Is Prohibited According to the Fair Housing Definition?

    Real estate agents must understand that The Fair Housing Act and state-specific laws aim to protect their business and their clients against discrimination. The federal Fair Housing Act in real estate prohibits discriminatory activities in all aspects of housing and for landlords, agents, and lenders.

    Landlords/Property Owners
    Real Estate Agents
    • Refusing to sell or rent housing
    • Set different terms or conditions for housing
    • Not making reasonable accommodations to properties for tenants
    • Denying negotiations
    • Including a preference in advertisements for or against a protected class
    • Using exclusionary language to deter or not inquire about availability
    • Encouraging or deterring their clients to/from a particular neighborhood or set of properties
    • Refusing a mortgage or financial assistance for a home based on a protected class characteristic
    • Declining to provide information regarding loans or create different terms and conditions

    However, there are certain exceptions to this law. The Fair Housing Act does exempt owner-occupied single-family buildings with four or fewer units sold and rented by the owner and housing operated by religious organizations or private clubs with limited occupancy to its members. Also, the FHA prohibits discrimination against familial status or age and senior housing with age requirements of 55 or 62 years of age, and communities participating in senior housing programs are exempt properties.

    Fair Housing Act Enforcement

    The Fair Housing Act empowers the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to file a lawsuit against an individual or organization engaged in a “pattern or practice” of discrimination. The DOJ can also act if a group of people has been discriminated against in a way that raises a matter of “general public importance.” The U.S. attorney general can decide what constitutes a matter of “general public importance.”

    Excerpt from the Department of Justice
    Excerpt from the Department of Justice (Source: DOJ)

    The DOJ can sue under FHA for systematic mortgage discrimination or if a group’s denial of rights raises public concern. The DOJ can even file criminal charges when discrimination involves force or threats. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against can file complaints with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or initiate legal proceedings in federal or state courts. The DOJ may even provide legal representation to individuals based on HUD referrals.

    When someone files a discrimination complaint, HUD is responsible for conducting a comprehensive and timely investigation. If conciliation is unsuccessful, HUD will determine whether federal laws have been violated. If there is reasonable cause to believe such laws have been violated, HUD will issue a Charge of Discrimination. Within 30 days, the person who filed the complaint or the respondent may choose to have the charge heard in a HUD administrative law court or federal court.

    Federal Court Trial vs Administrative Hearing

    Discrimination complainants can opt for a federal court trial or an administrative hearing by HUD. The former is represented by DOJ attorneys and heard by a judge or jury and may result in compensatory and punitive damages. The latter is represented by HUD attorneys and adjudicated by an administrative law judge, which may lead to civil penalties and compensatory (not punitive) damages. Both can issue written opinions and order injunctive relief, with the option to appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals.

    Special Considerations

    Proving housing discrimination can be difficult, and collecting good evidence is helpful. Contact a local fair housing center or an attorney for guidance. Some states provide additional fair housing protections beyond federal laws. For example, New York State Human Rights Law protects against discrimination based on various factors, including creed, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military status, age, and lawful source of income.

    Fair Housing Violation Statistics

    Expanding your knowledge of Fair Housing real estate laws will give you a better understanding of how discrimination affects the real estate industry. Learn more about the statistics of Fair Housing Violations by referring to the data provided below. All these statistics are from the 2024 Fair Housing Trends Report released by the National Fair Housing Alliance.

    • In 2023, 34,150 fair housing complaints were received by private non-profit fair housing organizations, HUD, FHAP agencies, and the DOJ.
    • Private nonprofit fair housing organizations processed 75.52% of complaints, a 5.68% increase from the previous year.
    • Discrimination based on disability accounted for the majority (52.61%) of complaints filed with FHOs, HUD, and FHAP agencies.
    • There were 1,521 complaints of harassment reported last year, an increase of 66.23%.
    • There were 824 complaints based on color reported last year; this represents an increase of 35.30%.
    • California has the highest number of total complaints at 8,667. This number is 25% of the total fair housing complaints received by private non-profit fair housing organizations, HUD, FHAP agencies, and the DOJ.

    5 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Comply & Protect Against Violations

    When becoming a real estate agent, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand and comply with all national and state-specific fair housing laws. Violating the laws can lead to legal action and financial penalties that damage or end a real estate agent’s business. Therefore, real estate agents must understand how to protect themselves and their clients against FHA violations.

    1. Know How to Answer Frequently Asked & Risky Fair Housing Questions

    Real estate agents should be cautious when answering client questions about preferred neighborhood characteristics, location, and desired quality of living. Some of these questions relate to protected characteristics and could cause a violation of fair housing laws. Agents must focus on the properties themselves, have resources to direct clients to, and avoid making general assumptions when responding to their clients. 

    Below are some frequently asked client questions considered fair housing real estate violation examples and proper responses that will help you avoid violating the FHA:

    ‘Is this a safe neighborhood?’

    It’s common for clients to ask about neighborhood safety to protect their families and loved ones from potential robbery, assault, burglary, and other crimes. When a client asks a real estate agent whether a neighborhood is safe, the agent’s response must be objective. Since individuals view safety differently, agents should refrain from answering neighborhood safety questions with their opinions or providing neighborhood crime statistics since this could indirectly reference a specific protected class.

    Alternative solutions:

    • Encourage clients to find crime information through general resources like local police websites, sex offender registries, and government websites. Be mindful not to recommend specific websites, as those websites could be misleading or contribute to steering.
    • Suggest that your clients visit the area with a friend or family member at different times of the day to observe the neighborhood.
    • Clients can speak to those living in the area or online social media groups to get a feel for the neighborhood.

    ‘Are there churches nearby?’

    Clients may ask an agent if churches, mosques, or synagogues are nearby because they want to be close to their place of worship. However, clients asking this question may also be avoiding living near a specific group of people. Helping your clients find a home near their place of worship could be considered steering when agents suggest certain areas based on a protected class.

