Comments on: What Is a Real Estate Love Letter? Best Practices for Agents Your #1 Source For Actionable Real Estate Advice Thu, 29 Feb 2024 15:59:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emile L'Eplattenier Fri, 18 Dec 2020 23:16:19 +0000 In reply to Rex Malson.

Hey Rex, we’ve seen the NAR article and the same caveats apply to buyer love letters that apply to any marketing. Avoid mentioning topics that might run afoul of fair housing laws.

By: Rex Malson Thu, 17 Dec 2020 10:58:07 +0000 Hello, I ran across this NAR article below and thought I would share:

By: Emile L'Eplattenier Wed, 16 Dec 2020 23:07:22 +0000 In reply to Tony.

Tony, I think this is the smartest approach. If you listing agent is on the level with you about what his sellers want/need, and that’s a big if, then asking if a letter makes sense will help you score points with them for future deals, not to mention keep your buyer from wasting their time writing the perfect letter!

By: Emile L'Eplattenier Wed, 16 Dec 2020 23:05:24 +0000 In reply to ENZA STYLES.

This is an important point. Many sellers, especially empty nesters, are extremely emotionally attached to their homes. Selling is often a cathartic, but emotionally difficult process and a love letter just might help sway them.

By: Emile L'Eplattenier Wed, 16 Dec 2020 23:03:41 +0000 In reply to Pam.

True. Avoiding topics that might run afoul of fair housing laws should be common practice for agents in all communication in 2021. But this is an important caveat so thanks for bringing it up.

By: Pam Wed, 16 Dec 2020 18:25:52 +0000 NAR has advised that using “love letters” can violate the fair housing act.

By: ENZA STYLES Wed, 16 Dec 2020 16:55:38 +0000 As a realtor in Toronto, Ontario, we have many investors that own properties. As investor’s they are not emotionally attached to their home or condo, they buy and sell to make money, they don’t live in the property. So for these situations, buyer letters don’t work, but I have traded in neighbourhoods where it is a true neighbourhood of people that love where they live and are close to their neighbours, therefore sellers want buyers that will love the home as much as they have. So it really does depend on the situation and market area.

By: Tony Wed, 16 Dec 2020 16:49:12 +0000 I have had positives and negatives with buyer love letters. We are currently in a very hot sellers market where it is common to see 10-15 offers on a property in a matter of hours. We recently won a multiple offer situation because we did NOT include a love letter. The listing agent actually felt that it is not fair to the seller to have to pick and chose over the best love letter and concentrate on the merits of the offer itself. Other times, the love letter works perfectly! So we have started to ask the listing agent what they think the seller would prefer? Whenever you can get them on the phone that is! It seems to be a case by case situation and you need to have every little advantage in a strong sellers market.
