Comments on: The CCIM Designation: Is It Worth It for Residential Agents? Your #1 Source For Actionable Real Estate Advice Tue, 27 Feb 2024 21:59:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sean Moudry Fri, 23 Jul 2021 20:15:18 +0000 In reply to Rob R.

Rob, I completely agree! For anyone that is wanting to practice Commercial Real Estate the CCIM is a MUST! Otherwise residential focused agents without an education like CCIM should refer it out to a CCIM designated agent, don’t you agree?

By: Rob R Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:59:37 +0000 I got my designation in 2019 and started my own commercial brokerage in 2020. Prior to that, I worked in CRE for 4 years as a sales associate.

The CCIM has been totally worth it, not only in terms of education and contacts, but in mentoring my own agents and education of my clients. I get referrals from other CCIMs but also other professions: business brokers, CPAs, attorneys, wealth managers, even judges who are looking to liquidate assets in insolvency cases. They appreciate and understand the value of a designation like the CCIM and respect the expertise it represents.

In addition, there are so many other CCIMs that are willing to take the time to mentor me on transactions in which I lack experience-land leases, sale leasebacks, syndication formation, etc.-because I have a foundational understanding of finance and analytical knowledge gained from the base CCIM classes.

Finally, In an age when Zillow, Redfin, and Open Door are turning residential real estate representation into a commodity rather than a professional service-trained commercial realtors are still a respected and valued member of the real estate transactional process and will likely be for years to come.

Thats my Two Cents!

By: Emile L'Eplattenier Wed, 14 Jul 2021 22:41:54 +0000 In reply to Clay LeBet.


By: Clay LeBet Wed, 14 Jul 2021 19:13:40 +0000 No comment