    Alternative solutions:

    • Direct clients to conduct their online search for the religious institutions they seek. Google Maps is a great resource for locating any business or address within a neighborhood.
    • Drive around the neighborhood with clients or have them do so on their own so they can observe the surroundings and make notes if there are places of worship that interest them.

    ‘Are there good schools in the community?’

    As neighborhood experts, real estate agents are commonly asked about the quality of school districts in certain areas. This question seems innocent coming from a parent or future parent. Still, this fair housing violation example could lead the agent down a slippery slope of potentially violating the Fair Housing Act. Real estate agents must be careful in their response to avoid steering clients to or from a particular school or school district and, therefore, specific locations.

    Alternative solutions:

    • Tell clients to do their research to ensure all their education needs and questions are met.
    • Ask your client about their preferred school district location. Most parents will already know which school they want their child to attend. Performing a housing search for clients based on their desired location criteria does not violate fair housing laws.

    ‘Is the neighborhood good for families?’

    Real estate agents should always avoid making assumptions about whether their clients have children, are married, or plan to expand their families. Familial status is a protected class by the Fair Housing Act, and saying anything related to their familial status can be discriminatory or deter their decision on housing.

    Alternative solutions:

    • During showings, real estate agents should never identify a room as good for a nursery, child’s room, or space for an au pair.
    • Suggest your client check out the community website or social media boards to find activities that suit them best.

    ‘Is my service animal accepted?’

    Clients questioning whether their service animal is allowed are usually in a rental or multi-family building. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development defines a service animal as an animal that works and provides assistance or performs tasks that benefit a person with a disability. Assistance animals may also provide emotional support that helps alleviate the effects of a person’s disability. Assistance animals are not considered pets.

    Landlords and property owners may not refuse housing and must provide reasonable accommodations for a person with a disability, including allowing service animals. Agents must be aware that although a service animal is accepted and properly documented, a landlord has the right to deny housing based on other factors that have not been met, like income requirements. Housing cannot be denied based on the animal since that would violate fair housing laws.

    Alternative solutions:

    • When asked if a service animal is accepted in a particular property, agents may respond to their clients with a “yes” but inform clients that other factors may be based on the landlord (insurance, financial, etc.).
    • Instruct clients to prepare service animal documentation for the landlord or housing association.
    • Know the service animal’s size, weight, age, and breed to provide proper information.

    ‘Is this building wheelchair accessible?’

    Under the Fair Housing Act, physical and mental disabilities are protected classes. Real estate professionals must make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities to ensure equal access to housing. Landlords can do this by modifying a dwelling to allow better access. For example, landlords can install grab bars or ramps on a property to make it more easily accessible.

    Real estate agents should know landlords cannot always accommodate someone with a disability. According to HUD, the landlord can deny the request if the modifications or accommodations cause an undue financial and administrative burden on the property owner. An example would be asking to install an elevator in a building from the 1920s that does not have the capacity for it. Additionally, an owner can deny a request for a reasonable accommodation if the request was not made directly by the person with the disability.

    Alternative solutions:

    • All real estate advertising and marketing of properties must be inclusive. Do not include in your advertisement that a property is “within walking distance” from a neighborhood attraction.
    • Avoid asking your clients, “What is your disability?” or answering the question, “Are there people with disabilities living in the building?” Instead, agents should inquire about your client’s particular needs or preferences for the property.

    2. Review Your Advertising & Marketing Materials for Potential Fair Housing Violations

    The language used by agents in marketing and advertising materials must comply with fair housing laws. Agents must avoid using words that can be discriminatory to a protected class in their property descriptions, websites, marketing materials, and real estate ads.

    Fair housing advertising word and phrase list
    Fair housing advertising word and phrase list (Source: Texas Press)

    To eliminate real estate fair housing violations in advertising and marketing, agents should use inclusive language, avoid stereotypes and generalizations, and follow fair housing guidelines when creating materials. Agents should also be aware of the types of language and imagery perceived as discriminatory, such as words or phrases that imply preferences for a certain race, religion, sex, or familial status. Some examples of fair housing words to avoid and reasons for the fair housing violation:

    Discriminatory PhraseFair Housing Violation Examples & Why?Alternative Phrasing
    “Lots of storage space for Christmas decorations”Religion: Mention of Christmas/Christianity“Lots of storage for decorations, furniture, and other knick-knacks”
    “Steps to the park” or “walking distance to the library”Disability: Walking/steps is not possible for everyone“Three blocks from the park” or “2 miles from the park”
    “Low crime statistics in the neighborhood” or “safe neighborhood”Could violate all protected classes: Crime statistics are subjective opinions and steering“Picturesque neighborhood”
    “Family-friendly” or “great for families”Familial status: Cannot discriminate against those with or without families“Large backyard”, “Parks nearby,” or “Extra guest room”

    Small changes to your marketing language can ensure you are not violating real estate fair housing laws. Ultimately, you want to market the property in the best possible light by highlighting its amenities, features, and special details that will appeal to the appropriate target audience.

    3. Be Confident With Real Estate Testers

    The Fair Housing Testing Program is a program to help fight against housing discrimination by sending testers to pose as buyers and renters. Testers are similar to mystery shoppers who pose as interested parties and document their interactions with real estate agents or property managers to assess whether fair housing laws are being followed.

    These testers will gather evidence of discriminatory practices by real estate agents or property managers. They will call to inquire about listings or even attend open houses and showings and ask leading questions to see if you violate any fair housing laws. As an agent, being confident and professional when interacting with real estate testers is essential to ensure compliance with the Fair Housing Act. Here are some tips to be extra prepared if you encounter a tester:

    • Be familiar with fair housing laws and the covered protected characteristics.
    • Understand what is allowed regarding advertising, showing, renting, or selling properties.
    • Regularly check HUD, DOJ, and your local state website for updates to real estate fair housing laws and regulations
    • Attend training sessions at your local real estate board and brokerage
    • Select continuing education hours that cover fair housing laws

    4. Know Who to Contact When Discrimination Occurs

    When fair housing discrimination occurs to you or your clients, real estate agents should know who to contact to report and address it. You can submit a claim with HUD online, via email, or physical mail. Document the incident in as much detail as possible, including the date, time, parties involved, actions, etc.

    Screenshot of housing discrimination report form
    Housing discrimination report form (Source: HUD)

    Here are some options for who to contact if a violation occurs or if you have fair housing questions:

    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
    Development (HUD)
    hud.govT: 202-708-1112
    TTY: 202-708-1455
    Housing Discrimination Complaint Form
    National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA)nationalfairhousing.orgPhone: 202-898-1661
    Fax: 202-371-9744
    TTY: 202-898-1670
    NFHA Preliminary Intake Form

    5. Promote Equality

    Real estate agents and brokers should treat all clients equally regardless of their protected status. They should avoid steering clients to particular neighborhoods or properties based on their protected status and refrain from using discriminatory language in their advertising or communications. One way to avoid unintentional discrimination in your real estate practice is to use standard screening criteria for all applicants, such as credit and criminal background checks, and give all your clients the same information packet.


    Bringing It All Together

    It’s critical to your career to understand the definition of fair housing, take its laws seriously, and be proactive in preventing discrimination and promoting equal housing opportunities. Stay informed of any changes or updates to fair housing laws, and regularly review your practices to ensure compliance. By following these steps, you can help protect yourself against fair housing violations and ensure you provide all clients with equal housing opportunities.

    The post Fair Housing in Real Estate: A Guide for Agents & Brokers appeared first on The Close.

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    The Buyer Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Convert Clients Thu, 15 Aug 2024 16:33:54 +0000 A strategic buyer presentation can help build a solid foundation for a professional relationship. Download our template and learn how to deliver a successful presentation that can convert warm leads into committed clients.

    The post The Buyer Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Convert Clients appeared first on The Close.

    One skill that sets top buyer agents apart is quickly converting warm leads into loyal clients. But how do they do this? A buyer presentation! A strategic buyer presentation is crucial as it helps build a lasting professional relationship. It must include a summary of the buyer’s needs, market overview, property selections, and next steps. In this article, I’ll cover the purpose of a buyer presentation and provide a step-by-step guide to creating one. I’ll also offer buyer presentation template examples and key tips for successful presentations.

    Screenshot of The Close’s Buyer Presentation Template
    ⭐Bonus: Download The Close’s Buyer Presentation Template⭐

    What Is a Buyer Presentation?

    You’ll need to seal the deal with that prospect once you’ve generated a buyer lead through your real estate prospecting efforts. A buyer presentation is a short, semiformal presentation that lays out the professional relationship between buyer’s agents and leads. It is typically given after the initial conversations with potential buyers. It’s a way to showcase your expertise and marketing strategies, convey clear and realistic expectations, explain the homebuying process, and ask questions.

    What to Include in a Real Estate Buyer Presentation

    In a real estate buyer presentation, it’s essential to include information that thoroughly showcases your expertise and the available property listings. Some key elements to include are as follows:

    • Personal introduction: Provide a brief introduction about yourself, your experience in the real estate industry, and any notable achievements that highlight your expertise and neighborhood knowledge.
    • Buyer’s needs: Summarize their wants, needs, and dreams for their new home to show that you’ve listened.
    • Buying process overview: Break down the buying process into clear, easy-to-understand steps.
    • Market overview: Provide a snapshot of the current market conditions, trends, and what they mean for the buyer.
    • Financial overview: Discuss financing options, preapproval, and estimated closing costs to prepare them financially. 
    • Property selections: Present a curated list of properties that match their criteria, highlighting unique selling points.
    • Testimonials: Share stories and testimonials from your past clients to show your track record of success and build trust.
    • Next steps: Clearly outline the actions needed to move forward.

    Steps for Creating a Buyer Presentation

    Crafting an effective buyer presentation involves specific steps. These include researching your audience, tailoring your approach, and following up appropriately. Below is an overview of the essential steps for creating a buyer presentation that grabs attention and delivers results.

    Step 1: Pick an Interactive Template

    Interactive templates fully immerse your clients in the experience during a real estate buyer presentation. These templates enhance the visual appeal of your presentations and make them more engaging and memorable for your clients. Use a template that allows your buyers to explore stunning property photos, view 3D floor plans, and take a virtual neighborhood tour. These features transform the presentation into an exciting journey rather than a static display.

    Adding a headshot to a real estate flyer template in Canva
    Customize real estate templates with a headshot. (Source: Canva)

    Canva is a popular, easy-to-use, and versatile graphic design tool. It is the preferred design tool for real estate agents who need to quickly create professional marketing materials. Canva offers templates, editing tools, and sharing options for custom property flyers and branded social media posts.

    Step 2: Understand & Uncover Your Buyer’s Needs

    To understand the buyer’s needs and wants, you must learn about their life and what they like. Instead of asking about basic things like where they want to live and how much money they have, ask them questions via an online form about their current living situation, reasons for moving, previous experiences with buying a home, and what they’re looking for in an agent.  

    Then, when you meet them, give them a map and ask them to show you where they want to live and where they don’t want to live. They can also write the most important things they want in a home and the things they don’t want. This method personalizes the discussion, making potential buyers active participants in the search process.

    Step 3: Clearly Explain the Homebuying Process

    Screenshot of the real estate purchase process overview from The Close’s Buyer Presentation Template

    It is essential to guide homebuyers through the intricate homebuying process clearly and concisely. By doing so, you will minimize their anxiety and establish trust. 

    Here are important steps on the homebuying process timeline:

    • Financing: Evaluate financial readiness and credit score.
    • Budget: Determine their budget and decide how much your clients can afford to spend on a house.
    • Financing options: Research and explore different financing options, such as conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA loans.
    • Mortgage: Get preapproval for a mortgage.
    • Home search: Selecting properties that meet the buyers’ criteria and arranging viewings.
    • Make an offer: Discuss factors like the current market, the home’s value, and how to negotiate effectively.
    • Inspections and appraisals: Check that the home is in good condition and worth the investment.
    • Closing: Walk them through what to expect at closing, from signing paperwork to receiving the keys.

    Step 4: Include a Market Analysis

    To help buyers make smart decisions, provide comprehensive market information, including home price trends, property variety in different neighborhoods, average time on the market, and insight into negotiation and purchasing under current market conditions. Ensure you have all the information you need to feel confident about your investment in this market.

    Screenshot of market analysis section from The Close’s Buyer Presentation Template

    Here is an example script of what you would say to a buyer during the presentation:

    “Based on the market analysis, we can see that the average selling price for similar properties in this area has [increased or decreased] by [percentage] over the past year. This indicates a [strong or low] demand for homes in this neighborhood and suggests that now may be a [good or bad] time to make a purchase. Additionally, the [high or low] inventory of similar homes means there is [less or more] competition for buyers, which could work in your favor. Overall, the market analysis indicates [favorable or unfavorable] conditions for purchasing a home in this area.”

    Step 5: Showcase Properties

    Screenshot of properties on the market section from The Close’s Buyer Presentation Template

    It’s essential to do more than recite the home features when presenting properties. Instead, bring each home to life by creating stories that link the property to the buyer’s lifestyle. To make it engaging and visually appealing, use the following:

    • Consider engaging scenarios to make the property features more relatable. For example, you could say, “Imagine hosting Thanksgiving and birthday dinner in this spacious living and dining room,” or “Envision relaxing on the weekend in this bright and tranquil garden patio.” These little narratives can help potential buyers visualize themselves living in the space.
    • To appeal to the senses, add vivid sensory descriptions, such as the fireplace’s warmth and the nearby park’s peaceful sounds.
    • Use high-resolution images, interactive virtual tours, and authentic testimonials from previous clients to enhance credibility and evoke emotion.

    Step 6: Present Different Financing Options

    Remember to provide transparent information about the financial aspects of buying a property. This includes explaining the down payments, closing costs, and ongoing expenses like property taxes, insurance, and maintenance. Remember that you are not a mortgage professional, so generalize financing and provide contact information for mortgage professionals.

    Step 7: Present Sample Buyer’s Representation Agreement

    As you wrap up your presentation, touch on the buyer’s representation agreement. In real estate, things can be full of surprises, and without this agreement, there’s a chance of investing a lot of time in clients only to see them switch to another agent at the eleventh hour. It’s crucial to showcase a sample agreement and guide them through key sections, like exclusive representation, your role as their agent, and how you will receive compensation.

    Sample copy of Page 1 of a buyer agency agreement in North Carolina.
    Sample Buyer Agency Agreement in North Carolina (Source: NCAR)

    Step 8: Show a Clear Next Step

    Screenshot of our next steps section from The Close’s Buyer Presentation Template

    It’s important to end your real estate buyers presentation by clearly outlining the next steps. Instead of just saying “thank you,” let them know what to expect next. This could include setting up property tours or diving into offer strategies. Provide a clear timeline to maintain momentum. Answer any questions and demonstrate that you are prepared to assist them throughout their homebuying journey. This approach keeps things organized and shows your dedication to helping them find the perfect place.

    Tips for Delivering a Buyer Presentation 

    Now that you know how to create a buyer presentation and have a template ready to go, let’s review the tips for delivering your presentation in a way that builds a foundation for a solid buyer-agent relationship.

    • Role-play your presentation with another agent. The more you practice, the easier the presentation will be to deliver, even if you have some nerves.
    • Deliver your presentation in person (if possible). Avoid giving your presentation virtually because building rapport is much easier in person. Plus, that firm handshake, warm smile, and confident eye contact will go a long way in convincing your leads that you’re the agent for them.
    • Use a large monitor or tablet to give your presentation. If you don’t have a conference room with a large monitor, consider pooling together with other agents in your office to buy a big tablet specifically for presentations—better yet, convince your broker to buy you one!
    • Break the ice with small talk (but don’t overdo it!). Starting your presentation with a minute or two of small talk will not only break the ice, but it also has the potential to build rapport more quickly than your entire presentation.
    • Tell them how long the presentation will take. We think you should keep your part to less than 15 minutes and leave plenty of room for questions.
    • Ask specific and open-ended questions. So you can gather information for your profile, build trust, and get them excited about their search. You can ask questions to create an actionable buyer profile during your presentation. Choose three to four questions that best fit your situation and help you build the most knowledge:
      • Have you ever worked with a buyer’s agent?
      • Why do you want to find a new home, and why now?
      • What kind of monthly payment would you be comfortable with?
      • How experienced are you with the mortgage process?
      • If you had to choose one, would you choose a great location, price, or home?
      • Is there a specific school district you want to be in?
      • How important is a fast commute to work?
      • What is your time frame for finding a home?
      • When is the best time and day of the week to reach you, and how do you prefer to communicate?
      • Can you paint me a picture of your dream home?
    • Don’t ask them to sign an exclusive buyer agreement…yet. Walk them through the agency disclosure agreement and tell them you don’t want them to sign an exclusive agreement until they know you better. Promise to earn their loyalty. When you are ready to ask for the signature, I like a simple, straightforward, “So what do you think? Have I earned your business?”
    • Send them a PDF of the presentation. If you really want to wow them, come with buyer agent checklists or write an e-book on the buying process and local market and send it along with your presentation and packet.
    • Remember that knowledge = confidence. Walk into your presentation confidently because you have the information and the skills.

    Bringing It All Together

    Delivering a top-notch, successful buyer’s presentation takes confidence (and a little thoughtfulness), but if you do it well, you can convert those warm buyer leads in as little as 15 minutes. Do you have any real estate buyer presentation templates, buyer presentation scripts, or advice for new agents giving their first buyer presentations? Or maybe a story about a buyer presentation that went sideways? Let us know in the comment section.

    The post The Buyer Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Convert Clients appeared first on The Close.

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    Real Geeks Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) Thu, 15 Aug 2024 16:20:14 +0000 With Real Geeks, you can take advantage of some powerful tools, but is the benefit worth the price tag? In this review, we dive into the features, pricing, and how it can help you grow your business, to help you decide if Real Geeks is right for you.

    The post Real Geeks Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) appeared first on The Close.

    Staying ahead of the real estate competition requires the right tools to generate leads, optimize marketing efforts, and close deals. Real Geeks is an all-encompassing marketing and CRM platform built to help agents and brokers generate quality leads and nurture relationships. With custom IDX websites and Real Geeks CRM functionality, the platform enables agents to execute marketing efforts and manage their leads seamlessly. I’ll examine features, pricing, and Real Geeks reviews to assess whether Real Geeks fits your real estate business.

    Real Geeks
    • Has IDX integrations
    • Includes a mobile-friendly website
    • Has CRM integrations
    • Has help center for assistance
    • Lacks social media posting capabilities
    • Lacks free plan or free trial offered
    • Charges a set-up fee
    • Doesn’t include white label capabilities
    The Close Score
    General features:
    Advanced features:
    Customer support:
    Ease of use:
    Customer feedback:
    Expert score:

    My Verdict on Real Geeks & Why You Should Trust It 

    After rigorous research and examining the platform’s capabilities, along with taking into account the Real Geeks reviews provided by current users, I can adequately review Real Geeks unbiasedly. With my experience in reviewing real estate technology platforms, user feedback, and comparison with industry trends, I am well versed in giving a trustworthy assessment of this platform.

    Real Geeks dashboard on desktop and tablet.
    Real Geeks CRM platform (Source: Real Geeks)

    Real Geeks is a robust real estate platform designed to suit an agent’s needs. While it does have some learning curve and a few design limitations, it’s a powerful website creator and CRM to help any agent or broker create a more efficient business operation. The platform allows agents to serve their clients better and grow their businesses. Real Geeks strikes the right note between functionality and support for real estate technology.

    Real Geeks Alternatives

    While it’s a powerful marketing tool, Real Geeks won’t always be a good fit for everyone. There are a few worthy competitors that may be a better fit for some business needs or personal preferences. It’s important to explore different options to find the tool that best puts you at the top of this competitive real estate market.

    SoftwareWhy It’s a Great AlternativeLearn More Ready to Purchase?
    Placester logoIs a budget-friendly website builder without sacrificing essential featuresPlacester ReviewVisit Placester
    luxury presence logoProvides robust social media integrations for agents to connect their website and marketing efforts seamlesslyNo review yetVisit Luxury Presence
    Easy Agent PRO logoAllows real estate professionals to brand the platform as their own with white-label capabilities fullyNo review yetVisit Easy Agent PRO

    Real Geeks Reviews: What Current Users Think

    Real Geeks is well-known to real estate professionals, as reflected in the impressive rating of 4.6 stars out of 5 on G2. Many reviews have mentioned that the system is a complete toolset with an easy-going user interface and an excellent way to manage leads and clients. All the reports indicate that Real Geeks has become part of the everyday activities of real estate agents since it has assisted them in growing their business. Here are a few Real Geeks reviews from current agents: 


    Real Geeks was just what I needed to create an incredible website. I am not tech savvy but they are always quick to answer any questions and I am loving going through the library of training videos at my convenience to learn more. I highly recommend Real Geeks to give your business a boost.


    I have found their interface to be simple and clean. Their backend is easy to use but the best part is their customer service. The reps are always helpful, and resolve any question I have very efficiently. Their CRM is effective and the real leads outnumber the tire kickers by far. They are also the only software I have contacted that is able to use two different MLS boards for searching.


    Ease of use — from ease of creating profile for clients, and customizing tracking with tags, to ability to have ALL content via the mobile application. Customer support has also been very responsive. And my favorite is the ease of impersonating clients’ searches in the MLS to build customized searches for them. This encourages them to search properties via my website and helps me see what they are interested in touring.

    As with any platform, Real Geeks could be better. Users have expressed concerns over specific areas of the service that point out where improvements could be made.


    Customer support is seriously lacking. They are quick to point out it isn’t their fault but slow to help fix issues.

    Key Features of Real Geeks

    Real Geeks offers a feature set that helps support the different needs of many real estate professionals. From lead generation to client management, the platform binds all necessary tools into one easy-to-use system. Let’s dive into what makes this platform extremely valuable for real estate agents and brokers. Here’s a short video overview of the Real Geeks platform:

    Property Valuation Tool

    A valuation tool on both desktop and mobile
    Property valuation tool (Source: Real Geeks)

    One of the most distinguished features of Real Geeks is its property valuation tool, arming agents with a sales weapon to procure Real Geeks leads based on instant property value estimates for prospects. Very few tools on the market can interest homeowners as much as knowing the current market value of their property. 

    It invites visitors to input their property details through a user-friendly interface. In return, they receive an estimation of the value of such property based on current market trends. This estimation will help generate more leads for the agents and make them an information-rich source within their local market. 

    Powerful Integrations

    Graphic showcasing the integrations available to Real Geeks
    Integrations for Real Geeks (Source: Real Geeks)

    Real Geeks excels at offering powerful integrations that give agents more versatility and functionality from the platform. It connects very well with third-party tools and services, allowing agents to customize and extend the platform’s capabilities in many of the workflows that real estate professionals want to use. 

    It integrates well with email marketing services, analytics platforms, and other real estate software to ensure all tools are within a working agent’s reach. These integrations will smooth operations by reducing the need for switching between different applications, which makes it much easier for an agent to maintain a cohesive and efficient workflow. 

    Facebook & Google PPC Management

    Example of a google ad on Facebook and Google
    Example Google Ad (Source: Real Geeks)

    Real Geeks offers turnkey Facebook and Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ad management to help agents increase their visibility online and attract high-quality leads. With this add-on service, Real Geeks’ expert team will create and manage the perfect mix of strategies for lead generation across social media, search engines, and remarketing campaigns. This hands-off approach allows agents the freedom to pursue a core business while availing professional, data-driven advertising strategies that maximize ROI while consistently delivering quality leads.

    Customer Relationship Manager

    CRM dashboard on desktop and tablet
    CRM dashboard (Source: Real Geeks)

    The real estate CRM with Real Geeks is another one of the base elements of this product to help real estate professionals manage and cultivate their leads. It offers mobile app access, so no matter where they are, every agent has at their fingertips the contacts, tasks, and important client information necessary for responding to inquiries and following up. 

    The CRM also has SMS text capabilities, so agents can communicate directly with leads and clients via text messaging. This feature is especially valuable for quick, informal communication, allowing one to send appointment reminders, property updates, and follow-up messages right to a client’s phone. 

    MoveTo Application

    Mobile interface of a property search
    Mobile real estate search tool (Source: Real Geeks)

    Another innovative feature set provided by Real Geeks is the MoveTo application, intended to enhance the client’s experience by making the property search process very smooth. Leveraging MoveTo, clients can access property listings and push notifications to update them on their selected listings. Additionally, MoveTo integrates well with the Real Geeks platform to ensure that all activities related to a client are logged and managed within the CRM. 

    Real Geeks Pricing

    Real Geeks offers a tiered pricing structure, which can be a big consideration for prospective agents. The plans are split into three tiers targeting different sizes and business needs. At $299 per month, it provides users access to the platform’s core features. Those needing further advanced tools or support will use the Grow plan at $599 monthly. An available $999 per month Expand plan and a $1599 per month Conquer plan will give the product’s most comprehensive set of features and capabilities.

    Real Geeks pricing
    Real Geeks pricing (Source: Real Geeks)

    It’s worth noting that the Real Geeks pricing offers no free plan or trial and no money-back guarantees. There’s also a $250 setup fee tacked on. Agents should be confident in their decision before subscribing. The pricing is steep, and it could prove to be too pricey for smaller teams or individual agents who want all of its features compared with other real estate platforms.


    Our team of real estate-centered analysts and editors did deep research to come up with the best website builders for professionals in the real estate industry. We have observed Real Geeks regarding features like its lead generation, CRM functionality, ease of use, pricing, and how support is offered to users. We also took the time to look through Real Geeks reviews and feedback to understand if the product meets the needs and expectations of real estate professionals.

    Our mission is to deliver accurate and dependable insights to agents and brokers for informed decision-making and workflow optimization within this highly competitive market. Essentially, we want to help you answer the question, “Is Real Geeks worth it?” Our fair and extensive research will equip our readers with the most correct and valuable information necessary for success in real estate.

    Here’s how we came up with our Real Geeks review:

    • Pricing: 1 out of 5
      • We evaluated the cost of plans and the value for your money versus competitors.
    • General features: 3.63 out of 5
      • We reviewed the overall functionality and range of standard tools available on the platform.
    • Advanced features: 4.25 out of 5
      • We looked at Real Geek’s more sophisticated tools and capabilities, like landing pages, lead capture forms, and IDX integrations. 
    • Customer support: 2 out of 5
      • We based this on the availability of customer service along with methods for contacting support. 
    • Ease of use: 5 out of 5
      • This score determined if technical capabilities were required to set up and operate the platform. 
    • Customer feedback: 4.35 out of 5
      • We evaluated the reviews and user satisfaction rating of Real Geeks.
    • Expert score: 4.56 out of 5
      • We based the score on industry experts’ reviews and our hands-on experience with the platform.

    Read more about our methodology here.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    The Bottom Line: Is Real Geeks Worth Your Money? 

    Real Geeks offers a comprehensive package for real estate professionals because it’s an extremely easy-to-use platform that generates leads, manages clients, and runs all marketing campaigns. It provides a solid suite of tools for enhancing productivity and allowing agents to stay closer to their clients from outside the office. 

    However, the platform’s limitations in terms of design flexibility and lack of a free trial, coupled with its higher price point, should be considered for smaller teams or budget-conscious users. Real Geeks is good at what it does if you can cover its monthly pricing fee.

    The post Real Geeks Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024) appeared first on The Close.

    ]]> 3 Real Geeks Review: Features, Pros & Cons, & Pricing Considering upping your game with an all-in-one real estate platform? Check out this deep-dive review of the Real Geeks lead gen system. real geeks review Real Geeks unnamed – 2024-08-15T195738.751 placester luxury presence logo Easy Agent PRO unnamed – 2024-08-15T201000.886 unnamed – 2024-08-15T201005.184 unnamed – 2024-08-15T201008.081 unnamed – 2024-08-15T201010.879 unnamed – 2024-08-15T201013.735 unnamed – 2024-08-15T201016.571 expand/collapse expand/collapse expand/collapse
    The Top 17 Real Estate Software Programs for 2024 Thu, 15 Aug 2024 15:17:09 +0000 Check out our list of game-changing software products to automate and streamline your business this year—whether you're a solo agent or leading a team.

    The post The Top 17 Real Estate Software Programs for 2024 appeared first on The Close.

    With so many real estate software programs on the market, choosing the right tools takes work. To help you navigate these choices, I’ve compiled a list of the top 17 software solutions across various categories. From lead generation to transaction management, my list covers the best options to help you simplify your workflows, keep you organized, and, ultimately, scale your real estate business.

    The Close’s Top Picks for Best Real Estate Software

    Best For
    Starting Monthly Price
    Learn More
    LionDesk review
    Zillow Premier AgentLead generation
    Market dependent; around $300 to $1,000
    Zillow Premier Agent review
    ZurpleAutomated lead nurturing
    Zurple review
    Catalyze AIPredictive analytics
    No review yet
    REDXProspecting and phone dialer
    REDX review
    Market LeaderExclusive and affordable leads
    Market Leader review
    Curb HeroOpen houses
    No review yet
    StyldodVirtual staging
    No review yet
    Showami review
    Luxury PresenceLuxury IDX websites
    No review yet
    PlacesterWebsite builder
    Placester review
    CanvaDIY design and free templates
    Free; Subscription at $10 per month
    Canva review
    Agent CrateSocial media posting on-the-go
    Agent Crate review
    Coffee and ContractsMarketing templates
    Coffee and Contracts review
    SlackCommunication and collaboration
    Free; Subscription at $8.75 per month
    No review yet
    DotloopTransaction management
    No review yet
    AgentlyAgent coaching and goal-setting
    Agently review

    1. LionDesk

    • Best for: CRM
    • Monthly cost: Starts at $29
    LionDesk CRM dashboard
    (Source: LionDesk)

    If you’re looking for a user-friendly and affordable customer relationship manager (CRM) as you scale your real estate business, try LionDesk. Starting at $29 per month, LionDesk provides essential tools, such as bulk email, drip campaigns, and automation, along with other features like integrated landing pages and a digital ad portal. While its artificial intelligence (AI)-powered virtual assistant Gabby isn’t included in the platform anymore, LionDesk is still an excellent option for agents who want to streamline business operations without breaking the bank.

    2. Zillow Premier Agent

    • Best for: Lead generation
    • Monthly cost: Depends on the market; around $300 to $1,000
    Screenshot of a Zillow Premier Agent's profile
    An example of a Zillow Premier Agent profile (Source: Zillow)

    Created by one of the best real estate tech companies, Zillow Premier Agent is a lead generation service that connects agents with potential buyers and sellers through Zillow’s extensive network. If you use this service, you get featured in property listings, which boosts your visibility and attracts more qualified leads. Although pricing can be steep, many agents find it a valuable investment due to the sheer volume of potential clients it delivers. Additionally, Zillow Premier Agent offers tools to help agents efficiently manage these leads, such as CRM, performance analytics, and integration capabilities.

    3. Zurple

    • Best for: Automated lead nurturing
    • Monthly cost: Starts at $309
    Laptop and mobile phone with Zurple interface on both screens
    Get exclusive leads (Source: Zurple)

    Do you ever wish you could figure out when your leads are ready to buy or sell before they’re ready? Zurple lets you do just that. This real estate agent software is designed to help agents identify when leads are ready to move, allowing for a timely engagement. Zurple starts by generating exclusive leads for you. But instead of generic drip campaigns, Zurple’s intelligent nurturing system sends them personalized emails and texts based on their behavior. When a lead shows signs of being ready to buy or sell, Zurple alerts the agent, making it easier to step in and close the deal. It takes all the guesswork out of lead nurturing so you can focus on selling.

    4. Catalyze AI

    • Best for: Predictive analytics
    • Monthly cost: Subscription starts at $180
    Catalyze AI Recommended Leads dashboard
    Identify the highest-converting leads with Catalyze AI. (Source: Catalyze AI)

    Catalyze AI is a predictive analytics platform for agents to identify motivated sellers likely to sell their properties soon. Like real estate chatbots, Catalyze AI leverages advanced data analysis to help agents focus their marketing efforts on properties that will likely hit the market. You’ll receive new leads each month and begin building relationships that make you the natural choice when choosing a realtor.

    5. REDX

    • Best for: Prospecting and phone dialer
    • Monthly cost: Starts at $50
    A screenshot of REDX's power dialer
    Make the most of your prospecting calls using the Power Dialer (Source: REDX)

    If you’re cold calling without using a real estate phone dialer, you’re leaving money on the table. Ask any agent who cold calls. There’s no way your fingers can keep up with the numbers you need to dial or deal with voicemails, hang-ups, and wrong numbers. So if you want to start cold calling FSBOs, expired, or to effectively connect with prospects living around one of your listings, then you owe it to yourself to upgrade to REDX + Power Dialer. Even better, REDX offers The Close readers $150 off the setup price, automatically deducted when you click over to their site from this article.

    6. Market Leader

    • Best for: Exclusive and affordable leads
    • Monthly cost: $189
    Screenshot of Market Leader Network Boost interface
    Market Leader Network Boost interface (Source: Market Leader)

    Since the previous software we’ve mentioned tends to be on the pricier side, here’s a budget-friendly real estate solution that offers agents exclusive leads: Market Leader. The platform ensures you get the number of leads you expect while keeping costs manageable. Market Leader also has powerful CRM and marketing tools to help you nurture your leads. If you want to experience the best of Market Leader, check out Network Boost.

    7. Curb Hero

    • Best for: Open houses
    • Monthly cost: Free
    A digital sign-in sheet on a tablet's screen
    An example of a digital sign-in sheet (Source: Curb Hero)

    Formerly known as Block Party, Curb Hero provides agents with free open house sign-in software. It might not have all the bells and whistles of competitors like Open Home Pro and Spacio. Still, Curb Hero stands out with its touchless QR code sign-in, single-property websites, and the ability to gather background information. Additionally, it integrates with over 200 CRMs—all for free.

    8. Styldod

    • Best for: Virtual staging
    • Monthly cost: Starts at $16-$23 per photo
    Side-by-side photos of an empty living room and a virtually staged living room using Styldod
    Example of a virtually staged property on Styldod (Source: Styldod)

    Want to stage your property listing the quickest way possible? Use virtual staging. Styldod is a virtual staging platform that allows agents to transform unappealing or empty spaces into attractive, fully furnished properties. Agents can choose from a variety of design styles to suit their listings. Styldod offers 3D renders, furniture replacement, and virtual renovations to enhance listings and attract potential clients. For as low as $16 per photo, you’ll get your staged images in as little as 48 hours. What’s not to love about Styldod?

    9. Showami

    • Best for: Showings
    • Monthly cost: Starts at $39
    showami logo.

    Do you currently have many property listings and don’t know how you’ll get through several showings and meetings? If you’re a busy agent who needs help showing properties, Showami is the answer. The software connects agents with other licensed agents who are available to assist. Showami operates on a pay-per-showing model, allowing agents to manage their time without worrying about losing business due to schedule conflicts. By using Showami’s services, you’ll be able to accommodate more clients and grow your business without being physically present at every showing and losing your commission.

    10. Luxury Presence

    • Best for: Luxury IDX websites
    • Monthly cost: Undisclosed; contact Luxury Presence for pricing
    A screenshot of Ginger Martin's real estate website, which was created by Luxury Presence
    Let Luxury Presence’s team build your dream website (Source: Luxury Presence)

    Establishing a solid personal brand is key to your success if you want to navigate the high-end real estate market, and your website should be one of your priorities. As one of the pioneers in luxury real estate website design, Luxury Presence should be at the top of your list for realtors software that helps you create a stunning website. Known for crafting sleek and attractive websites, Luxury Presence offers solutions catering to luxury real estate agents. Its platform provides many design options and integrates essential tools like SEO optimization, IDX home search, and lead generation features.

    11. Placester

    • Best for: Website builder
    • Monthly cost: Subscription starts at $29
    Example of a website created using Placester

    Placester is a website builder that offers IDX integration, built-in lead capture forms, CRM for managing client relationships, and its best-selling feature—do-it-for-me concierge services. Additionally, Placester offers helpful features like prewritten content libraries and a brand-new services marketplace to help you quickly find design and tech talent. While it is no longer the most affordable website builder, Placester is still an ideal choice for agents seeking a robust online presence.

    12. Canva

    • Best for: DIY design and free templates
    • Monthly cost: Free; subscription starts at $10
    Canva dashboard
    Design free real estate templates using Canva (Source: Canva)

    Canva makes it easy for real estate agents to create professional-looking marketing materials, social media content, and website graphics, even for those with little design experience. This real estate software for agents is popular for a good reason. At just $10 monthly, Canva lets you use various customizable templates. While the free version offers plenty of resources, subscribing unlocks additional features like a custom branding kit, premium assets, background removers for photos and videos, and a social media scheduling tool, offering even more creative flexibility.

    13. Agent Crate

    • Best for: Social media posting on-the-go
    • Monthly cost: Subscription starts at $29
    Screenshot of Agent Crate's template library
    Agent Crate’s Template Library (Source: Agent Crate)

    Agent Crate is an all-in-one software for real estate agents that includes customizable websites, lead gen tools, and automated marketing solutions like social media templates, email campaigns, and branded assets. Agents can easily manage their online presence and maintain branding across various channels. For only $29 per month, you’ll get access to a content library filled with ready-to-use marketing materials and a built-in design studio. 

    14. Coffee and Contracts

    • Best for: Marketing templates
    • Monthly cost: $54
    Screenshot of the Coffee & Contracts dashboard with the favorites tab clicked and several templates showing
    Get premium marketing materials to boost your online presence. (Source: Coffee and Contracts)

    Here is another option for your real estate marketing templates, our agents’ favorite at The Close: Coffee and Contracts. This real estate software provides agents with many marketing tools and resources to help them build their brand. Coffee and Contracts’ customizable templates make it easy for agents to maintain a consistent online presence. Want to post a trendy real estate topic or educational content? Coffee and Contracts has a template for you.

    15. Slack

    • Best for: Communication and collaboration
    • Monthly cost: Free; subscription starts at $15 per user
    Slack channels and chat interface
    Team chat and collaboration on Slack (Source: Slack)

    One of the best real estate software programs on this list, Slack is a powerful communication tool that enhances collaboration among teams and brokerages. The platform offers multiple channels for various topics and conversations, allowing agents to send instant messages, share files, and engage in huddles and video conferences. My favorite feature of Slack is how easy it is to search past messages through its history. Slack also integrates with some of the most popular office software, including Dropbox, DocuSign, Google Drive, Zoom, and Microsoft Outlook.

    16. Dotloop

    • Best for: Transaction management
    • Monthly cost: Subscription starts at $31.99
    Screenshot of Dotloop Premium interface
    Dotloop Premium dashboard (Source: Dotloop)

    If your office doesn’t offer real estate software like Dotloop and other perks, it might be wise to sign up and track your deals with Dotloop. Dotloop is a user-friendly transaction management software that allows agents to create, edit, and e-sign documents in one place. This functionality reduces the need for multiple tools and apps, making transactions less prone to errors. The platform improves collaboration by providing real-time updates and secure communication, helping agents stay organized.

    17. Agently

    • Best for: Agent coaching and goal setting
    • Monthly cost: Subscription starts at $59
    A solo agent's dashboard upon logging into Agently - today's tasks, goal tracker, and training courses to be completed
    Set your goals and track your performance using Agently (Source: Agently)

    Looking for productivity realtors software for your small team? Try Agently. The platform provides automated agent onboarding and coaching, tailored action plans, financial goal tracker, social media templates, and more. Agently helps agents maintain consistency and efficiency in their daily operations. By automating tasks like social media posting and client follow-ups, Agently allows agents to focus on business growth, weekly challenges for their CGI goals, and client interactions.

    Methodology: How We Selected the Best Real Estate Software Programs

    Our expert researchers, agents, writers, and editors at The Close researched and reviewed dozens (if not hundreds) of real estate apps and software. We analyzed each software and based our top picks on the following criteria:

    • Pricing
      • How does each software’s price compare to competitors? We evaluated the cost of each software, how much each subscription package is, the value of features provided, and whether it offers a free trial.
    • Utility
      • We reviewed each software’s functionality and features, focusing on whether its tools streamline workflows, make agents’ lives easier, or complicate tasks even more.
    • Ease of Use
      • We considered how intuitive and accessible each software is for agents of different skill levels. Was the real estate software program easy to navigate, even for beginner agents? How user-friendly was the interface? Does the software allow agents to focus on their tasks without getting bogged down by technical difficulties?
    • Reputation
      • We evaluated each realtor’s software’s reputation by reviewing verified user reviews and expert opinions. How has each software’s user base grown over the years? Real estate software programs with a strong track record of reliability and positive reviews from industry experts were considered for this list.

    Read more about our methodology here.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Bringing It All Together

    When choosing real estate agent software programs, consider how well they align with your business needs and goals. Any life-changing realtor software we’re missing out on? Let us know in the comments!

    The post The Top 17 Real Estate Software Programs for 2024 appeared first on The Close.

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